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Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
Stat Page : The Wily Amusing Uchiha
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Training with the Magical Ones Empty Training with the Magical Ones

Sun Jun 12, 2022 6:16 pm
If he had known any better, the situation with that whole other dimension had gone unnoticed inside of the village itself. Himself, Isemori, and Youta had decided not to speak of it with anyone else. Who’d believe that three kids and one Shinobi that apparently was from Hoshi had been transported to another dimension entirely and fought a weird bird guy with terrible music taste. It certainly would be the craziest story that any had ever heard. Yet Toran was confused as well, as not even a few weeks after that crazy escapade into another world entirely. A new threat had seemingly emerged right at Hoshi’s doorstep. An entire invasion force had been brought to Hoshi. Where the Kage had to get involved in the fight itself, Toran remembering that his sensei was there as well. Which also reminded him of team winter, the team that he hadn’t talked to in months. In fact he hadn’t talked to anyone in months, mostly due to what he had awakened as a result of something happening, maybe it was the stress of the invasion, or maybe it was just the stress of him finally killing someone as a Shinobi. But it made his eyes different, it evolved them to new heights that he had not even thought was possible before as a Shinobi. Especially that of an Uchiha. Yet here he was now, holding onto a Kunai and trying to mimic the movements that he saw Isemori use when using his own sword forms. He wished to take up the art of the blade itself. Better than potentially being screwed in one on one combat. But this thought of his eyes, and how they had evolved in much a similar way to that of Isemori was shocking to him. What the hell even were these things, and why did it hurt to have them even active as an individual. He felt vulnerable, he needed to find someone that could potentially help him with the problems he was indeed facing.

But it was that kind of thoughts that rushed through his mind as he felt the stress beginning to build up while he was attempting to swing his own Kunai around his body. Noting that this was something that would indeed take awhile to even use properly. But he wanted to be a versatile Shinobi. Yet it was this kind of thought that continued to etch into his mind whenever he thought about Isemori, he had to compare himself to Isemori, as the two of them were like a pair, training together, fighting together, and simply being together was something that they had done. But it was how Isemori felt so much more superior to Toran that made the boy feel so inadequate as a Shinobi. He didn’t even know why his eyes were acting this way or what to do about it. As after all the civilians had been safely evacuated, he had waited patiently for some kind of tide to shift in the battle. There was no way he could even join in on the fight itself, he was simply too weak to do anything towards the opposing side and how impressive they looked while fighting their own forces. He felt weakness, he hated that he felt it, but why did he feel so weak? The thoughts inside of his mind clouded his better judgment, it made him lash out inside of the training fields as a result. His sharingan spinning to life inside of his hands as he readied a Chidori to be made inside of it. The jutsu that had first connected the brothers from another life, casted inside of his own hands and charging head first towards the dummy. Resulting in him essentially running his hand through it with ease. Very similarly to the one guard inside of that dimension.

He had been beaten so easily as a result of fighting against the bird creature, Youta and Isemori essentially being the ones to fight him when Toran had ended up being launched sideways and left out to bleed before the two other boys helped him up. Even then, he was right that Hikari had been slightly suspicious, but the answer was completely different then what he originally thought. It made him feel stupid, he was stupid for not trusting his allies. That feeling of trust having been lost, as now he felt no one should trust him with what they had to say. He destroyed other people's trust. No, he can’t be at fault for this, not when he was at least partially right. Or maybe it was his mistake that he had not come more prepared to fight against other shinobi that affected the village itself.

Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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Training with the Magical Ones Empty Re: Training with the Magical Ones

Thu Jun 16, 2022 11:00 pm
Youta would wake up early that morning, he had talked to Toran about maybe doing some training. He was excited to see who all was going to be in the grounds today. He would get up with full intentions of working on his Fuinjutsu today trying to learn some more and maybe master what he already knew. He was super excited to see his friend toran he had not seen him since the invasion. When they were helping evacuate the citizens of Hoshigakure. He would finish getting ready and put on some clothes to train in. He would go eat a good breakfast and have a good conversation with his parents.

He would start to head towards the training ground escorting his father to his job first and they would talk about the invasion and what all had been going on in the city of Hoshigakure. He would talk to him about many different things. Which was nice because he had not had a chance to talk to his family. He would then walk the rest of the way to the training grounds stopping by a fruit stand and picking up some fruit. He picked up and extra for toran and headed to the training grounds. “Hey Toran, you here yet?”

WC 211
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Training with the Magical Ones Empty Re: Training with the Magical Ones

Fri Jun 17, 2022 12:03 am
The day was still young as the Akari assassin would make her way across the large training ground in order to come arrive at the Gazebo which was where she intended to spend the day. It was a weekend so it was unlikely that Shina would come for her today. Hikari was barely recognizable today compared to how she had appeared not but a few days ago on her travels to Haven. The Akari's once patted down golden locks of hair now was allowed to flow freely down her back. She found herself in a new dress which was more akin to what she worn on her days off back when she was a Jounin some years ago. It was a more casual knee length white dress that has a single lace sleeve surrounded by a black strap with an intricate design. From her ears hung a golden Hoshigakure star symbol, with a white pair of high heeled sandals that made a slight clapping sound as she walked. In her hands there were a couple of romance novellas that the Kunochi had picked up while she was at the general store two days ago. A modest amount of makeup had also been applied to cover up any slight blemishes on the woman's face. Speaking of the woman's face, anyone who would look at the Searaphim sage  would notice that her eyes were two different colors. On the left side of her face, the Akari would have the golden eyes that were natural to those who possessed a golden eye. On the other side however, a contact lense would hide the Byakugan she had, making her eye appear to be normal oceanic blue. Underneath her dress, one would be able to see a black knee brace covering the woman's right leg, giving it the extra support she needed as she walked. In addition to this, the walking stick she once held had been replaced by a single wooden crutch that was used to support her weight. The doctor she had visited told her that her leg injury wasn't anything serious, just a bad bruise an that it would pass away within the next few days. 

As the woman walked around through the training ground, she would notice quite a number of Shinobi and Kunochi on the practice grounds, going over formations and practicing a wide variety of jutsus and techniques. Thinking back to her days as a Gennin, the Kunochi remembered spending hours in this very place, trying to figure out how to throw a basic Kunai. Ah, what a trip down memory lane. 

Unless stopped, the woman would continue going forward down the safe path that led around the training ground, making her way toward the gazebo. 

WC: 450
Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
Stat Page : The Wily Amusing Uchiha
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Ryo : 62500

Training with the Magical Ones Empty Re: Training with the Magical Ones

Fri Jun 17, 2022 6:03 pm
The Young day was a beginning for something more, something new to begin and arise from the shinobi of the day. It was days like these that usually motivated Toran for simply just some good fun. However he did not feel even a bead of sweat come off of his body from the nearly two hours he had sat inside of the training grounds. Too busy mulling over just what that intricate pattern was that formed within his eye whenever he so much as activated it. His whole outlook almost conveyed that of being crestfallen. His legs spread out slightly with his hands hanging over the ground while leaning forwards. Toran had simply come here in order to train and know about what his eyes could do now. Having achieved both the fully matured Sharingan and even this new evolution. The black haired teen could only shake his head. His outfit merely consisted of a purple T-shirt, his neck and even parts of his upper collar bone peaking out. His Pure Red vest with a small outline of the clans symbol, that being a red and white fan emblazoned on its back. The black pants he wore were more so striking in how they had a similar appearance to that of jeans. The small barely teenager took a glance upwards at the sudden sound of Youta having shown up right in front of him. Toran took a small breath, seeing that the boy had gotten them snacks for the morning, the Uchiha only gave a small, soft smile at the gesture. It was pretty sweet for Youta to have gotten him food as well.

But what struck him was the sudden clamping of heels along the ground. Their training session was just outside of the Gazebo. Toran immediately shifted his gaze towards the person who was taking a stroll through the training grounds. She felt…. Slightly familiar, however, from the way their legs slightly braced with every movement. Toran’s sharingan had shifted slightly in order to see their chakra signature. Even if he hadn’t memorized it, the sight of it would have tipped him off somewhat as to who they were. Especially since he didn’t know whether or not to ask them straight up who the woman walking down was. Toran took a slight leap of faith and turned towards Youta.

“H-hey Youta…. Do you know who she is?” He whispered slightly, leaning towards the other Dojutsu user with a raised eyebrow and a slight glance. Hopeful that the women didn’t notice him slightly prying to see if there was any connection as to who she was or what she was doing taking a stroll throughout the training grounds.

Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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Training with the Magical Ones Empty Re: Training with the Magical Ones

Mon Jun 20, 2022 8:52 pm
After Toran would take the snack that Youta was offering, Toran would smile and start eating, which struck Youta as being kind of strange. Toran was usually so polite and usually refused things like that. But he could tell Toran was thankful and it was not that big of a deal. Youta started to consider Toran a close friend. The only person Youta was probably closer to, other then his family, was Sebastian.   Toran seemed to be a bit distracted and curious about something in the distance closer to the Gazebo.  A woman who looked familiar. She was wearing high heels which in Youta’s opinion was a horrible choice of shoes to wear to the training grounds.  She had long blonde hair and looked familiar.  Toran would ask if Youta knew who that was. “I do not know if I know her.  Give me a second to look.” his eyes would turn a bright Crimson red. Youta would activate his meigan again and look at the lady.  

He would see the bright light which he had seen before.  But he could not remember where.  “I swear we have met her and that very unique element but i do not know where from. Let's just go ask her what is the worst that can happen. Do not be a baby Toran lets go introduce ourselves” he would grab and push Toran that way towards Hikari.  As they approached Youta would say “OH MY GOD, I think that is the pregnant lady you insulted that we met fighting those fucking puppets. She ditched us in a demiplane like it's ok. I think that is her.  This is going to be funny or awkward. Toran do not lead the conversation saying ‘Are you that pregnant lady from that plane where there were evil puppets.’ or do it might be funny.”  

He would then walk up to the young lady on the way from the gazebo and Yell “Hello Miss!”  then if she walked up he would continue in a softer voice “i think we may have met but it is fuzzy do you remember an evil fucking puppet in a demiplane. Basically what I am asking is, have we met before?”



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Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Training with the Magical Ones Empty Re: Training with the Magical Ones

Fri Jun 24, 2022 4:07 pm
Hearing the young teenager drop the F- Bomb, Hikari would casually drop her books and lift her hand and point it at the two children. Her Golden eye would spark as she would activate her Angelic Sage mode, and let a blast of Radiant energy in a method that mimicked that of a Bijuu bomb. She would ignite the two boys up with Radiant Energy, as the Kunochi would drop both boys with her most powerful technique, Celestial Lumine. The light of the technique would illuminate the young Akari's face, as she almost half heartedly would only say two words. "Language, Youta."

As Hikari continued to walk on her path down to the Gazzebo, the Kunochi heard a familiar voice speaking behind her. As the woman turned she saw the two young boys she had met in the eastside dimension some weeks ago. Seeing the two boys would cause a smile to form on the blonde's face. She wouldn't even wait for Youta to finish his question before cutting him off, "Youta! Toran! Oh my gosh! I didn't expect to see your two again so soon!" Stepping over to the two boys and squat slightly in order to  lower herself to about the boy's height as she wrapped her two arms around the boys and brought them and embraced them. Prehaps it was a little bit over the top for two shinobi the girl only met for about 2 days, but they had been the first Hoshi Shinobi Hikari had seen in about 2 years, so they held a bit of a place within her heart.

After breaking off the embrace Hikari would look at the two. "Hey! I'm sorry I had to leave you two in the dimension, I assumed once the owner had been destroyed the three of you would be banished from the dimension and brought back to Hoshi. There was a... well, slight issue I had to deal with in the back which is why I had to vanish on the two of you towards the end there. But how have you two been?"

WC: 352
Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
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Training with the Magical Ones Empty Re: Training with the Magical Ones

Mon Jun 27, 2022 10:24 pm
Toran eyes immediately glanced back at his friend with utter disbelief that he would assume that Toran would even open up a conversation like that. Let alone simply walk up to a random individual and ask them if they were a pregnant lady that fought with them. Toran however did notice the slight amount of chakra focused on where her abdomen area was. The small clacks of the high heels were pretty strange to hear though within the training grounds still. Much less actually seeing them for himself with how Hikari looked. She seemingly had actually washed up at this point.

Yet Youta brashly decided to walk over towards Hikari and almost blurted out what he was going to say. Toran immediately ran over as well. Expecting that instead it was simply a nice woman who had decided to take a small shortcut through the training grounds. Yet when he heard her call out their names like that. Followed by immediately squatting down in order to hug the boys. Toran was filled with a small sense of pride in knowing that it was potentially Hikari. That he was also right in terms of who she potentially was.

“Oh! Don’t worry about that! We were able to leave and get out of there, although if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you have a lot of experience with writing using blood? But I’ve been doing….”

He didn’t want to lie, yet he felt conflicted in talking about what was going on with his eye. Maybe Hikari would understand what these eyes were, he wasn’t comfortable asking his father. Unsure if he even knew about the eyes that granted him such power.

“Well….. I’ve been having a problem, and I wanted to talk to someone else about it…. Sensei Yamato’s been busy with all of the village after that whole fiasco at the gates…. And I guess I awakened something during that… Let me show you at least…”

Toran might have been doing something entirely stupid with his now showing. What happened next could astound or shock the two of them with what was happening with his eyes. Slowly they began to turn, like a pinwheel constantly spinning around and around in one single direction. Before suddenly the tomoe on his eyes began to merge, the blackness of them expanding further and further until eventually. There were eight curved prongs that were once the tomoe. It hurt to have them active for even a moment, his eyes welling up slightly at the chakra cost for his eyes. Yet he allowed them to witness the Mangekyo Sharingan for a single moment. Before suddenly returning back towards his normal charcoal eyes. Toran wipes away at his eyes to hide the tears from the pain of it.

“So… That’s what’s been bothering me…”

Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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Training with the Magical Ones Empty Re: Training with the Magical Ones

Wed Jun 29, 2022 10:22 pm
Youta would see her up close and know for sure that it was the lady Hikari.  She would rudely interrupt him but he did not really mind.  She was very pretty but lso pregnant .Youta would see them and answer Hikari “I have been great. I guess not much is going on other than the panicked invasion not too long ago. How are you? Need a seat or something toran and i were going to do some training if you want to help.” then toran would talk about his problems and youta would say “Hey man you know i am always here for ya whatever you need i can be there. I am not the strongest shinobi but if i can help let me know. As for you hikirai how is everything you seem to be glowing.” he would lean to Toran and try to whisper “I do not actually know what that means but it seems like it is what everyone tells pregnant people.”

Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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Training with the Magical Ones Empty Re: Training with the Magical Ones

Thu Oct 13, 2022 6:17 pm
“Hey toran and Hikari I do not mean to say hello and run but I unfortunately have to go.  I feel bad for doing this but I have to get ready for something with Sebastian. I would love to stay and chat but I need to get going and get prepped for a dangerous mission that we will be going on.  I am not sure but when I get back I will try to find you toran.” He would then turn to Hikari “Can you help Toran out it would be greatly appreciated and I will owe you one and so will he plus you did just abandon us to deal with the puppet man.  So I feel like you might owe us a little bit. Agree?”  He would then gather all of his things and head to his parents home.



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Last edited by Youta Shinkou on Sat Oct 15, 2022 4:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
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Training with the Magical Ones Empty Re: Training with the Magical Ones

Fri Oct 14, 2022 1:48 pm
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