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Senshi Sotenki
Senshi Sotenki
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Senshi and Ryou
Remove Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Fun in the Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Fun in the Sun

Sun Jul 24, 2022 7:10 pm
Travin noticed that change in Kiyouharu after he asked the question. Figuring that it was something that they had been asked several times by now, but one never knew, he had heard of some families that push their children into the life of a shinobi without actually telling them anything that would be expected of them. Kiyouharu proved Travins gut instinct to be correct in that she did know and that someone had been talking to her about it. He figured their brother was the one that had the conversation with them. 

Almost as if Travin had never brought up the topic in the first place, and as quickly as he had gotten series, his attitude changed once more. “OK, I’m hungry. You want to go get some food” Travin would ask Kiyoharu while nodding to the food cart that was on the side of the road.

Uchiha Kiyoharu
Uchiha Kiyoharu
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 100 points
AP: 605 points
Vigor: 60 points
Chakra: 50 points
Speed: 25 points
Strength: 5 points
Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 11500

Fun in the Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Fun in the Sun

Mon Jul 25, 2022 2:39 am
They had indeed been asked it several times. And their family certainly wasn't one to push children into the life of a shinobi without actually telling them what would be expected of them. Instead, they made sure that Kiyoharu at least had an idea of what they were getting into. Their older brother in particular ensured that they knew that being a ninja was inevitably dirty business in one way or another, and that little in the world was black and white.

"Sure, let's go." They say with a nod, figuring they could use some food as well after that run. They hadn't had breakfast yet after all, and they were certainly feeling hungry now. They began to head for the food cart right away, though sooner or later they'd end up more or less following Travin, as he was definitely faster.

TWC: 1356
Senshi Sotenki
Senshi Sotenki
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Senshi and Ryou
Remove Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Fun in the Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Fun in the Sun

Tue Jul 26, 2022 2:09 am
Kiyoharu quickly agreed to get some food and started to walk towards the direction that Travin was talking about. Travin was able to quickly catch up, only letting them get a few steps ahead of him before he started as well. The food truck wasn’t very far away, and it didn’t take the duo very long to get to it. Once, their Travin walked up to the window and looked at the menu real quick before ordering. “I'll have the double bacon cheeseburger with an order of fries and a large chocolate milkshake, plus whatever they're having” he would tell the guy behind the counter while motioning to Kiyoharu with his head. Travin normally didn’t eat a lot of super greasy and fatty foods like this seeing it as a treat to himself for accomplishing something, but today he figured what the hell he was on vacation after all, might as well eat his favorite food while here is no matter how unhealthy it was. 

Once they had gotten their food, Travin would lead Kiyoharu over to one of the tables under the shade. Taking a bite out of his burger, Travin made sounds of pure joy, as if his life was complete now. Swallowing before talking, “So tell me, is there anything you might want to know about being a shinobi. Like what made you want to choose this life over other things” he would ask Kiyoharu before taking another bite of his burger.

WC-245 TWC-2502
Uchiha Kiyoharu
Uchiha Kiyoharu
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 100 points
AP: 605 points
Vigor: 60 points
Chakra: 50 points
Speed: 25 points
Strength: 5 points
Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 11500

Fun in the Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Fun in the Sun

Tue Jul 26, 2022 2:33 am
They fell back just a step or two so that he could take the lead once he caught up to them. Not for any particular reason, they just felt like it. They looked at the menu as well, getting something more reasonable themselves – a few chicken strips, some fries, and a small vanilla milkshake. They didn't normally eat such foods either, but well, as long as one kept active and saved such things as treats instead of making it a regular meal, it wasn't too bad. And they were on vacation here. So they might as well. They weren't getting qute as much as Travin, but they were smaller, so they didn't need as much.

They followed him to the table, then sat down there, taking a few bites of their fries – they liked to eat the fries first, then the chicken. They considered his question for a bit, swallowing their food. "Well… my original reason was… a bit childish in hindsight. I wanted to be 'cool' like my big brother. But now… it's more that I want to help the whole village prosper. The new Kazekage have accomplished a lot in just a few years." They said. By 'new Kazekage' they meant basically all three of the ones that have existed since Sunagakure being rebuilt. "I'm not looking to be some cool hero or anything. I have no vast world-changing desire, nor do I particularly seek any position of power. If the world is stable and there aren't any wars and my skills are hardly necessary… that'll be the best." They added. They really didn't have any big lofty goals yet. They were still figuring things out, really. And some illusions had already been dispelled thanks to their big brother. Most of the recorded heroes tended to be the ones who died in the act.

WC: 306
TWC: 1662
Senshi Sotenki
Senshi Sotenki
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Senshi and Ryou
Remove Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Fun in the Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Fun in the Sun

Fri Aug 05, 2022 4:29 pm
Travin sat and listened to Kiyoharu while eating his burger. It was nice to hear that they had been properly prepared for the life that they had chosen to lead. In a way that did not scare them like it had for Travin. No one had warned him of the pain and guilt that came with taking a life, and no one had told him that with each he took, it got easier and easier. The pain simply fading into the norm of the life of a shinobi. He would sometime wonder if a day would come that he felt nothing for taking someone else’s life, and if that day did come, if he would be one of the monsters of the world that you hear about. 

Once the meal was done, Travin would look over at Kiyoharu. “It's been a good day so far, keep training and maybe ill see you back in the village” he would tell her as he got up to throw away his trash. It was strange to sit and talk to someone from the same village as he was, in a place so far away. Considering that before, the only people that he had talked to were either missing nin from another village, or shinobi from other villages. For a while he was thinking that this was a punishment for shinobi, until today. He wasn’t sure why, but finding another shinobi from Suna pulled that thought out of his head. He wasn’t the only one taken from the village, and from his conversation, Kiyoharu was as innocent as they came for now anyway. 

Walking over to the steps, Travin would turn and give a wave goodbye to Kiroharu before taking off for a quick walk down the beach. 

WC-294 TWC-2796

Exit unless interupted

Claiming 27 stats 25 into Vigor 2 into speed.
2,500 WC to Clone Great Explosion
100 WC to finish mastering Gen Release the rest trained here
Uchiha Kiyoharu
Uchiha Kiyoharu
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 100 points
AP: 605 points
Vigor: 60 points
Chakra: 50 points
Speed: 25 points
Strength: 5 points
Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 11500

Fun in the Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Fun in the Sun

Fri Aug 05, 2022 7:08 pm
They had indeed been prepared properly for the life they had chosen. And in a way that did not unduly scare them. They had already been warned of the guilt and pain that could come with taking a life, and that it might feel easier every time. And yet they had chosen to continue. Hopefully they would never feel nothing for it. There should always be some regret, they figured, if only out of sympathy for the 'enemy'. If things had been different, perhaps that enemy could have been a friend, after all. And even criminals could have a family. There were many things to consider, and while it could be so easy to just dehumanize one's enemies, they did still believe in trying to resolve things without it coming to violence every time. But also that one shouldn't be too hesitant either. There was a balance to be made.

They nodded at Travin as they finished their meal as well, then threw away their trash. This place definitely wasn't a punishment, it was very much a vacation. And one that they were still managing to learn things and train in. Once they graduated from the academy, they'd have more time to do more things. At least in their view. Perhaps they'd do some of those missions on the beach too. They'd need to find other people for the more difficult ones of course. No way could they take on a giant shark or an entire beach of pirates on their own yet. Some of the others might be easy enough for them to take on their own at least. But they wanted to wait on those until they graduated from the academy. That way they had more room to grow.

"Indeed. We shall see." They said, waving goodbye as well before heading off in some other direction. They were certain they'd find something to occupy their time for a while, the whole place was one big vacation are after all. And after training for the morning, it was time to have fun.

WC: 343
TWC: 2005


Claiming 20 stats, 10 into speed, 10 into chakra

2005 WC toward second tomoe Sharingan. Not sure how the math works when mixing discounted and non-discounted. 2474/4000 (likely to finish it in a thread that isn't in the training grounds)
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Fun in the Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Fun in the Sun

Sat Aug 06, 2022 9:40 pm
Approved Travin

Approved for you, Kiyoharu as well. However, in this case, this claim will overwrite the discount, and you will have to continue training Tomoe Sharingan without it
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