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Ko's Medical "Practice" - Page 2 Empty Re: Ko's Medical "Practice"

Sat Aug 27, 2022 8:37 pm
Janurama Senju: 'Speech' | Thoughts | (Jutsu)

Third Party: 'Speech'

Janurama would listen to Kosuke speak about how he used to practice the earth style using. He was impressed on how informative he was with his words, some jounin in the academy even don't have the same type of speaking ability as does Kosuke. Janurama observes Kosuke, as Kosuke does his handsigns and a wall appears out of nowhere. He was truly looking forward to this.  As Kosuke spoke about how important is it to make sure that enough materials are within the grasp of the Earth Style user before he can make his move, he opened another bottle of water, the one that Kosuke gave him before teaching about what earth element is and what's required to be effective with it.
Darn, this sounds a little complicated, and I never really was good at working with stuff like this. Eh.. Well.. I guess I'll have to give it a go. 
Janurama thought to himself, and after Kosuke was interrupted by someone else Janurama focused himself and fixes his posture, before closing his eyes and trying to get the feel of his chakra. As he breathes, his heart relaxes, but his mind is going through a lot of thoughts at the same time... 
Focus Janurama.. You are a Senju, you cannot give up on yourself, as your future stands on your shoulders as does the clan's name. 
Janurama then opens his eyes and stands up and tries molding his chakra, feeling the earth around him.. Atleast a pillar, please.. don't let me down now.. he tries to summon an earth pillar with his chakra, focusing all his minds, thoughts and chakra into this.. as he opens his eyes the brightness makes him blink a few times before getting comfortable again to look around.. he looks at the ground and all he sees is a small hole in the ground where sand was supposed to be, but wasn't.. Some progress I guess.. this is embarrassing.. he once again focused his mind and chakra into one point and tried making an earth pillar.. he'd be satisfied even with the most little pillar, even one only he could see.. but when he opened his eyes.. there was nothing there again.. Darn.. again.. nothing.. this is really embarrassing.. a Senju.. having trouble with this type of stuff.. Imagine if other Senjus learned of my failures.. it will be unbearable.. he then proceeded to focus all of his minds, his thoughts, his sweat and tears, as well as his chakra to make a pillar before himself.. as he opened his eyes.. he saw a pillar, at the height to his knee.. he smiled and started laughing out of excitement a little.. he then focused again.. and the pillar was gone.. After he did it, Kosuke returned to him and said 'I apologise for stepping away, were you able to get any results from your practice?'
Janurama then lo0ked at Kosuke and smiled widely.. 'Indeed, I have. After a few frustrating and mind ripping attempts I just made a earth pillar to the height of my knee.. But one thing I really want to try is that wall that you use multiple times now.. let's see..'  he'd put his hands together.. and begins casting the hand signs,  pretty slowly trying to remember how to make them.. (Ox. Serpent. Boar) he'd have a little trouble casting Ox hand sign at first, but then get it right and cast another.. which was the easiest one.. Serpent.. just putting your hands together and that's it.. After came the boar.. it's quite a simple hand sign, doable as some would say.. and that's it he put down his hand on ground and spoke out (Earth Style: Mud Wall) a small wall appear before Janurama as Kosuke watched.. 'I-I DID IT. I REALLY DID IT!' Janurama would shout a little out of excitement.. it's something he wasn't expecting, but he did it.. it was truly amazing feeling for him. 
'You been a huge help, Kosuke. I'm glad I ran into this place. I will be leaving now, as I have to practice more of this and don't want to take your time. I wish I could pay you, but I don't have much ryo on my self right now. I will take my leave now.' As he said, he started putting on his brownish red Senju clan armour and after waving Kosuke goodbye, walked out of the tent, heading through the sand again.. with water bottle in hand now.

[Last Post]

TWC: 2826

Aquired: 'Element: Earth Element [2000/2000] 50% training discount'
'Ninjutsu: Earth Style: Mud Wall (Earth Style Wall) [500/500]'

'Genjutsu: Genjutsu Release [250/250]'
'Ninjutsu: Water Clone Technique [76/500]'

Total WC used: 2826

Last edited by Janurama on Sat Aug 27, 2022 8:44 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Needed :))
Yagi Raitenno
Yagi Raitenno
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Ko's Medical "Practice" - Page 2 Empty Re: Ko's Medical "Practice"

Fri Sep 02, 2022 5:04 pm
Yagi was answered rather promptly and it was only a matter of minutes after only a small bit of explanation...he had received his finger again, which he then covered through the use of the gloves once more and ensured to keep the "fake" finger he made himself as a reminder. He was not subverting what had happened with the Kage...but he needed all of his body to ensure the safety of the village, and once he was at a level that he could attain a status befitting of a noble...he would remove his new finger again for the kage to give him his own back. He thanked the medical practitioner and left.

Left Ring Finger is back!

No WC claim

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Yuuma Fujiwara
Yuuma Fujiwara
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Ko's Medical "Practice" - Page 2 Empty Re: Ko's Medical "Practice"

Sun Sep 04, 2022 8:44 pm
Janurama wrote:
TWC: 2826

Aquired: 'Element: Earth Element [2000/2000] 50% training discount'
'Ninjutsu: Earth Style: Mud Wall (Earth Style Wall) [500/500]'

'Genjutsu: Genjutsu Release [250/250]'
'Ninjutsu: Water Clone Technique [76/500]'

Total WC used: 2826


Yagi Raitenno wrote:[Exit]
Left Ring Finger is back!

No WC claim

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