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Emo's and the Sun don't Mix - Page 2 Empty Re: Emo's and the Sun don't Mix

Sat Jul 16, 2022 1:33 am
Shin would simply watch as Ichika attempted to banish whatever mystical illusion the duo suspected was cast upon them, her eyes flashing red as her bloodlines signature ability was utilized. Shin didn't really know what it was that she had utilized, but the fact that she had practically confirmed that this whole ordeal was not some sort of genjutsu effect was astounding to the young boy. "Oh wow! You can tell with just a look whether or not a genjutsu has caught hold of you? That is such an impressive capability. I am grateful that such an incredible capability is on our side." The boy would offer with a smile, happily offering his companion praise for their interesting skills. The lady having added her experience to the mix suggested that something big had to have occurred to whisk them all here. This was no genjutsu, and while they might be dreaming it would be a rather strange happenstance if they all were sharing the same experiences while dreaming in their respective homes. No, it was very likely that powerful, reality warping ninjutsu was at play here. The thought of such powerful techniques sent a shudder down the spine of the boy. It was difficult to think of something so powerful, something completely outside of the scope of anything he had ever seen or encountered before. 

Thinking about how they got here caused the boy to simply go into autopilot, his body following his comrade without any real effort on his part. Once they had walked into the place, Shin would snap to as Ichika instructed him. The sheer number of explosives present in the warehouse they were sent to caught the pale boy off guard. All it would take is a small spark to send this whole building (and likely everything in the immediate vicinity) into the stratosphere, the resulting explosion likely rocking the entirely of the area of the beach they found themselves in. The boy would nod, picking up the crate that she told him to. It was a bit heavy... well, heavy might not be accurate. The weight of the crate wasn't honestly that much, but his caution and stiffness in dealing with a box of explosives that would likely be fatal if any accident were to occur caused him to lift it very slowly and made it feel far heavier to him that it truly was. 

They made their way back, Shin slowly and awkwardly making his way behind his peer. They would set the boxes down and accept the praises from the man that told them. They were short lived though, as the moment was broken by the announcer in the distance calling out to them, basically entering the pair into the competition without any input on their part. Shin didn't want to ruin the race for everyone else, so he would reluctantly agree, dashing over to the starting point with the others. 

A loud "BANG" could be heard, the boy immediately starting into motion as he made strides to try and provide a challenge. It wasn't very likely, as he was far from the most athletic of the racers. He should probably improve his speed at some point, but physical conditioning wasn't something he excelled at. The others all seemed to pull ahead, the boy taking in deep breaths as he gulped in air to aim to quell the fire in his chest. The five mile run was much more than the boy originally expected, the last half mile taking practically all of what he had left. Crossing the finish line (and in a firm last place no doubt) he would pant heavily trying to catch his breath. He'd look around to make sure the others were there before taking a knee to improve his respiration. 

"No pain no gain, right?" He would ask the others as he scanned the area. It would seem like there was some sort of movie crew filming, to which he would just scratch his head. He didn't really know why anyone would want to film at the beach, the small sand granules very easily finding their ways into every nook and cranny of anything present. He imagined that the equipment was in bad shape, but none of the crew seemed to even notice. Or maybe he was completely wrong in his thoughts on this matter. 

The director would yell "CUT!" During a particularly intense scene, thought Shin didn't really understand why. He'd throw his hands up and wave them in confusion, to which the actor would simply present a middle finger and leave without a word.

"Now how am I going to finish this scene?" He'd shout before turning and his eyes lighting up. "You. Yes, you there! How would you like to help us finish this scene? It'll be your big break in the movie business! Whadaya say?" Shin wasn't sure who the director was talking about, but it clearly wasn't him. He looked nothing like the man that just walked away. 

Toshiro Senju
Toshiro Senju
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Emo's and the Sun don't Mix - Page 2 Empty Re: Emo's and the Sun don't Mix

Mon Jul 18, 2022 4:38 am
The competitors would line up and take their places as Toshi pushed back his hood and focused on the task at hand. He knew his body wasn't meant to do long sprints, at least not like this. A smile formed on his face as he channeled his chakra and used his knowledge of the Hozuki physiology to change the density in his legs just a bit to accommodate for his....well lack of leg muscle. This way he could actually be a contender in this race and at least make it fun for the others. At the conclusion of the bang, Toshi would take off with the others saving a little of his energy for the back end of this long race. He would keep his eyes on the others of course since he wanted to make this fun for them. Yelling to the others he would slow down for just a bit," Friendly bet? Last one has to buy dinner for the others? No harm in a simple race between friends eh?," he'd say and soon he was off to the races. He knew that instinctively he would be last out of the four shinobi since his talents laid elsewhere. Regardless of the outcome Toshi would cross the finish line and heave a hefty sigh as he drew in slow, but long breathes and looked at the others," Well aren't you lot just a bunch of fast individuals? I don't...Think i want to ever do anything like that again until i am a little more physically ready for it. But thanks for the push guys," he would give them a small thumbs up as he heard someone loudly say CUT. Turning his head he would see a set where he would curiously walk over to see what was going on over there. As he walked over he could hear someone stating there had been some complications and they needed more people to help out as extras. Since Toshi had not been doing anything and it was going to be a story to tell to his brother, he would walk over to the producer and his crew," I couldn't help but overhear that you needed some more extras to help with your movies.. Well I am not doing anything and can help where needed," the two shared a glance and spoke to one another they would unanimously agree to allow him to help.

With a nod Toshi would wait to hear what his role in this would be. They were debating on having him run with the antagonists, purely because of his aesthetic but decided to have him on the other side because it would add to the flair. Since he was a shinobi they would let him use his ninjutsu for special effects or whatever he could use to spice things up. Given it was rather sunny and they were about to be in an action scene, a small smile appeared on his face and understood his assignment. When the scene started, he would bring his hands together to cause it to rain, adding some flair to the fight. Pulling his hood up he would look to the others and nod before his body had joined in with the rain and disappeared. Their goal was to disarm some bomb and retrieve some important information that had been stolen. As the fight commenced, he would move through the water before he saw a group protecting the bomb. Forming out of the water he could feel the camera zooming onto him as he pointed to the four evildoers that would block his path," Stand aside or feel certain defeat...or just fall over your choice," as if on cue they would laugh and draw their weapons and in response he would point his index and middle finger at them on both hands in the form of guns and chuckle," Let's dance." The fight scene would commence as he began to shoot pellets of water at them, knocking them around but not hurting them as he ran towards the bomb. Toshi would slide under some island imitating a reloading effect with his hands before peeking over and shooting them again, and once they had all fallen he would begin to disarm the bomb," Here goes nothing....Hopefully the others are doing a lot better," though he knew this would be over soon.

Within moments he had the bomb and soon after the files within his grasp. The others were having a monologue as he walked into the scene, the rain stopping as the sun peeked through and gave him a great opportunity," You guys cleaned up nice...and i got the objective. Easy right?," a laugh followed as he tossed the bomb onto the sandy ground and walked over to the others. The director would call the scene and a small sigh escaped Toshi;s lips as he sat the papers down and walked over to the director. Surprisingly the scene went great and thanks to their hard work they were paid for their efforts and sent on their way. He would wait to see if the others had actually participated and if so he would ask and see how their experience was with it. Though their fun was far from over as he heard someone calling out for a surfing contest. Something that he had honestly only heard about in books but something he definitely wanted to try, he would turn over to Zunair and the others," Anyone ever been surfing before? I have honestly only read about it in books and am curious to experience it. Anyone else want to do it with me?," he would wait for any responses before heading over, and if he would be the only one then so be it. Looking at the boards he could see, he would grab one, a blue and green one. Looking over it for a moment he would remember which end he was supposed to have held and how to use it properly.Moving into the water, he would paddle out to where he had saw the other competitors and wait for the wave and the start of the competition he would paddle out into the wave.

The good thing about this is was that he was truly in his own element, surrounded by just water. It was such a great feeling that for once he had probably the biggest smile that they would ever seen on him. Instantly he would begin to move left and right to get a feel of the rhythm before doing a mix of basic tricks that he had remembered in the book he read. What mattered to him was having fun and making new experiences. The longer he had been out there the more he would try more tricks and stuff to rack up more points. Let the fun begin.

WC: 1,142
TWC: 2980
Natsumi Nara
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Emo's and the Sun don't Mix - Page 2 Empty Re: Emo's and the Sun don't Mix

Thu Jul 21, 2022 7:57 am

The sound of the starting gun resonated across the beach and, in doing so, jarred every bone in Ichika's body. Nonetheless, her legs moved of their own accord alongside every other race-hopeful. While she was far from the fastest, she was nowhere near the slowest, at least in the race's first half. About halfway through her legs burned and her chest heaved with each stride she took. Shinobi and kunoichi came in many shapes and forms; the black-haired Uchiha just so happened to be in such a form that did not quite lend itself to much in the way of long-distance running. That said, by the end of it, somehow, she found herself in the upper half of the contestants, a placement she counted as a win and earned her a respectable enough consolation award.


The voice of the director near the finish line cut deeper into the genin than the noise that started the race. The extra role, it turned out, wasn't meant for her, she would leave that to Toshi. Instead, she was pulled aside by one of the sound people who appeared to be a bit less motivated than his peers. The man explained that his boom assistant had skipped out on today, and he now needed help. All she would have to do would be to hold a long stick with something that looked like an extended earmuff on the end of it—the job seemed easy enough, even for someone who knew nothing about either movies or sound production.

The next couple of scenes that followed, left Ichika off to the side of the camera's field of view. It turned out that the role of the boom operator was not all that engaging. All she had to keep an eye on was that the boom itself was not in any of the shots. That objective aside, she had a front-row seat to the painfully corny production. Defusing a bomb, what kind of a movie was this? Bombs were something that shinobi and kunoichi dealt with on regular basis. So, perhaps, the premise was a bit trite from a certain perspective. At the very least, Toshi brought some realism to his role; for his age, the shorter, white-haired boy had a knack for being able to play a scene perfectly, and the director seemed to be satisfied, so who was Ichika to critique such a performance?

"Surfing sounds," Ichika paused, searching for the right word. "Interesting? I'll go get changed!"

Finding one of the many conveniently ubiquitous surf shops along the shoreline, the black-haired genin quibbled briefly about the proper beach-going attire before settling on one of the more modest choices. A black, form-fitting one-piece swimsuit that on its newest owner would not have much in the way of form to fit would suffice for today. As Toshi made for the water, Ichika made for the changing room and would only reappear back on the beach just as the white-haired boy began paddling out into the sloshing sea. Surfing, she decided, didn't seem like it would be all that hard. After all, everyone else out there already made it look easy.

Easy, right?

Unfortunately, the reality of the activity came crashing down on Ichika's head almost as hard as the first couple of waves she encountered—looks could be deceiving. Rolled this way and that in the salty surf, her first few attempts at riding the waves left her soaked from head to toe and gritting sand between her teeth and toes. However, each successive run got easier and easier until she was able to stay on a wave without being swallowed by it or otherwise wiping out some less-than-graceful fashion. Then, after a while, it even became fun as she added more flair to each ride and found that a slight application of the water walking technique allowed her to stay relatively upright on the board in some of her rougher runs making for a decent enough showing in what turned out to be a surf competition of sorts.

"Help! Help me! Oh, I've lost Wilson, someone please help me!"

Even from out on the waves, Ichika could easily identify the ravings of the wild-haired man on the shore. Something seemed very very off about the whole thing. Perhaps it was another movie?

TWC: 2444
WC: 720
Xena Uchiha
Xena Uchiha
Stat Page : Xena's Stat Page
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Emo's and the Sun don't Mix - Page 2 Empty Re: Emo's and the Sun don't Mix

Wed Aug 24, 2022 1:15 pm
They weren't exactly sure how it happened, it just did, Xena had been doing her usual activities, one of which being meditation in a hope to train her rather low chakra, when she awoke from that however she found herself sitting amongst sand and waves, she was at a beach, did she somehow wander there while she was meditating, no that didn't make sense, but then, how did she get there. While she was pondering the why and how, a kid had approached her, asking her to build a sand castle with him, she wasn't much of a sand castle builder, in fact she's never built one in her whole life, which was why she struggled to say yes, but if not begrudgingly so, she did. Coming to a stand the girl followed that boy to where he was building his sand castle, it was a small place near the waves, odd choice, she always thought that would cause a sand castle to fall down, perhaps that's why he wanted help.

Though again, she wasn't exactly the worlds number 1 rated sand castle maker, she had molded clay before at one point, but she wasn't sure if those skills applied here, making a attempt however sand was deceptively easy to mold, it actually shocked her, as she was molding a tower the kid himself was building the main base, which certainly helped, she wasn't entirely sure how castles were entirely meant to look, she's only seen them in pictures. The tower she had made in question was decently detailed, with a small indent representing the bricks, as well as a window, she believed towers had those. As she moved to help the boy with the main area of the sand castle the tide began to come in, though the two being in the way protected the castle, she wasn't a fan of getting wet when unplanned but, she supposed it didn't matter right now, it took a few minutes but eventually the main part of the castle was down as well, decently high it reached about to her knee, not that she was that tall. All that was left was a few other towers, perhaps a moat, that could be finished rather easily, and so it was, the boy began working on the moat while she began the other 3 towers, doing her best to model them after the first, and avoid any discrepancy's, she even somewhat succeeded having been able to replicate 3 of those in a few minutes, and by few it took 15. The moat by contrast was done much faster, after all it was just digging a small line in the ground. Though it served a dual purpose, it stopped the tide from reaching the castle, as well as allowed it to fill with water to act as a actual moat, quite the useful feature indeed, though now that she was finished she looked over to the kid who seemed rather pleased, she simply smiled a bit, it was good to do a nice deed on occasion, even if she wasn't originally sure she could do it, it's not as if this is rocket science.

WC:529 TWC:529
Shin of the Wind
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Emo's and the Sun don't Mix - Page 2 Empty Re: Emo's and the Sun don't Mix

Wed Aug 31, 2022 1:36 am
Shin would casually watch as Toshi leapt into the action and offered to play a role in the scene. There were various people dressed as villains that seemed to be protecting a bomb of some sort. But not just any bomb! No, this was a super bomb! The kind of bomb that if held the same explosive power as one that towers above the height of an average man! The kind of bomb that if it exploded it would vaporize everything in a normal sized village. Such a thing send shivers down the young shinobi's spine as he thought about what kind of damage such a thing would do to any village it was detonated in, and then his mind focused on his own village and a flash of concern struck him hard in the face with a fairly dumbfounded look as his realization sunk in. He'd look to the others to see if they were as stunned at such a thing as he was, but they looked completely unphased! It blew Shin's mind that they were not impressed and a little terrified of such a thing, but then reality started to sink in. It probably wasn't a real bomb... likely just a prop to look scary and intimidating on camera. That must have been it, surely. No sane person would want to be within the potential blast radius of that thing. 

He didn't have much of a role in the scene, but that was fine. Shin was happy enough just watching as Toshi played out what looked to be an intense scene. There was rain conjured to set the tone of the scene, and without much notice the boy vanished into thin air.... er, thin rain? It wasn't quite clear how it happened but Shin took mental notes. It was magnificent to be able to just dissipate into nothingness like that. Stealth was key in their field of work. Eyes wide as he watched it all play out, Shin wished he had some popcorn or something to snack on. He'd quickly look around and find a bag of flaming hot cheese flavored corn crunchies. Nobody seemed to have claimed them, and so he would pick them up only to have one of the production team give the boy a glance, but then wave it off that he could have them. Quietly popping open the bag, he would focus back on the scene playing out. Upon Toshi emerging from his technique, he would offer up a cool one liner... kind of. When the villains laughed at him and drew their weapons he would pull out... finger guns? Amazingly, they worked! He'd have to remember that one too. This Toshi fellow had a whole arsenal of neat tricks and techniques that Shin would love to learn more about. Pellets of water pelted the wrongdoers, as the 'gunfight' ensued. Toshi would then perform a super cool knee slide while preparing the next wave of pellets. This movie had basically everything! A devastating bomb, gunplay, a cool slide scene, great one liners! All that was missing was like a warehouse of bad people just spontaneously exploding or something in the background as Toshi walked away from it.

When Toshi approached, the boy rushed over "THAT WAS AWESOME!" Shin would shout, the words bursting forth with great intensity. Folks could probably FEEL the eyeroll that would no doubt be coming from some of the less enthusiastic and impressed beachgoers that thought the whole thing was cheesy and lame. "So how do you shoot water from your fingers? And that thing where you just vanished! How'd you do that?" If not stopped the questions would no doubt continue but the director met with them and offered compensation for the hard work. Shin would toss out his idea that if there were more explosions the movie would no doubt be far better. And a chase scene! Maybe a chase scene with hang gliders! And a gun fight while doing said hang gliding! The boys enthusiasm was suddenly through the roof, and the director seemed to be jotting down the feedback. 

The director left and right before Shin was able to get back to asking Toshi what else he was capable of another loud announcement was made regarding a surfing contest of some sort. Toshi was all for it, as was their raven haired comrade Ichika who decided to go buy a surf appropriate outfit. 

Shin had already found himself in swimming trunks when he got transported to this place, so a visit to the store with Ichika wouldn't be needed. He'd just grab a surf board and paddle out into the water, watching the others to get a rough idea as to what he needed to do. He would find himself paddling directly into a smaller wave, hopping up in an effort to ride around like the others were. Despite how effortless they made it seem, it was far from easy. Not wanting to give up just yet, he would continue to try and try again until he could say with confidence that he was able to surf at least a little bit. It took some time, but he started to get the hang of it. If this was indeed some sort of contest, there was no chance of the clumsy attempts of Shin even coming into the rankings.

wc: 893 
Toshiro Senju
Toshiro Senju
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Emo's and the Sun don't Mix - Page 2 Empty Re: Emo's and the Sun don't Mix

Mon Sep 05, 2022 5:12 am
The scene had been called and as the group came together, Toshiro had been....happy about this. For a while he had been a recluse of sorts but after being jutted into an alternate or different dimension being among people had been...Somewhat interesting to him. His ears perked for a moment as he heard someone talking to him, his head turning slowly to meet Shin as he had been asking a few question Toshi would be more than happy to answer," Its apart of a bloodline that I carry within me. My body is essentially made of water and i can condense and even control it to some extent, such as me shooting the water bullets. Now me disappearing is....well the same. Since my body is mainly if not fully water, i can transmute my body into water as well. So for many people it looks like I disappear in water based areas. I just learned that ability recently before we came here," hopefully that had answered the bulk of Shin's questions but he didn't mind talking about what he could do as a Hozuki. He had still been learning about the clan and its bloodline, but the Hydrification was just the bulk of it. There had been so much more that he could learn about them, but at the moment that would require going back to Konoha...if they had ever made it back. At the current moment however there had been a call for a surfing contest. Now for many who had been within a village that had not been near a sea or even knew what surfing wass, this would be quite...daunting in a since. Whatever surfing had been was lost to the male though if he had a library and maybe a couple of hours he could easily learn what it had been easily and even how it performed but alas he did not have such a luxury. Instead they would be given a summary of how surfing worked and what the point of the contest had been. His curiosity had been piqued when he had seen the boards he found it curious how they glided on the water with no kind of chakra based propulsion or anything. The design itself had been lost to him, but the ingenuity behind them definitely did not go unnoticed. Upon completion of the explanation they would scatter off to find a board that fit them for the duration of the competition.

Standing with the other Konoha shinobi he would look over to them before picking up a board himself," So the goal is just to look cool and do tricks without falling off the board. Seems simple enough but do you guys know how to surf? The explanation was good and sound, but in all practicality it seems like it would be quite...vexing. Oh well," he would shrug as he picked up a dark green board and slid it under his lean arms," Might as well make a good name for Konoha and win this thing right?," walking over to the water he would lay down the board and begin to paddle out with some of the others, looking out to the horizon and the endless expanse of the water. It was something about being out here, his feet surrounding by nothing but water that made a very special part of him feel at home. Maybe it was his deep connection to his Senju roots or maybe the Hozuki in him, but he was happy altogether. From the water he could hear the announcer on the beach announcing the start of the competition and the time limit. There was also a warning of an extremely large wave that could prove dangerous for beginners. It had been advised to not try and surf it if in the event that it would ever surface. Within seconds, some of the surfers would head out taking one of the first waves that would pop up. He was eager to try, but he would wait. Observe. More importantly he would take this time to learn. Some of the people who had went out to the first wave had been somewhat experienced in this. It was known to know how a craft works, you study those who do know what they are doing. It seemed as if one simply rode the water, standing up once they were at a point in which they would move left to right to stay on the board. Some were doing some neat little tricks but after a moment someone had already smacked into the water.

Okay so things were adding up. Another wave would come in and a few others would go out, and much like the last time he would wait and watch. Something had told him to wait, maybe it had been the water telling him to hold patience for his time would come. The second wave would come and go, but no one was ready for the last. The water would begin to recede, pulling back into the deeper parts of the ocean as the sky began to blacken above him. The one wave they had been talking about? That super massive wave? Yeah it was here. Toshi had looked up into the sky and smiled as he turned his head to look at the others if they were still there," Looks like our time is now...Let's do it," and with that he would begin to paddle out to sea and toward one of his greatest challenges that he has faced to date- The wave. Once he got to the base, he would ride up it, waiting for a moment before and standing up teetering for a bit before straightening out and rolling with it. This was a feeling he had never experienced but it was the best thing he had felt. Imitating some of the professionals he had seen he would begin to move back and forth, letting the waves carry him. He didn't know if any of the others were riding the wave with him, but Toshiro had definitely been smiling and hollering. Many of the other onlookers were rooting for him, seeing how bold and crazy he had been to even attempt this. In the spiral of water he could see a whole new world as he performed a small jump, but something had caught his eye which caused him to blink. Something had came out of the water at him, but what it didn't know was that this was his domain. His body, board and all would be consumed by water his body would actually become the water as he disappeared. The onlookers would be shocked and wait before he had popped up out of the water still riding the board. Coming to the beach he would sigh and look back at the beach not sure what had happened.

After everyone had been called for their prizes, Toshiro didn't care if he had won first or last place that was an experience that truly marked him. A story he could tell his brother when he finally returned to Konoha and explained the adventure he had done here. He could look over the crowd to see that Ichika had been dealing with someone, but what she had been doing was unknown to him. Moving away from the competition he would make his way over to the Uchiha while looking at the male,"Everything okay here?," trying to get a feel of the situation at hand. He didn't know something sinister had been afoot nor that this would chain into something that would change the way they had seen the beach, but for now he would wait for the others to see what would come of this.

WC: 1145
TWC: 4271

Claiming up to The Endless Summer Mission
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Ayato Hyuuga
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Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
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Emo's and the Sun don't Mix - Page 2 Empty Re: Emo's and the Sun don't Mix

Mon Sep 05, 2022 9:13 pm
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Natsumi Nara
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Emo's and the Sun don't Mix - Page 2 Empty Re: Emo's and the Sun don't Mix

Wed Sep 07, 2022 4:37 am
"I'm not quite sure what—"

"Oh, there he is!" the wild-haired man ran off a short distance into the surf. "Wilson!"

After wresting a beaten-up volleyball from the waves, the man ran back to Ichika and her recently-arrived, gloomy companion. His movements were something between a human and an animal. While he walked on two legs as any normal person might, his eyes darted around like some sort of prey animal afraid of whatever might be out there. Of course, being on the beach with his feet firmly planted in the sand, the wildman's strange mannerisms were in vain, given that the most threatening thing around was likely the bottomless piña coladas one ambitious vendor was peddling to the masses.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" the man bounced on his heels excitedly, keeping a firm grip on the volleyball he called Wilson. "You two are my heroes, you really saved my skin there—I'm not quite sure what I would have done without Wilson."

"Sir," Ichika started. "I don't think we did anything—"

"Oh, don't be so modest, little one," the man nodded. "Without you and your even littler friend there, I would never have found Wilson."

The man, Ichika concluded, had a rather tenuous grasp on reality. After all, one does not simply name an inanimate object and thank two random people for helping find it without a loose acquaintance with sanity. And, though every bone in her body told her otherwise, she knew she couldn't leave such a man to wander about the beach; he could be dangerous, if not to others then to himself.

"Oh, well," her tone softened as she cast a sidelong glance over to Toshiro in hopes of him following her lead. "You're welcome, why don't we sit down and chat?"

Fortunately, the man agreed. For much of the afternoon that followed, the trio remained locked in a rather one-sided conversation where the man—who went by Tom—talked of the time he spent on a faraway island. Interestingly, the more he spoke the more he seemed to remember. Bit by bit and memory by memory, Tom's past came into sharp focus as he worked through the trauma of being marooned all alone with only a volleyball to keep him company. For the most part, this was an exercise in listening and, at a certain point, Ichika blinked only to find herself back in Konoha.

The dream, if it was that, was over.

TWC: 2851
WC: 403

Will post claims later, as it's rather unclear how many missions we actually finished. At most, it was up to Cast Away and at the least, it's up Surf's Up.
Shin of the Wind
Shin of the Wind
Stat Page : Stats Link

Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Emo's and the Sun don't Mix - Page 2 Empty Re: Emo's and the Sun don't Mix

Tue Jan 10, 2023 11:49 pm
It all happened as quickly as before. The world around him seemed to melt right before his eyes, fading from a peaceful beach scene to the dark nothingness of the void. He would then open his eyes, rubbing them gently as if waking up from a nap. Was it all just a dream?

---Proper Exit---

wc: 53
TWC: 3013

30 stats (all into Vigor)
1500/1500 1st Mastery of Zephyr Blade 
1500/1500 - Double mastering Zephyr Blade (Both for seals to remove completely)

Missions complete up to Cast Away (I believe, wc split was a bit wonky tbh)
Completion of missions:
2x E ranks
2x D ranks
2x C ranks
1x B rank

Total Ryo earned: 20,000 Ryo
Total AP earned: 100 AP
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Emo's and the Sun don't Mix - Page 2 Empty Re: Emo's and the Sun don't Mix

Wed Jan 11, 2023 1:47 pm
Shin of the Wind wrote:It all happened as quickly as before. The world around him seemed to melt right before his eyes, fading from a peaceful beach scene to the dark nothingness of the void. He would then open his eyes, rubbing them gently as if waking up from a nap. Was it all just a dream?

---Proper Exit---

wc: 53
TWC: 3013

30 stats (all into Vigor)
1500/1500 1st Mastery of Zephyr Blade 
1500/1500 - Double mastering Zephyr Blade (Both for seals to remove completely)

Missions complete up to Cast Away (I believe, wc split was a bit wonky tbh)
Completion of missions:
2x E ranks
2x D ranks
2x C ranks
1x B rank

Total Ryo earned: 20,000 Ryo
Total AP earned: 100 AP

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