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A Senju with a rasengan Empty A Senju with a rasengan

Tue Mar 28, 2017 2:18 am
At the moment sento was in a bit of an awkward situation. His face was hidden behind the shield of a leather bound book, as he sat at a fine wooden table on the far end of the library. Coming here had gotten a bit more awkward as of late, due to the fact that he seemed to have accidentally made an enemy of the elderly librarian who ran the whole building. You see the other day while trying to find a book he so desperately needed the foolish senju had accidently mistaken her from a tone deaf old lady and yelled in her ear and she had not taken kindly to it. In fact she had taken it so far as to turn around and slap him in the face.

It was a rather unwarranted reaction, and that hadn’t been the end of it. Just shortly after she would hand him the book he had been asking for and kick him out of the library. Which about brings you up to this current moment of the white haired senju cowering behind his books cover. You see he wasn’t particularly sure what his whole status was on library entry. But he was pretty sure that the woman had banned him from it. The book he was reading wasn’t even the one he was trying to get information on, in fact it just seemed to be some konoha history book that an academy student had probably left on the table instead of putting back like they were supposed to.

But it was large and served his purpose of concealing his face well. Taking a quick breath he’d slightly raise his head so that his bright yellow eyes peaked out from the cover to see what laid in front of him. Slightly tilting to the left first and then to the right, he would see that the librarian was nowhere in sight and that now was the time for him to move if he wanted to get to the non elemental ninjutsu section without being seen by the old hag.

With that being said the white haired senju would almost leap up off of the bench in front of his table and onto his feet, before he began to over dramatically tip toe into the direction of the bookshelfs on the far side of the library. All the while doing this he’d also be scanning the library for any signs of the frail old woman, not daring to underestimate his opponent. He had let her land a slap once, and his  face still stung from the loss. Much worse however was his pride, the woman had not only slapped him but done it in front of village jounin, making him look like less of a ninja in front of what could one day be his comrades in arms.

Finally he made it to the gracefully crafted wooden shelves that held the vast majority of the library's books. But instead of continuing down the aisles nonchalantly like he would have in the past, he instead took care to ensure he not fall into the dastardly woman's traps. Instead he’d press his back against the end of the shelf before peeking his head down the aisle to check if it was clear or not.

His eyes caught no sign of threat but took note of the two gennin in the center of the aisle he intended to enter. They didn’t seem to be with each other and where on separate ends of the narrow row of books. “Excellent” Sento would think as he rubbed his hands together in an almost cartoon like evil manner. His master plan that he was making such an over dramatic deal out of was that he was going to use them as visual shields much like the book from earlier.

Slipping into the aisle he’d pretend as if he belonged in the section running his hands through the books on the shelves before passing the nearest of the gennin, a slight smile would appear on the devilishly handsome senjus face as he did. Taking into account that luckily this gennin seemed to be as much of a freak of nature as sento himself, being around 6 feet and what sento guessed was two inches tall. It wasn’t often Sento ran into people that could match up to his height so it came as a bit of a shock to him but wouldn’t let it distract him from his goal.

While walking past him he’d  sidestep slightly to the right, placing his back in the direction of the aisle so that if the librarian did come near and managed to see him past the gigantic meat shield he had just passed she’d only see the distinctive features that nobody could possibly recognize somebody off of such as his back and messy hair.

Luckily the aisle was the correct one he had been looking for and his yellow eyes landed on the leather bound book labeled. “A history of non elemental jutsu and how to learn them” The author was some uchiha, he had never heard of but the knowledge seemed valuable nonetheless. His pale hands would reach out grab the book before he’d stuff it underneath his jacket and begin to turn around. Doing so would prove to be a mistake however as his eyes widened with horror, while looking into the beady eyes of his new mortal enemy.

“Why the hell are you back in my library you little runt!” She’d say as her bony arms reached out and her skeleton like grib took a rather gruesome hold of his right earlobe and pulling. It seemed like a cliche move for someone of her age but Sento had to admit that it was pretty effective. His head would duck and he’d be forced to follow as she dragged him through the center of the library and towards the front of it, stopping just short of the wooden doors. “If I catch you back in here again I’ll beat you senseless!” She yelled as she pushed open the large door with her free hand and sent him flying with her other.

The scene that came next would look like a tradition fresh prince of bel air scene where uncle phil throwing jazz out of the house type of moment.

Click here for that good nostolgia bois:

As the white haired senju boy flew through the air he couldn’t help but take note of the woman's impressive physical prowess. Those boney arms had to be able to carry three times their weight in muscle to be able to throw him so far. Perhaps she had been a shinobi in her prime, his mental praise of the woman would be cut short however as his body crashed into the elegant marble stairs to the grand konoha library and he began to topple uncontrollably downwards until he landed on the dirt street, and skidded to a halt causing a dirt cloud to rise around him as it happened.

Lying face first in the dirt street he’d simply stay still for a couple moments allowing his mind to catch up with the events that just happened and for the pain of the fall to subside. After about fifteen seconds of remaining immobile he’d begin to do a sort of push up to lift his own body off of the ground with his upper body strength using his arms. Now on two feet he’d first use his right arm to pat the dust and dirt off of his left sweater sleeve before repeating the process with his left arm to his right sleeve.

As he did this a smile would once more manifest on his youthful face as he claimed a victory over the woman. While yes she had manhandled him and quite literally kicked him out of the building, he considered the battle to be his as his hand reached into the interior of his hoodie and pulled out the leather bound book he had entered the building for in the first place. In a victorious boast he’d hold it to the sky with one hand while his middle finger on the other accompanied it at the same height while facing the library where the librarian no longer stood. She had returned into the safety of her book filled building.

To any bystanders sento would surely look like a madman giving the finger to a building but he didn’t care, victory was his. “Take that you old hag!” He’d yell before lowering his arms and tucking the book back into the safety of his sweatshirt. Afterall it was about time he started heading out to the training grounds. And it wasn’t like he could go back into the library to collect more study resources. No… He’d have to wait a while before daring another attempt. Let the old woman lower her guard, so that he would be unexpected once more.

Finally leaving the area of the library he’d make his way down the market street that he had begun to familiarize. Being bad with directions sento had taken the wrong turn quite a few times after leaving the library, although that could also possibly be correlated with the head damage he seemed to receive from falling down the library stairs every time he ventured out of it, messing with his sense of direction.

But this time he decided to be extra careful remembering the the left had lead him to a dead end the other day and that the right was to market street. And he distinctly remembered that one had to pass the market street to get to training ground three. Training ground three of course being the nearest one to his own house and the most convenient by far to travel too, as much as sento craved adventure he also liked the familiarity of his local area. It was an odd combination but one that seemed to work well for him. Maybe one day he’d grow to favor one over the other but for now it was a good balance.

His attention would be broken as a familiar smell floated under and into his nostrils. Slowly causing his mouth to water. It was the salmon he had tried a couple weeks ago while training his first A rank Suiton Suidanha. He could make out the familiar features of the vendor’s shack just a couple meters in the distance and instantly registered the long line in front of it. It seemed like the chef was quite popular, as there had been a pretty lengthy line the other day as well. He liked the chef quite a lot, the man had been kind enough to him while serving him, so he supposed it was lucky that he had found fortune in his skill.
Sento didn’t have time for food right now though, especially with the line that had formed so he simply walked past it and continued towards the training ground telling himself that he’d stop by after he had gotten some intense training in, and grab some for dinner for him and his little brother hiei who had seemed to drop of the face of the earth as of late. He let out a sigh as he thought of the ever so snail like advancement of his youthful little brother. Maybe it was just because sento was older that he seemed to have a better grasp of ninjutsu than the little one, but still, it was ridiculous that he hadn’t seen any indication of him training.

Shaking the thought out of his head he decided that it would be better if he focused on himself at the moment, and his eyes lit up as he saw the familiar sight of the grassy field in front of him. A wooden sign on a small cylindrical post had the words “Training Ground 3” Engraved on it which confirmed the fact that it was the training grounds he had been looking for.

Excitedly he’d once more pull out the leather book from the safety and concealment of his hoodie. His eyes would look over the title “A history of non elemental jutsu and how to learn them” It was a pretty uncreative title looking back at it and thinking on it more made him let loose a relatively quiet chuckle. The little things where often what got to his sense of humor, that was just the way he was.

Anyways he’d bring his focus back to the text on the page flipping through it for the jutsu he had heard about and the reason he had been so interested in a book labeled something as bland as “Non Elemental” I mean seriously, whoever thought of that label should have put a bit more effort into it. It didn’t have the same ring to it as Wood Release, or even water release for that matter. As the ridiculing thoughts flooded his head his finger tips would continue to glide through the paper until they finally came to a halt at the page he had been looking for.

“The Rasengan” Now that had a ring to it that Non Elemental just couldn’t compete with. Intrigued his bright yellow eyes would scan left to right, left to right, over and over again, sucking in any and all information that the pages would give him. He started with the history of the technique as he often did when researching as he felt that the circumstances of somethings creation was just as important as the mastery of the technique. And was surprised to see that it was created by a konoha hokage from long ago whose name had been lost to time.

Supposedly the bright blue ball of highly concentrated spinning chakra had been inspired by and heavily modeled after something that was called the tailed beast bomb. The senju boy had no idea of knowing what that meant as he had never seen a bijuu but if he had it would have been an instant selling point for him and would have increased his interest in learning the technique to more than it already was, which would be impressive considering how much interest he had in the technique.

Deciding he had read up enough on the history he’d move onto the handseals, or at least he thought he would before he came to the realization that the jutsu required none whatsoever. Which just so happened to be another major selling point that he had not been expecting. This left only the concept of how to manipulate his chakra. He had never attempted to manipulate pure chakra, all of his jutsu fell under the category of an element. Either water or wood or earth, but never pure concentrated manipulation of chakra. So he began to dig into the information that he would no doubt need, in order to do so.

It was said that in the past people would use an air filled balloon and fill it with their chakra attempting to spin it in a rapid and concentrated motion with repeated practice until they could do it with enough power to pop the balloon. He frowned as he realized it would have been nice to know this information before arriving at the training ground, after all he had passed the market street on the way here and could have easily picked up such an item, but it seemed he was going to have to be a bit more creative than that, or double back, and have significantly less time to train the technique.

His head would swivel backwards in an almost owl like fashion as he weighed between his two options. Double back? Or Try and learn the rasengan technique without a balloon. The decision came quickly however as he realized he most likely wouldn’t have the strength to turn down that magnificently smelling salmon on market street twice in one day. He just didn’t have the mental strength for such a task at the moment. Desperate for a solution to his problem he saw that there was also another recommended way to practice the technique slightly lower on the page.

Shadow Clones seemed to be a popular method for how to get a better grip on the control as a short term solution. And while the senju hadn’t taken the time to learn the shadow clone technique the senju clan had a bit better solution to such a problem that he fortunately had taken the time to learn. Smiling he’d form the three hand signs he had memorized a couple days ago before wood began to grow out of him and take the form of a devilishly handsome mirror image of himself. If he was a cloud ninja by the name of komori he may have had an immature conversation with himself about how good looking he was. But alas he was not so he wouldn’t even utter a word to the wooden copy of himself knowing that their mental connection would be enough for it to get the jist of what he was trying to do.

Extending his arm outwards and facing his palm upwards towards the sky he’d begin to send a current of chakra from his chest down the length of his arm and would turn to make eye contact with his clone who took a couple steps nearer and began to spin his hands around the glowing blue energy coming out of the young white haired gennins hand as this was some kind of pottery class.  He’d continue this process for about five minutes, all the while beginning to grow covered in his own sweat from the exertion of such a large amount of chakra. He was just a gennin and learning all these A ranks was certainly heavy on his chakra system but he figured that it would be worth the effort in the end.

The more powerful techniques he had the stronger of a shinobi he could become, and that was an idea he certainly fancied. However he seemed to be having trouble with this particular one as time was beginning to make evidently clear. The spinning of the hands was doing nothing to tame the rampant flow of the blue chakra flame in his hand telling himself otherwise would be pointless. Frustrated he’d slam his hand down to his sides and let the chakra he had been so heavily concentrating on dissipate into nothingness. He needed a breather, and his arm was tired from being lifted horizontally to the ground for so long so he’d take a seat in the grass for a bit while he caught his breath.

The clone nearest to him would then tilt its head before beginning to speak. “You know if you're too tired to continue supplying chakra I can always do it for you, I feel fine, and If I learn the technique so do you, we have the same memory remember” He’d say in an almost condescending way, which was odd considering he was talking to himself. Maybe that hinted at a bit of self hatred or something along those lines, but again sento was no philosopher and he ignored his mirror images sass, but appreciated the idea nonetheless. It sounded like it just might work.

He’d put his hand on his knees as he leaned forward and lifted himself up with momentum and a shift of weight not using his hands to lift himself up as he did so. After doing this he stood about one meter away from his clones torso and within arms reach of the wooden arm that was now supplying the chakra for the technique on Sento’s behalf. He’d let out a brief smile as he realized what the implications of this meant. It appeared his clones had there own seperate chakra nature and that they didn’t rely on his own, he knew that shadow clone users had to split their chakra between the entirety of any clone they may create so he took great pleasure in this new knowledge knowing it gave him a significant advantage over other clone technique users.

His mind however would quickly focus back to the task that was quite literally at hand. The blue flames erupting from his clones hand needed to be tamed into a sphere and it would require precision focus that he was not accustomed too. This time he’d pour a bit of chakra into his own hands to help guide the chakra coming from his clone. Something he had guessed that the clone hadn’t taken the initiative to do while he was supplying the chakra.

As his hands began to glow blue in tandem with the wood clones in front of him he would rapidly spin it as if there was an imaginary globe between them and he was still a child that could be entertained with the mere momentum of an object, which truth be told he probably could. This time he’d take pleasure in the fact as he watched the chakra flame begin to turn spherical in shape, it wasn’t nearly concentrated enough to do damage at the moment but it was a start. Trying to think of more ways that he could better control this his brain instantly came to the conclusion that if he moved his hands faster and with more force the rasengan would better bend to his will.

Deciding to put his theory to the test he’d pick up the pace, watching as his hands moved back and forth in the same repetitive motion picking up speed and beginning to enclose on the sphere of chakra. As a result the rasengan would finally take on an image of what the text had described to him and he took great pleasure in the fact that he seemed to be getting the hang of this technique. Wanting to see if his clone could handle the rasengan without his assistance he’d take a couple step backs before uttering the words. “It's all you now” And raising his hands in a manner that said the responsibility was no longer his.

The clone seemed to understand the weight of the responsibility and flashed a confident smirk as Sento’s hands left, clearly still keeping control of the rapidly moving concentrated ball of chakra and turning towards the nearest tree. “Hold up I wanna test something out” It would exclaim as it began running towards the towering oak trees trunk with its arm extended outwards clearly intending to destroy it. Sento was in all honesty a bit jealous that a clone got to use the technique before him, but shrugged it off as he knew that when he summoned the thing its memories would become him. That didn’t really change how he felt at the moment though.

The chakra would collide with the bark, and wooden splinters would fly everywhere as it drilled into it. The tree was much thicker than the rasengan though and it remained in tact for the most part except for the round indent where Sento’s clones palm had pushed the rasengan into it, leaving a permanent wooden scar to remind nature not to mess with him. It seemed he had gotten the hang of the technique and a feeling of pride began to reside within him as he thought about it.

“Alright you did your job” He’d say to the wooden clone before releasing the jutsu that had created it and watching him revert back into wood and sink into the soil below it. “I better head home and grab some of that fish from earlier” He’d think to himself as his stomach growled. He had done more than enough training for today, despite the fact that the day was nowhere close to over he was exhausted, and for the first time in a while since becoming a gennin, his schedule seemed to be clear for the day. “Yah, I’m definitely gonna take a nap” He thought to himself as he turned back towards the village.

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A Senju with a rasengan Empty Re: A Senju with a rasengan

Tue Mar 28, 2017 3:16 am
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