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I'm Here For the Booty Empty I'm Here For the Booty

Sat Jul 09, 2022 4:18 am
Mission Details:

It was a day much like any other, the red haired bandit just lounging about in his bed, eyes closed but slowly gaining consciousness and coming to. There was no difference in the air the salty scent of ocean breeze heavy in the pirates nostrils as he stirred. His eyes would slowly slide open, the whole room brightly lit despite only a single beam of light piercing through his rooms window, a pinhole in the draw shade from a particularly fun - but drunken - night where he decided to play darts. A poor decision in hindsight, but at the time there was more rum in him than functioning braincells. Offering his awakening body little more than a big stretch and a scratch of his family treasures, the rogue would slip on some clothes and reach for the doorknob. Something felt off, though Cid wasn't quite able to place it. Shaking the odd feeling off, he would turn the handle and emerge from his room to greet the world. He expected the usual scenery, a plain hallway leading down to the front lobby of the inn he stayed at. Unfortunately, this was not the case. He was on... a beach? "Well I'll be damned. Maybe I'm still asleep." He would look around this place, trying to find his bearings. He'd spot others, each doing various things one would expect at a beach. Some folks were building castles out of wet sand, while others were lounging about getting their tan on. Not too far down the beach was an all girls volleyball game. Unable to remove his gaze, a grin would make its way across Cid's face. "Now I know that I'm dreaming. Realest dream I've ever seen, though." 

Most folks were wearing their swimsuits, though the pirate found himself wearing the same outfit as usual. He stood out a bit due to this, but he didn't really care. This was his dream after all, right? With the weaving of a few simple seals, Cid would conjure forth a sizable jug filled with rum and take a long drink. Wiping his mouth with his free hand, he'd make his way over towards the volleyball game. 

He wondered just what kind of dream this way gonna turn out to be. Another big, stupid grin would find its way to his face. He knew what kind of dream he hoped it was going to be.

wc: 400

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I'm Here For the Booty Empty Re: I'm Here For the Booty

Sat Jul 09, 2022 5:11 pm
Returning from carrying out some missions alongside an unfamiliar face, Auron would be within his own little version of hell. As he had been here for over a week's time, the Hostel he stayed within had been rambunctious and gross to say the least. Still its rates were the lowest in town, and even though he had been completing missions and getting paid, he still didn't have enough to afford better lodging. Nevertheless his roommates were starting to grow on him. They had their quirks, but they at least offered interesting dialogue. Cinna had a self proclaimed bandit and coffee enthusiast, known for being good with his hands. Though his appearance was...humorous, he made sure that others did not poke too much fun at him. And if they did, they'd get the hammer. Eiko was loud mouthed for sure, but she seemed compassionate and caring. Somehow she seemed to be the life of the party and what kept their trio together. And lastly Freya, who was more reserved akin to Auron. Yet with Cinna and Eiko, she broke out of her shell and would join them on the adventures they got into. Admittedly the more Auron saw the interactions between the trio, the more he wanted a group of his own. He'd think on Cid, Aihara, and Grey. Though he just met the group, they seemed to be alright people. Yet it had been some time since he had any interaction with them. And the last time that happened, Auron took his leave from the group. Of course he was thinking of Balthazar and Luujin. Still though, he wondered what the pair were doing to this day. And if they had stayed in Earth Country.

Regardless though, today had begun like the last week had. Cinna would make the group coffee, Auron would have a cup, and then the Yamaguchi would be out to search for more work. His lodging wouldn't pay for itself. And since he had come to the beach he ditched his old threads and acquired new ones. They had been much more flexible and breathable than the old, and gave him more of a sophisticated look. Paired with his straw hat and face mask, Auron felt like he had come into his own style. Even if that style seemed inappropriate for a beach setting. Making his way to the ocean front, he'd see a large game of volleyball going on. And upon further observation, he'd note that both teams consisted of nothing but women. From jumping to diving, they displayed their excellent forms and perfect physiques. Even though Auron wasn't one to succumb to temptation, he'd be lying if he said he didn't stare for a bit too long. Yet ironically enough, he'd see what seemed to be a familiar face approaching the game. In turn, Auron would walk over and upon closer examination he'd discern the man's side profile as none other than Cid. The Yamaguchi would softly smile underneath the confines of his mask as he grew closer. "Yo, Cid. What are you doing here man?" Auron would call out, and when close enough he'd extend the man a closed fist bump.

As Cid would debrief Auron on how he had arrived at the beach, the Yamaguchi would scrunch his face in confusion. It seemed as if he too had been involuntarily brought to this place. But at least it seemed as if Cid was making the most of it, enjoying what Auron presumed to be rum alongside the spectacle of a competitive and beautiful game of volleyball. As Auron turned his attention back to the game, in the background he could see what appeared to be a large boat off in the distance in the water. It had its trajectory aimed towards the pier of the beach, and seemed to be coming in at an alarming speed. Auron didn't pay too much attention to it though, as over the course of the last week he had seen numerous boats arrive and dock at the beach for various reasons. Some for cruises, some personal boats of people, and even some were fisherman boats. But this one seemed different. Big, and as it grew closer the flag that it displayed seemed unlike anything Auron had ever witness before. He wasn't really sure how to feel, but seeing as the boat was still some distance away there was little that he could do now. But when a moment of silence would present itself during the conversation, Auron would point in its direction.

"Hey Cid, you ever seen a boat like that?"

WC = 765
Braska Yamaguchi
Braska Yamaguchi
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I'm Here For the Booty Empty Re: I'm Here For the Booty

Sat Jul 09, 2022 8:32 pm
The winds of fate had steered his last ship to a nearby port, and having paid his dues, the tall Yamaguchi had made his way to a nearby resort. Not one to spare expenses, as he would travel light onto the next life, if he ever got there, he took up a room with a view to the sea, which had just traversed up to here. It was vast, and beautiful, bringing about a sentiment of hopefulness inside the hardened criminal, as if what he sought could somehow be out there. He smirked, and fell onto the fluffy sheets and foam mattress. After sleeping on a rocky hard bed, the softness caused his eyes to shut and his consciousness slipped away, giving way to a hearty and sound sleep.

When he woke up, he felt dehydrated, sluggish, and he could barely string a chain of thought together. He forgot where he was, and took a few seconds looking about, inching forwards and leaning on his elbows, looking at his luxurious surroundings, until he realized what he had done, where he was, where he had been. Cascading, these thoughts occupied the space where his dream had been, hazy and blurry, and soon they buried it away, never to be remembered. Getting off the bed, he strutted towards the bathroom – or where he assumed he would find one, taking off his shirt along the way, dropping in on the floor nonchalantly. As he passed a wide, tall mirror, he glanced at his figure. His body fat had dropped from traveling in the open sea, so his muscles were more pronounced now. His own skin seemed to be windburnt; he would have to do some caring for it. His hair was a mess, which drew a chuckle out of him, with white wisps now covering the olive branches on the side of his head, as well as covering his chiseled cheeks and jaw. No better time for a bath.

After accidentally walking into the kitchenette with a dining room, he backtracked, and found another door that led to the bathroom proper. He washed himself thoroughly, his hands scrubbing every inch of his skin, tracing over old scars and new scars alike, a thousand proofs that his will to kill had overcome others. Rinsing, he allowed the cold water to cascade over him while he stood motionless, master of his body and mind alike. Getting off the shower, he went in front of the mirror, buck naked, and started preparing his ritual. Knotting the hair atop his head, he coated the sides of his hair and chin with shaving foam, and using a sharp blade, carefully removed the hair, rinsing the blade, then repeating, over and over, until it was all clean, showing his features and tattoos. He passed some more cold water, removing excess foam, and dabbed a towel all around. He would then take some baby oil, and carefully rub it over his arms, his chest, his back and legs. Skin care was of utmost importance for the mercenary, as first impressions meant a lot to him. Next up was his face; more creams to ensure his skin was smooth and supple, to reduce the puffiness under his eyes, to decrease the creases around his mouth and eyes. Releasing the knot on his hair, he dried it as best as he could, before finally blow drying it just to ensure it wouldn’t be wet and sticking in strands, combing it gently, and knotting it along his head into a bundle at the back. Finally, some deodorant and cologne, leaving him sharp as a kunai. He walked out of the bathroom, and onto the room, where he picked some simple clothing before going for breakfast.

Having chosen to be relaxed today, he bore an aquamarine polo shirt, tan shorts, and finally, black flip flops, as he made his way down to check out the breakfast menu. As it turned out, for such a fine resort, they resorted to buffets, which wasn’t ideal in his eyes, but still, he got what he could. Filling a plate up with eggs, bacon, toast, and a glass of orange juice, he found a table to eat, and slowly tasted the food, chewing on it with gusto, ignoring the glances from a nearby group of ladies which gawked and giggled like a bunch of lasses on a hen party. As he ate, one of them dropped by, talking gibberish between nervous giggles; he simply smiled as he cleaned the corners of his mouth with a napkin, and when she handed him a paper with a phone number, he winked and folded it onto his pocket. She left in near hysterical excitement, and he finished his meal, before downing the glass of orange juice. He left the plates on the table, and made his way to the door, reaching onto his pocket for the number of the lass, crumbling it, and dropping it onto a nearby rubbish bin.

The beach was sunny and hot. Looking over it, there was a lot he could do: sunbathe, waterbathe, or womanbathe; he decided on the latter, and made his way to the volleyball game, where young women played along the beach, with bleachers nearby for spectators. Unlike the older gals from the hen party, these women were young and fit, with tremendous physical attributes, enough to make his blood alive. Sitting down next to a redheaded fellow who arrived at the same time as he did, he enjoyed the sight of bouncing balls, as a newer figure approached. Braska heard it, from the edge of perception only due to their proximity, but when a ship approached, he lifted his eyes to it. Not much could be made in this distance, but the flag at the top was black, of that he was sure. He decided to pipe up. “Those are pirates. I would know. I was on another ship trying to track them down a few days ago.”
WC: 996

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I'm Here For the Booty Empty Re: I'm Here For the Booty

Tue Jul 12, 2022 12:55 am
Cid would wait and watch for a bit, enjoying the view as the women at the location participated in some fun activities only truly able to be done at the beach proper. The whole area was a bit hot, but that didn't really seem to bother him all that much right now. The all girls beach volleyball game was a particular delight, the man continuing to take swigs from his rum bottle from time to time. He was starting to get a pretty good buzz going when out of the corner of his eye another person would start to approach him. It sounded like they had said something as well, but he didn't quite hear it. Perhaps a combination of the booze and his intense bouts of focus on the game. Normally, the rogue would be on high alert in a situation like this, separated from the luxury of his best pals all seeing eyes. Of course, he was also dead set on this being a dream, and if it was going to pan out like he had hoped he was going to turn to see some stunning lass in dire need of something from him. He'd offer another big stupid grin as he would turn to view the newcomer, spouting off, "Well hello there, bea-" He would immediately stop the sentence there, as he recognized the familiar face of one of his newer compatriots. He'd see the extended fist and so he would offer a bump. They were on good terms. "What are you doing in my dream? If you are here, then this can't be the kind of dream that I thought it was." Suddenly a look of complete horror would flash across the bandits face, his stunned demeanor and next words squeaking out of his lips, "At least I REALLY hope that it isn't."

Once greetings were out of the way, and it was made clear that this couldn't have been a dream then Cid would visibly wipe fictional sweat from his brow, "Well that sure is a relief. So are you seeing this brunette?" Cid would say, pointing before taking another mouthful of his spirits. The pausing in the conversation was enough time for Auron to point out an incoming ship. The large, imposing boat had features a very interesting flag atop its mast. Before Cid was able to answer, another fellow that had been beside him spoke up, mentioning exactly what he was just about to. 

"He's right. Telltale signs." Cid would just shake his head, "You make your money hunting down pirates, too?" Cid would ask Braska surprised that there might be another in his line of work, "Me too. Well, I don't really hunt them so much. More like... act as a..." He was having a bit of trouble finding the words, but in a short pause they would come to him, "A deterrent! Good money to be made, minimal work!" It was clear that the spirits were really starting to settle in, elevating the bandits mood immensely and loosening him up a great deal. "If they are here, I got a bad feeling about it."  He would focus his gaze back on the women, only for a thought to smack him right upside the head. 

"If this isn't a dream we should probably check that out, huh?" He'd ask, including the pirate hunter into the ragtag party. "You've been looking for them, and I've been looking for a boat. Win win!" Cid would happily exclaim, another set of seals waved and yet another bottle of rum forming in his opened hand. 

"Oh, where my manners. I'm Cid." He would get up, a little wobbly at first but he quickly caught his balance. "You guys want any of this?" He'd offer from the new bottle, prior to putting it to his mouth. Manners and all, you know.

"About time I got to see your skills in action." His words directed at his known companion Auron, "And maybe I'll learn a thing or two from a pirate hunter." He'd offer with a grin to Braska.

"Yall ready to kick some ass?"

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I'm Here For the Booty Empty Re: I'm Here For the Booty

Tue Jul 12, 2022 3:44 pm
Though Auron was surprised to find Cid at this beach, at the same time he wasn't. It seemed like a fitting place for the sort, as he was able to sip on his rum and enjoy the sight of some rump. And from what Auron could tell, he had been doing plenty of both. His initial greeting seemed rather flirtatious before catching himself and exchanging the fist bump with Auron. With a deeply concerned and perplexed expression, Auron would shudder slightly as he listened to the confusion to come. He too seemed to have thought this place was a dream, which was exactly how Auron had awoken at the beach. The Yamaguchi however did not have the rum to help accept it, or to make the situation worse. 

"Funny, I thought this was a dream too. Far from it though. All that bunda you see jumping around and diving in the sand, very real." Auron would joke as he took a seat next to Cid following their fist bump. His friend would inquire about the women, then take another swig from his bottle. But as Auron raised his hand to start pointing at a woman, his intent would be diverted to cast its trajectory towards the incoming ship. That was when he questioned about its uniqueness. The man sitting next to Cid would interject with his expertise. He seemed to have some level of exposure to ships like these referring to its sailors as pirates, a term which Auron had only ever heard tales of. Interestingly enough, the man admitted to have been in search of them as well. As he spoke, Auron couldn't help but feel some level of strange kinship with this man. Almost as if he had known him or been connected to him in one lifetime or the next. Perhaps it had been the tone of his skin that gave Auron some peace of mind, as he rarely saw people who looked like him. Regardless of what it was, Auron wouldn't investigate too much. For at the moment, there were bigger fish to fry.

Cid seemed to confirm the man's observation, further prodding him on his background. Perfect, something Auron wouldn't have to do. And in the process he seemed to reveal a little bit more about himself. So now the young Yamaguchi would associate the two with being pirate hunters. It was interesting how this information came about, seeing as little was revealed between the two upon their first introduction. Maybe it was the rum helping Cid open up. But he'd go on to admit he had a bad feeling about their incoming arrival, and if any of the stories Auron had heard about pirates were true, then he did too. What better way to deal with the threat then alongside two self proclaimed pirate hunters? Exactly what Cid alluded to.

Auron was tempted to ask Cid why he had been in search of a boat, but dismissed the question as it arose. For the moment he just assumed it was to hunt, or deter pirates. But he couldn't help but wonder if Grey and Aihara were included in those plans as well. They seemed to be quite the trio, but it was ironic that they hadn't joined Cid in his beach vacation. Auron would remain quite as Cid derived the plan then went on to introduce himself to Braska. He'd offer both men a swig from the bottle, to which Auron would softly shake his head "no". He had yet to try alcohol, but figured his first time shouldn't be when he was to thwart the plans of some scoundrels. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't tempted though. Maybe he'd take Cid up on that offer in the future, should it present itself again. 

Following Cid's introduction, Auron would finally speak up to introduce himself and address Cid's interest in the Yamaguchi's repertoire. Smirking, he'd respond simply. "Auron, and I'd say the same about you too Cid. Let's move on one of your marks. I imagine you're both a bit more experienced when it comes to pirates."

Upon the conclusion of their conversation, the ship had grown significantly closer. Its screeching halt would come with the parting of waves, and the panicked retreats of beachgoers from the shore. And just as Cid and Braska had deduced, these guys were not hear to enjoy some fun in the sun. Their first action upon anchoring their ship, was firing off a canon. Its booming sound resounded through the beach, and came right after the ball of lead roared through the air and ripped through a small hotel on the boardwalk side of the beach. A number of nets were cast from the starboard of the ship, simultaneously as the gangway entered. A long, slide out platform would roll out and a number of passengers aboard the ship would run out in thrill. With weapons in hand, they'd threaten and round up a group of beach goers and force them aboard the ship at blade point. And just at the top of ship's helm could be seen a man with long curly hair and a thick beard to match, laughing maniacally. If the trio were to make moves, they'd have to do so quickly.

WC = 879. TWC = 1644
Braska Yamaguchi
Braska Yamaguchi
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I'm Here For the Booty Empty Re: I'm Here For the Booty

Fri Jul 15, 2022 12:26 am
While the girls jumped about, the redhead and the dark haired youth spoke as if this looked as if it were a dream to them, the latter one mentioning bunda, a word from a far off country, and one he hadn’t heard in a while, which brought a smirk to the white haired man’s lip. But he wasn’t wrong; the bunda and mamocas were all about, feasts for sore eyes. Between their drinking though, it was certain the three of them now saw the ship, fast approaching, sails billowing to the wind, black flag whipping tall in the main mast (the Eagle’s Nest, or the caralho, as some were so affectionate to call it). Braska sucked at his teeth after the redhead confirmed his diagnosis.

This might be an interesting afternoon, after all.

Braska tilted his head towards the man as he tried to understand the speech through the slight slur and overwhelming stink of the alcohol. Having lived with a deck under his feet for a long time, it didn’t bother him much, but it wasn’t pleasant nonetheless. “Something like that, ye”, he replied. The redhead went on about being a deterrent. “I’m more of a soldier of fortune. I go where there’s money to be made. And you said it, good money in hunting pirates.”

The lad had a bad feeling. “Hm”, Braska hummed, wondering what would lead a pirate ship to sail towards a beach. Desperation, to be sure. Yet, the captain must have something stashed away for emergencies, or just out of greed. A jewelry box, some fresh fruits and gunpowder, the booty from a previous adventure, hidden in secrecy. The Yamaguchi nodded. There had to be something on that ship of value.

The redhead said something about taking them, how Braska had been looking for them, and he had been looking for a ship. He was out of the payroll of the sailing company, but he agreed nonetheless. “Certainly” was all he had to add as the obvious ninja produced a bottle of rum out of thin air. Cid was his name, and after his introduction, he offered some rum, which Braska declined with a wave of his hand, similarly to the other young man, whose name he learned was Auron. First names only; likely criminals. “Braska”, he said in return, “and I’m not a professional Pirate hunter… I just do what I’m paid to.”

Getting off the bleachers, he started making his way stoically down the rafters as the ship swerved on its anchor, one of the canons going off and shooting a heavy lead ball through the beach. If he were to die by a canon ball, there wouldn’t be much to be done; he was not yet one of the fabled ninjas of his bloodline, and in fact, he didn’t even see the ball – whatever blur he caught – before it opened a hole on the side of a beachfront hotel. Nets were being cast on the beach goers, and most people had started screaming and running, but Braska muscled his way through the cowards and shriekers.

Soon his long legs made the trek closer to the action, and the first pirate tried his luck, swinging his cutlass wildly. A backstep was enough to avoid it, the steel swooshing sharply in front of his face, enough to displace the air, and as the pirate tried to swing back, Braska abruptly stepped forward, catching the hand and arm swinging the sword, tripping the pirate with a well placed foot behind theirs, and as the fell, he twisted the blade to pierce their throat. The crimson life essence of the man soaked the sand, and Braska acquisitioned his blade, looking at the other pirates, a confident, almost displaced smirk, gracing his lips.

WC: 627
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I'm Here For the Booty Empty Re: I'm Here For the Booty

Sun Jul 17, 2022 4:11 pm
The others didn't want any of his rum, but such was understandable. They were about to throw down with some pirates, and most folks wanted a clear head while going into such matters. Cid had grown used to it, and the alcohol had a tendency to not only loosen him up but also better allow him to shrug off pain. If you never get hit in the first place - which honestly might have even been the case if he was not inebriated - then you would have any pain to endure. Still, who is to say his sluggish mobility wouldn't be the actual reason behind it? These thoughts at the moment were all far too complicated for Cid, and so he readies himself for combat. One last glance back at the ladies and he'd nod, thinking to himself that they would be there when he returned and he could continue to enjoy himself here.

So Braska was a mercenary. At the end of the day, that really could be said about any of them. They were all on the same page when an enormous booming would sound its way across the beach, slamming into a building and devastating where it made impact, stirring panic and causing those that were just enjoying their time to scurry and flee. A quick glance back at the volleyball game confirmed his suspicions, as the ladies were fleering as well.  "Dammit" Cid would offer audibly, but mostly under his breath. There went his plans for after this little task before him. These pirates were gonna pay for potentially ruining the rest of his day. 

Braska was the first to move, weaving his way through those that fled in terror. Cid would be surprised that he could keep up with the  man. The red haired bandit wasn't particularly slow, but the folks he usually associated with were... well they were quite a bit faster and more athletic than he had been. If Auron would also spring into action and sprint over to engage the pirate crew Cid would just shake his head and thinking, yup, exactly like that. 

The pirates that first dropped down didn't seem particularly capable, their skills lacking but seemingly made up for with sheer numbers. The folly of the first contact was laughable as Braska was able to not only avoid the haphazard pirate offense but also turning it back on him and killing him. Braska really was a capable mercenary it would seem, at least so far. 

The man at the helm laughing maniacally seemed to be the one in charge, as he seemed to supervise and overlook as his crew followed his orders. That was the head, and if removed the rest would soon follow. The captured people were being rounded up and forced onto the ship, either by threat of injury or some literally being dragged by force in the net they were captured in. While he was assessing the situation a couple of pirates would approach, actively trying to be menacing while holding their bit of sharpened metal. A dangerous as a good weapon could be in teh right hands, these pirates simply didn't have the skill to make the rogue sweat. Cid would weave a few seals, a whip made of fire chakra forming in his hand and with a simple slashing motion the flames struck the two pirates, searing any exposed flesh it struck and causing their clothes to catch flame. Perhaps they were rum soaked, or maybe had a bit too much of the black powder residue on them. Either way, the pair fell to the sands, screaming and rolling around to try and put out the flames as best they could. He considered just killing them outright, but after their injuries it was unlikely they would be able to fight again anytime soon and Cid had no reason to prematurely end their anguish. 

Instead, he made his way to the ship, painfully removing and setting ablaze any and all pirates that planned to stand in his way. Once he made it aboard the ship, he'd would stare straight into the Captain's eyes making his intentions clear without even a single word being spoken. 

Caught up in his own path here, there was no doubt that if Auron and Braska weren't' already here they would be shortly. Holding his flame lash, Cid readied himself for what he imagined would be the final showdown. 

twc:1824/1667 (mission wc complete)
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I'm Here For the Booty Empty Re: I'm Here For the Booty

Mon Jul 18, 2022 8:11 pm
Auron, despite what Braska would say, still considered the man to be somewhat of a pirate specialist. And alongside Cid, the two were far more experienced with sea bandits in comparison to the Yamaguchi. Nevertheless though it was evident that Braska and Cid were springing into action. They seemed to first make their way towards the area right outside of the ship, engaging the group of pirates who were capturing beachgoers on the shorelines. Auron himself however would take a different approach. He'd form the seals for his hiding in camouflage technique, which would instantly augment his appearance to blend in with his surroundings. He'd go the stealthy route, as it was unlikely that the band of boisterous men would be capable of detecting a hidden figure. In any case his path to the ship had been relatively clear, allowing him to arrive unnoticed. He'd reach the shore, and immediately walk upon the water of the sea. Approaching the ship further, the Yamaguchi pivoted his foot off the water and onto the bow of the ship. His covert operation had been going swimmingly, allowing him to successfully scale the ship until reaching the bannister of its deck. He'd hang out on the side of the ship until the moment was right, giving Braska and Cid time to make their way aboard. Though the boy was capable, he was not one to underestimate his opponent.

From his vantage point though, he'd observe the mannerisms and appearance of the lone pirate left aboard. This had to be the captain. The leader seemed to send out all of his crew towards the beach, on a mission to kidnap any and all who couldn't flee. But the efforts of Braska and Cid had thwarted these attempts. Therefore the captain aboard the ship had been furiously pacing back and forth, with the tails of his long red overcoat trailing on the ground behind him. The unsheathed sword attached to his hip could be heard carving into the wooden deck, and each step of the man seemed to bow the planks he walked upon. He had been a heavy set fellow, but this was more of a testament of the man's immense muscle mass rather than his sheer weight. Auron could tell he had been a close ranged specialist, and considering he hadn't detected Auron yet, the Yamaguchi presumed that he was no expert in sensory.

And if he was, then he wouldn't have time to exercise its usage. For Cid's arrival onto the deck would suddenly captivate the man's attention. Like it was instinct, the captain would grab ahold of the handle of his blade and draw his sword. It had been long and sharp, with the rays of the sun bouncing off it and revealing its beautiful luster. Perhaps the man had been all look, as his stance looked subpar. But his stature could have been intimidating enough to prevent his crew from challenging his competency. In any case, with his blade drawn he'd point it towards Cid. "Arghh ya here to pay the ransom I've set? It's a TWO million ryo to free everyone aboard. And if we capture more today, then make it three million!" 

Upon hearing there had been people already imprisoned on the ship, Auron would take the opportunity to use his stealth to his advantage. Sneaking his way onto the deck, he'd maneuver behind the pirate and approach the door at his rear. Once opened, it'd lead down and into the depths of the boat. Though the captain was distracted with Cid, Cid would likely have a clear view of the door behind the pirate mysteriously opening. If he caught on, he'd know to keep the pirate's attention more. And this should prove easy enough with the help of the incoming Braska. In any case, Auron would descend into the ship. After taking the stairwell down, he'd find a gold large ring of keys. Grasping it, he'd keep it on his person as it was likely what was required to free those aboard. After some more walking, he'd reach the bottom of the ship where there had been a series of holding cells filled with unwilling passengers. They seemed starved, abused, and scarred. And though they couldn't see Auron, they'd perk up at the sound of approaching footsteps. The Yamaguchi would cancel his stealth technique, and reveal his person. Instantly he'd be met with the shouts and cries of the passengers, who would grow excited once they noted him unlocking their cells one by one. 

"Listen, wait down here until it's all clear. I need to go back to the deck to help my friends!" Auron would command while turning from the passengers and sprinting up the stairs. Once he'd reach the deck of the ship, he'd make note of the situation and see how Cid and Braska had been handling the situation. If they seemed to be struggling, he'd step in. But if when he arrived the fighting had concluded, then there would be no further need for intervening.

WC = 842. TWC = 2486
Braska Yamaguchi
Braska Yamaguchi
Stat Page : Lord of the Horde
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Ryo : 500

I'm Here For the Booty Empty Re: I'm Here For the Booty

Tue Jul 19, 2022 11:14 pm
The younger of the trio was nowhere to be seen, having disappeared from the beach entirely, which the white haired lord found peculiar, but he noticed from the corner of his eye how Cid whipped some of the pirated ablaze; this was something he had seen in the past, or at least something similar. The ninja arts. Something Braska had thought about learning, considering his dream…. Something he had yet to decipher. But he knew some ninja had to know something about this. It was too vivid, too real, to be just a dream. He was the Lord of the Horde, and one day, he would join the Horde.

He had to break the cycle. Whatever the cost.

The first pirate down, Cid started going up the ropes to reach the ship, while Braska took advantage of his new sword to cut more of the pirates. Already disadvantaged by the rum that wafted from their breath with each swing and battle cry, the now armed Yamaguchi made quick work of the few pirates still trying to stop him. The others, contending and threatening beach goers, were far unluckier. Braska was not burdened by concepts such as honor or mercy. A strike to the back of the ankle, a cutlass sinking behind a knee, two spine disks severed from each other with a quick slice.

With the people at the bottom freed, Braska caught the steel between his teeth in a tight grip, and grabbed onto a rope, using his musculature to lift his weight up the side of the boat, until he boarded, seeing Cid waiting to fight the pirate by his side. Maximum effort.

The great lumbering beast of a pirate swung his sword wildly. Braska dodged, weaved back and to the sides, once brought the sword up only for it to be deflected back, luckily he had been just strong enough to halt the blade of the pirate captain. He saw how Cid’s whip would swing here and there, yet the pirate gave no quarter, handling the duo as if they were easy marks. Yet, an opening created by Cid’s fire whip, and Braska managed to thrust his cutlass between the ribs of the great beast. With the beast downed, whatever pirate was still alive broke rank, running aimlessly, hoping authorities wouldn’t get to them.

Sweating, Braska looked at Cid, and an emerging Auron. “Well, gentlemen… let’s find the booty.”
WC: 402
TWC: 2025
Survived 2021
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I'm Here For the Booty Empty Re: I'm Here For the Booty

Thu Jul 21, 2022 1:59 am
The lumbering beast of a man that looked to be the captain sure did have the size to intimidate those pathetic cretins he used as underlings, but Cid didn't really care all that much. Perhaps it was the booze giving him this confidence, or perhaps it was the fact that he had seen what the others were capable of and simply found this whole band of pirates lacking. It was a shame really. This was such a big, beautiful ship in the hands of such lowly scoundrels.

Seeing the door behind the behemoth of a man mysteriously open it meant only one of two things. Either this man had incredibly capable help, or someone around (friend or foe) was a sneakier little bastard than Cid originally expected. Without even the slightest of efforts, the man's eyes would shift as they began to hold a vibrant, almost glowing golden hue, trying to better assess the area around them for chakras. If this captain had folks under his command capable of the shinobi arts, perhaps Cid wasn't giving him enough credit originally. Of course, the scan of the area found nothing of the sort, instead only revealing his comrade in arms. Such a clever little technique, able to mask a presence from normal vision, and the fact that he slipped right by suggested that the captain was as easy of prey as he had thought. Brutish and easily fooled. The rogue would have to try to leverage that to an advantage. Upon hearing the demands for payment, Cid couldn't help but give a laugh. To think that these people would fetch such a  king's ransom... what a fool.

Braska, too, had now joined the deck and the pair had been ready to put this battle to an end. Cid had no thoughts to allow the brute anywhere near him, using his flaming lash and some basic footwork to keep distance between the pair. The captains first attack was aimed at Braska, though the man was nimble and light on his feet. With what looked like ease he weaved between the wild attacks. A parry was attempted, and though successful, showcased the sheer power driving through each and every lunge and slash. 

A launch of his lash at the distracted man's back was made, Cid expecting to land a clean hit. Instead, with surprising speed and coordination thought beyond this simpleton he shifted his position to parry the effort. This two against one went on for longer than he would be proud to admit. What the captain lacked in finesse he more than made up for in ferocity and determination. Once more, Cid would try and attack at the man's exposed back, only for it to once again be parried. "Do you no learn boy? What foo-" He spouted, only to be interrupted by the blade of Braska being thrust into the now exposed ribs of the man. 

"Oh, I think we learned just fine." Cid would retort, his eyes dimming down to their natural golden state. 

Auron would emerge from below deck to see the felled beast and Braska would offer some words to bring a big grin to Cid's face. "Got what I want right here." He'd say with a light tap of his boot to the deck beneath him. "But I bet that big bastard had a stash of something good 'round here somewhere." He'd offer knowing a nod to Auron and Braska, 'Lets find it and ensure that this soldier of fortune gets paid. Can't have you working for free now."

Once they found what they were looking for and the prisoners were set free, Cid would make his way up to the deck and glance out at the waters, then down at the ship. He'd take a swig from his bottle and speak aloud for the others to hear. "Gotta say, I like what I saw today. Could benefit from such skilled help. So..." Cid would turn to meet their gaze with a smile.

"How'd you like to make a whole lot of fuckin' money?"

wc: 677
twc: 2501

(mission complete)

Claims: TBD
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