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Rizuke Uchiha
Baruga Ryoinsatsu
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Baruga Ryoinsatsu
Baruga Ryoinsatsu
Stat Page : ☁️
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Familiar : ☁️
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : SPACE-TIME.
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 10000

Fanservice Empty Fanservice

Sat Jul 02, 2022 8:34 pm
Mission Details:

Fanservice 0f3a8cdad91a49ce981dcbc49e717b085f0adf14

"...Hm. Hm! Hm! Okay, I'm good."

After posing for a bit, Baruga figured this would be a good enough outfit for her job today. Well, impromptu job.

Apparently, some lifeguards were indisposed — food poisoning, but really, she just thought they didn't want to work — and since this was an internationally acclaimed event, every Daimyo and their mother had chomped at the bit to show off their shinobi and how capable they were to the rest of the world.

...Her father included.

Of course, he made good arguments for her own personal involvement. 'Oh, but your whale summons would be indispensable, and you're a prodigy at Water Release!', he said, and in parts, it was true. Her whales were perfect for the job, her Water Release was proficient, and her Space-Time techniques could mean the difference between someone being alive or dead.

Doesn't change the fact that it was all utter horseshit, but it did give her some leeway in how serious she wanted to be about this. In truth? Not at all. She was planning on showcasing her summer attire and flirting with a particularly beautiful group of seduction specialists from Konohagakure, not acting as a full-time lifeguard. And, by the gods, she'll do just that, even if she has to perform CPR or make someone hack up a fish.

Putting a hand on her waist, Baruga swayed her hips to and fro as she walked along the beach, watching the assortment of people pass her by. Nobody drowning yet. That was good. Just some people with their head poking out of the sand, and — oh, wow, that watermelon sure did explode.

"Good news, father, I have secured the safety of the common people," she muttered, glaring darkly as a man with six delicious abs passed her by, "but bloody hell, at what cost...?"

WC: 307

Kosuke Sashihara likes this post

Rizuke Uchiha
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Fanservice Empty Re: Fanservice

Mon Jul 04, 2022 4:04 am
Rizuke had been selected for the missions on Mikadzuki Beach, he was going to replace a lifeguard that had come down with food poisoning. He was a strong swimmer, but he could also walk on water if he needed to. Rizuke had never been a lifeguard before and was excited to try out this mission to keep the people at the beach safe, it was different from his regular missions of patrolling places in the village and would be a nice place to just sit in a shack and watch over the beach. He would get his sunscreen on his nose to protect him from the sun’s ultraviolet rays and would head to Mikadzuki beach’s lifeguard shack where he would go to meet his crew. He was never informed of who his crew would be, he found that he didn’t need to know, all he needed to know was when and where, the who’s, how’s, and why’s would all be revealed when he arrived, but he was always still curious. He didn’t know if it was just him that was kept in the dark or other shinobi, maybe he needed to be a chuunin in order to know more facts about missions. He would think to himself as he headed to the shack.
When Rizuke arrived, he noticed that no one had arrived at the shack yet, or maybe he was the last one, and they were already out on patrol. Rizuke wouldn’t worry he would check out the log book and see a name that was familiar to him had popped up. Baruga was an awesome Kunoichi, very powerful, he didn’t leave the best first impression with her, but he had hoped she had forgiven him for his faux pas when first meeting the Raikage. He knew he would have to find her and see where she wanted him to patrol, she was a hard ass and she was much more experienced than himself and he wanted to right the ship so to say.
Rizuke would leave the shack and head out to the beach to find his peer and comrade. I hope I’m not too late, just what I need is a second reason for her to find me incompetent. Rizuke would think to himself while he scanned the beach for the beautiful kunoichi. She had black hair with blue highlights if he remembered correctly. Why couldn’t he have Sharingan? This would make finding her so much easier. He would think to himself as he scanned the beach at a hundred miles an hour. He thought he had found her a few times, how many people are going to have blue and black hair, he thought again to himself locking onto the kunoichi finally. Rizuke would dash to her and stand straight hands at his sides. “Rizuke reporting for lifeguard duty, ma’am.” Rizuke would say trying not to provoke the kunoichi more than she probably already was. “I hope we can have a successful mission.” He would finish not blinking or really breathing for the matter of fact. He would just stare ahead and await instructions from her.  

WC: 520

Kosuke Sashihara likes this post

Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Fanservice Empty Re: Fanservice

Mon Jul 04, 2022 11:54 am
 The sky over Mikadzuki Beach was cerulean, and the clear pristine waters reflected the same hue. Groups of commoners were huddled up at patches in the sea. A couple of swimmers had heroically ventured further out into the sea on their own, where the water would briefly turn a darker hue marking the cleft pass which the ocean would be a lot deeper than it would be around the beach. The two outliers seemed to be expert swimmers in their own right, and it was normal for swimmers who knew what they were doing to wander that far out into the water on any given day. Overhead, a flock of seagulls hovered over the water. They fluttered their wings as they maintained their formation, locking onto a shoal of wild tuna below. After an impressive display of patience, the fleet dove into the water below one after the other. As they emerged back into the air, most birds had caught a meal in their beaks.

 As the rest of the flock departed to eat their meal or try again, one specimen in particular stood out. An average sized male slammed its tuna onto one of the rocks that formed a partition between the ocean and the relatively shallow waters of the beach area. Pinning the meal down into the rock by one of his talons, he pecked at the flesh of the tuna, piercing into its body and biting off a decent chunk. As he chewed, he looked around. His eyes were extraordinary. He could see far into the horizon and keep a watchful eye on every swimmer in a large area around him, that he had declared to be his jurisdiction. Distinctly, his pupils were white. Looking towards the beach, a familiar face stood out to the bird from the crowd.

 Oh that's right, I can't even swim! Oh well... Thats why I can walk on water! 

Saturn's inner monologue went off as he seemingly stared into the sea and the horizon behind his grey tinted Wayfrarer sunglasses. He was leaning back on a long white plastic chair on the beach, letting the Sun bronzen his lean chiseled physique. His muscles were not very rigid, but they were vascular and full as a testament to his quickness. Unlike his two compatriots, Saturn had no recollection of how he ended up at the beach. He had convinced himself that he was only dreaming. Thus, when he had come across a slip in his bag with his name and his teammate Rizuke's on it, along with a third unfamiliar name detailing a mission objective that required them to cover an 8 hour shift at the beach, Saturn did not take the task too seriously. Regardless, seeing the 6000 ryo bounty listed at the edge of the paper, the Kumon shinobi had made his way to the beach to find out what would happen.

 Laying down on the chair with his hands behind his head, he looked up towards a passing seagull, and his eyes rolled back down from behind his skull under his shades. In the clear blue sky, the bird made a complete 180 degree turn to return to his flock, who kept hunting for prey further out into the sea. Sitting up and smacking his lips, Saturn lifted his shades up to find Rizuke standing in front of a tall tanned kunoichi, barely a few feet away from his seat. Something about the shinobi made him look extremely real. He had met the Genin before, and he was almost sure that the boy in front of him was the real deal - taking away his wishful thinking that he may have only been dreaming of the beach. "Is that.. Rizuke-kun? Good grief." He put his shades back down, briefly eavesdropping on what his teammate had to say to the older shinobi.

 "And I'm Saturn Sentobi." He declared from behind the two shinobi, planting his bare feet on the sand and standing up. The kunoichi was about 2 centimeters taller than him, but his cap made up for the disparity, making them look equally tall. He glanced at Rizuke, "I'm honored to do this mission with you, Rizuke-kun." Saturn had read his mission report detailing how the Uchiha retrieved a purse from a vulture without harming it, but the two had never been on a mission together. He turned his gaze at the kunoichi, "I don't think we've met.." He glanced back at Rizuke then took after his tone when turning back and addressing her, "Saturn reporting for lifeguard duty, ma'am!"

WC: 758
Skill Used:
Sixth Sense (10 AP)
Current AP: 585-10=575 AP

Kosuke Sashihara likes this post

Baruga Ryoinsatsu
Baruga Ryoinsatsu
Stat Page : ☁️
Summoning Contract : ☁️
Familiar : ☁️
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : SPACE-TIME.
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 10000

Fanservice Empty Re: Fanservice

Mon Jul 04, 2022 7:20 pm
"Oh, it's you."

Uchiha Rizuke. An Uchiha without the infamous Sharingan, one of the newer members of the Genin Corps, relatively speaking. She'd had one of her summons retrieve a dossier after that whole debacle with the shark, and if anything, he was far more milquetoast than she expected. Not to say every child should be a war-forged orphan — in fact, she was of the opposite opinion — but there was something about him that felt like it should have been special but... wasn't.

Maybe it was her blinding rage in the heat of the moment. That usually set off her false positives.

And her blinding rage seemed to have left a lasting impression on him. In any case, Baruga looked at him with apathy in her eyes and ease in her bones. Thus far, he was a non-threat, and he would continue to be, for now. She waved him off, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, stop the gallantry. The only reason I was so uptight was because you were all hunky-dory in front of the Raikage — which, if you know anything about the man, is the opposite of the right thing to do."

The other one — a blonde with a more easy way of speaking — had just gotten out of a beach chair after dozing off while watching the ocean. Now, this one, she didn't know, but she found him more agreeable already. After all, he was doing what she was doing; shirking work in favor of treating it like a vacation, which is bloody well what it should have been, if it weren't for those lifeguard tossers deepthroating some half-chewed shrimp feces!


"We have not, Sentobi-san. You can call me Baruga, as Uchiha-san knows."

And then the blonde one snapped to attention and Baruga sighed.

"Why do I get the feeling this will be a recurring thing? ...Nevermind. We're on lifeguard duty. Easy enough, save the drowning civilians, stop children from jumping on the big rocks, stop young couples shagging behind said rocks."

She shrugged.

"In truth, just walk around and try to look important. We can all go together if you'd rather talk instead of twiddle your thumbs alone."

WC: 360
TWC: 667

Kosuke Sashihara likes this post

Kosuke Sashihara
Kosuke Sashihara
Stat Page : Ko's Chart
Health: 300 | AP: 1440
Vigor: 100 | Chakra: 150
Speed: 40 | Strength: 10

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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 90500

Fanservice Empty Re: Fanservice

Tue Jul 05, 2022 2:00 am
Kosuke - "Speech"|Thoughts|(Jutsu)
Third Party - "Speech"

Fanservice Cm4wfo10
(Reference Image | Not Exact Clothes)

Ko was in quite the hurry, something that was unusual for him given that he was normally incredibly punctual. Apparently the beach needed help covering a shift for a group of lifeguards that had fallen ill from food poisoning. His work at the clinic had exposed him to a people suffering from food poisoning a number of times. It isn't a easy thing to deal with and the only real treatment is to rest and stay hydrated. As such, he was more than happy to step in and help cover the shift. Unfortunately his adventures earlier helping the lost boy find his family had caused him to be facing the current time crunch he was in. Thankfully he was already dressed for the occasion, if you could call it that. He was shirtless, exposing his relatively pale skin to the hot elements of the sun. His swimming shorts were a sort of black and green checkerboard pattern that went down to his knees with green string at the waist. He was still wearing his glasses and all fingers wrapped.

As he was running along on the way to the lifeguard station Ko was overhearing a group of people and noticed 2 of them exclaim something along the lines of "-reporting for lifeguard duty, ma'am!" This caused him to slow down and walk back over to the group with an inquiry. Ko looked over the group as he approached, noticing that none of the group were dressed like other lifeguards he had seen on the beach made him more confident that this may be the other people answering the notice. From the direction he was walking he could only see the backs of what looked to be two boys that were the same height. Short black hair on one and the other was noticeably muscular with light colored hair. What really caught Kosuke's eye however was the woman they were addressing.

Ko could see her face clearly from his position. She was beautiful. It wasn't just her luxuriously two-toned hair or her blue eyes that would make the ocean jealous. He didn't know how to explain it but she had an aura about her, maybe confidence, arrogance or even superiority, but it was undeniable whatever it was. Ko coughed inadvertently and glanced away for a second as he was approaching from a few feet away. "Sorry to interrupt, I am running late, but if I overheard correctly this is the group covering the shift for the lifeguards correct?" Ko stopped slightly behind and between the two boys. Performing a awkward slight bow Ko confirmed the names of the individuals while introducing himself. "Uchiha-san, Sentobi-san, and ...Baruga-san? It is nice to meet you all. I'm Kosuke Sashihara." He looked at each of them in turn as he stated their names.

He could now see that Rizuke Uchiha was the youngest of the group, likely somewhere in the 15-17 range. Saturn Sentobi was a striking individual to look at, with Ko now able to clearly observe the cap on the boy's head, stylized with stars and a horseshoe at the front that framed a horse head. Ko thought of him as a boy, but he was likely closer to Ko's own age though it was hard for him to narrow down a specific range. Finally was Baruga. Ko didn't catch her last name. Something about her made him feel even more awkward than he usual felt around people his own age, which is what he guessed that her age probably was. She was taller than the boys and she seemed assertive. She was either his own age or slightly older and he found his eyes drawn to her eyes, yet he also felt the need to look away whenever their eyes met. Strange for him indeed.

"I apologize for delaying us so much. I hope nothing amiss has happened yet on our watch." Ko gave another awkward half-bow as he apologized.

WC: 655

Last edited by Kosuke Sashihara on Tue Jul 05, 2022 11:18 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Color formatting)
Rizuke Uchiha
Stat Page : Stat Page
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Fanservice Empty Re: Fanservice

Tue Jul 05, 2022 2:03 pm
Rizuke would take the entrance of Saturn as a sign that this mission can’t be too bad if the three genin could enjoy the beach while keeping an eye on the water this could actually be a good experience. “How have you been Baruga-san?” Rizuke would ask the kunoichi as a fourth would appear to the group. The stranger was at least a half-foot taller than Rizuke with green hair and his pale skin seemed to have been upset by the sun if only a little, Rizuke would offer him a bottle of sunscreen after formalities. Rizuke would turn from Baruga and face the stranger approaching. The fourth person would identify themselves as Kosuke Sashihara, a name and face Rizuke wouldn’t be able to recall. “Good to meet ya, it looks like our group will be keeping the beach safe today.” Rizuke would tell the add-on to the group. “Saturn is always a pleasure to see ya. It’s about time we had a mission together” Rizuke would greet his teammate. “As for your question Baruga, my vote is we hang out and do this mission together, no point in stressing it too hard, it’s not like we’re fighting a shark or anything.”  Rizuke would say with a slight smirk aimed at the kunoichi. At this point, Rizuke would offer his bottle of sunscreen to Kosuke.
Rizuke would scan the beach for anyone in danger, he felt upset because with a Sharingan he would be able to see better, but he would just stay vigilant, he could have a relaxing time and still watch the beach for trouble. He wasn’t worried about bad blood here, it seemed like everyone had forgotten alliances and troubles, for the most part, he was worried about the waves carrying people out to the depths they couldn’t return from. There were shinobi here, but there were also citizens who don’t use chakra, and they would be easy prey for the ocean.

WC: 325
TWC: 845

Kosuke Sashihara likes this post

Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Fanservice Empty Re: Fanservice

Fri Jul 08, 2022 10:04 pm

"Say, Baruga, even after we save the drowning children, stop civilians from jumping off of the big rocks and stop young couples from shagging on top of said rocks......."  Saturn listed his compatriot's clauses in a jumbled order, counting them on his fingers. Before he could make his point, a fourth shinobi would emerge to claim the last slot and interrupt him. Now there was a shinobi for every commoner that had abandoned their post under the pretence of food poisoning from 'improperly cooked shrimp'. Unbeknownst to his fellow Kumons and the new comes, and before his compatriots had made their presence known to him, from the senses of a seagull and offscreen, Saturn had taken the initiative to try and learn certain details about the mission at hand. Four guards - all commoners with no known ninja abilities - he learned were routinely responsible for covering the day time shift in the jurisdiction. Saturn was beginning to think that there was something more sinister at play. Not only had all four of them called in sick today - which could be explained by all four of them eating from the same local shrimp takeout or the likes - but the four individuals who were called in to work in their stead - Baruga, Rizuke, Kosuke, and himself also just so happened to all be ranked shinobi.  

 As Saturn considered this thought, to him it soon became apparent that there was a multitude of ways in which one could end up eating improperly cooked shrimp. From a shop, the guards could have bought the kind of shrimp that was frozen, thawed, and then frozen again in an attempt to 'preserve' its vitality. However, this was not very likely as plenty of fishing boats were visible to the naked eye further out into the dark hue beyond the furthest point that any one swimmer in the beach had ventured - making it more convenient for the lifeguards to opt to purchase fresh shrimp directly from the boats. The shrimp may have been improperly skewered - they cook quickly at high temperatures. However, from the gull's eye, Saturn saw numerous barbecue grills in various positions across the beach, where seafood was sometimes served fresh but only during certain hours of the day. Surely, the lifeguards had to have seen how the servers employ a double skewer method to make sure the shrimp does not just spin around on the stick and cook unevenly, leaving bits of raw meat. Perhaps they took the shells off too early and the shrimp curled up, or worse still, they left the shells on - and their foreign guest took offence at dinner when he had to peel every piece himself when hors d'oeuvres was served at the cocktail party, and his disdain soured the mood at the bender. 

 "Yo. I'm Saturn." He would say to Kosuke from behind his grey tinted shades. "I'm pleased to meet you too, Kosuke-kun. Where are you from?" Up until a few moments ago, Saturn was convinced that he was asleep, and the beach and all the events taking place within were nothing but a dream. Upon seeing the newcomer, he was once again questioning himself. Earlier, he was mostly sure that he recognized Rizuke as his real teammate and not a dream apparition although he had no way of knowing for sure. "You know it, Rizuke. Splitting up would make this mission a helluva lot more boring... Although the peace and quiet I had for myself all alone was nice too over here actually..." Although it was his first time meeting Baruga, there was still a good 50% chance in his mind that he was awake. Now, there were two new faces and only one that he thought he knew - making him think that maybe he most likely was in fact dreaming all of this up. In reality, he was waking up, although really he had never slept to begin with. 

 Perhaps the shrimp had been improperly deveined. Although deveining shrimp should be preferential matter for most people in most cases - there is nothing intrinsically bad about eating a shrimp digestive tract - the shrimp gut in uncleaned shrimp may contain sand and mud which although may not be palpable to the human tastebuds, could add an undesirable gritty texture.  But this is Mikadzuki Beach. Not only were the waters pristine and free of contaminants that could undesirably find their way to a shrimp's stomach in ordinary circumstances, but the flora and fauna both on the sand and especially in the sea operated in perfect harmony. There was a consistency that defined what the beach represents and people could expect to hold the habitat to maintain certain standards when it came to the quality of natural resources like shrimp, which explained the carefree nature of the commoners that inhabited the area. 

 And then it clicked. As Rizuke made his comment about a shark, Saturn stood up straight to his full height of 180cm and fixed his gaze on the horizon. He took two steps towards the ocean, still remaining within the circle that the group had formed. He had potentially unraveling a hidden truth, or at least a valid phenomenon with objective implications for the mission ahead. 
"Sharks... No, Shark!"

 Saturn muttered out loud, opening his eyes wide open behind his frame.  He theorized that a very large shark had driven shoals of shrimp to shallower and shallower waters, and thus their guts had more sedimentary substances than what the lifeguards were used to eating. And yet, there were no sharks in sight. When he scouted the waters far into the sea, he had not so much as seen a shark puppy. And yet now, the lack of sharks whatsoever in any form was equally conspicuous. It had to have been a few specimen at the most, since they seem to have been annihilated. Yet it was obvious that another threat of the same level or perhaps even more could yet emerge. Birds of a feather flock together, after all. Whomever was in charge of assigning the team for the shift had to most likely have been in some shape or form aware of the looming predator in the ocean.

 And who better to send...

Saturn's gaze remained fixed on the horizon while he mentally evaluated whom among his peers might know information relevant to his theory. 

Rizuke-kun just made that quip about sharks to Baruga and.. 

What was that smirk on his face? 

 He glanced at his teammate and then Baruga, before clearing his throat.

"I was saying, bad shrimp will still be bad shrimp. Which one of you three would like a free palm reading at lunch break?"

WC:1111   TWC:1869
Baruga Ryoinsatsu
Baruga Ryoinsatsu
Stat Page : ☁️
Summoning Contract : ☁️
Familiar : ☁️
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : SPACE-TIME.
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 10000

Fanservice Empty Re: Fanservice

Sat Jul 09, 2022 1:04 am
Another one joined their ranks — this time, a green-haired man that seemed closer to her age. And actually taller than her, for once, even if it was a scant few inches. Enough for his eye level to be a bit higher. He had on a rectangular pair of glasses and a smart look on him, but other than that, he was in same-standard beach clothes like anyone else.

Baruga nodded. Normally, she'd chew somebody out for being late, but given the insufferably submissive behavior of her current posse, she settled for turning her nose up and straightening her back. There was no need to instill the fear of the gods in these fools, since they all seemed to have it already. Tch.

"It is. Pleasure to meet you as well, Sashihara-san."

She made eye contact with him for a brief moment, but he looked away. Another attempt to look him in the eyes resulted in him, again, looking away. Hm. Was he scared, or nervous? Either way, she didn't mind. In fact, it provided quite the ego boost.

She waved off his concern — literally, actively flicking her fingers dismissively with a roll of her eyes.

"No, no, it's been lethargic. Well, it's supposed to be. No need to apologize."

Once they asked about her day, Baruga started walking on her quote-on-quote patrol and, presumably, the rest of them followed, lest the conversation got very awkward and very idiotic.

"Well, I've been fine. Helped a young couple resolve their marital issues last night, and almost got pulled into a th — hm. I'll not say more, you seem too young for that. Nevertheless, it was a very strange experience. My dinner before that debacle was brilliant, though. I'll miss the fresh seafood once we get back to Kumogakure."

She did level a glare at him for that shark comment, though. Oh, survive two demonic sharks, and you grow a backbone, do you? Well, he better have that moxie when he goes back and gets on regular mission duty. Of course, she didn't vocalize any of this — her eyes have often been described as "unimpressed" and "judgmental", and she suspected he'd feel the full force of it with a single look before she turned back, surveying the coastline again.

— Oh, look, in the distance, someone asleep on an inner tube about to drift out to sea. She squinted and confirmed what she was observing. Who knew that she actually did something productive while on duty...

Snorting, she tapped a foot on the ground, summoned an E-Rank Whale by the virtue of her bare feet alone, and let the floating baby whale calf go and rescue the slumbering fool on their lonesome so they could receive headpats later, relaying a quick set of instructions before they left. Having solved that particular issue...

Baruga continued on her path, chatting as if nothing happened.

— And then paused, as Saturn sent ice through her veins.




Her head whipped out to the coastline. Her whale calf summon, Hideyori, had just woken the man up and seemed to be explaining... something to the people nearby. Several families were playing in both the sea and on the sand. Like a game of Where's Watanabe (a children's game that Baruga had every version of, back in her childhood home of the Daimyo's palace), Baruga scanned the nearby coastline for any sort of unnatural change, sea creature, or otherwise dangerous monster.

Not wanting to risk anything, Baruga actively bent over and placed a palm on the sand near her feet, and another whale — this time the crystal-encrusted narwhal, Katsuyori — to go fly around and scour the perimeter for any sharks. Dutiful and obedient as ever, Katsuyori flies off towards the coastline, and Baruga watched the narwhal for a few minutes while the rest of them spoke.

...And then used her Drip Technique to splash a handful of cold water at Saturn's face after he was done talking about — palm readings, or something, a cold anger in her sea blue eyes. She spoke in a loud whisper, veering into a snarl, as she leaned down to Saturn's level to admonish him away from prying ears.

"Wanker! Don't start a false alarm like that! You can't just look like you've observed something in the water and then yell 'shark!', people will think there's actually a bloody shark!"

Heaving a silent sigh, Baruga massaged the root of her nose and stood back up to her full height. She made the Dog hand seal and deeply inhaled... then deeply exhaled. Once that breathing exercise was over, she looked noticeably calmer, and lowered her arms.

"Look, let's just keep this relaxing, yeah? No mentioning sharks unless there's actually, visibly a shark. Or any other threat, for that matter. Let's talk about something else. Any of you see any birds you like? Or, well, whatever you're into. I'm curious as to what you blokes deem attractive, is all."

WC: 832
TWC: 1499

(As a note, I believe we've fulfilled the mission WC requirements, but we can keep going for as long as you'd like.)
Kosuke Sashihara
Kosuke Sashihara
Stat Page : Ko's Chart
Health: 300 | AP: 1440
Vigor: 100 | Chakra: 150
Speed: 40 | Strength: 10

Remove Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 90500

Fanservice Empty Re: Fanservice

Sun Jul 10, 2022 3:57 pm
{With Baruga's and Rizuke's ok I will be proceeding under the assumption that we are adding in the S-Rank Pirates event mission; If Saturn indicates he would like to limit this to the Baymatch mission we can figure something else out.}


Kosuke - "Speech"|Thoughts|(Jutsu)
Third Party - "Speech"
"Likewise, I look forward to working with you." Kosuke acknowledged Rizuke's greeting with a comfortable smile before turning towards Saturn. Saturn appeared to Ko to be the most eccentric of the group taking into account appearances and mannerisms as a whole. The young man introduced himself 'formally' in what was certainly a loose sense of the word. That's not to say that it was off-putting, but the quickness of familiarity in which Saturn addressed Ko and the question, "Where are you from?" caught him a bit by surprise.

To be honest Ko hadn't thought much about where this place was and about the people he had met while he was here. Were most of these people natives and he a stray outsider? Or was this a place designed to bring in different peoples from all over, and if so for what purpose? Maybe it was some combination, with there being a native population in addition to outsiders that had been pulled in from afar? Regardless, Ko didn't register any ill-intent with the question and he wanted to be reciprocal in an effort to maintain group cohesion and potentially develop a rapport to help bridge his gap in social skills. So he answered the question honestly if not awkwardly after a brief moment of thought.

"Ah...thank you Saturn-san. I am from a small village in the southern region of the Rice Country. How about yourself?" Truth be told nobody in the group would likely even be aware of the small village he grew up in. It wasn't one of the major ninja villages; not to mention the arrival of shinobi in his village was news that typically spread and he couldn't remember many eventful moments like that in his village since he and his father had relocated there 10 years ago.

Finally was Baruga. She was almost on the other end of the spectrum from Saturn in regards of formality. He almost laughed at the thought. For most people this may not even be worth a passing thought. However, for most of his life in his capacity as a doctor or doctor's assistant in his village a majority of people had addressed him as Kosuke-san. Yet here he was in a strange place after just leaving his home for the first time and the forms of address had shifted in many directions at once. Truthfully neither Baruga's nor Saturn's address of him was all that unusual, but the whirlwind of everything together was amusing to him nonetheless.

Ko noted the dismissiveness in how she assuaged his concern. On one hand she appeared to be annoyed by either the group or circumstances and yet on the other she was professional in her interactions and careful in managing the group morale as a whole. Ko was an analytical creature with a passion for learning. His excitement was building deep down and acting almost as a form of inhibitor release. Following Baruga's response to his arrival Ko locked eyes with her, refusing to look away with timidity, and a slight smile crested his face as he nodded appreciatively to her.

The group began to move along in their patrol of the beach with Baruga at the head of the group. Conversation continued between the members and Ko noted what appeared to be prior familiarity amongst the members of the group. Rizuke and Saturn in particular seemed to have a bit of camaraderie that indicated to Ko that they may have known each other for some time. Around this time Rizuke unexpectedly made an offer of sunscreen to him.

Up to this point Kosuke hadn't given as much thought to the boy as he had the others in the group. He was the youngest and by Ko's observations seemed to be the most normal in the group. In fact he reminded Ko of other boys from his village that were around what he assumed was a similar age. None of the boys in his village has been trained shinobi however and Ko was now coming to the conclusion that Rizuke could possibly be the most unusual member of the group in that regard. Though maybe that wouldn't be all that unusual if the boy was a village ninja. Regardless, Ko resolved that it would be best to keep a more open mind about these things in the future.

"Thank you for the sunscreen." Kosuke graciously accepted the offer of sunscreen and after a quick application on his face and arms he handed the bottle back over to Rizuke. Perhaps the kind offer had just been out of habit for the boy or maybe he was more observant and noted Kosuke's pale skin and apparent lack of sunscreen. Either way, Ko appreciated the opportunity to protect himself a bit from the beating rays of the sun even if he could easily and quickly recover himself from any effects of sunburn that he received.

Kosuke spent some time looking out to the water and along the water as the conversation among the group continued. The waves appeared to be more calm at the moment and the vast majority of those in the water were close to the shore. In the sky were a number of seagulls and pelicans, but nothing out of the ordinary. There did not appear to be anyone in any observable danger at the moment but he continued his vigilant watch turning back towards the opposite direction of their patrol walking backwards at the tail of the group. Ko found himself smirking as Baruga stopped herself before going in to too much detail on her escapades in helping out a couple the previous night. She certainly seems to know how to enjoy herself. Then as she spoke about her dinner she gave out a detail to help Kosuke put together a few pieces that he had been missing.


Her statement indicated that she was from a major village, and now he knew that village was in fact from the same world as himself, something he had been unsure of since his arrival in this place. In fact he now knew she was from the Lightning Country in the north. Her use of 'we' in her statement also indicated to Kosuke that the entire group other than himself, given the connections that had already been established, were also Kumogakure shinobi. This didn't change anything in his eyes, but it was nice to have the knowledge at least.

Just as Ko noticed someone drifting out too far on an inflated tube Baruga tapped her foor down and summoned what appeared to be a whale of some kind. He hid his awe as he watched the summon effortlessly retrieve the man. Kosuke was making some mental notes about Baruga and the whale when he heard Saturn mention something about a shark. Baruga reacted harshly to the announcment. Kosuke was also concerned but extremely curious as to how Baruga would respond. She was decisive in her action, this time fully bending over to place a palm firmly on the sand.

The creature that emerged this time was similar in dimensions but stood out in how it was covered in topaz crystals. The creature took off on a patrol of the waters nearby as the group observed. Kosuke took this opportunity to scout back down the way they had come again when he noticed someone being helped out of the ocean water a short ways away. It was a young adult man being supported on his right by a slightly shorter woman. The man appeared to be in pain and was careful to keep his right foot off of the ground. He quickly dropped down as they got to a secure spot away from the water.

"I'll be right back."

Ko rushed over the short distance to the couple as a few others were coming over to check on the man. "Is everything alright? I am a doctor and I spotted you a moment ago limping out of the water." Kosuke knelt down beside the man as he approached and took a look at the foot. There was a long gash on the bottom of the man's right foot that was slowly draining blood. "We were worried about the 2 large whale creatures we saw and tried to get out of the water as soon as we could." The young woman pointed over in the direction of Baruga's summons a bit further up the beach. "Yeah, augh...I must have stepped on a sharp rock or something just as we were getting out. It hurts like a bitch but I will be fine." The main was talking through a bit of pain.

"Is it alright if I take a closer look at the wound?" 

"Sure, knock yourself out." The man grunted with slight pain as Kosuke gently lifted the man's foot for a closer look. The cut was long, but it appeared to be shallow. The man was right, if left alone this would help up just fine as long as it was cleaned and wrapped. Ko would be happy to accelerate the process for the man though. "If you would permit me, I can take care of this wound for you in just a moment. All I will need is some fresh water, perhaps from a water bottle?" A man that had wandered over curiously was quick to offer a bottle that he had in his backpack.

Kosuke positioned himself seated in front of the injured man as to keep his injured foot propped up on his own legs as he worked. Ko poured the water from the bottle slowly over the man's foot to wash away the sand and salt water from the wound. The warm fresh water would have been slightly soothing as well for the man. The last bit of water was used by Ko to clean the palm of his own right hand. After dropping the bottle to his side, Ko performed the boar and rat handseals and placed his now glowing right hand on the man's foot.

After a span of about 15 seconds the glow left Ko's hands and he pulled away to reveal a foot that was left with only a slight scar on it. "You should be able to move around without much difficulty now." Kosuke stood up as he spoke and offered the now empty bottle to the man he had gotten it from. The group was in a bit of awe and the couple thanked Ko as the previously injured man was now taking a few steps around as if trying on a new shoe. "Wow, I can't feel a damn thing. Thanks a lot for that man. I didn't even catch your name."

"Ah, think nothing of it. My name is Kosuke, but I must get back to my patrol. Be careful on the foot, it will need a day or two to fully heal back up." With that Ko waved as he jogged back over to his group, noting a few parrots flying around near the trees further down at the edge of the beach. It had been a few minutes and Ko heard Saturn say something about bad shrimp and palm readings followed by Baruga splashing him in the face with some water as he returned to the group. She then started to berate Saturn about shark false alarms before starting a breathing exercise. 

Feeling somewhat bad for the guy and wanting to extend the courtesy he had received so far, Ko put a consoling hand on Saturn's back and spoke to him somewhat quietly. "I'll take you up on that palm reading offer later if it is still available." Baruga returned mentally from her exercise looking much calmer and in search of a change of topic. Ko was feeling a bit more loose now, for better or worse. So when Baruga asked about what they deemed attractive he didn't even stop to think before speaking. "I would say I like blue eyes and confidence."

The question about birds made him think though. He glanced back down towards the end of the beach and this time there were around 10 parrots flying to and fro above the trees. A more purposeful observation of the treeline revealed a number of small monkeys hoping around from one tree to another with some even venturing a ways out onto the beach past the trees. The behavior as a whole seemed odd to Kosuke so he pointed it out to the group as he spoke.

"Does anything about the behavior of those animals seem odd to any of you?"

WC: 2100
TWC: 2755
Mission Wordcount: 2755/2000

Jutsu and AP:

Last edited by Kosuke Sashihara on Tue Jul 12, 2022 2:02 am; edited 2 times in total
Rizuke Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Fanservice Empty Re: Fanservice

Tue Jul 12, 2022 12:58 am
Rizuke would wander the beach with his companions. As the youngest of the group, he knew he’d commit a few faux pas, but he was also aware he’d be forgiven for a few of them. He had brought up the shark mission he had been on with Baruga, well since meeting her on the beach, he’d been on a few missions with her. It was something weird for Rizuke. He was used to being grouped up with Saturn, they were in the same team. There was also Kosuke an older shinobi, Rizuke had no idea who he was, but was glad to have the senior along it would take the focus away from Rizuke who was trying to get the mission done so he could enjoy his time at Mikadzuki beach, and not a bunch of missions, but it was just mission after mission here. It was a reference to the shark mission that Saturn had inquired about the sharks, and had Baruga snap on him for it. Rizuke knew Baruga was scary and would try to inform Saturn when she wasn’t listening. Luckily for everyone involved it didn’t matter because things were about to spice up on Mikadzuki Beach, for better or for worse.
After she would snap on Saturn, Baruga would summon a whale, well, a narwal, and would command it to fly around to secure the beach. “Don’t you think that’s a little overboard?” Rizuke would wonder a little too out loud. He knew he’d get scolded by his friend and peer, but he also knew Saturn a little bit and knew there wasn’t a shark. He would attempt to cool down the ragtag team. Rizuke felt responsible that Saturn had been scolded and so he would try to play peacekeeper. Even though he felt better Saturn that Saturn did take the punishment over himself, he felt bad that he was the root cause. Rizuke would adhere to the rule about not saying the word shark unless there was a shark visible, and only then. Rizuke would concur with the rule and would move on. He would keep scanning the beach even though he really didn’t have to now that the whale was flying around the beach. At this point, Rizuke felt practically useless, but he was having fun.
Rizuke would apologize to Saturn and then would continue looking around the beach for anything that would be cause for concern. He would see a couple approach the squad with the man limping, and Kosuke would rush out to greet them and then would use medical jutsu to heal the man’s foot to heal it, Rizuke found medical jutsu fascinating, Kosuke was a pretty decent guy in Rizuke’s eyes, it seemed there was more in this world than just gaining the power to use over people, Kosuke was using his powers to heal, this made Rizuke have to think about his position in life. When Kosuke returned he started hitting on Baruga, which made Rizuke jealous, how was this guy so good at this. Instead of being mad or letting his jealousy get the better of him he would study the older shinobi and would listen to what he told the kunoichi. He was so cool about throwing in how he liked blue eyes, that was clever, Rizuke would think to himself as the squad moved down the beach.  He was obviously well versed in talking to women, so he would watch this conversation unfold, but before it could get good Kosuke had noticed birds, and their behavior is weird or strange. Rizuke hadn’t noticed as he was taking mental notes on the ebb and flow of the older people in the group’s banter, but as he studied the birds it was weird.
It seemed to Rizuke that they were taking over part of the beach or were guarding something, but birds don’t act like that. He would think to himself scratching the top of his head. “Maybe we should put our conversation on hold and figure out what that is?” Rizuke would surmise as he started looking in the direction of the birds. They were about one hundred meters away as best as Rizuke could guess, but he wasn’t the best at gauging distance, that would be something he was working on, there was a new jutsu he was working on that he would deploy if the time arose that he needed to. It was a new genjutsu his dad showed him, he hadn’t perfected it yet, but he thought if push came to shove, he could get it to work if he needs to. He was surrounded by other powerful shinobi and that meant he could take the back seat, but he didn’t want to be the guy everyone had to protect anymore. He felt that maybe he did have something to prove to everyone else.
Rizuke would let everyone work over a battle plan, but did they need a battle plan? He would question himself, currently, it’s just a bunch of birds flying around acting a little weird, but that doesn’t quite mean that there’s any danger. That was until a couple of people were spotted running directly at the squad. “Help us, they stole our friend!” The couple would say between labored gasps of air grabbing at the shinobi and crying. “I think they took more people, but we only saw them take our friend! There were so many of them! Why did they have to come here of all places?” The couple would tell the group as they broke down and cried. Rizuke would walk up to the couple crying on the warm sandy ground of Mikadzuki Beach, the youngest out of the group, and would try to comfort the couple, he didn’t have many answers, but what he did have was unbridled optimism. “We’ll get your friend back, and send these guys packing up and out of here!” Rizuke would say with a face of pure determination, now this went from an investigation to a battle powwow really quick.
Rizuke would let the older shinobi figure out the battle plan, he had a few tricks up his sleeve, but not whales like Baruga or what he expected from Kosuke, and he knew Saturn had a solid head on his shoulders so Rizuke would just listen, he knew his place at the current moment. He felt Baruga would come up with the plan, she was really good at that, but Kosuke could be a strategist extraordinaire. “I know this isn’t my place, I just became a genin and then wound up here, but I also want to learn so if you guys could make me a part of the planning I would apricate that.” Rizuke would chime in thinking the older shinobi might be harsh on him, but they may not, only time would tell. Rizuke would try to stand as close to whoever was talking as would be socially acceptable, he wasn’t trying to weird people out, just learn.

WC: 1167
TWC: 2012

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