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Benjiro Senju
Benjiro Senju
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Benjiro Senju Empty Benjiro Senju

Today at 6:13 pm
Benjiro Senju
Benjiro Senju IHbyUMM
Basic Information

Age: 20
Birthday:  April 13th
Gender: Male

Height: 6ft
Weight: 140
Appearance: Benjiro is above average height with messy short brown hair and piercing hazel eyes that shift from brown to green in the light. He wears a large bamboo steeple hat. His robes are mainly black with his under robes being a light brown. His hands are loosely wrapped in linen and he wears traditional wooden geta sandals.


Benjiro is a calm and contemplative person, often taking a long time to respond to people he is talking to. He is unambitious, wishing for nothing more than to travel around observing and thinking about philosophy. He is fascinated with history and facts of all kinds, at his heart a bookworm. He is very intelligent, but is limited by his lack of ambition and laziness. He prefers to play games of strategy or read a book.

Additionally, he is a follower of many stoic philosophies, as well as a believer in asceticism, often eating bland food and sleeping on a small mat in the wilderness.

The one other interest in his life is jutsu and learning about them. He is a peaceful person at heart but enjoys improvement, and so enjoys pursuing ninjutsu and exercising his creativity. Benjiro will always strive for the peaceful solution, and will never initiate conflict. He would often act as a calm mediator in his friends' disputes. Despite this inclination, he has a very intense side of him that comes out in battle. He has very little sense of humor, often taking things literally or thinking too deeply about offhanded comments.

Likes: Silence, Tea, Books
Dislikes: Luxury, Indulgence, Sweet or Savory food

Nindo: “Always strive for peace above all else”
Greatest Dream: To travel to every major and minor village in the land and write about and catalog them.


Benjiro has a rather normal lifestyle and history. He was born to two shinobi who retired after a particularly bloody conflict. They became simple textile workers who ran a small shop. Growing up, Benjiro helped his parents run the shop and spent his time reading the enormous library they had built up over the years. His parents were avid history fans, and told him tales of the clan they were a part of, the Senju clan. Because of the storied history of this clan, it instilled a desire to learn about history and the deep forgotten knowledge of the world.

His parents are kind, and loving, and still run their shop to this day. Even his decision to leave home and become a shinobi was met with understanding and acceptance, albeit they did share concern for the dangers of that lifestyle. Benjiro understood their worries, and ensured that he simply wished to pursue ninjutsu from an academic standpoint.

Upon leaving his home, he embarked out into the world and spent a couple years living on his own, taking odd jobs and practicing his ninjutsu. He was still early in his journey, and his progress had been slow due to his lackadaisical nature. He did however learn much about philosophy and game theory in that time. He personally became an ascetic, believing that by denying the indulgences and luxuries of life it would bring him closer to the truth of things.

After some time floundering around in different lands,he finally decided to really put focus towards his jutsu and his life goal. He had made small improvements so far but it wasn’t nearly enough for Benjiro. In the present day he has left the familiarity of his home land and now stands at the borders of the an unknown land, far from any familiarity.

Ninja Traits

Rank: D
Village: Vagabond
Element(s): Water
Specialties: Fuinjutsu
Clan: Senju
Clan Focus: Ninjutsu
Bloodline: Sage Body


Health: 300
Vigor: 50
Chakra: 20
Speed: 25
Strength: 5

The Player

Other Characters: Hara Hyuuga / / Oda Terumi
Faceclaim Name and Series: N/A
Roleplay Sample: N/A
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