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Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Ryo : 2700

i dont name topics -takeo 2017 (i.o. nk) Empty i dont name topics -takeo 2017 (i.o. nk)

Wed Oct 18, 2017 8:19 am
orokana was walking towards the training grounds to try and find someone to spar against. it was about noon and he just got up. he was yawning as he walked in the training grounds. lots of open space and some trees around. some ninjas training and sparing. he needed to find a sparring partner himself. he finished training some new techs with hik yesterday and he needed to do more training as well as test out his new techs. he was hoping to find someone of equal or greater strength. he was sure he wouldnt win in a spar but he needed to do it anyways to get use to his new techs. like training out new shoes by walking in them. he sighed deeply as he looked around. trying to find someone willing to spar. he saw some genin kids sparring. but he needed someone not genin, or a very strong genin.
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

i dont name topics -takeo 2017 (i.o. nk) Empty Re: i dont name topics -takeo 2017 (i.o. nk)

Thu Oct 19, 2017 1:01 pm
Training grounds. Located in every major shinobi village across the continent. A place for Genin to hone their skills. A place for the weaker members of villages to practice without fear of significant harm. Takeo had not used training grounds since becoming a Genin. Now the man walked the training ground. Even that was a difficult task. A walking stick held in his right hand helped him move about somewhat. The speed at which he walked was painfully slow. Takeo hadn't ever moved this slow in his life. He was capable of moving his left arm, somewhat. Now it rest in a sling. The damage that had been done to his body was slowly healing. The question was whether or not there would be any lasting damage.

The man was supposed to be resting still, using his chair to get around. He couldn't stand it though. Takeo wasn't one to sit around waiting. Not when he was younger, not now. That was why he was here. Walking helped him clear his mind. He needed that right now. Takeo also needed a shave and a haircut, but that would have to come when he could use both of his arms again. The man made his way to a more empty part of the training ground. There were a surprising amount of shinobi training here. Though only one person in the area seemed to be on a decent level. Takeo could sense them somewhere around here. Unfortunately his mind wasn't the clearest right now. His focus wasn't all there. "Someone fight me. I wish to see the level of Hoshigakure shinobi." The man called out. Perhaps he would find some entertainment here.

Or perhaps not.
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Ryo : 2700

i dont name topics -takeo 2017 (i.o. nk) Empty Re: i dont name topics -takeo 2017 (i.o. nk)

Sun Oct 22, 2017 8:47 am
orokana looked at the man that was calling out to everyone. he sighed. he wasnt a good example of a hoshi ninja since he hasnt been here long. but he walked up to the man and said. "would i be suitable for you?" he hope he was, and he hoped he wasnt. he still wasnt a good fighter but he still needed to try and spar. he couldnt tell if the guy would be hard to beat or not. he looked like he wasnt all there. but he didnt judge, oro thought he looked like a bad judge for other ninjas for hoshi. he would have his cloak still on him as well as his sword. though he would remove it if the man would agree to spar. oro was hoping if this man was strong he could learn a thing or two from this, and not fight a guy and it be over too fast. either way this was going to be annoying for oro since he didnt plan on using genjutsu for now. which gives him very limited options. he sighed waiting to see what the man said to him. oro could feel his chakra and it was stronger then oros by a bit. which didnt scare him much. he was worried though that this guy seemed tougher then he looked right now.
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

i dont name topics -takeo 2017 (i.o. nk) Empty Re: i dont name topics -takeo 2017 (i.o. nk)

Sun Oct 22, 2017 9:39 am
He had only to wait a few moments before someone beckoned to his call. A young boy approached. Takeo grinned. Perfect. It seemed he had attracted the strongest being in the training grounds to him. Well..second strongest anyway. The man turned to face the approaching person. He shifted his weight to the right, leaning more fully onto the stick, and observed the boy. There didn't seem to be anything spectacular about him. Rather plain looking in Takeo's own opinion. The boy reminded Takeo of his first impression of Denkiteki back when he first met the man. So perhaps there were some potential. Time would tell.

"You'll do perfectly." Takeo replied. He straightened up, though still keeping most of his weight on the walking stick. Takeo didn't want to risk straining himself that much. "I haven't met many shinobi of this city. The strongest of them weren't that impressive. I do wonder how the average shinobi matches up to the other villages." Takeo said out loud. Though he wasn't particularly talking to the boy he was soon to battle with. It was more like he was explaining it to himself. There was an inkling of doubt in the back of his mind. Talking to himself seemed to ease that, for now at least. "My name is Takeo by the way. You may begin when ready."

With that, the man stood and waited. It was good mannered to let the host go first after all. Takeo was still simply a guest in this city after all.
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Ryo : 2700

i dont name topics -takeo 2017 (i.o. nk) Empty Re: i dont name topics -takeo 2017 (i.o. nk)

Sun Oct 22, 2017 10:00 am
orokana listened to teh man talk. if he was honest he thought the general ninjas where weaker then the ones in the leaf. but he wouldnt say anything. oro sighed thinking this guy wasnt all talk. he has seen cocky people before and he didnt think this guy fit the bill. he would take off his cloak and rest it on the ground near a tree. the man said he was ready when oro was. and oro needed to think. he sighed and walked back to where he was standing. he was 5 meters away from the man. before he did anything oro said. "my name is orokana by the way. oro would activate his eyes. his green eyes going into a blood red colour. (chakra 110) then after that oro would do Rat, Tiger, Dog, Ox, Rabbit, Tiger hand seals to cast phoenix fire. oro would open his mouth and would shoot out 6 fire balls 3 where in front right next to each other, and 3 where behind them. all 6 went towards takeo. about a foot in radius. if they hit takeo or anything else they would explode in one meter radius. (power and speed 40) then waited to see how the man acted. he didnt want to use his genjutsu but if he saw a good chance he would use it in a heat beat. he didnt want to lose with out trying his best. but oro would place his hands on his sword ready to use quickdraw if he needed to.
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

i dont name topics -takeo 2017 (i.o. nk) Empty Re: i dont name topics -takeo 2017 (i.o. nk)

Sun Oct 22, 2017 2:23 pm
The man watched and waited. He observed as the boy took off his cloak. Then he waited as they introduced themselves. Orokana was his name. Takeo may remember it, depending on how things went. The man observed a shift in the boy's eyes. Curious, another doujutsu. What did this one do the man would wonder. Maybe he would find out. Maybe he wouldn't. Battles always had an unknown outcome, that was what drew Takeo into them. Victory or defeat, life or death, one could never be certain how it would end. So the man continued to wait for the first move.

He didn't have to wait long. The boy began the spar, performing a series of hand seals. Six in total, too many for the jutsu to have any practical purpose in the real world. The Hoshigakure shinobi lacked realistic tactics it seemed. A naive view of the world is what they possessed. Maybe Takeo would be the one to shatter that view. Unless someone beat him to it. He hoped that wouldn't be the case.

The man turned his right arm ever so slightly. The back of his hand now faced the boy. Still the man observed, witnessing the creation of the fireballs that would begin to streak toward him. Takeo eyed them over. They didn't seem all that strong. Maybe now would be a time for him to use one of his little gadgets. How long had it been? How long since the man had needed to use little toys in order to get by? The man didn't know the answer to the question. Not that it mattered. Worn on his right hand, the gauntlet had not seen use ever since it's creation. Takeo briefly wondered if they even functioned properly. Maybe now would be a good time to test their limits. He had worn them as a reminder of his time in Tengakure, the scientists there did a wonderful job for anything he had requested.

A minor amount of chakra was used, the gauntlets coming to life and projecting a disk like shield that expanded outward rapidly. Covering the full distance of five feet in diameter before the fireballs had travelled the entire distance. They would collide against the shield, the explosion doing little expect for cause Takeo to squint. The shield held, so the man was right in his assumption. The exploding fireballs were actually useful for something though. They served as a nice blanket of blocked vision.

It would be used to full advantage. The wires of one of the blades of Bararaq Sei would burst into life. Unravelling themselves from Takeo's right lower forearm the lightning enhanced blades would streak into existence. The shield would drop, smoke from the explosion still remaining to as a mask for the naked eye. From the smoke the wired blade would shoot forward, moving toward the boy at a speed of one hundred and ten. The man didn't have his all seeing vision, having forgone such a huge advantage for a spar, thus the aim wasn't perfect. If left unchecked the blade would be aimed to embed itself in the left shoulder of the boy, instead of the usual spot of the head.

What would happen next? Takeo wasn't sure.
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Ryo : 2700

i dont name topics -takeo 2017 (i.o. nk) Empty Re: i dont name topics -takeo 2017 (i.o. nk)

Sun Oct 22, 2017 3:12 pm
-1ap for eyes
-20ap for phoenix fire

oro knew the attack he sent out wouldnt do much of anything but he wanted to test the waters. the man didnt use a tech or anything, just a weapon he never saw before. oro watched things unfold. oro saw the blade come at him and used quick draw as it got close. (speed 145) it wouldnt destroy it but oro could block it. the blade was on his left side and oro drew it from his right hand, his left hand holding the sheath of the blade. then oro would use the hand seal for shadow clone. a poof of smoke would appear and there would be 2 oros. the real one was on the right and the clone on the left. the real oro started doing tiger hand seal for fire release great fire ball shower. (80 power and speed) shooting out up to 20 fire balls only 2 meters in radius and they all went towards takeo, not all aiming for the same spot, some would miss and hit the ground near him or go pass him. then the clone point its finger at takeo like a gun, then used the tech spirit gun, shooting out a 3 inch laser at takeo (speed and power 40). then after both where finished the real oro would start to run forward to takeo at half speed. the clone would grab a book in its pocket and open it watching takeo to see what he does.
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

i dont name topics -takeo 2017 (i.o. nk) Empty Re: i dont name topics -takeo 2017 (i.o. nk)

Wed Oct 25, 2017 1:44 pm
The man watched as the boy blocked the oncoming blade. "Good reaction time." The man mumbled to himself. The blade would bounce away due to the parry, flying up and to the right of the boy. That was where he made the first grave area. His guard dropped, the boy beginning to move his hands together to form a hand seal. Takeo sighed.

Bararaq Sei sprung to life once more. It ceased in it's drifting away, moving with it's pinpoint accuracy down toward the boy's wrists. As his hand clasped together, the blade would have already begun it's looping around the boy's forearms. Normally Takeo wouldn't have gone through all this effort. A mistake like this would have resulted in the boy losing his head. However it was a spar. Just a spar, nothing more. "No need to kill anyone." The man mumbled to himself yet again. The wires grew tight, moving around to bind the boy's arms together as the puff of smoke would have begun to disperse.

Electricity would course through the boy's body, essentially working as a taser in order to lock his bodies movements down due to the power of said electricity from the wires. A moment would pass before the wires would lose the lightning effect by the will of the man, dropping limply downward.

Should said things explained above happen, Takeo would remain standing in his spot observing it take place. "One shouldn't assume that threats are dealt with after one defence." There was still the clone to deal with of course. A clone with no real value, no need to hold back for it.

His right hand removed itself from the walking stick quickly. The man grinned, turning the palm of his hand to train it on the clone. The white eye embeded in his left eye socket burst into life. Chakra welled up in his palm, invisible to the naked eye, and then exploded outward toward the clone. Expanding outward rapidly the Sunder would be aimed to simply wipe the clone for existence should nothing be done to prevent the technique from happening.

"Average. Lacks any real experience for real combat." The man briefly gave his assessment out loud. It was then that he fell forward onto his knees. He hissed in pain, shifted himself so that he now sat on his backside leg's stretched out in front of him.

"You can try again if you'd like, though I doubt I'll be able to move much from where I am." Takeo offered, leaning back on his right elbow and glancing around the place. Walking really had been a terrible idea in hindsight.

If anything like that didn't happen he'd probably react accordingly, doing something like activating One Way Road on the off chance anything he didn't forsee was sent his way.
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Ryo : 2700

i dont name topics -takeo 2017 (i.o. nk) Empty Re: i dont name topics -takeo 2017 (i.o. nk)

Sat Oct 28, 2017 6:43 pm
orokana saw the wired blade come at him again. he sighed as he dodged going backwards and used body flicker and moved to 30 meters away from takeo. (speed 225) then once he was away from the man he would take a second to look at him. then use the hand seal for shadow clone. the smoke would let oro become 2, one real and one clone. the real oro would take out his book and open it then say out loud "do you know much about genjutsu? i know one genjutsu that is called Demonic Illusion: Descending Hell Technique, it has 5 handseals and" as oro talked about what the genjutsu did the genjutsu would form once he said the name of the genjutsu. the real one would keep on talking about it for a moment. (power 40, plus 10 from book, 50) and a giant fireball would form in the sky above takeo. falling at a rapid speed (height 100 meters, falling 55 meters) takeo would feel the great heat from the fireball. if he looked up he would see the fireball about 200 meters in radius. as the real oro talked the clone would run at takeo at half speed (bc i cant do it at full speed) and the clone would use great fireball shower on takeo making 20 fireballs going at takeo (power and speed at 80) the real oro would watch closely on takeo and that wire. noting it can move like a snak but more freely. 
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

i dont name topics -takeo 2017 (i.o. nk) Empty Re: i dont name topics -takeo 2017 (i.o. nk)

Sun Oct 29, 2017 9:27 am
He would've clapped, if not for that fact he could only use one arm. Instead he gave a slight nod as the boy dodged the blade coming toward him. "Observant." He noted, the wires tracking back to Takeo. They wrapped themselves around his gauntlet and became dormant once more. The man continued to observe as he went through the motions of creating the clone. Curiously the boy took out a book. Doing so in a real fight would make the boy mentally handicapped. If he wished to improve and was taking this spar seriously, Takeo wagered that it was of some use for the boy. Takeo shifted his weight onto his walking stick once more.

Wait and see was the plan. The boy began to talk about genjutsu. A stalling tactic most likely. The book was the key, he was quite sure of it. A charged jutsu perhaps. It felt weird not knowing what was going to happen. Takeo hadn't felt that feeling in months. How long would it take for the trap to be sprung he wondered. Was it even a trap? It was clearly a stall for something.

The heat from above soon revealed it however. Takeo afforded himself an upward glance. He blinked at what he saw. Soon after he grinned. "You mad bastard." So this was the boy's trump card then. Takeo was impressed. The size and intensity of the fireball was enough to level the city, Takeo was fairly sure of that. He saw from the corner of his vision the clone begin to move forward. "Well played kid." The man spoke. Takeo removed his hand from the walking stick, letting it clatter to the floor, and ran a hand through his overgrown hair. "Can't have that go off in any case."

Takeo's chakra would spike. The sudden influx of lightning chakra coursing throughout his body was to thank for that. He briefly looked downward toward his legs. Didn't really have time to worry about that. As a black diamond materialised on his cheek the man crouched. His jaw clenched and he uncoiled like a spring, leaping upward into the air and toward the incoming hazard. Right arm extending outward he grinned as he moved forward toward the ball of fire. The heat was intense that's for sure. It was a wonder why he hadn't been vaporised from it already. Didn't matter that much. Chakra pooled in his right palm the technique which would end this danger beginning to form. The fireball would find itself ten meters away from Takeo before the chakra rapidly exploded outward from his palm.

The Sunder rocketed upward and into the fireball. Takeo watched and waited. His technique never failed to destroy jutsu. So it was a surprise when nothing happened. The man's ascent turned into a descent and then he understood. Takeo sighed. "Disappointing." His chakra spiked suddenly yet again, and the fireball disappeared. "Can't believe I fell for that shit. Shouldn't have gotten all hyped." He chastised himself. Takeo finally took note of the fireballs going toward him.

He gave a slight nod. The man accepted his fate. Once again his chakra spiked, rapidly being forced out from his body and being projected outward in a bubble. The fireballs would slam into the barrier. Takeo's eyes stung slightly from the light, but that was about it. If he were a normal shinobi then that may have won the fight for them. Takeo made a note in his mind to tell the kid that later. He remained unharmed for now however.

Until he landed. The man landed in a forward roll, not wishing to actually land on his legs unless he wished to shatter them again, and ended up in a sitting position. He sucked in air through his teeth, his face distorting to a pained expression. "Well I'm fucked for another month or so." The man spoke to himself. Off to the side he could hear the sound of a disapproving snort.

His faithful companion approached, pulling along the wheelchair which Takeo had ditched earlier that day. It was like the most budget looking chariot of all time. "I could replace you with an actual horse you know." The man spoke, using his one good arm to help drag himself up and into the wheelchair. Now seated in his transportation device he looked across to the boy.

"You would have likely won if I weren't a god of shinobi. Good effort kid."
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