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Yuri Yamikumo
Yuri Yamikumo
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : mhm
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Clan Specialty : Lollygagging
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 181400

What mattered will still be Empty What mattered will still be

Fri Jul 22, 2022 9:58 am

Playing with her green hair in her "summer form", Yuri wandered around the beach aimlessly, seemingly just to allow her existence to persistence well beyond the that of the beach. Aside getting hit by guys, nothing much changes for her as everyone else looks like they've got their moments to pursue for, memories in store to be relived for and maybe other more subtle fragments of life that engages the inner most senses of a single individual. With that, she simply walked along the shore knowingly that the sunny cloud isn't going to go away anytime just yet.

However, her walk was disturbed by the noises not far in front of her. She focused for the source of noise, scanning her vision from left to right to find a couple speaking loudly with their mood seemingly sour from their tone. Yuri noted that these 2 look young, not far from her age; Maybe they were getting to know each other better? She is not used to settling disputes by mediation as ninjutsu was often the modern answer in her profession be it direct or not. The first thought from her mind was to get a kunai into the head of the guy but that would risk escalation if the man wasn't quick enough. Yuri stood her ground for the moment brainstorming what kind of solution would lift their mood, even though some are already on their way to intervene.

It looks as though mediation isn't sufficient as the mediators were deflected in their attempt by replies that made them oblivious to the couple's built up anger over each other through the course of time. Given her depth, Yuri would be deflected too but being a ninja has its own form of tricks that tat least the crowd here do not.

The argument between the couple got more and more heated and any form of help had walked away by now. Yuri walked forward as it seems like things are going to come to blows. The lady turns out to be the one sending the first slap but ended up falling down when she briefly looked at Yuri before making the motion, giving the man a scare as the lady got stuck to the ground not able to pick herself up at all. Being shocked herself, tears could be seen coming from the lady's eyes as though a new illness found her. The man quickly carried her to the nearest shelter, asking about her condition and consoling her at the same time. The lady could not reply him and is still in a state of shock not being able to cry out loud; Yuri had effectively diverted the anger of the couple elsewhere. . Having to pull it off with a single hand worked effectively in tandem with Yuri moving forward to attract a little attention from the couple, concealing Yuri's intentions nicely at the point where the lady was about to blow her top.

It is time for her to go as the lady will regain control of her actions before long.

WC: 511
Claiming Mission Rewards and 10 AP.
Kosuke Sashihara
Kosuke Sashihara
Stat Page : Ko's Chart
Health: 300 | AP: 1440
Vigor: 100 | Chakra: 150
Speed: 40 | Strength: 10

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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 90500

What mattered will still be Empty Re: What mattered will still be

Sun Jul 24, 2022 8:46 pm
Yuri Yamikumo wrote:WC: 511
Claiming Mission Rewards and 10 AP.

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