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Senshi Sotenki
Senshi Sotenki
Vagabond (D-Rank)
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Stat Page : Senshi and Ryou
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Fun in the Sun Empty Fun in the Sun

Sun Jul 17, 2022 11:24 pm
Travin awoke on the strange bed that he had stayed at in the hotel the night before. He had spent the day with Auron and the others he had met and done several missions with them around the beach. He still didn’t know how he had gotten here or why he was here in the first place, and after all the work he had done the past few days, he felt as though he needed some time to relax. After all, he was at the beach and all he had done so far was work. He needed to start treating this more as a vacation than a job away from the village. It was something that he had a hard time doing since most of the time back home he was working. Getting up out of the bed, he made note that it was way more comfortable than the one he had at home and made a mental note of the make of the bed, so he could order one when he got back. Whenever that may be, from the looks of things he had no idea if he was ever going to be able to get back, and since he wasn’t even sure where in the world he was. He was mostly hoping that someone back home would start to miss him and do some sort of summoning jutsu to bring him back at this point. 

Slipping on his pants and throwing his shirt on before sliding his over shirt on as he walked out the door with his boots in hand. The hotel didn’t like people to where their shoes in the building. It was a little strange, but he understood that flooring was not cheap or easy to do without ninjutsu of course, and he doubted that they had a senju running around this place repairing hardwood flooring. Making his way down the stairs to the lobby, Travin ordered an ice-cold drink of water to take with him. Something that was a nice perk of staying here. You could drink all the water you wanted, and it was fresh and ice-cold, almost as if they had some kind of ice shinobi in the back freezing water for the guest. 

Stepping outside, the sun immediately baked his face, forcing him to shield his eyes from it while he bent down and put his boots. Blinking the sun out of his eyes as he stepped down the stairs and onto the sidewalk. He figured that he would make his way down to the beach once more. This time not to look for work, but to have a good time and maybe meet some people that were not all about working all the time. He had like the guy Auron, but the man was a work horse. It didn’t take him long to get to the beach since he was staying on the pier, and when you take the shortcut of simply jumping off the pier, it only took a matter of seconds. He had gotten the same reaction this time as last time, with people ahhing at him dropping like a rock to the soft sand before rolling into a walk down the beach. Travin would simply walk down the beach till he came across something that looked interesting or came across someone that looked like he could help have some fun with.

Uchiha Kiyoharu
Uchiha Kiyoharu
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 100 points
AP: 605 points
Vigor: 60 points
Chakra: 50 points
Speed: 25 points
Strength: 5 points
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 11500

Fun in the Sun Empty Re: Fun in the Sun

Sun Jul 17, 2022 11:34 pm
Kiyoharu hadn't been there very long at all. Or at least it didn't feel like it to them. They had yet to tackle any of the missions - sure, it seemed they were allowed, but then again, it'd be better to get started on that stuff once they had graduated from the academy and had more room to grow. And then they'd have an actual reason for this vacation. Time and space seemed to work in odd ways here, perhaps they'd wake up with their forehead protector tomorrow.

For now, though, they put on the same outfit they had trained with the other day – a sports shirt, nice and breathable, along with shorts that reached their knees. They only put on their shoes, simple hiking boots, once they were out of the hotel. They also took water with them of course.

The sun was nearly blinding for them at first when they stepped outside, before their eyes adjusted. Once they had their boots on, they went onto the sidewalk, then to the beach. They still needed to train. And the sand of the beach was different from home, so it was interesting to play – er, train in. They could play when they were a genin.

WC: 204
Senshi Sotenki
Senshi Sotenki
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Senshi and Ryou
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Fun in the Sun Empty Re: Fun in the Sun

Sun Jul 17, 2022 11:47 pm
Travin was enjoying the warm sun on his back as he walked down the beach. Until he saw the most unusual thing he had seen since he arrived at the beach. A young boy or girl he was unsure walking down on the beach almost like a fish out of water. He could tell they didn’t know what was going on either. Using his hand to wipe some sweat off his brow and push his hair back out of his face. Travin turned and started to walk over to them. From the looks of it, they were another shinobi that was somehow trapped here, like himself and the others he had met so far. It was strange how it appeared to be completely random chance on who was taken here and who wasn’t, but on the off chance that they knew something or had discovered something he needed to know. 

Once Travin was within 10 feet of the person, he would start to wave with one hand above his head to try and get their attention. “Hay, you don’t seem like you're from around here either” he would ask. Once he had gotten a bit closer, so he would have to yell across the beach and draw attention to himself. Once the person had answered the question and assuming they didn’t just turn around and run away or attack him, he would introduce himself. “My name is Travin, and I have no clue where in the world we are” he would have a bit of a smile on his face while saying the last part. Trying to make it seem like it was nothing or that this happens all the time, but in reality he was starting to worry that he would never make it back home.

WC-297 TWC-861
Uchiha Kiyoharu
Uchiha Kiyoharu
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 100 points
AP: 605 points
Vigor: 60 points
Chakra: 50 points
Speed: 25 points
Strength: 5 points
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 11500

Fun in the Sun Empty Re: Fun in the Sun

Sun Jul 17, 2022 11:57 pm
They were indeed unusual. The white hair and red eyes certainly stuck out. They did notice the person coming toward them, and they gave a wave back once he waved. "Indeed." Was their simple first answer. "I am Kiyoharu. And as for this place…" They glanced around, and for a moment, their eyes seemed to change just slightly, almost like a second pupil was there for just a second. "I'm not entirely sure either, but I suspect it's outside of normal time and space. Because this feels like my first day here, and yet it's also like I've been here for a couple of weeks." They said. They really had no way of knowing any of that. It was just how they felt. And sometimes kids did have an uncanny feeling for things. "Who knows, maybe tomorrow I'll have passed my genin exam, despite having slept in my room here again and not travelled in the intervening time." They shrugged. "I'll just use it as a chance to train more."

WC: 170
TWC: 374
Senshi Sotenki
Senshi Sotenki
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Senshi and Ryou
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Fun in the Sun Empty Re: Fun in the Sun

Mon Jul 18, 2022 12:12 am
Travin was still unable to tell if the person he was talking to was a girl or a boy, and knew that it would be rude to ask. He knew he would not like it if someone did that to him anyway. He had been hoping that their voice would fill in the blank, but they were still too young to have a deep voice or a feminist one, he supposed at this point. However, Kiyoharu did give him slightly more information than he had before. He had also noticed how weird it felt here but couldn’t put his finger on it, but what they were saying did make sense, being outside their normal time and space could make subtle changes that would be hard to pick out. However, Travin was not very well versed in the study of space-time jutsu, and didn’t really have any interest in the topic. That was until he got trap in an alternate timeline of his own anyway, or at least that was what he was running with at this point. 

So you're still an academy student” Travin would ask Kiyoharu. He was surprised that an academy student would be pulled as well, but at the same time, why wouldn’t one. It was a question that he would have to ask someone back home to get an answer to, he guessed. “If you need some training, I can give you a hand. I was going to take the day off today to relax a bit, and this could be fun. Tell me do you know the required jutsu to pass the exam yet, if so I can just teach you some of the basics that will help out if you want” Travin would offer. He would have that same grin on his face as if he did this every day. When in reality this would be the first time he had ever taught anyone anything before. It would be a good learning experiment, he figured, and everyone always told him that teaching someone else is the best way to master something. It was something about how they ask questions that you never thought of, or something. 

If Kiyoharu agreed to the training and didn’t need any jutsu taught to them. Travin would simply walk over to a shady spot under one of the palm trees on the edge of the beach. “Ok, let's get started with a simple game that my parents used to play with me that helps with hand eye coordination.” he would say, bending down to pick up a decent sized rock off the ground. Nothing too heavy, just about the size of a baseball with rough edges. “The idea is to toss this rock back and forth as fast as possible. It helps with reaction time and thinking on your feet, as well as control. Since you won’t have time to think or judge anything, and will have to control how hard to throw the rock as well as the direction of it, and the reaction time is self-explanatory. You need to catch it after all” he would say with an even bigger smile before thinking that it was kind of funny for some reason. 

Once Kiyoharu understood the game and agreed, Travin would start by lightly tossing the rock.

WC-550 TWC-1411
Uchiha Kiyoharu
Uchiha Kiyoharu
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 100 points
AP: 605 points
Vigor: 60 points
Chakra: 50 points
Speed: 25 points
Strength: 5 points
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 11500

Fun in the Sun Empty Re: Fun in the Sun

Mon Jul 18, 2022 3:26 pm
If such a question were asked, Kiyoharu was likely to answer with 'no, not really'. They hoped their voice wouldn't change at all. The ambiguity was practically part of their identity. And in the ninja world, they didn't think it mattered much. On a battlefield or on a mission, it didn't really matter if they were a boy or a girl. Though the ambiguity did also mean they had had the kunoichi-specific classes at the academy as well. Which had been interesting. Learning flower arranging and the cultures of other places, as well as other skills was certainly nice.

"Indeed." They answered simply to the first question. Though they were working on it fairly quickly. They had already learned every technique they needed for graduation and more. They simply needed to train more and hone their body a little more. "I do know the required jutsu, and a few more as well." They said with a nod and a small smile. They were sure he would manage to be a good enough teacher for them. They were more than halfway there already, so it wouldn't take too much.

They followed him to the shady spot, then listened carefully to his words. A game of hand-eye coordination. It would indeed help with their reaction time and control, one of the points they did want to work on. Their sharingan could help a little, but they didn't want to rely on it. Especially as their current form of it was more draining than the more advanced forms. And a single tomoe only helped a little. So they left it inactive for now, before they nodded. "Yeah, that sounds good. My big brother has played similar games with me before." They said. And there had been plenty of other games too, all serving some training-related purpose.

Then the game began, and they caught the rock in their hands well enough. There wasn't time to think, so they tossed it back at about the same speed as Travin had tossed it. This was sure to be a fun game once they really got going.

WC: 350
TWC: 724
Senshi Sotenki
Senshi Sotenki
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Senshi and Ryou
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Fun in the Sun Empty Re: Fun in the Sun

Wed Jul 20, 2022 11:51 am
Travin gave them a nod when they said they had played similar games before with their older brother. A fact that Travin made a mental note of. It had been a habit of his for a while now, he liked knowing and learning as much as he could about people. Taking his position across from Kiroharu the two would start to toss the rock back and forth. Starting out slowly and picking up the speed with each pass till it got to the point that control was almost thrown out the window. After all, you can only throw a rock back forth so fast. Travin was pushing Kiryoharu at the game, figuring out pretty quick that he was much faster than they were. Once one of them dropped the rock, “Let's take a short break and get a few sips of some water, then we can train the stamina” Travin would tell Kiyoharu. Pulling out his water bottle and taking a sip. “I'm not sure what you're going for as your specialties, but stamina is probably the most important aspect of being a shinobi. Regardless if you're a close range fighter or a distance fighter. If you get exhausted too quickly and are unable to defend yourself, you are dead. Plain and simple” Travin would tell Kiyoharu.

Once the two had finished taking their short break. “OK, the best way to build up stamina is by running. It's something I don't find much pleasure in unlike some, but you can't argue with results” he would tell her before walking out onto the beach. “Where are going to run down this beach to that lighthouse and back” Travin would point to the lighthouse about 500 meters down the beach before getting ready to run. Assuming that Kiroharu was up for it, Travin would take off, pacing his speed so not to run off and leave Kiroharu in the dust.

WC-319 TWC-1730
Uchiha Kiyoharu
Uchiha Kiyoharu
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 100 points
AP: 605 points
Vigor: 60 points
Chakra: 50 points
Speed: 25 points
Strength: 5 points
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 11500

Fun in the Sun Empty Re: Fun in the Sun

Wed Jul 20, 2022 3:48 pm
They were indeed not all that fast yet, but they were working on it, particularly now. They did need speed in order to keep up, even with their eyes. And being fast would give them more time to react to things. They were the first one to drop the rock, though, once it got a bit too fast for them. They nodded at Travin, taking a sip of their own water. And they nodded again at his words. Stamina was indeed important. It was one of the areas they were quite good at already, in fact.

They followed him out onto the beach, looking at the lighthouse when he pointed to it. They nodded and got ready to run as well. They took off just after him, pacing themselves as well, so as to not use too much stamina. But they did have plenty, so it was still a run. The sand made it a little more difficult, but then again, they were quite used to the sand. It was everywhere back home, though the beach's sand was a little different from desert sand.

WC: 184
TWC: 908
Senshi Sotenki
Senshi Sotenki
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Senshi and Ryou
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Fun in the Sun Empty Re: Fun in the Sun

Thu Jul 21, 2022 10:31 pm
Travin was surprised that they were able to keep up so well. It had seemed that stamina was not something that they had forgone so far in their training. Like most shinobi that focused on ninjutsu or fuinjutsu like himself. It leaned greatly in their ability to possibly become a powerful taijutsu or weaponry user. Travin thought to himself as they made their way back. However, Travin knew that there was still one thing that may change the course of their life choice, and it was something that he had seen a few times now cause shinobi to give up the life, unable to do their task given because of it, and while he would not be able to simulate the situation he could explain it and maybe give them a taste of what will be expected as a shinobi. 

Upon their run coming to an end, Travin turned and looked at them. “I got one big question for you, and I want you to answer it honestly. It will not change my opinion of you or keep me from helping you and maybe hanging out for the rest of the day.” taking a break to give Kiyoharu a chance to answer before continuing and asking his question. “Have you ever killed another person” Travin’s voice was flat and cold upon asking his question, and his body language got series. It was something that every shinobi in the world regardless of what affiliation they may or may not have will have to do at some point. He himself had already killed a few bandits on missions at this point, and knew the damage that it caused. If he could prepare them for it, he would, but he knew that nothing he could say or do would help when the time came. When it came to the kill or be killed situation that everyone entered at some point, taking on missions. It came down to the person's instinct, can they do it or will they shy away from it. Travin would stand there waiting for Kiyoharu’s answer, not rushing them or giving them any sign that the answer had to come quick. He wanted them to think upon it for a few moments and really decide if they could do it.

WC-380 TWC-2110
Uchiha Kiyoharu
Uchiha Kiyoharu
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 100 points
AP: 605 points
Vigor: 60 points
Chakra: 50 points
Speed: 25 points
Strength: 5 points
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 11500

Fun in the Sun Empty Re: Fun in the Sun

Thu Jul 21, 2022 11:23 pm
They had indeed not forgone stamina. They were in fact particularly gifted there, as part of their clan's genetics. They had plenty of chakra reserves and physical stamina, with only the need to focus on the basics keeping them from learning more complicated jutsu. They weren't exactly planning to focus on taijutsu or weaponry, their interests lied more in ninjutsu, and of course, their clan's speciality, genjutsu. While they did at least want to cover taijutsu and weaponry up to a certain point once they got there, they already knew those wouldn't be their focus. It just wasn't in their blood.

They looked at him with a calm but serious expression once he started speaking, they could already tell it was going to be one of those dramatic questions. The ones that they had been asked at least a few times before. Their older brother had certainly made sure they knew that this next question was one they knew the answer to. They knew they'd have to kill sooner or later. It was part of being a shinobi. They hadn't yet been in such a situation yet though. "Not yet. But I know that the time will come one day." They responded calmly, not needing to think about it for long. They knew that when that time came, nothing could really prepare them for it, but they were as ready as they could be, for now at least. At the very least their first missions would be far simpler… probably retrieving some old lady's cat or something. Though who knows, maybe they'll end up tagging along with a group of more experienced ninja for one of those higher-rank missions available on the beach. Once they get their exam done, anyways. They could technically do it now but they wouldn't gain quite as much from it.

WC: 305
TWC: 1213
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