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Kitiara Kaguya
Kitiara Kaguya
Academy Student
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Stat Page : Katana
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Meeting the 11th Raikage! Empty Meeting the 11th Raikage!

Tue Sep 06, 2022 2:47 pm
Fenn had Walked up to the office of the Kage. He had taken his time along the way to reminisce but he had to report in the to the new kage, he wanted to let the kage know of his determination to defend the village, and doing so this time without fear of his own life. Everyone that Fenn had cared for seemed to be gone. Akihana was not home a new family was there. Arashi had not seemed to return. There was no sign or sound of Yaju or Arata. Everyone was gone, even the mention of Ganki's name to locals left them confused. So the only thing left for Fenn was to defend what they all tried to defend themselves at one point or another. Kumogakure. Fenn had no idea however about the changes that Kumo had undergone from one kage to the next and what each one did for the village. There was talks of not long ago there was corpse fields from the reign of Youka. And other talks about a Mysterious kage that defeated a strong Missing ninja that had over taken the village at once point. And even how one of the better kages seems to be just barely alive ,and essentially just barely living in the hospital.

The Red haired demon would take a step into the office when prompted too. Upon getting in through the door he would first bow. Like how most respected martial artists would bow. His hands down along his sides and his bow starting at the waist and going for a true nighty degree angle with his body, however his eyes would be looking upon the Raikage, or the seat there of if the back was turned to him. At which time he would announce himself before he would allow himself to straighten "Greetings Lord Eleventh, My name is Fenikkusu Fushichiro, I was labeled as Fenn from Lady Misaki Ametsuchi, and it stuck since. I return to the village of Kumogakure after being abandoned and out numbered as a child during the attack of Youka Tau. I have traveled and grown since that time and have determined that now was the time to return and serve my village, as I always intended to do." Fenn had hoped that his truth was further strengthened by his recalling about Lady Misaki, and the events of the destruction of Kumogakure.

If he knew anything about either one of those at least. And if The Kage wished it, Fenn would be willing to Regale the man sitting in the chair on not only the past of Kumogakure, but where Fenn had been and what he had been doing as to why it took him so long to return to the village.
Kitiara Kaguya
Kitiara Kaguya
Academy Student
Academy Student
Stat Page : Katana
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Meeting the 11th Raikage! Empty Re: Meeting the 11th Raikage!

Thu Sep 29, 2022 8:47 am
Mid thread claim 459 from above post

1265 carried over from here

1724 total

17 Stats
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Meeting the 11th Raikage! Empty Re: Meeting the 11th Raikage!

Thu Sep 29, 2022 4:26 pm
Kitiara Kaguya
Kitiara Kaguya
Academy Student
Academy Student
Stat Page : Katana
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Meeting the 11th Raikage! Empty Re: Meeting the 11th Raikage!

Tue Oct 11, 2022 1:25 pm
(Closing Topic due to changes since this topic was opened)


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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Meeting the 11th Raikage! Empty Re: Meeting the 11th Raikage!

Tue Oct 11, 2022 2:54 pm
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