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Hiroshi Inugashi
Hiroshi Inugashi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 750

Hiroshi's day training Empty Hiroshi's day training

Sat Apr 08, 2023 1:43 am
Hiroshi's journey to becoming a ninja is happening right before our eyes. He stands before his sensei, nervously awaiting his approval. The master ninja looks him up and down skeptically, clearly disapproving of his unorthodox appearance and unconventional personality. Hiroshi's cape made of old curtains, his habit of mimicking animal sounds, and his tendency to zone out during training sessions do not inspire confidence in his sensei.
As Hiroshi
attempts to demonstrate his skills, his sensei's criticisms become more pointed
and frequent. Every mistake is met with a cutting remark or a disapproving
shake of the head. Hiroshi's confidence begins to waver under the constant
barrage of negativity. He goes home each night feeling defeated and hopeless,
convinced that he will never be able to achieve his dream of becoming a ninja.
But Hiroshi
refuses to give up. He knows that he has what it takes to become a great ninja,
and he is willing to put in the hard work and dedication needed to prove it.
Hiroshi spends countless hours practicing and refining his skills, even when it
feels like the world is against him.
As time goes
on, Hiroshi begins to see small improvements in his abilities. His movements
become more fluid, his aim is more precise. Though his sensei is still
critical, Hiroshi begins to take the criticism as a challenge rather than a
defeat. He is determined to prove his worth, not just to his sensei, but to
eventually, Hiroshi's hard work pays off. His skills and abilities surpass even
his own expectations. He develops a unique set of ninja skills that set him
apart from his peers. And though his sensei still has moments of doubt, he
comes to see the potential in Hiroshi and becomes a mentor and ally rather than
a detractor.
Through it
all, Hiroshi learns that true greatness comes from within. It takes hard work,
determination, and an unshakable belief in oneself to achieve one's dreams, no
matter how unconventional they may be.
As Hiroshi
continues to train, he discovers that his fascination with paranormal and
extraterrestrial phenomena can be useful in his ninja techniques. He begins
incorporating elements of his interests into his training, using visualizations
of aliens and their advanced technology to enhance his focus and mental
unconventional approach initially earns him some ridicule from his fellow
students, but Hiroshi remains undeterred. He knows that his unique perspective
can help him develop new, innovative techniques that can give him an edge in
combat. And he is right.
One day, as
Hiroshi is practicing his clone technique, he finds himself struggling with
creating a perfect replica of himself. Frustrated, he closes his eyes and
visualizes an alien technology that he has read about in a book. Suddenly, he
feels a surge of energy, and when he opens his eyes, he sees that he has
created not one, but two perfect clones of himself.
From that
moment on, Hiroshi incorporates his interests in the paranormal and aliens into
his training, using them as a tool to help him focus and develop new
techniques. His sensei is amazed by his creativity and impressed by the
results. Hiroshi has proven that with determination and an open mind, anything
is possible.
As Hiroshi continues his training, his sensei recognizes his potential and enrolls him in a special program for advanced students at the ninja academy. There, he trains alongside another talented young ninjas, each with their own unique skills and strengths. Hiroshi finds himself in a highly competitive environment, but he thrives on the challenge, pushing himself to be the best he can be. His unorthodox approach to training, fueled by his fascination with paranormal and extraterrestrial phenomena, sets him apart from his peers, but also earns him their respect and admiration. Together, they work to hone their skills and prepare for the challenges that lie ahead as they strive to become full-fledged ninjas.
As Hiroshi continues his training, he becomes more confident in his abilities, but still feels like an outsider among his fellow students. They conform to the traditional expectations of what a ninja should be, and Hiroshi feels like he does not fit in. His sensei encourages him to embrace his individuality, but it is not until Hiroshi begins to truly believe in himself that he begins to flourish.
unique interests and approach to training set him apart from his peers. He is
not afraid to ask questions, challenge the status quo, or think outside the
box. He is always observing and learning from the world around him, drawing
inspiration from everything from the stars to the strange creatures that
inhabit the shadows.
As he
progresses through his training, Hiroshi learns to harness his unconventional approach
and use it to his advantage. He creates new techniques that no one has ever
seen before and finds ways to adapt existing techniques to suit his own style.
His fellow students begin to take notice of his skills and the sensei becomes
proud of the progress that Hiroshi has made.
But even
with all his successes, Hiroshi still has moments of doubt. He wonders if his
individuality is a hindrance rather than a strength. He worries that he will
never truly fit in with the other ninjas. However, he begins to realize that
his unique perspective is what sets him apart and makes him a valuable member
of the ninja community.
As Hiroshi
nears the end of his training, he faces one final challenge that will test his
skills and determination. His sensei pits him against a fellow student who has
always been his rival. This student embodies everything that Hiroshi is not:
conventional, rule-following, and unremarkable. Despite this, Hiroshi manages
to hold his own in the fight and ultimately comes out victorious.
With his
training complete, Hiroshi emerges as a skilled and unconventional ninja who
uses his unique perspective to protect his village and those he loves. He is
respected and admired by his fellow ninjas, who have come to appreciate the
value of his individuality. And most importantly, Hiroshi is proud of who he is
and the ninja he has become.
One of the jutsu that Hiroshi struggles with the most is the transformation technique. It's a fundamental skill that all ninja must master, as it allows them to disguise themselves as other people or objects and blend into their surroundings. However, for Hiroshi, it's a constant source of frustration.
No matter
how hard he tries, he just can't seem to get the technique right. His
transformations are always awkward and clumsy, and his sensei often shakes his
head in disappointment. Hiroshi's peers, meanwhile, snicker and make fun of him
behind his back.
It's not
just that the technique is difficult; it's that Hiroshi's mind is wired
differently from everyone else's. He can't help but overthink every movement
and every detail, which makes his transformations slow and hesitant. He gets
stuck on small things, like the texture of a surface or the way a person's hair
falls and loses track of the bigger picture.
Despite his
struggles, Hiroshi refuses to give up. He spends hours practicing the
transformation technique, trying to find a way to make it work for him. But no
matter how much he practices, he just can't seem to shake off the ridicule and
mockery of his peers.
One day,
Hiroshi has finally had enough. He's in the middle of a transformation
exercise, trying to turn himself into a tree, when he hears his classmates
snickering and whispering behind his back. He feels a surge of anger and
frustration rise within him.
are you all laughing?" he shouts, whirling around to face them. "Do
you think this is easy? Do you think I enjoy struggling like this?"
His classmates
are taken aback by his outburst. They've never seen Hiroshi so angry before.
But instead of backing down, Hiroshi continues.
"I may
not be as fast or as strong as some of you, but I have something that none of
you do," he says, his voice rising in intensity. "I have creativity.
I have imagination. And I'm not afraid to use them."
With that,
Hiroshi closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He visualizes himself as a
tree, focusing not on the details but on the essence of what it means to be a
tree. He lets his mind go free, allowing himself to feel the sway of the wind
and the warmth of the sun. And when he opens his eyes, he's amazed to see that
he's transformed perfectly into a tree.
classmates are stunned. They've never seen anyone transform so quickly and
seamlessly before. Even his sensei is impressed.
he says, nodding in approval. "You've done it. You've finally found your
own way to approach the transformation technique. And it's a way that's
uniquely yours."
From that
day forward, Hiroshi's classmates treat him with newfound respect. They see
that he's a ninja who marches to the beat of his own drum and that his quirks
and unconventional approach make him all the more special. And Hiroshi himself
feels a sense of pride and confidence that he's never felt before. He knows
that he's destined for greatness and that nothing can stand in his way.
As Hiroshi continues his training as a ninja, he finds himself struggling with the transformation technique. He can't seem to get it right, and his classmates often make fun of him behind his back. But Hiroshi refuses to give up on his dream of becoming a great ninja, even if it means being the odd one out.
As time
passes, Hiroshi begins to realize that his differences may actually be a
strength. His unique perspective and creative approach to problem-solving give
him an advantage over his peers. He learns to embrace his quirks and use them
to his advantage, whether it's coming up with clever strategies in battle or
finding new ways to approach difficult jutsu.
Despite his
challenges, Hiroshi perseveres and carves out a place for himself among the
ninja community. His classmates may still tease him from time to time, but they
also respect him for his determination and unconventional thinking. And as he
continues to grow and learn, Hiroshi becomes a role model for other young
ninjas who feels like they don't quite fit in.
In the end,
Hiroshi's story is a testament to the power of perseverance and self-belief. He
faced countless challenges and setbacks on his journey to becoming a ninja, but
he never gave up. And in the process, he discovered that being different is not
something to be ashamed of, but a source of strength and resilience. Hiroshi
found his place in the world as a ninja, and he knows that he has something
valuable to offer to his fellow warriors.

claim wc: 1803
stats gained 18
chakra +18

Transformation technique 250-25%=188-1803= 1615
Clone technique 250-25%= 188-1615= 1427
 Kashōgan 2000-1427= 573 left
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Hiroshi's day training Empty Re: Hiroshi's day training

Sat Apr 08, 2023 1:42 pm
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