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Learning Rasengan Empty Learning Rasengan

Thu Dec 04, 2014 9:42 pm
It had been 3 weeks since he had learned light release. After he learned it he stopped training and took a break from the academy. His sensei told him he was a disgrace and to never come back He got up from the bed and thought he should start back going to the academy. He looked around and his skyscraper was a mess. He went and got in the shower and brushed his teeth then ate breakfast. He then went to the academy when he walked in several people stared at him he didnt know why. He went in his class and listened to the lecture then as soon as it started it was over. He left the academy and went back home he changed into his favorite out fit his black face mass, shinobi headband, black cloak with sleeves stopping right after the elbow with the collar up the cloak had blue flames on the bottom, a electric blue fish net tank top,black shinobi sandles. He remebered what happened when he did the angel contract he had started changing. Now he was exactly 7 ft tall with huge angel wings flowing white hair with golden spots sunkissed skin and pure gold eyes. He went to the Scroll store and bought a scroll that teached you how to learn an A rank technique called the Rasengan the famed technique of Naruto Uzamaki his self. He left the store and went to the Plains. He was happy because it felt peaceful here he took out the scroll and read it it said " The jutsu developed by the fourth Hokage's want to imitate the tailed beast ball. It was then made famous by Naruto Uzumaki. This technique has risen from obscurity after the volcanic eruption and is now taught to many ninja in all nations. The rasengan is created by concentrating chakra into a sphere in ones hand and spinning the chakra at high speeds. The ball that is created through this technique is then slammed into the target dealing massive damage. **Note no hand signs are needed for this technique.** Logistics of the Rasengan: -The rasengan itself is a sphere and has a radius of a quarter of a foot (7.62cm). -Rasengan can only be formed in the user's hand. Also only one rasengan can be formed for each use of this technique (eg Can only have one rasengan in either hand-not two in both.) The technique sounded really complicated. He got in a meditative position and started meditaing.

30 mins later

He got up and took out the scroll again and read the steps " The first step was learning how to burst a water balloon by spinning the water inside in multiple directions at once using only the user's chakra, which emphasizes rotation. The second step was for the user to burst a rubber ball, and since rubber is thicker, and air is completely different from water, it forces the user to use denser chakra to break it. This step emphasizes power. The third and final step was to combine both step one and two by spinning chakra inside a balloon without moving the balloon itself, emphasizing stability of the sphere shape. All of that sounded hard but he had to learn this. But what made gim mad was that he had to leave his forest and go all the way back to the village. I got up and left the scroll. He took off in the direction of the village and arrived there in 10 mins. He went to a shop and bought a hundred water balloons when he got the baloons he went bacl to the plains to train. Tenrai ran back to the plains and arrived as soon as the night fell. Afte rer lookeing at the steps again Tenrai thought it was going to be easy to learn the rasengan.Puuting the scrool down Tenrai inhaled and exhaled deeply so he wasn't nervous while trying to learn the jutsu,He grabed a water balloon with hi ight light taned hand on the bottom and his left light taned hand on the bottom and remembered the first step he had to learn of the rasengan .

The first step was learning how to burst a water balloon by spinning the water inside in multiple directions at once using only the user's chakra, which emphasizes rotation.

After remembering that Tenrai pulled his hands outward with the water balloon and began to try and move the water with his chakra. Tenrai closes his eyes and trys pouring his chakra into the water balloon,it was hard to do.He keeps trying and try but the water wont move,but when Tenrai thought he had finally got it the ballon burst and got soked in water but he didn't care he just picked up another balloon out of the ones he had bought.He once again he put his right habd under the balloon and his left hand on top of it and pushed his hands and his water balloon outward."i will learn rasengan" Tenrai said to himself as he closed his eyes and tryed pouring his chakra into the balloon to make the water in the balloon to spin.Its was hours the day had gone to dawn and the breeze of the morning was rolling in, Tenrai chakra was running out and he was getting tired,his eyes began to get bags under them andn his eyes were blood shot red.Befor Tenrai thought about giveing up the water in the soon began to spin,but unlike last time the water balloon did not burst all over Tenrai t-shirt and his black pants." Yes " Tenrai said as he felt the water inside the balloon continue to spin without sting.After letting thw water spin for a few moments befor he stopped it.Since the water in the oon had spoun and he was two more steps away from learn the rasengan and a happy ninja.'ok w for the next step Tenrai said grabbing the rubber ball and remembering the next step of the engan. Tenrai went home and went to sleep. The next day he woke up went into the bathroom to take a shower.After taking a shower Tenrai dryed his body and hair off and put on his white t-shirt and his night black srm belts with his black pants and with its light black strap belt and his dark night ninja shoes."Now its time to go train!"yelled Tenrai as he grabed his scroll and ran out his house like a dog chasing a cat.First Tenrai had to find a few things to help with his training.He stopped but the shop and got a sun yellow rubber ball and ten water balloons and five regular balloons."Now i can go train" Tenrai said as he ran to the plains but being carefull enought that he does not let the balloons fall and burst open spilling water all over him and making his training impossible.When Tenrai got to the training ground he carefully put the ten water balloons on the lush green grass ground of the field so they would not burst. Tenrai after putting the ballons on the ground took out a scrool that was titled "THE RASENGAN", Tenrai like this jutsu he had thought it was cool ever since he bought ut. Tenrai looked at the steps to learn the rasengan jutsu the jutsu he likes so much. The first step was learning how to burst a water balloon by spinning the water inside in multiple directions at once using only the user's chakra, which emphasizes rotation. The second step was for the user to burst a rubber ball, and since rubber is thicker, and air is completely different from water, it forces the user to use denser chakra to break it. This step emphasizes power. The third and final step was to combine both step one and two by spinning chakra inside a balloon without moving the balloon itself, emphasizing stability of the sphere shape. After lookeing at the steps Tenrai thought it was going to be easy to learn the rasengan.Puuting the scrool down otu inhaled and exhaled deeply so he wasn't nervous while trying to learn the jutsu,He grabed a water balloon with his right light taned hand on the bottom and his left light taned hand on the bottom and remembered the first step he had to learn of the rasengan After remembering that yetsu pulled his hands outward with the water balloon and began to try and move the water with his chakra. Tenrai closes his eyes and trys pouring his chakra into the water balloon,it was hard to do.He keeps trying and try but the water wont move,but when Tenrau thought he had finally got it the ballon burst and got soked in water but he didn't care he just picked up another balloon out of the ten he had bought. As last time he put his right hand on the uder belly on the balloon and his left hand on the top.He poured his chakra into the water balloon again to make it spin in different directions.The day was going on the birds are flying around Tenrai. The day soon turns to twilight and the twilight breeze was rolling in and Tenrai was getting tired and bags had started to form under his eyes.Befor Tenrai could give up the water balloon started to spin right and Tenrai was shocked and happy he made the water inside the ballon move without making it burst.Oturan decided to try and spin it in the left direction and when he tried it it worked and Tenrai yelled happily."YESSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!"he yelled again now it was time to go to the next step to learning the rasengan.So Tenrai grabbed the rubber ball and remembered the next step which is trying to burst the rubber ball with a thicker chakra. Tenrai does the same thing he did with the water ball.After putting his right hand under the balloon and his left hand over and put them outwords. Tenrai has pours more chakra as much as he can get into the rubber ball and on the first try the rubber ball burst and Tenrai screamed with happines.Then oturan grabs the regular balloon and he had to combine the first and second step.When oty pours his chakra into the balloon but more thick chakra the balloon begins to spin like the inside is spining.After a few moments the balloons outside began to stop spinning but the inside didn't."YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Tenrai yelled as he had finished his steps and could try and doing it now. Tenrai put the regular balloon down and put his right hand out and and remembered what he had just did making his chakra spin in his left hand was easy and a swirl began to form in his hand,then otu added more chakra which made a ball appear inside of the swirls which made the rasengan."yes i finally mastered the rasengan water ballon techniwue" Tenrai said befor passing out due to lack of chakra. He heard a noise, a soft, rumbling noise. It sounded quite like an animals growl.. and then he realized it was past noon.. and lunch time. should have packed a lunch... But with luck, there were many places to eat in the village. Tenrai made a turn, onto a different platform, where he knew there was a ramen shop. He walked in, and placed an order for the usual. He normally just got ramen with some form of meat in it, usually pork or beef, he began to wonder which they would put in there this time. He began to wait, and watch. He watched as steam began to rise from the pot his ramen was cooking in. He saw them adding flavoring, after they had put the ramen in a bowl. The bowl was white, and large. He saw that it was beef flavoring, not bad. He was in the mood for that style of ramen. He then started thinking about his life in Tenga and his contract with the angels. He then saw them adding a piece of beef, rather large too, into the bowl. They gave him his own chop stick, placed on a napkin, right next to his bowl of ramen. The napkin was a light brownish color, and it seem suited for the style it was placed in. With a grin on his face, he thanked his waiter and chef and began to feast. He took note of two children next to him taking an order, they took out their bag of ryo. They were loaded, the amount of ryo they had was just... incredible. He stopped paying attention to them and began to feast once more. He picked up a group of noodles in between his two normal chop sticks, the ones which didn't cut, and held them up to his mouth. He began to blow on them, underneath where he was holding them. Steam came out the other side, which meant they were or had been hot. He stuck the noodles in his mouth, and began to suck up the rest of the group. He began to chew once the noodles was in his mouth, looking down, thankfully, there was a lot more ramen to go around with. He then picked up a piece of meat, the beef inside his bowl to be exact. He held it up to his mouth and began to take a bite. It was chewy, though good. He took a single bite and dropped the rest back into his bowl. He had finished off the ramen noodles. As he finished off the remainder of his ramen, he grew tired. Perhaps it was by eating a nice warm, late lunch, or perhaps it was pysically exhausting himself for the past few hours. Either way.. he decided not to go go practice techniques at home, and to rather head off to bed when he arrived home. He paid for his ramen and headed off. He walked along with the wind once more, and headed off. He was heading home, with not really anything else to do but get in bed and sleep the rest of this day off, he sighed. Having taken the first steps of his journey, he had been proud of himself. What with no one else to be proud of him, he had to create self given pride. Soon enough he got to his home, many platforms later. He opened his door, right after unlocking three locks. He had so many due to fear of thieves and burglars. He walked through the door way and shut his door, re-locking it. He began to stretch, and then uttered a yawn. He was quite tired. Tenrai woke up the next morning to do a mission Tenrai tries to stay up to date with the few merchants and deliverymen that cross into the mountain. Offering them food or drink for information usually always helped. Tenrai knew a shipment of medical supplies had come in a few days prior and was walking down the mountain to the village as he noticed something from the corner of his eye. Tenrai was quick to snatch it up and noticed that it was some bandages that was supposed to be with the medical supplies that were delivered a few days ago. “What in the world is up with this…I better go to the mission board and see if there is anything regarding this.” Tenrai said as he turned back and fetched a satchel to carry anything interesting he may find. Soon Tenrai was at the Mission Boards. He looked them over till he saw what he was looking for. A new mission was posted and it was detailed out that some medical supplies were lost up on the mountain ridge on the way in. Tenrai took the Mission Posting and he popped his knuckles as he saw the reward. “This will be a piece of cake, well I better get to work.” Tenrai said as he began to walk back up the main mountain path so that he could survey the area. Tenrai was lacksydasical as he searched around, checking bushes, tall grass, and even sides of the path that would lead down the mountain. He was finding little. Here and there he would find packaged needles, thread, bandages, and even some anti venom. Nothing in large amounts, which led him to believe that this mission really was just a walk in the park. This let him relax a bit more as he kept checking the mountain. As he reached the gates of his compound he turned around and began to walk back down the trail. He soon split off the path to travel own to a stream. Here he found a crate, which was odd here in the mountain area, so he began to approach as he reached for a kunai just to make sure he would not be defenseless if it was indeed a trap. He soon reached the crate as he surveyed the area, and after finding no traces of tampering with the crate, he opened it. Inside was a jackpot of medical supplies, which made Hunter smile in victory as he loaded up everything into his satchel. Soon he made his way down the mountain. Tenrai soon arrived at the hospital and delivered the lost supplies to a rather cute female medical ninja. He smiled as he was thanked and he made sure to bow to the female and was given payment for his work. He was happy with his work and left the area to relax, maybe he would go back to the compound and train. Aftee he dinished the mission Tenrai went to the plains . He meditated for 10 mins and finally got up.He brought our his right hand and summoned all of his chakra into his palm. His palm started glowing blue then an orb appeared with an radius of a foot and the height of an foot. He ran as fast as he could towards a tree yelling Rasengan. The orb connected to the tree and blew up. The blast was so powerful it even blew me back. I looked around and saw the destruxtion. There was a large crator from the blast. I smiled from my acomplishment I perfected the Rasengan. I went home and went to sleep the next day I went and did a mission Tenrai picked up a mission this morning that required his attention. It seemed a group of five very speedy kids have been vandalizing the Shopping District and causing a ruckus. Tenrai knew this would be some easy Ryo so he took the mission notice and headed off to the District where he questioned some of the shoppers and shop owners till he received the information he needed. After doing so he set up a trap consisting of some string, a few pouches of chili seasoning, and a banner which he would rig and have ready. “ Come on you little shits…come try and make a mess today.” He said to himself as he waited patiently, being aware of his surroundings and making sure he was in a blackened alleyway as the shoppers were already pre warned to stay away from the trap area. After a few hours he heard some commotion outside as his focus and adrenaline spiked. Tenrai took a small quick look and processed the info he had. There were five kids, each of them dressed like punks, and all of them had bad attitudes as they began to break and make the District a mess. Tenrai waited till they were about to cross the line as he yanked up the line and, all at the same time. Four of the kids fell as the Chili Pouches and banner were released to blind them and stop them from retreating as the fifth got scared and ran to the dark alley where Hunter was. As the kid entered Tenrai gave the kid a quick chop across his chest knocking him down as the Shop owners all came out and were cheering for Tenrai. He smiled as he drug the kid from the alley and threw him in with his friends. “That’s it for you five. Clean this District…NOW! All of it, make sure it shines or I will be back.” Tenrai said as the Shop owners laughed and the kids split up and were watched as they cleaned up the mess they made. Tenrai bowed to the manager of the Shopping District and awaited payment. He was ready to go and see his turtle friend. He headed home after leaving the shops and went to sleep thinking of his dream of becoming Angel of Light. He areived at home and began to think on alot of stuff. He then walked threw the door and went straight to his room and hopped in his bed. What should I do jext he thought? Should I master the Rasengan next Tenrai thought. Or should he just learn another jutsu he thought. It will all reveal itsellf in due time he thought. He closed his eyes fallling asleep thinking if his future.

The next they Tenrai woked up. He washed up and left his house. Then Tenrai headed to old man Lanzlo's shop to get some information abiut something. Tenrai needed to know why being the first summon of a race changes you and a small secret. Tenrai arrived at the shop and knocked on the door because the shop said CLOSED. The old man opened the door for Tenrai and told him hi. I asked him the questions I needed to ask and he aswered them. But the last question made me happy I told him thank you and left thinking on what he said. The Chidori or a Thousand Birds technique. You could only get it if lighting was your main element. Luckily Tenrai's main eleelment was lighting and he could learn it. He went to the scroll store to by the scroll for Chidori and when he bought it he read the scroll it said "

The user channels a large amount of lightning chakra into one of their hands and charges the opponent with the intent of striking them. This jutsu also makes a sound like chirping birds, thus its name.Furthermore, in the unmastered form, the user may only move in a straight line (The user may not change direction in which they are moving while using this technique.), thus making it harder to get a definite hit without planning and skill. As a final touch this jutsu serves as a base jutsu from which many techniques can be derived. "
Everything sounded good beside theunmastered part. I smiled maybe I will become stronger I thought. I will be come the Angel of Light and bring Peace and Death to this world. Tenrai began walking towards his house in happiness. Tenrai arrived at home and decided to summon Galtobertrox. He did the summoning jutsu while thinking of Galtobertrox name and the angel appeared." What do you need " he said. I told him to reverse summon me to the Land of Angels and he did. When he arrived he saw a man who looked almost exactly like Allfather but he was taller and even more elegant. He looked at me and power radiated off of him. He began walking towards me I felt the power radiating off him. What the hell I thought this guy power scares me. " Hello I am Konton " he said while arriving to me." I am the king of the angels and father of Allfather. King of angles I thought this guy must be powerful. I told him hi. He told me about how one day me and him will fight along side each other then he walked away. I shivered and explored more of Tenrai.

Wordcount: 4,017


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Learning Rasengan Empty Re: Learning Rasengan

Thu Dec 04, 2014 10:24 pm
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