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Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Beginning Missions Empty Beginning Missions

Mon Aug 15, 2022 4:23 pm

A beautiful day in the Village of the Hidden Leaf, the sun was out the breeze was cool and the birds chirped as if they needed to tell everyone whatever had caught their interest. For one Genin of the Leaf village it was the perfect day to go out and make a name for himself or at the very least to pull his weight as a Shinobi. Jecht left his little abode and made his way to the Mission board which was based in a building almost centered in the village or at least this one was. The older Genin never minded having to travel so far to get his missions as it allowed him time to enjoy wandering the village and interacting with the people who lived here. As he originally lived outside the village with his parents now living in the village was something that took some time to adjust too, with everyone so close together in comparison it could feel like you were getting trapped in a box. Though with time the older man came to enjoy seeing people every day and making connections with them.

Entering the building Jecht would go over to the E-rank section of the board to get himself started for the day, “Time to make some minor ryo and help out those who need a quick hand.” Jecht simply stated as he scanned the board. A couple of the requests caught his eyes, One asked for help at a bakery, another asked for help at the adoption center, there was one from a traveling troupe, even one from the Painter’s Guild and the last one to catch the man’s eye was one about some merchant making some crazy claims. “All of these sound like a blast, I’ll just do them all.” Jecht said with a smile as he took the slips off the board and headed off to the first one concerning the Bakery in need of help.

Jecht knew of the bakery in question as it wasn’t far from his own place. So making the right turns he arrived quickly at the establishment, making his way inside he approached the counter producing the slip of the request, “I hear ya’ll need some help with a thief?” Jecht said looking around at the food on display, his stomach slightly growling as he hadn’t ate quite yet.

The man behind the counter looked over the slip and a look of recognition came over his face, “Oh yes, I take it you are here to help with that issue. We have been having a rodent problem of local squirrels stealing our pasteries after hours. We have looked for every way they could get in but no matter what we do they always some how get some of the supply.” The man behind the counter explained as he wore a look of annoyance and resignation. “If you can help with keeping our things safe even for a day I would appreciate it so much.” He offered as he looked Jecht over.

“Of course that’s why I’m here after all.” Jecht said with a smile as he looked around the place. “Let me get a look around here to see if I can find anything out of place or a overlooked hole.” He said as he began to look around the business, inspecting the walls moving various furniture to see if something had been overlooked. It took some time for the older man to find what he was searching for but after climbing into the attic storage he found a small hole that had been missed. It wasn’t big enough to make it obvious that the rodents were getting in from there but with Jecht’s knowledge of dealing with rodents out in the wild and how they were able to squeeze themselves through even the smallest holes. He was sure this was how they were getting in. After he pointed this out to the worker and plugging the hole with sealant and plaster, Jecht spent the rest of the day on watch to see if there were any other entries.

As the night came and went and the sun rose in the distance. Everything had gone smoothly beyond some scratching from the hole no pastries were stolen and the issue had been resolved. “And with that boss, I believe your request has been completed.” Jecht said to the man in the morning who smiled and nodded his head signing the slip and handing it back to Jecht. “Thank you for your help, come back anytime.” Jecht took the slip and waved back at the man as he left heading off to help the next request.

WC: 779
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Log
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Beginning Missions Empty Re: Beginning Missions

Mon Aug 15, 2022 4:34 pm
Arriving at where the Troupe was located according to the Slip Jecht was introduced to a large Carriage with streamers and colorful designs on it. There was even a sign that spoke about the upcoming event they had planned to put on later in the day, Jecht tracked down one of the members and showed them the slip of the request and was directed to the leader.

“Hello, I see you have come to help us with our issue.” The man said looking over Jecht, “While we have a wide range of things we could show to the people of this village, we have learned sometimes its smarter to ask a local on what is popular here.” He explained as he gestured to the other members showing off their various skills. “So what we need from you today is just some guidance or input on our act to make sure this goes off smoothly.” Finishing his explanation he awaited to hear from Jecht.

“Well I only recently came to live in the village, but the people here seem to enjoy seeing things that involve fire and acts of physical ability.” Jecht pondered as he brought a hand to his chin. “This village is where the Hyuuga and Uchiha clans originally came from and that influence of Taijutsu prowess and Fire release ability has always been something that the people here enjoy and respect.” Jecht explained as he understood those around him. “Normally I would be more then willing to show off some Jutsus but I’m still learning on how to be a proper Shinobi, all I can show you or help with is more Taijutsu based things.” Jecht offered a little annoyed how far behind he was compared to his younger comrades and shinobi. The leader of the troupe nodded along to Jecht’s suggestions and waved his hand at Jecht’s apology.

“We all have a path to walk and sometimes some of us don’t walk it till later in life. I’ll gladly take any help you can give.” He said with a smile and with that Jecht spent most of the day engaging in displays of Taijutsu techniques and skills showing off his strength that the Ushitora were most known for. By the time the evening had come the Leader of the Troupe was satisfied with the help Jecht had provided. “I have to thank you sir, Let me sign that slip and I hope to see you at our upcoming show.”

With that taken care of Jecht was more then happy to come back to see the show in all its glory and heading off to do the next request.
WC: 441
TWC: 1220
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Log
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Beginning Missions Empty Re: Beginning Missions

Mon Aug 15, 2022 4:53 pm
The next stop was suppose to be the Adoption Center but the building that Jecht had discovered was almost a homeless shelter with how it looked, approaching the building Jecht heard a dog bark and turning towards the sound a small dog ran up to him and leaped into his arms. Reacting appropriately Jecht caught the excited creature and held it in his arms giving it pets and attention, a man shortly followed from the building where an apron that held the Adoption Center’s design and logo on it.

“I’m so sorry for that and thank you for catching the little guy.” The man said as he took back the dog from Jecht. “Can I help you with something sir?” the man asked. “No, but I think I can help you.” Jecht said while producing the slip with the request on it, the man looked over the slip and a smile formed on his face. “Oh thank goodness, you are here to help out. What perfect timing.” The man stated as he gestured to Jecht to follow him into the building. “As you can see we aren’t doing to well in the funding department and the building is starting to fall apart. So we reached out for some help on fixing up a massive hole in the back that one of the rowdier dogs had chewed open. Thanks to that some of the animals escaped and need found.” The man explained as he put back the dog that they had caught into on of the cages. “They will have a red collar and tag on it with the Adoption Center’s logo and address so you can’t mistake it for anyone’s actual pet.” He finished explaining. “Oh, because I forgot about this. We have the material to fix the wall right over there we just need someone to do the hard labor.” He gestured to the plywood and planks laying on the ground by the hole. Jecht nodded his head and decided it was best to get to work on the hole first to stop any other escapees.

Picking up the wood easily and hammering in the pieces in place making sure that it was solid and sturdy before he was satisfied with the outcome Jecht went back inside and fixed that side of the wall too just to make sure that it was a bit harder for any other animals to break through it again. “I’ll go locate the escapees.” Jecht said on his way out but was called back by the worker with some more information. “There are only 2 dogs that escaped, a pure white large one and a small black puppy.” The worker explained and with that Jecht began his search in the neighborhood. He asked around for any information and eventually was pointed towards one of the nearby park thanks to a child having seen the dogs hanging out there.

Finding the dogs was easy and it so happened that catching them was even easier as the puppy ran straight up to Jecht and the bigger dog wouldn’t go to far from the puppy as if it was its guardian so using the puppy as a lure Jecht brought them back to the Adoption Center and returned them back to the appropriate cages. With that the task was done and he got his slip signed. Happy to be halfway done with his list of requests.
WC: 569
TWC: 1789
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Log
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Beginning Missions Empty Re: Beginning Missions

Mon Aug 15, 2022 5:15 pm
With the next destination in mind, Jecht made his way to the Painter’s Guild. The slip said he needed to report to the officer there to find out what the task was and that expectation made him think it might be something more then a fetch quest or simple task so when he entered the building and approached the front desk he was more then excited for what the task could be.
The man behind the counter looked at the slip and simply gave Jecht directions to the officer which was down the hall and on the left. Thanking the man for the help Jecht made his way into the building and down the hall, there on the left as stated was a plaque next to a door that read “Officer’s Office” Jecht chuckled at the seemingly distant and plain plaque but he knocked on the door and upon permission to enter he made his way inside. The man who sat behind the desk seemed to be in his mid 40s so not that much older then Jecht himself which also seemed to take the officer by surprise. “I was expecting a child to come walking through that door to take on this request if I’m completely honest.” Jecht shrugged, “Trust me boss I wish I had started this journey a lot earlier in laugh.” He said with a smirk, the officer seemed to understand and began his explanation of the task.
“So the only thing that is needed done is simply cleaning off some brushes and buckets for the guild. It shouldn’t take to long for you but its more then what our current workers can do since we have a large event going on soon and they have been working on that.” The officer offered as he got up from his desk and showed where the things that needed clean were at, it was a large room that held many dirty buckets of plaster and paint and just as many brushes of various sizes in it. “Just let me know when you are done and I’ll take care of the slip.” He offered as he left Jecht to get to work.
Jecht was disappointed as he was hoping it would have been more exciting but he reasoned that his line of thinking was wrong considering what rank the slip had come for. “There was no way they would list something dangerous as an E-rank Mission.” Jecht mumbled to himself as he finished up the cleaning of all the things he needed to do. Once he was done with all that work he headed back to the officer and with the slip now signed he made his way off to his last task.
WC: 454
TWC: 2243
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Log
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Beginning Missions Empty Re: Beginning Missions

Mon Aug 15, 2022 5:30 pm
It seemed the last task was about a merchant that was selling something that wasn’t what they said it was. Jecht headed to where the client was listed so he could get some information on the situation first, he approached a old man sitting outside the listed place. “Excuse me sir, I’m here to take care of a request concerning a merchant selling something?” Jecht said producing the slip the old man who looked him over and eyed him suspiciously, the old man took the slip and took his time reading the slip. Once he was done he handed it back to Jecht, “So they sent out some big guy to take care of this huh?” The old man commented pointing out Jecht’s age and build, “Yes sir, got to take this kind of stuff seriously.” Jecht replied. “Mhmm, well youngin the merchant in question is around the corner spewing lies about this miracle elixir they have that can give you eternal life.” The old man coughed and spit up some phlegm. “What a bunch of nonsense, of course it was fake and the fools that had their money taken want a refund and for the merchant to be kicked out.” The old man finished explaining.

“A scammer and a liar.” Jecht said looking over to where the old man had said the merchant was and of course the scammer was still trying to hoodwink more people into buying the product. “Very well I’ll take care of this quickly.” Jecht said as he wore a scary look on his face, approaching the stall that had been set up Jecht simply smashed one of the posts holding it up with his bare hands and watched it crumple on top of the merchant. The scammer inside hurriedly came out of the mess and was already yelling before he looked upon Jecht’s face, “How Dare you destroy my…” his voice trailing off as Jecht towered over the merchant. “You will get out of this village on the count of 10. If you take longer then that you will leave in pieces.” Jecht threatened as he gripped another piece of wood and shattered it in his hand to demonstrate his point. The merchant turned pale at this display and ran so fast not bothering to pick up his merchandise or anything around him.

Jecht looked through the stall and found a sack of ryo in it, he brought it back to the old man, “Here is all the ryo he had on him before taking off. Give those who were scammed back what they are owed.” The old man wore a smile on his face and signed the slip. Finishing off the last task that Jecht needed to do. Jecht with all his signed slips returned to the building that housed the mission board and reported their completion to the people who worked there.
WC: 480
TWC: 2723

TWC: 2723
Claiming 5250 Ryo and 21 AP for Missions Completion
Total Stats Claimed: 27 to Speed
Physical Perfection 0/2000 > 2000/2000
Eight Inner Gates [Skill] 0/2000 > 723/2000
Kensei Onomori
Kensei Onomori
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : The Warden

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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 129000

Beginning Missions Empty Re: Beginning Missions

Wed Aug 17, 2022 2:35 pm
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