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Sukiba Moeagaru
Sukiba Moeagaru
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Fire and Earth Scorch the Sands! Empty Fire and Earth Scorch the Sands!

Fri May 20, 2022 10:07 pm
The small training grounds that Karo had decided to check out on his walk about the entire village were barren, filled only with sand and dirt from previous engagements on the training grounds themselves. Yet he could only give a small smile at the rough terrain ahead of him, his own body swaying slightly in the sweltering heat of the desert like wasteland of the land of wind. The red hair adorning his head swayed to and fro like that of shirts hung up to dry. Karo had been ready to begin actually training himself for the golden opportunity ahead of him. That being the Chunin exams were indeed coming up rather soon. Meaning he only had a few days at best to get himself up to where he was prepared for the worst against others who were there. His whole body had this vibrance to it as he began to begin simply doing the exercises he was planning on fulfilling for the day. Not only that but at least also focus on potentially learning how to use the secondary element that his father and mother both shared. Karo’s amber eyes flashing around the small area as he felt it was a good idea to focus on trying to become one with the heat while channeling and focusing his chakra on the topic at hand. Something that he knew he was decently good at even when he was a little twerp in the eyes of most others.

He had no thoughts of failure in this, no kind of mental block could escape the confident gaze he held while having his own chakra flow through his body while basking in the sunlight of Sunagkaure. Focusing most if not all of his efforts on this one assignment alone certainly would be tough given how Fire release is rather wild, all things considered as an element. Something that once unleashed is hard to control to his benefit. He’d have to rectify that in the future when it came to the element itself. Maybe being able to manipulate fire to such an extent could be a rather interesting title for the young Yogan. Or could he be considered old because of the kind of age he was compared to most others. He wanted to try and learn fire release because of his own parents knowing how to do so and not teaching him when he was younger. Instead trying to teach him how to use Earth release to defend himself. Which now that he thought about it was the much smarter decision as he could now easily make a more defensive and then offensive style of combat with the two elements. He was feeling the heat now as the Sunagkaure sun beat down on top of him. Sweat sliding down his face as controlling his chakra like this was rather straining. Even for someone like him that had a pretty good amount of vitality even as a smaller child. It was inside of his own blood to learn the art of fire, he’d have to learn it. If only that way he can show it off towards his parents during the Chunin exams.

Yet Karo could now tell that he was getting somewhere with the heat beginning to become much more familiar with him  as each moment passed inside of the dusty training fields. His chakra begins to simmer upwards like a faint ember beginning to rise above the surface of charcoal. Grasping at him to take its hold and begin to become a flame that he could use to motivate himself even further. He certainly had the passion for sitting there for such a long time to simply learn how to use Fire release and focus on it. It wasn’t something strange to him, only something that he must now learn to further himself one step closer. The heat began to be felt all over his body as time progressed. Making everything much easier now that he could feel that slight tug that pulled him to the flames even further. He could feel it beating against his whole body now. Becoming something that began to mix with the earthen soil of his own body in a way, his own body linking itself towards the element of fire as his body slowly stopped beginning to rapidly sweat, allowing the fresh breeze to fully hit him hard enough to where he could relax. This certainly wasn’t so bad. He could easily get used to sitting out in the sun if it meant that he could handle sweating much easier. Although he obviously would need water soon, luckily for him he had a bag full of water that his parents had grabbed for him. Advising him to pack it since the sun was beating against the land of wind that day.

Yusuke Sarutobi
Yusuke Sarutobi
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Fire and Earth Scorch the Sands! Empty Re: Fire and Earth Scorch the Sands!

Fri May 20, 2022 11:23 pm
Yusuke was starting to get ready for the Chunin exams/ He had been wording mostly on his family's hiden ash release and signing more contracts with the monkeys making frequent trips with Enryu to give him more options when the exams came to their boiling point. After having worked with Kaito to refine his earth release and the time he spent training to gain mastery over his newly acquired genetics he was feeling pretty good about his odds in a fight. Even against Kaito whom he considered to be his greatest threat in the upcoming exams. 

Instead of beating his body and chakra network with mor training he had been putting in effort towards his mind. Yusuke might play the fool, but he never considered himself dumb. In fact he understood the academies more academic teachings of math, geography, physics, and logic. The topics just didn't interest him very much. He found it all boring, but after hearing that there would be a written portion in the Chunin exam he decided he needed to put his mind to work. He wanted to be sharp. Unfortunately, it had been a long time since he sat down to study something he didn't want to, and he needed constant breaks. On this break he found himself in the training grounds. The sanded one not the one filled with trees that he had frequented with the others. He'd been sticking to this one recently. It was probably more like the terrain they'd experience in the exam. At least that was what Yusuke thought. He warmed up with a couple of stretches, but wasn't quite sure what he would be working on this time. He eventually settled on making sure his fire style was up to snuff still. He had been neglecting it ever since the forest training. It was his first nature change and the first category of Jutsu he'd learned. Gotta stay sharp! He thought, but then he caught the glimpse of another out of the corner of his eye. A young man taking a sip of water from a bag. Yusuke walked over to him with a wave. Hey there! Getting ready for the exam bro? Got any crazy Jutsu up your sleeve? He'd reach for his own flash of water taking a sip[ in the blazing sun with the other Shinobi. Never hurts to scout the competition... He was gathering intel while also getting to know some more of his comrades a win win for the young Sarutobi.

Sukiba Moeagaru
Sukiba Moeagaru
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Fire and Earth Scorch the Sands! Empty Re: Fire and Earth Scorch the Sands!

Sat May 21, 2022 10:31 pm
As Karo was finishing up taking a sip of his own water. He thought about what kind of jutsu he should even learn for the Chunin exams that he signed up for. He knew that having a wide range of jutsu would be the most important thing possible. It was the only way for him to show off some of his own creativity and potential talent to those that would watch. Yet he was more so interested in simply getting his name out there, something that could make his family really proud of him again! His thoughts of grandeur were interrupted by Yusuke popping up out of nowhere for him. The young man nearly sputtered on his own drink as a result of the surprise greeting. Yet the question had him think for a good minute about all the jutsu he knew. Before confidently and proudly announcing to the other.

“Nope! I got none for right now!” He said with a cheerful grin. Seemingly unconcerned with the fact that he apparently had nothing to show for the kind of training that he was doing. Yet Karo was thinking about finding some kind of jutsu that could be useful. Yet he almost completely forgot to introduce himself towards Yusuke, immediately shooting out his hand and offering a handshake towards his fellow Genin.

“Well what I’ve been actually doing is trying to learn Fire Release! Since it’s the other element that my mother and father both share with each other!”

Yet Karo’s own thoughts drifted towards his father for a moment. Asking for a spar right before the exams could be a potential morale boost for the young man who was going to be turning 18 rather soon. Yet it was best for Karo to focus now on the fellow Genin standing right besides him, even if he didn’t the handshake Karo immediately turned back towards his bag, offering a bottle of water towards Yusuke. Wondering if he had any water on hand with him, especially in the sweltering heat. Which could threaten heatstroke without enough water within both of their own systems.

“Here! Take it! Everyone’s gotta have some amount of water right?” He said, still keeping up the jovial attitude towards a potential competitor within the exams themselves. Yet he could trust his own judgment when it came to Yusuke. He could easily be a good enough ally, especially when it came to the exams themselves. Karo knew that there was going to be all of the core curriculums that they taught in the academy. Which he had succeeded rather well in during his time there, almost too well in fact. Yet Yusuke probably wouldn’t care much about all of that. So Karo kept silent as he waited to see what Yusuke’s reaction to the water would be.

Yusuke Sarutobi
Yusuke Sarutobi
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Fire and Earth Scorch the Sands! Empty Re: Fire and Earth Scorch the Sands!

Sun May 22, 2022 12:10 am
I-is he joking he's got nothing and he's going into the exam? AHAHAHAHAHA...I like you what's your name bro? Yusuke Sarutobi at your service. He shook the boy's hand and flashed a grin while he waited for his name. It didn't take him long to learn that he's trying to learn fire release. Fire release huh... Yusuke's eyes went wide. A complete beginner looking for fire release... His mind was already thinking weighting the options. It was rare to catch a shinobi that had something they could learn from him. He thought about how Kaito had dedicated his time and chakra to educating the next generation of genin. He was indebted to Kaito and thus could possibly be leveraged by him. It wouldn't hurt to have my own leverage someone who would support me in the village from below me... He brough his had to his chin while the boy was turned around. He couldn't get strong enough fast enough to be more of a threat than Kaito right... And it does help the village overall to have more hands. The boy had all but convinced himself of his next move.

Yusuke was offered a water which he would graciously accept. Thanks my flask was just running out He would signal this by turning the now empty flask upside down. If you want to learn Fire release then I'm you're guy I know I'm a bit younger, but I'm pretty good watch. Before he was given the water he would turn towards a training dummy and weave the hand signs "Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Tiger" From his mouth a Giant fireball with a diameter of 20 meters would be ejected from his mouth traveling at 100 speed towards the dummy, but Yusuke wasn't done yet. He'd weave the hand signs " Tiger - Boar - Dog - Dragon - Rat, and then Rat, Tiger, Dog, Ox " six fireballs traveling at 130 speed would catch up to and encircle the Giant fireball before the y both collided with the dummy burning it to ashes. I can teach you how to do that if you want~ What do you say? Yusuke said with a sly look. It was a big promise to teach someone to use a new class of jutsu in an afternoon, but Yusuke really had nothing to lose, and nothing better to do.

Sukiba Moeagaru
Sukiba Moeagaru
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Fire and Earth Scorch the Sands! Empty Re: Fire and Earth Scorch the Sands!

Mon May 23, 2022 10:48 pm
Hearing Yusuke in front of him burst out in a fit of laughter was actually what the red haired boy was kinda hoping for. As he knew that he was severely outmatched in terms of overall skill against the major players of this whole entire tournament. So he had to play things mostly Safe for this kind of thing. Yet it also meant that he shouldn’t try and show anything to anyone and simply go along with what was happening right now. Which meant that he had to focus on the topic at hand when it came to Yusuke’s own response and stating that he actually liked Karo. Which made the red haired boy’s lips turn upwards into a toothy smile, the grip on Yusuke’s hand tightened ever so slightly as a result. Making the boy wonder just what exactly was Yusuke planning in terms of potentially teaching him if at all. It made Karo also note that Yusuke seemed to be pondering his options for a moment. Almost as if he wasn’t sure whether or not to even try and help Karo without something in return. Which made sense as this was a world full of shinobi, back stabbing was simply a part of the job, it would forever be what made Shinobi hated by others.

“Karo Yogan, pleasure to see others in such high spirits right before the exams. It’s kinda funny that immediately after becoming Genin I start by trying to go through with the Chunin exams huh?”

The water that Karo offered seemed to have gone well in giving him a rather good image with that of Yusuke. To which he was surprised when instead of the boy refilling his flask with the water. He instead decided to show off to the older boy with his own fire release skills. Karo had to admit somewhat that it was certainly an impressive feat for a younger shinobi to be able to accomplish. Yet he witnessed the massive blazing ball slam right into the training dummy. The wood and straw begin to sizzle and burn with the heat. Yet it seemed that the Sarutobi wasn’t done yet in terms of jutsu. No it almost was like they were only beginning with the show! As those six fireballs rocket into the sky, before falling down like a meteor shower onto a handful of dummies within the area. Karo watched with a bemused and slightly impressed look on his face. However he was not jealous of the skill that the Sarutobi showed, in fact he actually gave a small applause for the brilliant performance.

“That was absolutely marvelous! Certainly some great Chakra control to be able to do all of that! That fireball was massive! You could engulf someone with that!”

Karo wanted to brighten up the kids mood, giving him praise for the talent shown right in front of him. His eyes showed genuine praise and respect for the Sarutobi clansmen. Noting also the kind of hand seals that had been performed in conjunction with the fire release as well. He noted also the kind of chakra that seemed to emanate out of the lad as he fired the blast. Yet Karo however could also tell that while it was indeed a flashy sort of display. One good defense should be enough to deal with the blast head on. Yet he didn’t have much in the way of good defense. So it was on to offensive pressure in learning fire release.

“But if you would mind, I thank you for showing me these wonderful techniques! Now let me see if I can try and mold them together!”

With that Karo had taken a deep breath with fire surging inside of his belly in response to the challenge that was certainly going to be ahead of him now. That being the fact that the Great Fireball jutsu wasn’t the most complicated technique in the world. So it would simply just be a matter of molding his own chakra and trying to keep a cool, calm head while doing so. He had to remember as well that this jutsu would be essential in him knowing most other ranged fire attacks. So he had to get this right for his evolution as a shinobi to grow even further along.

Taking a deep breath also showed that he was ready to actually begin practicing. Karo’s hands slowly began to weave the first hand seals of the fire release jutsu. Now only trying to make sure that he can cast the jutsu without ending up having it explode in his face as a result. The feeling of actually learning something new made him feel that fire bellow outwards and almost seem to take shape within his own heart. The chakra surrounding him surging and melding together as he focused within his own mouth to actually begin to use the technique while weaving the hand seals together.

His hands would again perform the hand seals, except this time with razorsharp proficiency after a bit of practicing beforehand. Confident now that he had everything right where he needed it to be in the first place with learning the jutsu itself. Weaving Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Tiger. Karo’s mouth filled up with chakra for a moment, piping hot fire  release chakra. Bellowing from his mouth in a much smaller fireball than that of Yusuke’s. Yet was still enough to where he could blast through the dummy and leave only its remains smote upon the ground. Karo glanced back towards the Sarutobi with a large smile plastered on his face. A job well done for his first fire release jutsu of the day. However Karo knew that this probably wouldn’t be the last one that he’d be using or being taught by the Sarutobi.

“So! How did I do?” He asked, now his more casual grin was replaced with a slightly more cocky one. Knowing that he did indeed do a good job with regards to casting a Fireball jutsu on his first attempt.

Yusuke Sarutobi
Yusuke Sarutobi
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Fire and Earth Scorch the Sands! Empty Re: Fire and Earth Scorch the Sands!

Fri May 27, 2022 1:04 am
Yusuke was pretty impressed that he picked it up. ahh reminds me of when I was learning fire style just a while ago... He thought back to his dad showing him the same fire techniques when he was just graduating the academy. 

Nice job Karo-ni! You've already got the hang of it. Guess you don't really need any more tutoring, but don't forget who helped you learn fire style when you make it big haha~ He said it with a bit of tongue in cheek, but he really did mean it. I've got two more techniques that I think are worth knowing if you're a fire specialist like me~ Then it's probably best if I get back to studying... Yusuke put a hand on the back of his head and rubbed looking a bit worried about the task. He quickly snapped out of it though.  

Alright this first one is Blast wave... Yusuke weaves the signs  Horse →  Rat →  Ram →  Tiger while moving away from the boy he'd just met. After he was 20 meters away Yusuke released the explosion sending fire off of him in a 360 degree dome. That one's for protection! and This next one.... Yusuke weaves the signs  Rat, Dog, Tiger, Rat and spits a small flame ball towards the dummy that Karo had hit, after making sure to space him and karo far enough away. The fire ball then explodes into a 20 meter storm of flame. Searing migraine is the name of that one. I kinda wonder who names these things... Yusuke gives him a sly grin. Oh and here's a bonus for a ninjutsu enthusiast like yourself.  Yusuke adds on a completely random jutsu he finds to be useful on the end. Why? A little for his own practice, and a little for his own amusement. He weaves the signs Boar > Tiger > Snake and a field of chakra comes off of him and covers Karo. The boy would feel like his chakra potency and control were being hindered. That's called minus field. Probably didn't see it, but a 360 degree dome of chakra just assaulted your chakra system. I'm sure you feel it. It'll be a bit more challenging to practice like this but the effects will leave you soon and you'll be stronger for it~ Yusuke put his hands on his hips and smiled before looking up at the sun. Well I'm busy now, but it was nice to meet you Karo hopefully I'll see you  during the exam, but not as an enemy~ Good luck with Fire style! Oh and thanks for the water! He would give the older boy a salute and chug the water as he made his way out of the training area.  

He really did need to get back to studying, but hopefully he had improved suna's power, and also made a new acquaintance.


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Sukiba Moeagaru
Sukiba Moeagaru
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Fire and Earth Scorch the Sands! Empty Re: Fire and Earth Scorch the Sands!

Fri May 27, 2022 6:01 pm
Karo didn’t think it too impressive he was able to easily learn Fire release, yet now knowing it further than ever before was certainly something that was useful for him. It would allow him to now be able to have a more offensive sort of approach to fights instead of a mainly defensive sort of approach. His dad would be proud of him learning the second element that was required to learn the Terumi’s famous Lava Release. However Karo was unsure if he could learn something so prestigious right before the chunin exams were supposed to begin. Remembering what his own parents had told him right before going out to train was however what got him to now be able to relax when it came to the chunin exams.

“Simply believe that you can do something, even just a tiny bit in those exams. And you’ll show everyone what you can be capable of soon enough,” His mom said while placing her rough hand right on his shoulder as he was getting ready to go. His father joined in on the moment with his wife and son. Seeing Karo as he was now was not just a growing boy. But soon would be a fully fledged adult soon in the coming months, making the old man give a small sigh. Karo’s old man only gave him a thumbs up for the progress on the training. To which Karo could only respond with a small smile and thumbs up. Yet the memory was interrupted for a moment by Yusuke shouting out his own praise towards Karo as a result of being able to complete the jutsu in under such little amount of time.

Yet his next words seemed to make Karo raise an eyebrow in surprise at what he was asking for in return for him being taught fire release. I guess it would make sense that he would mention that Yusuke did show him one singular jutsu that helped him finally come to terms with learning fire release. But did Karo really owe the younger boy that much in the grand scheme of things? It was a question for another time however. As the show for all of these cool other techniques surely would be helpful in the future inside of the Exams. Karo noted that Yusuke was showing him a lot of techniques in rapid succession. Which was slightly confusing for the older boy to see all of their full effects. Especially that of Minus field, as he could barely see the thing, much less know what it could potentially do with him being there. Yet Karo could only wonder what the younger boy was planning all things considered with teaching him these kinds of techniques. He surely, however, was going to try and figure out this whole Minus field business right after Yusuke was starting to leave. Making the older boy raise an eyebrow again when the boy thanked him for the water he was given. Which could only make Karo raise his lips even higher in response.

“No problem! If you need anymore I’ll be here for most of the day!” He shouted with vigor permeating his voice. Karo swiftly however turned back to his own original goal for the day. That being to learn Minus energy field in preparation for the tournament itself. Not only that but he also was supposed to learn that of Searing Migraine and also the technique known as blast wave? Yusuke didn’t really explain them that well to the Yogan, making it all the more difficult of a time he would be in for if he didn’t do something about this right now. His own body began to brim with thoughts of what he was going to do for this whole entire tournament. He had to have a variety of jutsu if he wanted to even win this. But with the limited amount of time he had it was going to be difficult. Yet Karo could only give the biggest smile in the world at the thought of coming into the exams and still winning even with him only being a few weeks out of the academy. As such he really did have to get started with learning everything that he had absorbed from Yusuke and his own demonstrations. The first was learning about the Minus energy field.

Toran felt his own chakra begin to swell around him when he first had attempted to slowly weave the hand seals together in tandem with one another. That was the first thing that he had officially noticed that had felt slightly different as a result of this whole jutsu’s ability. How heavy it felt around himself was something he did not enjoy at all. But there was no use in complaining if he only had a few days of training. It just meant that he had to get stronger just in case there were others that threatened to absolutely wreck him during the exams itself. But it still didn’t destroy his spirit, hell it didn’t even damage it as a result of what his parents had told them. That even showing off a little bit of himself inside of these exams certainly would place his name on the radar.

So weaving those same hand seals that Yusuke had weaved in response to Toran asking the simple question of if there was anything else that Yusuke could teach them. Which luckily involved some actual compeitient jutsu that Karo could use in battle. Which boosted his chances considerably in winning. Even if that percentage definitely was something miniscule. Karo only really seemed to care about getting strong enough in order to protect his own village. Even as he stared at the desert-like landscape of the training grounds, he only gave a small smile as it seemed he had at least seemingly figured out about the Minus energy field while he was deep in thought.

As his arms were outstretched like he was hung up like a scarecrow. With a small red field from the Minus energy field. And as a result it allowed him to easily now understand what he had to do, which was to remain calm while using the technique to its own fullest. As it seemed to have an adverse effect on the terrain around him. Making some of the rocks float and even stopped animals from really moving all that much within the zone of the field of energy. It certainly was a minus field in terms of speed and even strength in some aspects.

Yet Karo had been rather busy with trying to use those two flame release techniques that Yusuke had shown him just a few moments prior to the younger lad leaving. Those flame attacks certainly would be very interesting for him to have. However they weren’t what he was currently interested in, regardless of whether or not they were considered the better techniques than a vast majority of fire release techniques. His eyes were set however on learning the techniques, even if they weren’t that interesting for him. His hands immediately began to mimic what Yusuke had shown him for those brief seconds. Remembering that first the blast wave was the horse sign, then followed up immediately with the tiger hand seal like with most other fire release techniques. However the last one was indeed the ram seal that was shown to him. Thus Karo had begun to practice with his own hand seals more and more. Wondering now what his own father was doing at the moment along with his mother. Probably that’s why they always seemed to be slightly shocked when he came home so late at night sometimes. They could easily just be worried about him is all.

Continuing onwards with the amount of stubbornness comparable to that of a mule. His whole body covered in sweat as it was stupid hard to release anything bigger then a small dome around him. That minus field certainly did a number towards his chakra network. He’d have to work on dealing with that in the future regarding his potential fight with Yusuke in the future. The chunin exams were certainly a place where you could make a bunch of enemies. Either that or there would be friends to help guide you throughout the most populated event for the year. It was exciting to see it unfold with his own eyes. As it seemed every single genin around was trying to train themselves to be stronger and to do better than beforehand.

Yet as Karo had begun finishing up his own training for the moment and thought about what had just transpired. He only could have his lips curl upwards before taking another sip of water as a result. He had been doing very well so far in learning from others. Perhaps it was time he learned something for himself in the near future after all. He would definitely need it against the others who were participating. Especially with how strong Yusuke seemed to be in comparison to himself. So Karo simply took a small nap. Ready to begin training again after his small nap, then he’d return home somewhere around eight or nine, looking forward to spending some quality time with family.


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Last edited by Karo Yogan on Mon May 30, 2022 1:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Fire and Earth Scorch the Sands! Empty Re: Fire and Earth Scorch the Sands!

Fri May 27, 2022 10:25 pm
Sukiba Moeagaru
Sukiba Moeagaru
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Fire and Earth Scorch the Sands! Empty Re: Fire and Earth Scorch the Sands!

Mon May 30, 2022 1:08 pm
Okay so I just realized I've been doing bonus AP wrong this whole time, so every single one of my claims with Bonus ap now is probably going to need reapproval. Deeply sorry
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