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Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Jinroku
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 18000

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Mon Aug 26, 2024 7:12 pm
It is a bright morning in Kumogakure. The light ray would faintly pierce through the window, flashing the red-haired eyes. Slowly, Jinroku would open his eyes. The young shinobi had spent the night studying. The books he was studying were still littered all over the table.    It was not long before he got here in Kumogakure, after wandering around the world for a few years. He finally decided to settle down in this village. For the past few weeks, Jinroku had found this village interesting, but it hadn’t been in any other villages he had been to.  The villagers were so welcoming and friendly, he could still remember when he approached the village gate, how the guard at the gate greeted and welcomed and politely asked for his travel documents, which is something, most villages he had been to don’t do.
The village had beautiful scenery for visitors to explore, which captured the interest of the aranha. The red-haired was enjoying every moment of his time in the village so far. Better to enjoy it while it lasts, since this is not the kind of treatment he gets in other villages he has been to.

Jinroku had been to at least two different, and in both experiences, in got attacked in the first week he entered the village. One occasion was in Kumogakure, where he was nearly killed by the attacker. This was when the green-eyed was still specialized in taijutsu. He fiercely fought that day and triumphed over his enemy. He turned out that the enemy was an old friend, but Jinroku could not risk getting killed. The constant attacks made Jinroku seek a better and safer refuge. The desire to live peacefully had led him to this calm village, the village hidden in the stars.  Since he got to this village, he had noticed a different kind of calm he had not felt in the other villages that he had been to. This feeling makes him want to stay here permanently and possibly make Kumogakure his home.   Jinroku had been staying in a most inn. He stayed there simply because it was cheaper than staying in an actual hotel. In situations like this, it is important to save money, since he is out of action at the moment.   The one thing Jinroku is focused on now is just to get his shit back together. The young shinobi would take his time and lay low, meet new people, and try out a lot of stuff as much as possible in Kumogakure.

It is funny now to see a once taijutsu master specializing in ninjutsu. Jinroku could still specialize in taijutsu if he wanted to, but it is not his forte anymore.  Most members of the Aranha clan specialize in both ninjutsu and taijutsu, but Jinroku’s major is ninjutsu. The young shinobi making sure to improve himself daily.      The hidden clan is known to specialize in using web-based ninjutsu, and have close ties with spiders. Their appearance even looks like that of a spider.  The clan has been hated for decades because of their appearance, and even the clan members themselves were started to see themselves as a curse to the world, not until recently that the current clan head began to change the clan’s members' perspective. The clan is not as united as it used to be and clan members are now scattered home and abroad. An example is Jinroku, who is a wanderer and has no home.

As the Aranha opened his eyes, he realized that he was behind schedule today. He had planned to go to someplace in the village to meditate and possibly train in an open field. The green-eyed shinobi does not particularly have a specific location in mind, nor does he know anywhere to do this kind of stuff, but he would be willing to explore the environment to locate the best possible area for such things. In the case, that he could not locate an area or location, he would simply ask neighbors or anyone close by. Jinroku has had quite a great experience with the villagers of the village hidden in the stars. They are very welcoming people, so he was sure they would be of great help.   The red-haired was still lying on his bed, reluctant to get up from his bed.   He would slowly push himself up to his feet. The red-haired, who was half-naked in singlet and black boxers would walk to his wardrobe and try to locate the clothing for the today. The weather feels warm, so the green-eyed would go for something light. He would finally find the perfect clothing for the day. A black short cloak that reaches below his knee and a black pant trouser, just above his ankle. The aranha figured that a black shinobi sandal would match the clothing, so he would settle for that. Jinroku did not have a lot of clothing, but he always made do with what he had.

Jinroku would grab his tooth and towel, and walk straight into the bathroom to have his morning bath. Wasting no time, he would finish bathing, and then prepare some food for breakfast. The chicken noodle soup was one of his favorite meals, which was also what he prepared. The green-eyed shinobi would finish his meal and get dressed, making sure he had put every necessary thing and equipment in his bag. The green-eyed shinobi would carry his ninja bag across his body as he stepped out of his room, stepping into daylight. The weather was warm and the atmosphere felt exciting. The aranha member could be seen walking in the center of the village. He was not particularly sure where to go yet, but he knew at the end of the day he would end up somewhere and should he get lost, he would ask for help. The sky was crystal clear, so there was no sign of here, so the Aranha could stay here as long as he wanted.

Jinroku had asked people for directions and was able to locate an open field. It took quite a long time to be able to locate this place, as the aranha was asking people for directions to any open field or training grounds within the village. The red-haired would be seen in a plain field of grass surrounded by trees except for the opening that led into the open field. Here is a perfect place to meditate. Jinroku would drop his bag and then observe his environment. The green-eyed would look around to see how things were set and how he could possibly use this field the best for training.  They located some idle pillars of words that were stuck on the ground. “These wooden pillars would make a great pillar for punching”, he would say to himself. The aranha would walk up close to a pillar and deliver a punch, the force of his punch would make the wood vibrate and give a crackling sound. Although taijutsu was not his forte, he still had enough power and taijutsu skill to be able to hold an average taijutsu ninja in combat. The aranha would punch again with his right fist, and again with his left fist. The oscillating and interchanging motion of his hand continues to vibrate the pillar of wood. The young shinobi’s hand was bruised, but he would not really care much as he was just getting started.  As he continued punching. He would hear a footstep approaching faintly from behind him. The aranha ninja would stop his motion and then turn to look who was coming. The approaching figure seems to be another shinobi who had come here to train. The Aranha remained still until the approaching figure was at about 10 meters. The young Aranha, who was positioned to face the approaching figure would fix his gaze on the man. The man would be dressed in a green robe, a black pant, and black shinobi sandals. “Hi there, are you here to train too?”, the aranha ninja would ask in a relaxed tone, hoping to get some sort of response from the man. “Yeah, I come here often to train. I must say that this is the first time I have seen your face around. If you don’t mind me asking, Are you a visitor? I also see you punching the wooden pillars, seems you are a ninja. Mind me if we combat? ” The young man would respond in a calm tone as he put down his ninja bag. The man was quite straight to the point. He seemed also to be intelligent too, able to discern that the young Aranha was a shinobi, just seeing him punch the wooden pillars of trees. The Young Aranha was a bit surprised when the figure asked for a spar. It has been a long time since he did this. The last time he had an actual combat was in Kumogakure, where he was ambushed.  The battle ended quickly tho, as the opponent was no match for Jinroku despite the Aranha holding back. “I am a visitor, and I am staying for the main time in the village. I like the village. I assumed you were a citizen here, or are you a visitor like me too?  “. The Aranha would clear the man’s doubt by confirming that he was a traveler and a visitor here, who was simply staying for the main time. The aranha would get into stance,” Since you want to combat with me, then let's do it”.      The figure would dash backward to create some space between himself and the aranha ninja. The space between the two would be exactly 15 meters. The figure would look closely at the aranha ninja, he was looking for something that could give details about his abilities to allow him to know how to engage him but he found nothing. Simply standing in front of him was just a young boy who looked deceitfully harmlessly. No sign of dojutsu except his bright blue eyes. The Young man would start weaving hand seals and as he weaved those hand seals, he would observe the boy’s reactions. The boy remained still. Upon the man’s hand seal completion, he would spew a large ball of fire at the young aranha.    

The green-eyed red-haired shinobi had watched as the man dashed backward with his face facing him. He watched as the man started to weave his own hand seal for a jutsu he would not know, and upon completion, he would shoot the fireball at him.  As the fireball raced towards him, Jinroku started his own set of hand seals too, he presumed that the fireball that man threw would have blocked his very own line of sight. Jinroku has something up his sleeve. Upon completion of the hand seals, he would shoot a jet stream of water. The power of the water was just the exact amount needed to quench the fire and also create a mist in the surroundings. Jinroku would quickly take advantage of the mist before it fades away. Quickly he would pull out 3 kunai and throw it at the shinbobi standing ahead of him. Jinroku himself could not particularly see the man as the mist had blocked his own line of sight too, but he presumed he had an overall direction of where the man should be, so he threw the kunai in those directions. The aranha does not feel the attack would end the battle, as it would be a shame if the battle ended so quickly because of a small attack like that. The man after realizing the aranha shinbi was a water release user, saw his fire jutsu exhausted and a mist formed in the area, blocking his line of sight. The man would dash backward a further 10 meters, making the distance between the two 25 meters. He had anticipated that the shinobi might wanna use the mist as a blind attack or follow-up attack as he was quite experienced with this kind of trick himself. Moving backward and creating some space between the mist and the boy would give him enough time to react, should anything come out of the mist to attack him. As the kuna flies towards the man, he dodges them by dashing to the side. He had anticipated some sort of tricks would follow. The man would wait and watch and be on high alert as he waited for the mist to clear. He would of course be ready to react to anything that comes up should the Aranha shinobi attacked before the mist cleared.

The mist that had formed in the environment would soon fade away revealing Jinroku. The Red-haired shinobi would begin to race toward the figure ahead of him, as he formed, his own hand seals. Upon completion of the hand seals. The aranha would throw a large torrent of water at the figure standing, the torrent racing towards the shinobi would knock the man off his feet should he come in contact with it.  The aranha would not stop there, he would form another hand seal for a wind jutsu to make the water jutsu even more powerful.    The violent wind would collide with the water to improve the combination of the jutsu. The aranha would watch as the figure reacted to each jutsu. It would seem the green-eyed shinobi is going all out, wanting the man to use his power to the fullest.    The figure named Yoshi would let out a smirk as he watched the jutsu race towards him. “So, you can use water and wind. Interesting”, he would say to himself, as he started to prepare his own handseal to counter the jutsu. Upon completion of the handseals, Yoshi would slam his palm to the ground erecting a wall of earth in front of him. The wall would grow 5 meters tall, completely hiding him from the Aranha ninja unless he had some abilities that made him see through walls. Just the wall erected, hiding him from Jinroku's sight, Yoshi would use the opportunity to use the earth style: hiding like a mole technique to go underground and travel behind Jinroku.    While Jinroku was completely focused on what was ahead of him, Yoshi swiftly sprouted from the ground and delivered a powerful punch to the boy’s right. The impact of the force would send the boy flying several meters away. The boy had let his guard down and underestimated the guy. He was not aware of such abilities, or that the guy would be able to do that. 2 seconds after crashing to the ground, the boy would slowly rise to his feet.  The figure that had just punched him seemed to be very strong. Jinroku felt a slight pain around his rib, he hoped that he did not have broken ribs already from the man’s punch. From the look of it, the injury isn’t a severe one. The aranha needs to be careful now, as he does not want to put himself in danger. Jinroku would start dashing towards Yoshi, throwing three kunai at the figure, one aimed at the torso, the second aimed at his shoulder, and the third aimed at his right knee. The aranha knew the kunai attack would be easily dodge, but the intent of the attack was not to actually hit the Yoshi guy with the kunai. The intent was to distract him for his next attack. The aranha would continue to sprint towards Yoshi as he watched the reaction of Yoshi. The red-haired starts running the hand seals for his next jutsu. The young shinobi would watch as the man aimed to dodge the kunai that was flying in his direction. The young Aranha would complete his hand seals and spew a ball of wind aimed at the running figure. The ball would move in such a way that it would curve 90 degrees in, to race towards the Yoshi guy running right. As the. As he released the windfall jutsu, he continued racing toward the Yoshi man. Yoshi would easily dodge the windball, to Jinroku’s surprise. The already sprinting young Aranha would be once again surprised that Yoshi easily dodged his attack. The red-haired Aranha would follow up with another attack, not giving him space, upon completing the hand seals for the jutsu would spew a ball of wind. Yoshi seeing the arena’s multitude of jutsu raced towards him, he continued to start by forming his own hand seals and would release from his mouth a huge jet stream of wind, a move that would shock the aranha shinobi. The red-haired would be really surprised, as the guy seems to be able to use three elements, what much is he hiding under his sleeves? The jutsu Yoshi had used was stronger than the two jutsu coming at him in combination. The Yoshi shinobi would watch how the aranha shinobi would react to the powerful gust of wind. The Aranha shinobi would start forming hand seals as he would start dashing left, with the incoming wind jutsu racing towards him. As he dashed sideways, he released his own jutsu, a powerful gust of wind that would be almost equal to the power of the incoming wind jutsu that was racing toward the Aranha shinobi. The two jutsu would clash, canceling out each other. It occurred to Jinroku that his wind jutsu was able and powerful enough to cancel out the opponent’s attack. As the two jutsu clashed together, the atmosphere would rumble in a great windy noise, the grass tilting in the direction of the wind. As the two jutsu cleared, the two shinobi would simply remain still observing each other, and anticipating their next move.

The battle started not quite long not quite, but it seems they both are now slowly down, or maybe it was part of the strategy. It has been a long while since Jinroku got into a fight with anyone, except for those encounters with the bandits and his encounter in Kumogakure. The aranha would start forming his hand seal for a new jutsu. The aranha shinobi was trying to be strategic this time. It appeared going force for force with this individual would not work out well for him. The red-haired would slam his palm to the ground, with his eyes locked on his opponent and his face facing him. The impact of the palm slam would be heard by Yoshi would anyone else around the vicinity. It was as if Jinroku was in a different state of seriousness.  The red-haired would unleash his water jutsu. A loud crack of the earth would travel across the field the field as what looked like water sharks appeared from beneath and attempted to swallow the Yoshi shinobi. Reacting quickly is Yoshi’s best bet this time. If he was caught in this jutsu, he could end up badly and seriously injured.  The figure’s eyes would widen as he noticed the imminent danger at hand.  He would quickly weave two hand seals and would activate his chakra gourd jutsu. It was simply a jutsu that protected the user in the form of chakra. For the duration of the jutsu, the user remains protected from all forms of physical and chakra-based attacks.    Yoshi would hope that the chakra gourd jutsu would protect him from the incoming danger or at least reduce the damage that he would incur. The water shark jutsu would clamp his teeth on Yoshi, but the chakra gourd was strong enough to protect the figure from harm. Once the water shark was done with his deed, it would fall aimlessly to the ground. Yoshi realizing that he had just escaped a serious danger would begin to form handseals for his own jutsu, however as he proceeded into the actions of forming handseals, Jinroku would run two handseals to use another jutsu. The jutsu was done to cleverly use the water around Yoshi, to attack from a blindspot. Jinroku would form water needles around Yoshi, at that range, he was not expecting. Yoshi would not expect that the aranha shinobi was capable of a feat. Realizing the danger in front of him, he used his hand sealless jutsu and a gust of powerful chakra would swiftly spread across the environment from him, up to 40 meters in all directions. The aranha would also be taken by surprise as he would not expect something like that from the Yoshi guy. He would be taken by surprise. He would helplessly as the powerful wave of jutsu spread across the field, hitting and blowing off helplessly, the jutsu would the aranha flying several meters away. Yoshi would himself not expect Jinroku to be able to defend or counter such a jutsu, as he watched the red-haired shinobi crash to the ground.     Yoshi would begin to walk slowly towards the aranha, with the belief that he had won this fight. “I did not expect you to be able to stop that, that was one of my strongest in my arsenal, I would have been really surprised if you had been able to stop, defend, or even counter that jutsu”, he would say out loud as he walked towards the aranha shinobi who is still lying on the ground.  Suddenly, Jinroku would swiftly rise to his feet.   The green-eyed shinobi would let out a smirk, and he would look straight at the approaching figure. “It’s not over yet. The battle is not over yet”. He would say as he fell to his knee, holding his chest. It seems the effect of the jutsu is starting to take a toll on him now.     Jinroku did not think he would be beaten by someone like this. This simply means he has a long way to go. “You think you would still be able to carry on after getting by something like that?”, Yoshi would chuckle as he has now closed the distance between himself and Jinroku. The Yoshi guy was now 5 meters away from Jinroku who was standing on one of his knees and his other kneecap would be pointing towards the approaching Yoshi guy. “Ok, you win. You are quite strong. Let’s have a rematch another time. Maybe next week? What do you say?”  he would say as he rose to his feet again. “Agreed, hope you’re not hurt too bad?    I would have to leave now. I need to be at another place for something? “He would say in a relaxed tone. “Cool. Next week it is then.  I’ll see you next week then, same time same place here”, Jinroku would say as he waved goodbye to the Yoshi guy, who walked out of the field.

It's all Jinroku remaining in the field now. The battle had taken a toll on him, especially the last attack delivered to him by Yoshi. He would grab his ninja bag, and d slowly walk out of the field. The aranha shinobi still has a lot of way to go. He would make sure to clean himself before leaving the arena. He would not want to be seen by everyone around the village with blood on his body. The Aranha would also continue his journey out of the arena. The sky was beginning to form a dark cloud, and it was a signal to Jinroku that it might rain soon. The best is to get home before it starts raining to avoid catching a cold. As he passed through the market street, he could still see people in the trading stuff. He would wonder if these people don’t ever get tired, they should be hopeful by now, at least, considering the current weather. The Aranha green-eyed shinobi would safely arrive home and would take a rest. He would soon ponder on how and why he lost the battle today. It is a signal that he clearly needs to get stronger and improve his skills.  

Getting home, the Aranha would simply walk straight to the bathroom and unclothe himself to take a bath. He still had sweat all over him and stains of blood and needed to get himself cleaned before he went to bed. The green-eyed shinobi would turn on the shower and the water sprayed on him. The chill feeling of water spraying is so pleasing and he would wish he had stayed here all night. Jinroku still had not gotten over the incident that had happened to today. He thought he was strong, and that no one would be able to beat him easily but today’s fight with the figure proved him wrong as the fight ended rather quickly. The young aranha would turn off the water switch, and clean the water on his body with a nearby towel. He would put on new black pants and walk straight to his bed. Lying down on his bed, it would not take long before the young Aranha slept off and would begin to have some flashbacks.

The aranha at the young age of 8 was the youngest in the family at the time. He was also considered a weakly, but Jinroku was a very secretive person, and would not reveal the power that he had. The young Aranha was also not very social and outgoing growing up as he had very strict parents that prevented him from doing a lot of things that should be experienced in one’s childhood. Perhaps the young Aranha was this cold-hearted because of the tough and rough childhood that he experienced.  The majority of Jinroku’s childhood revolves around being indoors and doing things alone. Perhaps this was the reason why Jinroku turned out to be as cold as he was. The world is tough and rough enough, even rougher when you navigate without friends.  Jinroku’s life and childhood have been a rough one and have constituted the reason why he turned out like this. There was a time when the village hosted a race tournament for kids.  Jinroku wanted to enroll in the tournament, so he told his father about it, but his father turned him down even tho he had the money.    Devasted, young Jinroku had to go struggle for the money to buy the application form and enroll in the tournament. The young Aranha did some low-rank missions, like rescuing cats, securing deliveries, and all of that, just to be able to get money to enroll for the tournament. Upon each successful mission that he completed, he would make sure that he saved the money that he received in a piggy bank, till the money was finally completed. The day finally came for Jinroku to go enroll in the tournament. He had counted the money in the piggy bank and had calculated it. He usually writes the money in a book so that he would be able to remember and note the total amount of money in the piggy bank. The aranha would have the money in his pocket and would get dressed, ready to go buy the application form. The young aranha would begin to make his way to the application center. It was not too far and a not too short journey, but he was that he would arrive at the application center. He would need to go through an alley as part of the journey. This alley is known to be dangerous, even for ninja of higher rank and age, not to talk of someone like Jinroku. The young aranha was aware of this, and so he was highly alert and vigilant. He would step into the alley and start to move cautiously, after walking a few meters, he noticed two figures approaching ahead of him, and another figure approaching from behind. Immediately, the young Aranha realized what was about to happen, but he continued to walk like he had not realized what was happening. The young Aranha had formed some hand seals underneath his cloak with his hand, the figures would not be able to see him performing the hand seals except if they had the ability to see through his clothing. Jinroku had done this to ready himself for any danger that might spring up. He does not want to miscalculate or misjudge the timing when he is to use the jutsu. He is giving these guys a doubt, as they might not actually be bandits.     Just as the two bandits ahead were two meters away, one of them would swiftly pull out a sword and yell “Your money or your life”. In that instant, Jinroku knew just what to do, he would spew a large torrent of jutsu from his mouth that would race towards the two bandits ahead. The two-bandit tried to counter the incoming water jutsu by both releasing the fire jutsu from their mouth. The two would hope that the combined power of their fire Jutsu would be able to stop the water jutsu, or at least turn it into mist, but they were quite wrong. The third bandit would watch as the water would knock the two bandits off their feet, knocking them several meters away.     The third bandit would pull out a kunai and throw it at Jinroku, Jinroku would quickly respond by pulling out two kunai, he would aim one at the incoming kunai, and the other and the guy’s torso, exactly where his heart was located. Jinroku not only threw the kunai but he would go further to even imbue the kunai with his chakra, the particular one that was aimed at the bandit’s heart. Jinroku had a killing intent and he was playing no games. He was gonna make the bandits pay for attacking ruining his day and wasting his time. The third bandit watched as as the kunai flew towards him at insane speed speed. The first kunai that Jinroku threw had collided with the kunai that the bandit threw. The second kunai would still continue in his flight to hit its mark, however, the bandit was able to move away just in time to avoid the kunai hitting his chest. The kunai would still graze his arm though, but it was not a serious injury unlike if the kunai had actually struck his torso, his heart.     The third bandit would simply run away in the direction that he came from leaving his other colleagues who had been knocked out unconscious by Jinroku’s previous water jutsu.

Jinroku would walk past the knocked-out shinobi. As a little kid, he did not have great chakra control, so the jutsu he had used had taken a toll on him and drained quite a lot of his chakra. It is the more reason Jinroku wanted to end the battle quickly and even went for a killing blow as he did not want to run out of chakra. Looking at the wristwatch on his wrist, he realized he was behind schedule and would increase his walking pace to get to the application center in time. The aranha would occasionally touch his pocket to confirm if the money was still there. He would not want to lose the money as he had done a lot of hard work to earn that money.  His father was one who was supposed to give him money for registration, but he would care little about him. Jinroku had taken matters into his own hands to fend for himself and provide for himself, at the age of 8.  Ridiculous as it may sound, the red-haired is actually doing quite well for himself. He is better off some street rats that have nothing to do, roaming the street and bullying kids.

It would not take long before the aranha arrived at the application center.    There were buildings everywhere.  The road that led to the gate of the application center was plain sand. Whoever would walk this path would have to deal with the dirt.  On either side of the road were also buildings. The aranha would notice most of the buildings in the area were painted the same color, but only a few were different. There were several short buildings with a few tall ones. The end of the road or junction splits into two paths, one to the right and the other to the left.   Both paths are still plain roads of sand. At the end of the path that led to the application center was the application center itself, which means in front of the application center, there would be two paths, one leading to the right and the other leading to the left.

The building of the application center had no gate or anything surrounding it, except the other smaller buildings on its sides. The aranha could see a small queue at the center. These are probably people who are enrolling for the race tournament too. After reaching the end of the queue, the Jinroku would ask to clear his doubt, “Is this the queue for those enrolling for the race tournament?” he would ask a young guy who was the last in the queue.  “Yeah, bro.”, the boy would reply. Jinroku would join the queue and would hope the queue would move faster as he had another place to be.    There were about twenty people in the queue. The general process of registration is simple. The participant, once it reaches their turn, would first pay the fee for the tournament, then write down their details which would be stamped and photocopied. The photocopied would be submitted and the original would be given to them alongside a race card…
Fast forward… The green-eyed shinobi would arrive home and fall into a deep sleep. The event of the day would create illusions in his sleep. After a while,  The boy would open his eyes to realize he had been dreaming all along. The young Aranha did not know when he fell asleep but he sure had a long deep sleep. He would remain on his bed. His eyes were wide open, and would continue resting.

TWC:  5668

Claiming +15 vigor, +41 chakra
Using 25% training discount

1500wc to learn Wind release(2000wc)
1125wc to learn Vaccum Sphere (1500wc, B rank)
2062wc to learn Great Vaccum Sphere (2750wc, A rank)
981/1875 to learn Minus Field (2500wc, A rank)
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Blue Sky Empty Re: Blue Sky

Fri Aug 30, 2024 1:04 am
Jinroku wrote:

TWC:  5668

Claiming +15 vigor, +41 chakra
Using 25% training discount

1500wc to learn Wind release(2000wc)
1125wc to learn Vaccum Sphere (1500wc, B rank)
2062wc to learn Great Vaccum Sphere (2750wc, A rank)
981/1875 to learn Minus Field (2500wc, A rank)

Blue Sky JPYXIpT
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