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Stat Page : Ayyuken
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 500

Cold Mountain Empty Cold Mountain

Tue Oct 04, 2022 11:20 pm



The Uchiha finally became a genin. The steps to becoming one weren't easy as one must know the basics of transformation and clones. A youthful boy in his teens strode out of his house instantly. The tears of rejections long before parched out, grieving the loss of his own two parents. But all that remained silent as he awaited the day his name was to be called upon. Ayyuken Uchiha. For now, all the Uchiha could do was study even more. It was all about making the right choices; this was his destiny. The Uchiha had plans he was to take part in his first mission.

The Uchiha had plans he was to take part in his first mission. He smiled as he remembered his father supporting him and his cause. Although, he had a long way to climb. The ladder to reach his goal was further than what he expected. All he could was being honored with the moment. The Uchiha eyed what was in front of him. He was sure he was not to be rushed. He recently graduated from the academy and had to focus on specific aspects. Many other genins also passed, and the Uchiha was keen to tag along with them. He was after an E-rank mission, his first ever mission to be in the business. Which meant he needed to be ready at all costs. The Uchiha was prepared as he left his house and headed to the mission center to start his craft.


Last edited by Ayyuken on Mon Jan 02, 2023 4:01 pm; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : Removed a mission)
Stat Page : Ayyuken
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 500

Cold Mountain Empty Re: Cold Mountain

Wed Oct 05, 2022 11:26 pm
Ayyu decided to put his mind on the mission as it was time limited. He preferred to do the assignments with others, but it seemed no one was around. It was best for him to do it alone as it was for his sake. He had hoped whatever it was most definitely meant he would get the money. As a shinobi of Sunagakure, he would put his head down and follow the system. He had along the way to go, meaning he made sure to put in the work. He wondered if doing these missions alone was the best for him.

The Uchiha left his house as he proceeded to find a nearby mission center to complete the tasks. He had a lot in mind, and to be sure, he was the one to end it all. It simply meant he had one thing: to expand his knowledge and pursue his career in art and music. Becoming a musician was his goal, and to his father, he hoped to have him witness it. The Uchiha had big clans to become a man to draw great art for their village and impress the kage when needed. He was interested in meeting him.

He took the remaining missions as he was tasked to complete them. It wasn't easy as he made his way to pursue his goals. By reading and writing, he was one method away from being the best shinobi version of himself—a long way to go, but soon to be there.
Stat Page : Ayyuken
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 500

Cold Mountain Empty A gap between us

Thu Oct 06, 2022 11:13 pm
The Uchiha decided to honor his own parents' legacy by attending their funeral. He thought being alone was the best for him, and he missed his sensei Kota. He felt acknowledged by him but wished only he could be by his side. All he could do was a dream of being on another mission. It most certainly wouldn't take long for him as he made his way down to the hall to continue on his journey.

Another mission that Kage wanted him to undertake was mentioned. This time was much more complicated than the last, or he was paid more. The information he had obtained suggested that this was a B-rank mission, which meant that the person he was protecting needed it and that he might be exposed to powerful opposition if he took on the task. That was an outstanding performance, meaning he will need to prove his worth and keep his client and himself safe. 

The Kage believed the task would be more difficult if attempted alone, so they asked him to take it on alone. Ayyu wanted to be with Dee, but was that the best idea? He reasoned that his friend would only get in the way right now, so he decided to go on his own. He inspected all his gear to ensure it was in good condition. He wanted to remember everything and not use anything that might be damaged. When everything was going great, Ayyu would carry his katana and the pouch full of treasure with him.

wc 254
Stat Page : Ayyuken
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 500

Cold Mountain Empty Re: Cold Mountain

Fri Oct 07, 2022 11:17 pm
The Genin sighed and closed the door behind him as he set off toward his destination. The young man climbed onto the house's roof, ran through the village, and headed straight for the inn. He was supposed to keep the parameters of the hotel and prevent creepy people from entering the inn. This village had many scary people, so that would be difficult. I found myself running around. His movement was quick as he got off the roof and landed safely on the ground like everyone else. I stared at them for a few seconds. When Ayu goes to the front of the hotel, men are waiting there. They were actually guarding the place, and when they saw him, they would step in front of him, so he couldn't go any further. "Why are you here, and who are you?" He asked him. They realized he was a child but discouraged him from wearing headbands on his arms and swords on his sides... They realized he was a child but prevented him from wearing headbands on his arms and blades on his sides... "His name is Suu Uchiha.We am here on a mission to protect me your boss. You can see this scroll here. It's from your boss," he said, taking out a scroll and asking the question. I threw it after indicating that there was no. He was standing right there when they saw it and opened it. They were recognized by the seal that came from his boss. They read the instructions and nodded as they let him inside. As he approached them, they saw him, and one of them whispered in a whisper.

WC: 276
Stat Page : Ayyuken
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 500

Cold Mountain Empty Re: Cold Mountain

Sat Oct 08, 2022 9:23 pm
After getting out of bed, Ayu stretched and felt refreshed, feeling her muscles move and contract. There was some noise from the glass door leading to the balcony. After waking up, he untied his hair and pulled it back with the green ribbon that was left on the nightstand. He then made his way to the "kitchen" section of his studio apartment, where he retrieved a packet of bird seeds from the cabinet. After stepping out onto the balcony, the professor disturbed a small group of pigeons. The birds flew away in fright, leaving their food behind. It was about seven in the morning, the sky was overcast with rain clouds and the air was stifling with fog. The morning was so peaceful and calming that he wanted to curl up on the balcony with the door open and enjoy the sound of the rain. Alas, today's agenda does not allow for such indulgence. He examined his pale skin in the mirror, looking for any blemishes. He put on his favorite kimono and began to feel more at ease. He attached his fans to the back of his belt before buckling it securely. He surveyed his pale skin in the mirror, looking for any blemishes. He picked up his fans and clipped them to the back of his belt as he buckled it on. The Uchiha worked even more as he made his way to the department and ensured he'd get it done, whatever it was.  Ayyu decided it was best to work and do things alone and participate in him not interfering in certain aspects. He was to get more robust than before and understand what or how the shinobi world would work. He would grow in power and definitely in his mind too.

wc: 294
Stat Page : Ayyuken
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 500

Cold Mountain Empty Re: Cold Mountain

Mon Oct 10, 2022 11:15 pm
Ayyu getting out of bed was a challenging motive as the Uchiha had clear things on his mind. And just a new day was looming --- now pondering how it would become. Although, he could do better as the Uchiha prepared beforehand, knowing he was assigned to meet a local jounin. Yet, grateful he wondered how it would go. As a shinobi, it came down to one thing and that was his affection for his village and those around him. Ayu woke up and made some plans and made general preparations for the future. This supported the rebellious mind from wasting time or energy when it needed to do what it needed to do. Young members of the Uchiha clan got up from their beds and headed for the kitchen where they enjoyed a hot breakfast, then took a shower to wake up from the previous night's insomnia and went to change clothes. After tying the two gun pouches together and putting all the items inside, including the newly modified scrolls, he buckled on his belt and left the hunting lodge for the village. knew it wouldn't last. The thought of how much he hated his country began to dominate his dreams and waking thoughts. He exudes a violent, aggressive, and terrifying aura that intimidates all who come near him and distracts them from the sheer hatred he seems to emanate en route to the mission's control center. This was Ayyu prepared to know what was going down, the uchihas marked.

wc: 250
Stat Page : Ayyuken
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 500

Cold Mountain Empty Re: Cold Mountain

Mon Jan 02, 2023 4:06 pm


Claims - 3250 Ryo, 16 AP, 15 Stats to Speed, and Ninjutsu as my Spec.
1576 words to Beloved Presence {1576/2000}
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Cold Mountain Empty Re: Cold Mountain

Fri Jan 06, 2023 11:41 pm
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