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Academy Student
Academy Student
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 11500

Lightning Flashes in the Mist Empty Lightning Flashes in the Mist

Yesterday at 9:54 pm
The rain poured on the roofless training arena, it always rained in Kirigakure and today was no different. The damp black hair of the young Uzumaki resting flat on his head as water ran down his body like thousands of tiny rivers, he stood firm with his eyes closed as he listened to the rain pittering and pattering against the dirt floor beneath his feet. Looking at this child from afar it would go unseen that he was completely calm as though there wasn't a rain storm covering him in these cold tears from the sky, he began to feel electrifying as he began looking within himself to discover the secrets of his lightning release and how to harness it. He began to sign the various seals, each delicately and choreographed to be as perfect as he could possibly make them, Monkey, Dragon, Rat, Bird, and finally Ox. Quickly throwing his right arm downward in a manner as though he is palming the air between him and the ground, his left arm now forming somewhat of a support and holding his right arm at the inner of his elbow. His teeth grit as his eyes opened focusing on the back of his right hand, He was pushing for control as small bursts of static electricity began to seep from various pores across his body. He looked as though the air around him was discharging the electricity within himself, Menma's focus on his hand however would not be broken by the crackling around him. The intensity of his dig for power written on his face as he gritted his teeth harder, the muscles in his small arms began to tense exposing themselves as he pulled on his inner strengths. His right hand began to flash a light blue every so often as though the electric charge was growing in his palm, usually accompanied by a tiny strike of lightning jutting up from the ground and striking the blue electrifying aura in his palm. After a few moments of this flickering palm it began to hold its shining electricity, though Menma knew despite him now holding this lightning in his palm he needed to control it to truly form the Chidori. Menma began to try and make this lightning create almost a gauntlet around his hand, a few times as it began to creep around to the backside of his hand it would flicker as though the strain of control would make him lose the hold he currently had on this ball of electricity. However, after persevering with this structural change, Menma was able to create a blade like cast of lightning wrapped around his hand. He had gained control and now simply had to execute this correctly, this was only the first half of controlling a jutsu with such caliber of power. As he lifted his head slightly attempting to look out ahead of him, he had set up a training dummy roughly thirty meters from where he stood. Though now as he looked, attempting to look through the falling rain in what appeared as blurred vision he couldn't quite make out the exact spot. Tunnel vision, something he had read about in the scroll where he first discovered this jutsu. He fought now to focus his eyes, the tunnel began to widen as he pushed his eyes more and more to focus. He began to see what appeared to be a humanoid like figure, still unable to pinpoint his target location on this training dummy. Menma wanted to strike true, to plunge his lightning bladed hand through the metaphorical heart practicing the kill strike. Suddenly as though blinders were removed, Menma saw the dummy clear as ever. He could only see his target as the rest of the facility became somewhat of a blur, it was strange, as soon as he became able to focus on his target his lightning began to grow stronger from his hand. The bolts flashing from his hand began to chirp, it truly sounded like a thousand birds as Menma charged at the target. The sheer power emanating from the lightning blade was enough to seemingly scar the ground as he covered ground between him and his target. In what seemed like seconds for Menma, though it may have truly been longer, his hand crashed through the dummy. His strike was true, he ripped his hand back out looking at it with a smirk. "The beginning, there's only more to come." He would say to himself, the rain still dropping around him as the dummy fell to the training ground floor.

(WC 766)
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