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Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies, Octopuses

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

The Blue Lagoon Empty The Blue Lagoon

Wed Aug 17, 2022 12:38 am
Teen Beach Movie:

Absconding seemed to be the norm on Mikadzuki Beach. After all, the ever blue skies, the good sea food and the dashing looks of the many tourists and locals who spent their time in the beach provided plenty of reasons for lazy workers to choose to skip work. First, Saturn and the clique of his Kumon compatriots had to cover the day shift for the lifeguards and then take over as the coast guard within the same evening. After a short detour, Saturn was now called up to replace a stunt double for the latest aptly named 'Beachwood' movie in production. Although the Genin was at first disgruntled when his snorkelling plans had to be rescheduled to fit in his new working hours, he changed his mind after considering the listed compensation.

-- Saturn arrives at the scene.

The filming crew were already busy running around, setting up the right angles and microphones, exchanging sheets with scripts and cues between the actors and actresses that were scattered across the beach. It would appear that plenty of other shinobi were busy filming at that hour, each with a different crew in their own independent scenes. Saturn was received by the director at the lagoon, where as he cracked his knuckles, two members of the crew came buzzing in and handed him his script. Scanning through the piece of paper and flipping it around to check the back as well, he learned that he was to reenact a fight scene.

This seems fun.. Now why did the stunt double bail on this gig.. Saturn scratched his head and looked around. His blonde locks were loose by his ears, and he wore a cyan blue speedo with stars imprinted on it. He put his goggles on as he cracked his knuckles again, scanning the lagoon for his sparring partner. In the distance, across the water, he saw a tall tanned maiden with blue hair. Could it be? The Cerulean Sage! Saturn winced, misremembering the alias that belonged to the Daimyo's heir and rethinking his decision to take up this gig. Fighting the shepherd of whales in the middle of the sea was a scary thought. He turned to the director and signed to his own neck, to call it off. "I need more time, can we talk about this?" He begged, but his words fell on deaf ears. The director cut him short and signalled to the crew on both sides.

"You got this, planet boy, come on! Believe in yourself. Ready? And, action!"

WC: 420
Baruga Ryoinsatsu
Baruga Ryoinsatsu
Stat Page : ☁️
Summoning Contract : ☁️
Familiar : ☁️
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : SPACE-TIME.
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 10000

The Blue Lagoon Empty Re: The Blue Lagoon

Thu Aug 18, 2022 5:58 am
The Blue Lagoon Forum-overhead

As it turned out, finding athletic black girls who knew how to fight wasn't actually that easy. Or, at least, that's what Baruga thought, from how frantic the director seemed to be when he recruited her at the last minute.

Oh, don't look at her like that. Baruga knew she was being typecasted, and it wasn't the worst thing. For one, it was practically expected, especially with stunt doubles, and between the editing and the flashy ninjutsu that the audience tended to eat up, it was more important to have the more obvious descriptors for a person as opposed to worrying over specific details.

(Though, as a result of being rich, affluent, and famous, Baruga did actually know the actress she was replacing for this action scene — a girl named Nezha. She'd have to bring it up later, perhaps at the charity gala next month.)

In any case, Saturn did recognize her correctly. (Although, maiden? Interesting descriptor for probably the crassest rich asshole this side of Lightning Country.) Looking at him past her sunglasses and seeing the obvious fear in his eyes and movements, Baruga laughed out loud, drawing attention from the crew on her side.

"Er, what's so funny, Baruga-san?"

Baruga smirked. Truly, a shit-eating grin if there ever was one.

"Oh, nothing. I think the blonde stunt double over there is a workplace acquaintance. Just having a giggle over it."

Shrugging, the crew got into place while the director barked out orders. Then, the familiar sound of "Ready? Action!" over his megaphone was enough cue for Baruga to take off her sunglasses, get into position, and start the fight choreography.

She had a few lines at the start and in the middle, but they mostly needed her lips to flap so they could voice over it later. Nevertheless, the princess decided to have a bit of fun with her lines, since it didn't matter in the end anyways.

"If you refuse to love me, Zaryusu, then you will die! Take this!"

Baruga made a wide sweeping gesture with both of her arms, taking a step forward with her foot. In reality, the wide sweeping gesture didn't really amount to anything — it was her foot that was the trick. With a bit of sleight of hand, Baruga summoned two Gates of Rashomon seemingly through charisma and willpower alone, the gigantic constructs rising out of the ocean on either side of Saturn.

(They didn't really have any attacking power, but the speed at which they rose, and the way they kicked up the waves, while saltwater trickled down their columns? Cinematic ecstasy, right there.)

But, of course, the audience wanted ninjutsu. So ninjutsu is what they'd get. Baruga — very slowly, so that the camera could catch it — made the seals for Hare, Monkey, Ram, then Dog. Then, she laughed maniacally, loud and unhinged, as her Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave technique kicked up a ten-meter tall tsunami that would threaten to swallow Saturn whole.

"Mwahahahaha! Ohohohoho! Die, in the name of love!"

He'd better remember his lines, because if he didn't, he'd have to suffer take two! That thought made her laugh even louder.

— ⌖ —
ꜱᴛᴀᴛꜱ ɪɴꜰᴏ:
The Blue Lagoon Forum-underhead
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies, Octopuses

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

The Blue Lagoon Empty Re: The Blue Lagoon

Fri Aug 19, 2022 4:20 pm
Is she.. Is she laughing? Saturn cursed in his mind as he gritted his teeth, trying to remember his lines while under the alarming pressure that was building as Baruga proceeded to quickly make her move across from him. When she made her sweeping gesture, the panicking Genin was caught off guard as it was something that he had never seen before. The Gates of Rashomon erected upwards on either sides of the tensed young man, sending a cascade of waves in his direction from both sides messing with his footing on the surface of the water. As his stance wobbled and he leaned back trying to keep his balance, he heard the words that his compatriot would choose to utter. Perfectly suppressing his laughter - aided by the tense circumstances - Saturn's face remained visibly concerned and solemn. A frown pinched his brows together and his grinding sharp teeth showed from between his slightly parted blue lips as they gasped on their own.
"You don't have to do this, Ashley!"
He recited his first line as he pointed his finger at the Cetracean sage while she made her hand seals. On both his sides, the walls that ensnared Saturn stood 50 meters tall. He could try to scale one of the structures or leap backwards to bail on the scene but he was now emotionally invested and did not wish to quit. "You will always have a place in my heart, but I'm not ready for a relationship right now!" It was of no use. The wrath of the sea rose ten meters above sea level and made its way straight for the pleading heartbreaker. He winced in anticipation of the strike as he hurried to finish his lines.
Just before the tsunami would swallow body, Saturn's blue eyes darted upwards into the sky, spotting a red crested merganser as it soared overhead. The bird was offering mercy to the fortuneteller, the drifter of minds, inviting him to spare at least his mind from the wrath of the sea. He was given the opportunity to temporarily abort his body and let his mind seek refuge in the vessel of the merganser while his unconscious body endured the hit for him. Realizing that he still had both the space and the time to pull off this niche manoever, his blue eyes glowed white as he prepared to eject his mind. However, instead of holding the follow through and departing from his dashing tanned beach body, his irises returned to their normal color before he shut his eyes tight and braced for the impact with both his mind and body, choosing to stand his ground. "If you truly love someone, you should let them go!" The last words were heard before the wave crashed into the substitute stunt double's body. The waves echoed like thunder as they banged into the walls of Rashomon and dragged Saturn into the ocean's depths.
Under the surface, he opened his eyes to find that he was now upside down. He was bruised and slightly dazed, but still conscious. He had learned to swim since arriving at the beach, but his fear of the ocean had grown tenfold after witnessing for himself how a certain pirate.. succumbed to the gruesome effects its deepest depths had on the average human body. As he remained submerged underwater, his heart pounded in fear nearly out of his very chest, but his mind remained serene and calm in a deep meditation - assessing objectively how the sensation of fear caused his body to feel as though each of its cells was begging for salvation. He could hear his friends calling his name in the distance. In his mind's eye, he could vividly see the horror on Bartholomew's face. He wanted to scream. Yet he remained perfectly still with his eyes open, and a numb expression remained on his sore face. Then, as the echoes of the loud splash overhead came to an end, the screaming also ceased. The voices stopped and all he could now see was the endless Blue in every direction.
"And... Cut! Perfect execution, Baruga. The audience is going to love this!"
Saturn gasped for air as his soaked head emerged from the sea, ten meters from where he had been when he was knocked over and dragged down. "I'll get her back for this!" He cussed vindictively - his face and emotions deviated greatly from the transcendent zen bliss that he embodied underwater just moments earlier. He was visibly bruised - his speedo was torn and ripped around his chest and abdomen by the brutal assault. He spouted out some of the saltwater that he had inadvertently swallowed and he pedalled his hands and feet to stay afloat before swimming to the shore. The monkey that had been hired into Beachwood's logistics team slapped his face with a thick white towel and screeched before loitering off to collect his compensation from the director - a single banana of course - and hiding behind him. He looked over at Baruga as he dried himself and pointed with his thumb at the primate, raising his brow and slightly dropping his jaw before scoffing in disbelief, "Was that.."

WC: 862
TWC: 1282


Last edited by Saturn on Fri Aug 19, 2022 8:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
Baruga Ryoinsatsu
Baruga Ryoinsatsu
Stat Page : ☁️
Summoning Contract : ☁️
Familiar : ☁️
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : SPACE-TIME.
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 10000

The Blue Lagoon Empty Re: The Blue Lagoon

Fri Aug 19, 2022 7:27 pm
The Blue Lagoon Forum-overhead

Baruga continued to laugh outwardly. Inwardly, she was mostly concerned with how her wave looked — after all, her experience with Water Release was relatively low, so honing her newfound proficiency would be tantamount to properly using it in combat. She was confident that her attack wouldn't, at least, kill Saturn, and it would be highly unlikely to maim him or otherwise cripple him. As long as he swam to the surface once the attack was over, anyways.

Fully unaware of Saturn's current state (after all, it wasn't inherently obvious whenever somebody shoved their consciousness into an overhead bird), Baruga continued with the rest of her action choreography. As it stood, that part actually took a while to complete, since it was more stuff that was time filler and trailer eye candy.

In a fight, none of it made sense to use in sequence, and it'd be a complete waste in terms of her chakra, but the director said that they'd edit in the actual actress, who would be spouting some lines and looking heartbroken after accidentally killing her lover with her newfound power.

Movie magic, as they might say.

Dragon, Hare, Horse, Ram. Space-Time Art: Portals. A hole suddenly opened underwater, creating a whirlpool effect for the camera to follow — the other hole was hidden behind one of her Gates of Rashomon, supplying the sound of a waterfall as water whirled into one portal and out the other one.

Snake, Ox, Monkey. Summoning: Wandering Oasis. Pretty simple — Baruga had to look like she was losing control of her powers, causing a giant explosion of water outwards as she slammed her fists into the ocean in pure angst. The camera got soaked as a result of that one, but hey, it worked pretty well and had a neat effect.

Dragon, Ox, Dog. Summoning: Rising Summon Pillar. With her fists still on the ground, her hair splayed out over her distraught face, several 10-meter high geysers would erupt around her randomly, as though the very ocean was exploding from her emotions. (In truth, she just had to use the technique multiple times. Talk about a hassle!)

Ox, Dog, Snake, Boar. Hiding in the Water. To finish off, and to transition into the last part of the climactic scene, Baruga's body seemed to meld into the water, in such a way that was more graceful than simply sinking in it.

...While she was down there, though, she saw that Saturn was still in a bit of shock from the attack. Hm. Well, that sucked.

She cancelled her technique and swam over to Saturn, before grabbing him by the leg and yanking him forward, only letting him go when it was clear that his body would surface on its own.

Once Saturn's face was above water, Baruga surfaced to the sounds of praise and admiration. She put on an air of superiority, because yes, she was, in fact, the hypest shit.

"Someone get the monkey on him," she handwaved flippantly at Saturn, who seemed to have recovered, "just in case."

With that, Baruga strutted off to get a drink.

— ⌖ —
ꜱᴛᴀᴛꜱ ɪɴꜰᴏ:
The Blue Lagoon Forum-underhead
Kosuke Sashihara
Kosuke Sashihara
Stat Page : Ko's Chart
Health: 300 | AP: 1440
Vigor: 100 | Chakra: 150
Speed: 40 | Strength: 10

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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 90500

The Blue Lagoon Empty Re: The Blue Lagoon

Sat Aug 20, 2022 1:29 pm
Saturn wrote:

WC: 862
TWC: 1282

2x Mission Rewards with Beloved Presence; 8000 ryo, 40 AP
15 Tickets
1000 words towards Hiden: Mind Clone Switch Technique (Mastery)
38 words towards Discipline
244 words towards Out of a Hat
24 Bonus AP


Baruga Ryoinsatsu wrote:

Individual Mission WC: 1040/1000.

Exit Claims
+ 15 Beachside Tickets
+ 4000 Ryo
+ 20 AP
+ 20 AP (From 1040 WC)
+ 140 WC to gaining Lightning Element (2000/2000)
+ 900 WC to gaining Advanced Release TBD (900/2000)

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