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Shinrei Yamato
Yuuma Fujiwara
Shikami Shinkou
Duncan Crawford
Youta Shinkou
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Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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Ryo : 89906


Wed Jul 06, 2022 2:39 am

Youta was always super excited to see his friends and learn what they had been up to the past few months. Today he was going to the beach which was super exciting and wanted to make a good impression on his friend Fu who he knew would for sure be there.he would get on his swimming trunks and put on his fuinjutsu bands where he would store all of his weapons and armor in. He would head to where it would take him and he would be transported to Mikadzuki beach and would wait for whoever would arrive to arrive.

While waiting, a young boy, maybe six or seven would approach youta and say “hey mister, can you please help me. I want to build the best sandcastle ever is there anyway you can help me” youta would look at this young boy and his little puppy dog eyes and say “Can you give me a little time i am waiting here for some friends. So buddy, what is your name and more importantly where are your parents.” he would answer “My name is Souma and they are over there.” He would point and they would wave back like it was no big deal.

He would wait for a little while and as soon as the other shinobi would arrive he would say to the group “hey guys sdo you think there is any chance we could help this little boy named, Souma make a sand castle?”

Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500


Fri Jul 08, 2022 1:49 am
Duncan was training, preparing himself for the return of Mortarion with as much vigorous training as his body would allow him. Physical conditioning alone only went so far, but he needed to get his body in peak shape to fit back into his combat armor. Until then, he would push himself to the limit. He had been going at this pace for about an hour now, sweat drenching the man and dripping from each and every pore. Deciding that it was time for a momentary reprieve, he would make his way to his possessions and drink a whole bottle of water in a single series of gulps. He didn't want to cramp up, but this amount of water was practically nothing to the giant, merely wetting his dry mouth and attempting (poorly) to replenish some of the water that was pouring out of him. 

Duncan would wipe the sweat from his brow to avoid it making its way to his eyes and causing any stinging discomfort, quickly making his way over to the doorway into the next room of the advanced training facility, only to walk through the doorway and find himself blinded by a bright Summer sun, the solid earth once beneath his feet replaced by irritating granules of crushed rock. He immediately expected this to be some sort of genjutsu, one of his fellow Kumo shinobi catching him in perhaps a moment of weakness. He would flood his body with chakra, aiming to shatter any genjutsu spell he had fallen under. Unfortunately the large man still found himself at the beach. He'd turn around, thinking that he would just walk back through the doorway that brought him here, only to turn and find the door gone, almost like it never existed in the first place. 

His ragged clothes changed to beach wear. Long, bright red swimming trunks come down to his knees. His shirt was gone, his titanic physique now on full display. Based on what could be seen folks would likely expect Duncan to be some sort of bodybuilder, but in reality he was just a Kumo shinobi. They had a tendency to breed big, physically powerful shinobi capable in martial combat just as much as they were mastered of ninjutsu. 

The beach was filled with people, most just lounging about lazily. How the hell was he supposed to continue getting in a proper workout here, surrounded by people that barely understand the definition of hard work. A grimace would form, his unease at the situation fairly clear. At least when he was transported last time he triggered the transportation himself, but this time it was thrust upon him and there was no clear way to get back.

The giant would turn around, ready to angrily stomp his way to the water to at least try and cool off a bit. He would unfortunately kick a young boys sand castle, immediately causing the youth to burst into tears. Duncan would scratch his head, an uneasy feeling overtaking him. This little boy didn't do anything to wrong him, and despite his anger it would be wrong to direct it at the child. He would also see another right beside the child, probably an older sibling or such. 

"Sorry little one," Duncan would offer to the wee lad, "I can help you rebuild it." The giant would crouch down to his knees, still easily two or three times the height of the young child. Duncan would turn to the other person present, "My intentions were not to destroy your brothers building. You wanna help? Faster we get this done the faster I can go about my business and get out of your hair." 

wc: 614
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650


Mon Jul 11, 2022 4:28 pm
It was a beautiful day! For the first time in her life, Fu was on vacation. The beach was beautiful, far more impressive than any beach that she had seen on the coast of the land of fire. Today, Fu had planned to meet with her friend Youta at the beach. Fu had completed a mission or two with Youta and found that it was really easy to get along with him- so when he invited her to join him- she didn't refuse. Plus- hanging out at the beach with other people was much more enjoyable than going alone- in her opinion anyways.
After her first day at the beach, Archie elected to stay home in the shade. The beach was no place for a large woodland creature who was used to the more mild climate's of his home. Fu strolled to the beach, wearing a Hoshigakure colored one piece and a pair of black shades and a large, floppy hat. Vacation was a perfect time for the Kunoichi to express herself and let loose and she planned on it.
"Oh, hey Youta!" Fu would call aloud to Youta, while waving, upon locating him in the distance. Near Youta was an abnormally large man and a small child who the giant appeared to be consoling. Once Fu arrived at the scene, she would overhear a portion of the conversation, mainly just the word sandcastle. "SANDCASTLE! Can I help? Please, please, please." Fu would edge closer to the giant and the child, forcing her assistance onto them. "I've never made a sandcastle before, but I'd love to help!" She would say eagerly, now kneeling down besides them. Fu molded her chakra into her hands and started playing with the sand, creating a small structure that resembled a little castle. The structure persisted for a moment, then collapsed.
WC: 306
Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000


Mon Jul 11, 2022 6:55 pm
Shikami had no explanation how he was here, or rather why he was here, just that he simply was. The Shinkou of the mist village looked around, he had not recognized this place at all, however he could feel the heat of the sun and knew he was over dressed for just such an occasion, he would first find a local shop that had a more appropriate attire, using their Restroom he would Change into his new cloths and walk back out onto the beach.

The Pale white hair of the less than sane looking young adult gleamed in the sun, as he wore no shirt, showing the porcelain like skin , Shikami was in no way buff, but he had not slouched much on his training, he would walk up to the edge of the beach wearing just the pair of swimming trunks he had just bought, his toes curling in the hot sand before letting go as they got used to the heat and than the ocean water washed up over them, immediatly cooling off his feet.

Shikami would hear a slight ruckus from nearbye and look over. A big guy who seemed a little out of sorts had crashed one kids sand castle, and another person shouted sandcastle at what appeared to be a friend since they knew each other, but the looks of how they moved and physical appearance told everything that Shikami needed to see. They were shinobi like him, but for some odd reason instead of questioning the mystery of this place, he would instead walk over to them, and give a friendly hello "Hey Yall, Names Shikami, we helping this boy build a Sandcastle? Lets use the big guy here as a way to measure that way it would seem like an actual house, find me a better sand castle than that."

Shikami would than set off to helping to build the first wall, and knowing that heat helps to turn sand into glass, he figured if he stopped before it became glass, the Sand would just be sticky and allow him to leave the wall alone and it would stay standing long enough for him to move to the next wall. So once he had a good eight foot wall of sand built, he made it liek a square at first, making it eight foot long, and than he used the wicked star technique of his after making sure everyone stayed clear of it. Than once he felt it was ready he would end the technique, the blue flames seemingly enter back into his hand. Exposing for just a moment his clans mark on his palm.

After that portion of the wall was up he made a second Eight foot length of wall and eight foot tall, and once more he would use his technique to conjure blue flames to make the sand solidify and stay in place. Shikami would look to the others as if wondering if they were gunna join him or not "If the flames is the issue, Ill supply the flames to the all of the structure, that should help it stay in place"

twc - 525
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 89906


Wed Jul 13, 2022 2:03 am
Youta would look around and see thishulking man come up and start helping build this sandcastle. “Oh he is not my brother but your help would be a great asset.  Do you mind? He is just a youngster from our village. My name is Youta by the way, what is yours?”  Youta had seen this kid around the shops his father works at and running around that district.  Then out of nowhere he would hear his name from a familiar voice he had not heard in quite a while and he would turn his head and see the shinobi Fu, who he had worked with before.  “Hey Fu! How is it going?” They would start begging for the chance to help. “Of coarse buddy, you can help. I cannot really tell you no now can I? Especially when you want too so badly.”  They would all be working on the sandcastles and another man would walk up and off his help he would introduce himself as shikigami. “Hello we would love some help. My name is Youta.”  They would build up a castle eventually.

The after they help the young boy all of them would hear a very loud argument.  A young man and a young woman would come down the beach yelling at each other Youta could not make out what they were fighting about but he would turn to fu and ask “Do you think we should offer some help? If anything it might calm them down and they might stop yelling.” He would turn to the rest of the group and ask “What do you guys think we should do? Should we offer them some assistance? Or just look the other way? I am down to do either as long as I do not have to do the talking.”

WC 302
Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
Stat Page : Duncan Crawford's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500


Sat Jul 16, 2022 2:50 am
Duncan would be mistaken, the boy he thought was the brother of the little kid saying that there was no relation. He would offer his name, the giant of a man nodding. In what felt like no time at all another person would join, and then another. It was becoming quite crowded, there now being four people along with the young boy. The young lady was addressed as Fu by the boy Youta, and the other incredibly pale man that approached stated his name as Shikami. Duncan realized that it wasn't fair to the others if he knew their names but refrained from providing his own, and so he would make no efforts to sow discord between them. "You can call me Duncan." He would offer, hoping that his tone and lacking of enthusiasm didn't bleed too much into the mood of the group to sour things. 

The lady Fu seemed to be the most enthused about this whole situation, though Duncan didn't seem to take in any of this as he held no real desire to be here. This odd beach 'adventure' was interfering with his training and making getting into proper shape rather... difficult to say the least. Still, without any way of knowing how to get back to his homeland he had little choice. Perhaps completing some set of tasks might be key to getting back... or maybe he was stuck here for the rest of his days. The large man shuddered to think that he would never be able to return, and quickly dismissed such a thought. He was going to return, no matter what it took. 

They suggested using the giant as a measuring stick of sorts, to which he had no reason to disagree. If they made a sandcastle as big as he was, that would most definitely be the most impressive sand castle on the beach. Hell, it would be the most impressive sand castle in the world as that size so long as they didn't skimp on the details of the structure. Shikami left no time wasted, immediately beginning to create a rather large wall of sand. Fu's small sand structure building efforts just a moment ago seemed tiny by comparison. Duncan pondered if the sand was capable of standing on its own considering the weight of such a sizable structure, but Shikami was using some sort of technique to heat the sand, blue flames forming in the porcelain man's hands. Duncan had no such capability, but Shikami offered to provide the flames and heat if they others put in efforts to create such massive walls. There were four of them, and Duncan figured that there would need to be four walls. That was some simple division of labor if he had ever seen it. Duncan would take the wet sand, forming it into walls. It wasn't easy, but a bucket helped. The man would stack bucket after bucket, forming what seemed like bucket shaped bricks and the wet sand forming together like mortar between the layers. The seemed to allow the bricks to hold shape. Duncan would look at the castle they had worked together to create, nodding as he accepted the task as complete. This was easily a great many times better than the sand structure that he had accidently trampled. 

What could then only be described as a screaming match between two upset people would be all that could be heard across the beach, or at least the area of the beach they were in. Youta mentioned possibly helping, but also not really wanting to speak up and get involved. "Well, I for one am already tired of hearing their yelling." Duncan would walk over to the pair, "I have to say that your yelling is distracting and upsetting others on the beach."

The groom would dismiss the man, mentioning not caring about the trivial concerns of the other beachgoers. The large man would shake his head, standing up tall right beside the comparatively small couple, towering high above them and giving the shouting pair a stern look. He would lean in, his face inching closer to the grooms. "I'm one of those beachgoers, and I'm getting sick of your yelling." Duncan would make his meaning clear, "Now why don't you calmly talk out whatever is bothering you? I won't ask nicely again."

Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650


Thu Jul 28, 2022 5:02 am
Fu sat back and let the men do all the work. They were now being led by the largest one of the bunch to create a sand castle for the child that no bully could easily destroy. The crew worked hard to pack the walls together, tall and wide, creating a virtual house on the beach. Fu was impressed by how hard they worked and while they constructed a house on the beach, Fu attended to the child, showing her various jutsu to keep him occupied until the structure was built.
Once the walls were established, Fu would create a stream of fire from her mouth, applying the heat of the flames to the outside of the castle’s walls to form them into a solid, opaque material that was much sturdier than wet sand. After the first two walls, Fu became confident in her technique and began to experiment by carving different designs into the side of the wall. She created a star, for Hoshigakure. Fu would perk her head up and say, “Hey, big guy, what village are you from?” If he responded, Fu would proceed to carve his villages symbol into the side of the castle wall as well, create a collage of sorts for the child’s new fortress. Whether or not Duncan answered, Fu would proceed to ask Shikami the same question. “What about you Shiki?” Fu would say, giving the stranger a nickname without his request. This type of behavior highlighted Fu’s eccentric personality and her chipper personality was infectious- or nauseating to some. If he responded, she would proceed to carve his village symbol onto the castle’s wall with precision, utilizing the Great Fireball technique to it’s maximum potential by compressing the initial flame into a precise and powerful laser.
Once the castle was completed, they would present their work to the child who appeared as though he was about to explode with excitement. The group had created a house on the beach in record time. It was so impressive that people had actually started congregating around them, watching in amazement as the shinobi put on a show of jutsu and superhuman strength.
Fu was basking in the attention when the big guy, Duncan, made a straight line towards a couple of beach goers who were beginning to cause a commotion. “Oh wow.” Fu thought to herself, as Duncan began to press them. “I would not want to mess with that guy.” Fu laughed, her words directed towards Youta and Shiki if they were still nearby. “Should we do something?” Fu would say, wondering if Duncan had a temper and could potentially swing on the normies. “Normies” were people that Fu referred to as regular, non-special, non-magical, non-cool, plane, old, boring, humans. Anyways, Fu’s concerns were merely superficial, and she didn’t care enough to go out of her way to stop him, so she was hoping one of the others would at least head over there to see what was going on.

WC: 497
TWC: 803
Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000


Mon Aug 08, 2022 4:57 pm
As Shikami went to answer on if something should be done about the couple after their spectacular finish over the sand mansion that was built. he would note the big guy of the group, Duncan was his name. Walk over there, Shikami did not know about the couple but he knew if a beach goer like that walked up, he would stop whatever he was doing and listen to the big man, they seemed to have that entire situation under control, and that was when Shikami would note the sounds of distress coming from a different direction, and when he walked up he over heard that the water's rising tide had soaked the fuses of fireworks, well natural water stood no chance against his techniques, and with that he would walk up to them and offer his help, First he would create himself a wall to help block incoming waves of water from soaking the fuses further, using the same technique to solidify the wall to help reduce the rate of erosion from the water, and with instructions, he would begin to dry out fuses with his technique, and lighting a couple of them.

And when he was given the visual signal he was told about to start the fuses for the next bunch he would do as instructed, this type of work had reminded Shikami of the days when he was a young genin, doing anything that he could, no matter how menial the task was, at that revealing moment into his past, he had a determination that when he returned back to Kiri he would try to keep the menial tasks upkept as well, it would do both him and the village, good, seeing one of their jounin care enough to make sure their needs was not just brushed aside, and allowed him to humble himself to the face of the public.

Around this time he got another signal, lightning the next batch of fireworks, around this time, he finished drying the rest of the fuses, and allowed them to take the fireworks show from there, as he would rejoin the group he was working with , unless they had joined him for his show of jutsu and even helped him out, that would be grand. He would look over at them as a kid ran up with a Biathlon flyer, a foot race followed by a surfing contest, at which Shikami would look up at the others.

"You know if we do two teams for this, we generate a better chance at winning over all, if you all are down for this" He inquired to the others around him, to see if they wanted to also potentially participate in such a thing.

Wc- 454
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 89906


Sat Aug 13, 2022 11:01 pm
“Hello Duncan, Thank you for the help. Sorry about Fu. She can be a little much but she usually has good intentions. She is really good though at what she does.” Fu would find out and carve their villages into the castle which Youta would not pay much mind to. Soon after Youta would talk about the couple Duncan would go to talk to them. Fu would ask if we should be worried. Youta would look at Fu and say “I am sure he will be fine and the couple will probably be ok. I mean what could go wrong?” He would say kinda worried but then would continue “I mean I am sure he will not hurt them right? But I mean what do we know about the big man? But he seems good enough. Right, what do you think? Ah You go help figure out what is wrong with the couple and i will go with Shikigami and help him with whatever is going on that way.”

He would try to secretly activate meigan and He would run up to Shikigami after noticing he had Yuumei. He would then deactivate it and say “So what do we need to do here? Set off and make some fireworks with Jutsu. My guess is fire jutsu will work best. Agree?” He would continue to look at him and say “So a fellow Shinkou? I can see your Yuumei. But where are you from, have you been back to the Abyss Village recently?” You would use some fire and lighting jutsu to light up the sky and put on a pretty good show.

Soon after the problem with the couple and the firework show would be solved a young boy would walk up with a flyer. It was a flyer about a Biathlon. “Oh a biathalon? I am not the fastest person alive. Do you think using a ride on like a mount or something would be cheating? But I am down to do teams if you guys want. I also do not really care what the teams are. Any ideas?”

WC 350
Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500


Thu Aug 18, 2022 12:23 am
The whole of the project was really coming together nicely, and seemingly to mark their work the kunoichi by the name of Fu was placing her village symbol into the structure. When asked by Fu,  Duncan would proudly state, "The great village of Kumogakure in the Land of Lightning." The man would of course have his hands at his waist, elbows out in an almost heroic pose. He would then turn to Youta who seemed to want to apologize for his friends forwardness and quirks. "You needn't worry. I hold great pride in my village and care not who knows it." She would then begin to carve the symbol of Kumo into the structure, it would seem as though she was going to do the same for all of them, but the loud distraction on the beach took his attention and presence away from the others and he was not able to hear any of the others answers. 

The conversation between the unbearably loud groom and Duncan was over rather quickly, his sheer presence and demeanor letting the man know that it was time to stop his argument and quietly leave the beach. Duncan wasn't usually of such a foul demeanor, but his unease of this whole situation and place seeped into his every word and action. The clearly intimidated groom would back up slowly, raising his hands up to show that he didn't want any trouble with the giant. This whole interaction probably played into some of the stereotypes no doubt surrounding Kumo ninja, but he didn't care. Kumo shinobi had no problems getting stuff done, even if it was direct, blunt, and made others around them a bit uncomfortable. Once the man stopped his unbearable screaming, the giant would ask what the argument was about to which the groom (foolishly) started once more to get worked up and raise his voice. A mere look from Duncan informed him of his mistake though, to which he apologized and more calmly spoke about the issues between them. Duncan was no expert in the field of marital counseling, but he gave it a good old best effort. Lots of words between them were spoken (or at least it felt like an eternity to the massive man) but they finally seemed to all be on the same page and both the bride and groom ended up walking away smiling. 

The large man would make his way over to the others when a kid would rush up and hand them flyers. It was for some sort of biathlon, a foot race followed by a surfing contest. As a man of the mountains of Kumogakure, the giant had not a clue as to how one was supposed to surf. "I don't mind a foot race. I'm not as spry as I once was, but it could be fun." A genuine smile would make its way across his face, the thought of physical competition causing his Kumo blood to burn with passion. This was the closest thing to proper training this place has been able to provide so far, and he hope that it wouldn't disappoint.  

wc: 521
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