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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
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What We Leave Behind and When We Are Left Behind Empty What We Leave Behind and When We Are Left Behind

Sat Oct 01, 2022 1:02 pm
 It was always peaceful up on the top of the guardhouse roofs. Isuru had spent much of his time as a ninja simply learning how to avoid the eyes of others and enhance his own special style of combat. While he was only able to borrow the kusarigama from the village’s ninja shop, he loved to take a set of twine and branches with weighted rocks embedded in them and practice. His parents thought it odd that he wanted to master a weapon when his eyes already held so much power to them.

His goal was not to be seen unless necessary and to appear suddenly upon his foe. Sadly, the only being he could practice on as of late were birds and stray wild animals that he came across. Most, he simply let go in the hopes they would come back as a greater threat. He had already found his current limit in the form of a bear that had chased him up the cliff side of Suna. He knew that one day he would find that bear again and show him who was the stronger one.

For now, Isuru’s thoughts floated through the silent loneliness of the day. He thought back on his old friend Morei who had trained and practiced with him when they were young. Whenever the two were together, they were either practicing with their homemade weapons or scheming on who they could surprise around the village. They even caught the grocery store owner off guard one day and were able to slip away with some fresh apples.

Isuru’s grin softly faded as the memories shifted forward to the letter he had received only two years ago. He stood and walked to the edge of the guardhouse roof to look out over the village. They would both come up here to look out and talk about plans for how they would be the most powerful ANBU that Suna had ever seen. With Isuru’s quick hidden strikes and Morei’s powerful shockwave punches, they would be unstoppable. 

That was until the one Jounin took Morei out for a special training mission. Isuru shook his head and fell back down onto the roof, staring up at the open sky. Those days were so long behind him now. Yet you never truly let go of a friendship that defined who you are. But some things you just have to let go of eventually…

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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
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What We Leave Behind and When We Are Left Behind Empty Re: What We Leave Behind and When We Are Left Behind

Sun Oct 02, 2022 11:48 am
More and more of Isuru’s family stopped by as the holidays approached. Some asked about how he was progressing as a ninja, to which he just described the basic motions he had been through for years now. He had started young at the academy, at the age of 9, and learned quite a bit about jutsu theory and stealth. He had impressed his teachers with how silently he could sneak up on his classmates in different exercises, yet he had never taken the time to learn any specific techniques.

He had spent much of his time simply mastering the use of his weapons and tried to excel in how quickly he could react to new challenges. His family kept pressing him to learn new elements or techniques so that he could progress up the ranks and improve himself over time. Isuru had been driven back at the academy and for a few years after graduating, but he felt like most of his ambition dwindled as he saw just how far away from his goals he really was.

So many of his classmates just wanted to learn basic techniques and be the strongest person in every way. Isuru was happy to just hang back and let others take the glory for achievements while he knew that he could be strong without the approval of others. He would be happy to receive compensation for his hard work, but he did not feel like getting patted on the back or being praised really benefited the strength of a ninja.

Morei had seen it the same way and always felt like it was the people who could do amazing things without needing someone to say it was the right thing to do that were strong. If you could not define your own strength without needing someone else there, was it really your own strength? That is what the two agreed on should be their motto. Build based on your own strength and always push forward.

Isuru wandered along the edges of the courtyard of his home. He tried to avoid most of his family as this time of year always made him think back to the past. There had been a young girl who tried to tag along with him and Morei as well who they would tease sometimes named Silvia. She was pretty strong in her own right, putting up with the two of them. She had excelled ahead of the two and become a strong seal user who was praised by the majority of their graduated class for what she had achieved. She had visited Isuru from time to time and shared in his thoughts and hopes for the future, while also making sure he was doing well.

Isuru had been shocked once when she had told him that she liked him as more than a friend. After all the training he had received to be stealthy and swift, Isuru had never disappeared as quickly as he had that day. She found him hiding in one of his familiar spots and they talked it out. They agreed to date and go slow, seeing how they did together. He was not sure why he was dwelling on the past so much lately, but Isuru simply felt the need to get moving, so he turned and headed out the back gate from his home to find something to distract himself.

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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
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What We Leave Behind and When We Are Left Behind Empty Re: What We Leave Behind and When We Are Left Behind

Mon Oct 03, 2022 9:58 am
The letter weighed no more than a handful of feathers, yet the emotions behind it could crush him. Isuru sat on the rooftop of his house as he flipped the letter over and over again in his hand. The seal had already been broken years ago and the originally white letter was now yellowed with age. Several crinkles in the paper showed that it had been held and handled many times before in the same way he was doing now.

Odd stories of voices and strange events had begun to spread throughout the village and many had come to his family asking for assistance. His family had reassured those in need that it was most likely just an odd shift in the lands causing distortions within the cliff walls. Similar to mirages in the desert, it was possible that the change in weather and temperature was beginning to affect many at this time of year. Isuru knew that this was just to help calm the local populace and that there was something else going on.

One of his sisters swore that she caught a glimpse of her old teacher wandering around the school yard when she had passed by. The very teacher she mentioned had passed away five years earlier. Isuru’s parents were becoming more concerned and had begun resorting to older forms of scrying for events to come as well as reading astrological charts. They mentioned something about a far off body aligning with our planet, but it sounded like a complex way of explaining that the universe was causing problems again.

Isuru let the letter rest over his eyes, blocking out the sun directly above him. He thought back to Morei and Silvia and some of the adventures they had gone on together when they were at the academy together. Silvia never tagged along when they played pranks, but she was as silent as Isuru and as strong as Morei. She lacked any real ability to create chakra beyond her hands and the claws she enjoyed, but she was very talented in hand-to-hand combat. 

When Isuru and Silvia had started dating, Morei seemed a bit jealous, but quickly overcame his feelings as he saw Isuru as a brother. The three felt more like family than those they were connected with by blood and shared in so many amazing feats. Like the time they snuck up the cliff walls and tried to find the best way to parachute back down. Silvia had made a great point that, even if they did not die from the fall, everyone would see them and they would get in trouble. Morei suggested doing it at night, to which both Isuru and Silvia knew that dying was the most likely result.

He chuckled softly to himself, thinking back at the memory. It had been some time since they had scaled the cliffs and he wondered if he could visit there again without being caught. The smile slipped from his lips as he came back to the here and now. He had heard a few whispers of his own lately out of the corners of certain streets, but he simply ignored them. To him, the worst thing going on so far since people began discussing the rumors was that he kept seeming to get caught in his memories.

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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
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What We Leave Behind and When We Are Left Behind Empty Re: What We Leave Behind and When We Are Left Behind

Tue Oct 04, 2022 11:37 am
Laying in bed, it was easy to simply let the day slip past. Each moment felt like it slid into the next as the sun slowly moved along the sky outside his window. The memory he kept playing over and over in his mind was as fresh as the day it had happened. The letter that he had been given along with an explanation, and an apology, provided by the messenger. It was a peaceful day, very much like today. One that someone might not even notice if they had no reason to pay attention.

Morei had left on a special mission guided by a jounin who was considered excellent at leading newly trained ninjas in the field. The mission would take the team away for five days as they dealt with a threat along the borders of Suna. Isuru had found himself bored waiting for Morei to return and even Silvia’s requests for more private time together could not stave off his restlessness. He figured he would try to find a hunt for a new place they could use as a hideout whenever they could get away for adventures.

He and Silvia teamed up and began exploring a short way outside the village where they found an open cave system. The two went spelunking for hours through the cave systems and discovered crystal formations and a few good spots to set up a makeshift base for when Morei came back. By the end of their first day, they had already started to make plans for where they would put in a barracks for people they recruited and discussed supplies they should gather.

The second day was less eventful, but they found that the rock walls around the location for their makeshift base were more malleable. The chunks came away like clay in some spots which allowed them to start building a rough outline of a foundation for where each room would go in the base. They joked and fought by throwing clay at one another until each looked like a scrunched up piece of bread. Night appeared quickly and they returned home later than they had planned. Isuru’s family was upset as he had disappeared now for the majority of two days, coming home late on the second, and restricted him to his room for the next day.

Silvia did not come to visit that day. Isuru figured she must have gotten in trouble as well and was stuck at home the same as him. He felt the boredom setting in and tried to escape after only a few hours. He was caught scaling the outer wall and had his doors locked with fuinjutsu so that he could only be provided food and company from those who offered. The fourth day couldn’t come quickly enough.

As the lock was removed, Isuru headed over to Silvia’s place as quickly as he could. He knocked on her window, but did not receive any reply. He figured she may have gone on ahead to check out the caves. As he turned to head towards their new hideout, Silvia’s father yelled up to him, “Isuru!” The young ninja stopped and turned back. “Have you seen Silvia? She did not come home yesterday!” Isuru was confused and asked, “I was locked up at home by my family. Didn’t the same happen to her?” Her father shook his head and said, “no, we are used to her coming home late from her tasks helping at the academy. Let me know if you see her!”

Isuru’s blood ran cold as he looked in the direction of the cave system. He took off so quickly that the wind could not even touch his steps. The sun had barely moved across the sky by the time he dove into the cave opening and barreled from one tunnel into the next. No matter how deep he went, he could not find any sign of her. Maybe she just got lost or ended up taking on a mission without telling anyone. Yeah, she is probably just on her way back right now and she will laugh at me for how silly I was.

These thoughts ran through his mind as he spent hours searching and hunting for her, to no avail. When he could find no sign of her anywhere, he felt somewhat relieved that she must be somewhere else in that case. He headed back to the village as the sun was beginning to set. He was halfway through the village to his home when one of the guards yelled up to him. “Hey, Isuru! Have you seen any sign of your friend Silvia? Her family has put up a request to find her!” He felt his relief scatter as no one had seen her since the morning she left on the 3rd day.

He told the guard about the cave system and how he searched it, but could not find her anywhere. A special team was sent out to check the area and scout the caves for any chance she might be there. Isuru knew all of Silvia’s tricks for tracking and being tracks, so he knew that she must have gone off somewhere else and people were just panicking since she had not told anyone. It was unheard of for her, but she had caused a ruckus once or twice in the past. He got home just in time to avoid his family’s wrath, but sleep did not come easy for him. His mind kept running through possibilities for where she may have disappeared to.

Yet it is what is unexpected that causes us the greatest harm.

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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
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Ryo : 500

What We Leave Behind and When We Are Left Behind Empty Re: What We Leave Behind and When We Are Left Behind

Wed Oct 05, 2022 11:00 am
The messenger knelt on the rooftop in front of Isuru with a letter held out in one hand towards him. Isuru recognized the handwriting from Silvia’s family and carefully took the letter. He held it up to see his name written across the front in the soft swirling letters they seemed so fond to use. “I’m… sorry” was all the messenger said before jumping off towards the outerwall before he was gone.

The blood pumping in Isuru’s ears was deafening. Time seemed to slow as he peeled the seal off the back of the letter to open it. Inside were two pieces of paper. The first was written in the same handwriting as that on the letter. It was addressed to him by Silvia’s father and was stained with droplets of water along the writing.


I do not know where to begin with this as I am still struggling to accept this myself. Silvia was found deep in the cave system that you two had apparently been exploring. She was not injured, but she was unresponsive when the team found her. As they rushed her out, her condition rapidly deteriorated and… she did not make it back. The medical nin on the team attempted to resuscitate her, but could not determine what had caused her condition to fail so rapidly. She was found with a note written to you which I do not believe she was able to complete. I know you two were close, but I cannot find it in me to at this time to forgive you for your part in this. Please do not try to come by or contact us until we deem suitable. I am sorry for what you have to go through, as we all do now.

Silvia’s Father

His chest tightened with each word. Silvia was gone. His vision narrowed and there was a ringing in his ears as if his head had been struck. His body weighed millions of pounds suddenly and he was distantly aware that he was kneeling with tears streaming down his cheeks. He was not sure how much time passed before he slowly came to. He was staring at an empty sky above him, laying on his back. His body ached from exhaustion as he slowly lifted himself into a sitting position. The envelope lay a few feet away with the second paper tilting out slightly.

He reached for it, his body moving from the lightest sense of emotion within him. His eyes refocused as he pulled the paper from the envelope and the light illuminated the last words of the girl he had been so close to.

Hey Isuru. I am not sure why it took you so long to catch up to me in the cave, but I am having a bit of trouble getting the strength to climb back out. I wanted to surprise you with this new technique I was working on. It lets me get past things without even leaving a scent or sound that animals can pick up! While I was down here, I wanted to see if there was an underground river and got myself a little bit lost. Kind of stupid of me, but I figured you might find me down here after a nap, so this note might cover all the bases. I think Morei will be really surprised with how much progress we made. Just make sure he doesn’t try to take over th~

The letter cut off there. Isuru was crouched over the letter, tears pouring down his face. His fists slowly clenched as the emotions rushed through him. The rest of the world closed in around him as he shook softly. He slowly bent forward, his forehead pressed to the rooftop as he bawled. It felt like he was in a nightmare that could not wake up from. He felt lost, as if he had been dropped off a cliff face with a neverending pit at the bottom. He felt his senses slowly fading from all that was around him. 

That is where Morei found him on the fifth day.

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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 500

What We Leave Behind and When We Are Left Behind Empty Re: What We Leave Behind and When We Are Left Behind

Thu Oct 06, 2022 1:16 pm
Morei shared the details later with Isuru, so the memories came to mind as second-hand images. The special mission that Morei had been assigned to was to deal with shady traders who were believed to be sneaking illegal goods in and out of Suna’s borders to make a profit. Two days each way they traveled at full speed, with the middle day taken up mostly with changing into disguises and ambushing the traders.

The plan went off without any issues and the team, disguised as nomads, were able to knock out two of the traders while dispatching the remainder. The jounin leading their team ran an interrogation on the two traders and learned of their operations before handing them off to the border guard. The team had then returned back home to receive their rewards. Morei had personally assisted with keeping one of the traders alive and was given a special honor for it.

When Morei had returned to his house, his parents had been oddly sensitive with how they spoke with him. At first, he took it as gauging how he was feeling after such a long mission that he was given a special request to join. After the first hour or so, he asked them what was going on and the story slowly unfolded. Silvia going missing. The team being dispatched and finding her. Her family finding out.

Morei was out the door before they could stop him. He cleared the wall that bordered their land and was crossing rooftops faster than the eye could track. It felt as if gravity had turned sideways and was pulling him along a path that he knew by heart now. Each step drew him closer and a pit of fear began to grow in his stomach. He knew it could not be true. He had spoken to her less than a week ago. She would be smiling and saying that Isuru had just pulled an elaborate prank on them all.

As he launched himself over the outer wall of the Uchiha estate and landed on the rooftop. The sight of his friend hunched down to the ground, shaking with a painful cry coming from his lips, dashed any hope in his mind. Morei crossed the rooftop slowly, feeling that gravity was now draining his strength away and drawing him downwards. He made it to a few feet from Isuru before his body shuddered and he fell to his knees. Morei looked over his now helpless friend and had no idea what words could be said to answer this. 

All he could do was rest one hand on Isuru’s shoulder and he began to cry as well. The two held one another as the hours passed. Family members heard the crying from the yard and gave the boys their peace. As word spread of what had happened to Silvia, a burial and a memorial honoring her were planned and set. Isuru and Morei were not able to attend the event in person, at the requests of her family, but the two stood on the closest guard tower roof and honored her in their own way.

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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
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What We Leave Behind and When We Are Left Behind Empty Re: What We Leave Behind and When We Are Left Behind

Fri Oct 07, 2022 11:25 am
Isuru awoke to find his room dark and the shades drawn down. His cheeks were wet with tears and he could not figure out when he had fallen asleep. His stomach rumbled, signaling how hungry he was after going a full day with only the snacks he kept in his room. He rolled out of bed and made his way through the silent house towards the kitchen. The moon was only a sliver through the windows he passed, letting in tiny amounts of light. The gentle atmosphere made it feel like the night was holding its breath.

His family would be asleep by now after a long day of making plans for the upcoming holidays. The house was usually quite empty, as it had been built to hold close to a hundred people. A fraction of that number lived in it consistently with many rooms being set aside for visitors and guests who would stop by. Having so many people staying at the house made him feel a bit crowded during the day, but the evenings were still just as peaceful.

He grabbed up a plate of cold cuts that were most likely left over from earlier meals. As he nibbled on his food and made his way out into the courtyard, he wondered as to why he was thinking back on Silvia. He had cried so many times in the year after she had passed that he was surprised that he still had tears left. Thinking of her lately made her feel closer than he had in years. He wondered if it was somehow connected to the weird behaviors people were still reporting.

The rumors had only gotten worse as the days passed. People were talking about how the wind itself seemed alive and would weigh down people moving along the roads. Others said that the sands were coming to life and were trying to drag people down to be consumed by monsters who had taken up residence. Even stranger were the stories of people being guided by strange voices and enacting behaviors their ancestors once had. It was said that one person suddenly repeated an entire speech that only their grandfather had known by heart. 

Maybe all the sand and being pent up with rumors flying around was just driving people a bit nutty. The year had been filled with plenty of drama and stress. It only seemed to be calming down ever since the strange beach event people had mentioned. Isuru had been training alongside his family at the time, so he never got a chance to slip away and see what was going on. He figured it was similar to Suna, mostly sand and lots of people making the best of it.

Isuru sat down under the cherry blossom tree that his ancestors had planted many years ago. The still, warm air hung around him in the silence. He leaned back against the wood of the tree and took in the peace of the night. The food was quietly consumed and before he knew it, Isuru nodded off. He laid across the grass as the moon pulled thin shadows from his figure and played them across the grounds. It was only a short while later that he opened his eyes in the slowly growing light of the early morning to find that he was not alone in the courtyard any longer.

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What We Leave Behind and When We Are Left Behind Empty Re: What We Leave Behind and When We Are Left Behind

Sat Oct 08, 2022 10:17 am
Isuru’s eyes took a moment to focus as he looked at the silhouette of the person standing before him. He shielded his sight with one arm as the sun shone directly through the person in front of him. Isuru pushed himself to his feet and turned to face the person as his thoughts caught up with him. How was the sun shining through a person? He looked up at the person and found only the outline of what appeared to be a young woman staring at him. She stood with her hands behind her back and she was leaning towards him from what he could tell.

“What are you?” he asked, taking a step back from the shadow of a person that stood before him. The outline put her hands on her hips and said, “a friend you have forgotten apparently.” The moment the person spoke, Isuru’s mind began to race. He took another step back, this time in disbelief. “S-Silvia?” he asked in almost a whisper. The outline nodded and the faint trace of a smile formed where the face would normally be for a person. As he watched, the figure slowly took form in front of him. The more he thought back on how Silvia had looked, the more real she became in front of him.

Yet, as Silvia’s form became more and more clear, his heart sank as he could feel the pit of sadness and suffering from the past emanated within him. He fell to his hands and knees, much like the day he had received the letter, and began to shake his head. “No. No, no, no. You… you’re gone. You died…?” He asked as he slowly raised his head to look at her. The figure slowly walked to him and squatted beside him before resting a hand on the top of his head. She softly ruffled his hair and said, “I am, and I did. I am not sure how I came back, but I am here now. From the looks of it, you still need someone to look after you.” 

Isuru felt a small flare of stubbornness rise up inside him at the familiar old comment, but it was quickly overwhelmed with guilt. “I am… so sorry Silvia.” Tears began to form in his eyes as he felt the emotions rushing back from the past. “We never should have gone t-to those caves. If we had j-just waited for M-Morei, he could have been there.” The girl sat silently, her already obscured face shadowed from his sight. “I-I c-could have g-gone deeper. Maybe br-brought you back. I was too y-young and stupid. I sh-should have-”

Isuru felt the pain before he realized what had happened. He looked up to see Silvia’s hand frozen a foot past his face. She had just slapped him with all her strength clear across the cheek. As his vision cleared, he could see ethereal tears slowly flowing down Silvia’s cheeks. “You idiot,” she said softly as she looked him in the eyes. “I chose to go into those caves. When you didn’t show up, I thought I could handle it on my own. So don’t you dare go saying it was never my choice. You tried to find me. I heard the ninja team who carried me out. I couldn’t say anything at that point, but I heard. So don’t you dare blame yourself for something I did.”

Isuru looked up at her, speechless in response to her words.

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What We Leave Behind and When We Are Left Behind Empty Re: What We Leave Behind and When We Are Left Behind

Sun Oct 09, 2022 10:43 am
“You always wanted to be such a strong person, yet I saw you for who you really were. You and Morei alike. You both just wanted to be in charge so you two could keep an eye on everyone else. Always wanting to take care of others without them even knowing you were there. Do you know how many times you said you wanted to go out and prank someone? Everytime we went, you ended up helping someone along the way. Whether it was with a delivery or sending a guard to help someone who got hurt, or just giving encouragement.”

Isuru was sitting on the grass now, staring at the girl he had loved and lost years ago now crying in front of him. He felt like all of his strength had been drained from him by her words. “I had a feeling that if something ever happened to me, you would only blame yourself. My family was a bunch of idiots, refusing to let you come to my funeral. I heard all about it from Morei.” Isuru froze in place, feeling a second wave of emotions build up inside him. Already, he felt like his body was being torn in half by all that had happened to him.

Silvia wiped the tears from her eyes, her form almost solid in the morning light to his eyes. She looked at him with cool blue piercing eyes. Eyes that he had fallen in love with the moment she said she liked him, and he let his guard drop. “You know, he is around too,” she said softly. Isuru shook his head quickly, scattering any thoughts of his other childhood friend as he quickly sat up. “Silvia,” he said, “I can barely handle processing what is going on now. I don’t think…” he ended in a whisper as she gave him a sad smile. She gently ruffled his hair again.

“You are far stronger than you give yourself credit for, you know that?” she said gently. “Most people would run at the sight of the ghost of a lost friend. Some would think it was genjutsu. You just wanted to apologize.” He pulled his knees up and hung his head, crossing his arms over his knees to cover his face. She kept ruffling his hair softly and he tolerated it. “I know he would want to see you, if you let him.” Even with his face covered, the tears slowly dripped from his forearms as the pain came clear back to him as he thought of his other childhood friend. 

Silvia waited for a minute before giving a sharp, ‘tsk’ and grabbed his arm. She stood up, forcing him to his feet and then giving him a powerful hug. Isuru took a minute to come to his senses from the sudden action and slowly wrapped his arms around her. They stood, holding one another as the minutes passed. The sun slowly rose and the sounds of movement around them brought them back to the moment. Isuru wiped his eyes and looked around to see several other spirits exploring the grounds in curiosity. Most appeared to be distant family members, while a few wore clothing bearing the symbols of other clans. 

A soft clearing of the throat behind him made Isuru turn. An outline began to form in front of him with facial features he had not seen in two years. The same facial features he had seen for the last time on a cold fall day. Isuru tried to steel himself for what was to come, but as his old friend came into full view, he felt his emotions begin to break out from within. 

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What We Leave Behind and When We Are Left Behind Empty Re: What We Leave Behind and When We Are Left Behind

Mon Oct 10, 2022 4:12 pm
Morei stood facing Isuru with his arms crossed. “I just got here and you are already a mess of tears, man,” he said as he turned to Silvia. “Did you already tell him it wasn’t his fault?” She nodded and walked over to stand beside him. “Yes, and he is still being stubborn about it. He is almost as bad as you. At least he did not brag as much as you do.” She gave Morei a shove and he started to retort her statement. Isuru just stood staring at his friends, his emotions in shambles. He felt an intense joy to see his friends again, but a slowly fading guilt towards one and a throbbing pain towards the other. 

The two stopped their bickering and looked back at him as he could feel a few more tears running down his face. Morei stretched, trying to shake off the awkwardness as he said, “yeah, sorry about how I left you man. Didn’t have much of a choice. I would have much preferred to stay with you, and you know it.” Isuru gave a weak smile and nod as he said, “yeah. Life sure can suck sometimes. No matter how strong you are, some things can’t really be fought. The two gazed at one another, sharing the moment as the memories came flooding back.

A year and a half after Silvia had passed, Isuru and Morei were taking on missions together. Morei continued to receive specialized missions to help him advance and Isuru had begun to make a name for himself through his quick and ruthless attacks. They had set plans to purchase a hideout that they would use as a base and Morei was set for his advancement to chunin in only a matter of months. Isuru couldn’t help but feel jealous as to how far Morei was getting, but knew it was only a matter of time before he caught up.

As they became more experienced in the field, their families were comfortable letting them spend the nights out training or doing what they wanted. Most nights, they talked about how they wanted to make a living as ninjas and become strong enough to lead entire platoons of ninjas. They each would argue over who would make a better leader and eventually came to the conclusion that they would each lead in their own way. As the winter drew closer, more missions appeared requiring assistance along the borders. Morei already had experience from past missions, so he was chosen to join teams for these missions. 

While Morei was away, Isuru would spend his free time planning how they would set up their hideout and how many people they would need to run it efficiently. His mind would occasionally flash back to the hideout he had tried to set up with Silvia in the cave system and leave him feeling a bit lonely. The weight on his heart was still a heavy one. Each time Morei came back, he reassured Isuru that they were carrying her dream with them as well. The last time this happened, Morei had come back from dealing with a missing ninja issue that was threatening a town along the borders.

He had come back with only minor scratches from the fight and spent the night planning with Isuru on how the defenses for their hideout would work. The sun was rising by the time they had finished their plans and Isuru looked up to find Morei already asleep. Isuru chuckled at himself, knowing that their families would be upset if either of them did not come home by morning, and shook his friend. At first, Morei opened his eyes and gave a weak smile. He went to stand, but only made it halfway before he collapsed on the ground in front of Isuru. 

Isuru began to panic as he yelled out of the storehouse window for someone to get help.

{WC = 655}
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