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Stat Page : Chakra Pressure
Taijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 3000

What Makes Us Broken [Zraix] Empty What Makes Us Broken [Zraix]

Thu Jun 15, 2023 12:08 am
As the sun set on Hoshigakure, a somber sound swelled from a spot in the forest. Its deep bellowing string followed the spreading dusk across the sky, its echoing notes spoke of stormy nights. As a cloudless night came, this unknown celloist made his way, following a path treaded by other shinobi. A designated area, made from the days of old, when the first ruler began to lay his plans to turn the wild forest into a sanctuary, to train the shinobi to care for the animals, and deal with the more unruly ones.

The musician felt at home in the forest, with his song playing on the wind. It reminded him of his youth, of less somber times, before he picked up his instrument. Of times when he trained in the wilds near his family estate, after failing his first exam. The beaten, winding, unkempt path reminds him of his sleepless nights. Now, relegated to a royal musician, he finds the lively air of the Tachiban Reserve complimentary to his music. As silver light streamed through tree leaves, it shined of the knuckles of the player, which were hardened, worn, and scarred.

Anyone nearby could hear this song, which came from a circular, moon lit clearing, 100 meters in diameter. Stone monoliths, weather beaten by rain, separate the perimeter from the tree line. In the center of chakra blasted dirt sits the celloist, sitting down, with his song and thoughts. His slender form was draped in silk, like the color of the night above. His alabaster tone contrasted with his loose raven hair, his deep eyes looked off afar. His headband draped between his exposed neck, its black-fabric knot lazily tied. His instrument was actually a re-purposed bo-staff, hand-made and done in a manner as if instructed and forced. By his robes, one could tell he hailed from a clan, yet no markings could be seen. Yet, with a trained grace, Monsoon Uchiha strung his song, like one tutored in those arts. The wind seemed to carry his tune, as if letting him speak his thoughts to the sky.

Grandfather Lion
Demands power from his pride
But scorns this one's roar

[362 WC]

Last edited by Monsoon on Sun Jun 18, 2023 9:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
Stat Page : Jet Stream
Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 171500

What Makes Us Broken [Zraix] Empty Re: What Makes Us Broken [Zraix]

Sun Jun 18, 2023 9:06 pm
Soft gusts ruffled the robes of a man who stood with crossed arms perched in a tree hugging the perimeter of a clearing 100 meters in diameter- the man was of a slender yet toned build, his hair a striking silver with streaks of white and his eyes a deep blue showcasing a solemn motivation. His robes were that of a ronin warrior, blackened from the waist down with a top matching his eyes. At each side of his hip he carried a weapon- on his right was his refined katana of jet black steel and to his left, a wakizashi of the same color. The man had been in this forested area long before the sun began to descend but this was far from his first time coming to this clearing- in fact, he had come every night for the past week awaiting the very man he now saw approaching center field. A soft smirk dressed his expression as he could hardly contain himself, "Raven hair, cello at his side and he sports the colors of the famous Uchiha clan... yes. There's no doubt about it". The grip of his right hand would tighten around his left bicep in anticipation for the final piece of the puzzle to place itself- the song chosen by the celloist would either confirm or deny the hypothesis of the young swordsman and he couldnt be more excited.

After taking his seat in the center of the clearing and readying himself, the stout man would grace the forest with a tune heavy in somber undertones- it had a certain grit to it and at the same time a lamentable beauty. Zraix would dare not interrupt as he watched the man play, hoping to learn as much as he could about the man from his song alone. Pain and suffering bounced off the strings and into the night sky with every strum and before long it became clear that this man though burly and strong in constitution, had been wounded and weakened at his core. His song ended and the time finally came for Zraix to make his move- after months of planning, this destined meeting would come to fruition.

Dropping down from the tree he would take no precautions to mask the sound of his descent or his footsteps as he approached the man from his rear- the celloist would have ample time to see him and react as he closed the distance between them. Once he was 25 meters from him he would speak "You know, I heard a lot of talk about a celloist who travels the village and plays in very unique spots. All things considered, i'd say you're much better than the rumors give you credit for." The distance between the two men would be 15 meters by the time he stopped speaking. With his arms now at his side he would look left and right scanning the area for a moment before returning his gaze to the young Uchiha. "Monsoon Uchiha, right? The pleasure is all mine. You see, I've been looking for you for quite sometime. Or rather ive been looking for the Uchiha who is infamous for his ability with Fire Style." He would kick his left foot up and cross it over his right as he placed both hands behind his head before he continued, "If I'm correct you have also have the title as longest standing genin or at the very least the oldest to hold that rank, truly a high honor." Smirking as he spoke he would look down at the man as he sat waiting for a reply and hoping that he would take the bait and engage in further conversation.

WC= 622
Stat Page : Chakra Pressure
Taijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 3000

What Makes Us Broken [Zraix] Empty Re: What Makes Us Broken [Zraix]

Sun Jun 18, 2023 9:56 pm
The sound of footfalls on dirt would alert the Uchiha to another's presence, the tranquil stillness brought by the silence of his instrument has been broken by another. To keep up the guise of being unaware, he started to strum on his instrument, like a musician plucking out chords. He would take care not to make his awareness known, and keep his head pointed away from the man and towards his instrument; for he had no reason to fear enemies, nor entertain fools. In a jest to his unknown observer and intruder of his solace, he matched his strumming chords to the beat of their footfalls.

After traveling what sounded like 25 meters, at a tempo that forced Monsoon to adjust, the owner of these swift steps spoke, his voice determined, yet dripping with a knowing snark.

His first statement was taken to Monsoon as a polite mistake, as the Uchiha did wander the village playing his stringed bo staff. He was unaware that others had noticed, more so because he did not care for the opinions of common folk. Thus, he continued playing as he did.

The unknown man's second statement twisted Monsoon's fingers, causing a sharp note to pierce the tranquil tune he had been strumming. Monsoon inhaled, trying to find a reason for this unknown man to bother him with such a statement. He knew that gossip was a thing that all organized systems suffer from, circles, though far, tend to mingle more than one would like. To use the word infamous was pointed, clearly. Monsoon was an Uchiha that could not produce flame, this fact bothered him more than it could ever make another entertained. Perhaps, through the mill of conversations, his first academic failure had been twisted. Perhaps, those observing, spread what they saw that day. Such is the way of nobility, Monsoon, thought. Thus, he continued playing as he did.

At the conclusion of the man's third statement, Monsoon's cello playing abruptly stopped. The wind picked up, rustling the leaves, adding sound to the ire that had been growing since the man first stepped down from the tree. Monsoon Uchiha reminded himself.

I will not entertain fools...

He craned his head up, letting his raven hair fall over his face, obscuring his eyes and expression from the man that was away from him. He exhaled violently, bulking up notably under his silken robes. Reality's realm strained to contain the extreme force exerted by the strength of the longest standing genin, causing a one inch space between his frame and reality to glow.

"It is customary to introduce oneself before questioning them in such a manner, or does the concept of decorum escape you?," Monsoon would say cooly as he visibly simmered with restrained strength, hissing like molten metal meeting icy water.

[463/825 WC]

Skill in Use: Extreme Realm of Force
Stat Page : Jet Stream
Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 171500

What Makes Us Broken [Zraix] Empty Re: What Makes Us Broken [Zraix]

Sun Jun 18, 2023 11:06 pm
The young Uchiha did well to brush off the first two statements made by Zraix but on the delivery of the third there was a noticeable shift in the mood of the celloist- it was clear that the aggregate of his verbal jabs had accomplished exactly what he desired. He was finally graced with the expression of the man sitting before him and to his expectation, he met the physical description that was obtained perfectly. Zraix would maintain his lax stance almost as though he was unbothered by this shift in demeanor, that is until the man spoke. A phenomenon completely unfamilar to the Hoshimura would begin to take place- all at once the man before him would begin to undergo a change, his posture changed along with his expression but the most notable difference was the reveal of his strength. The wind around them picked up just slightly as an aura began to surround the Uchiha, a space about an inch off of his being that showcased a glow that illuminated the surrounding area ever slightly. Zraix would stand with his feet shoulder width apart and bring his hands to his side, the smirk on his face growing even more as he took in this spectacle, he thought to himself "At last the beast reveals itself. . The true reason that Zraix had gone through the trouble to seek out this man would soon become clear to the young Uchiha and in truth the extent to what he expected was already being eclipsed by this new development. "How rude of me. You're correct. I guess I should have led with that. Well, my name is Zraix Hoshimura and again the pleasure is all mine.

In truth he was unaware that the man sitting before him had an ability such as this and he delighted at the thought of what else he might be hiding- it didnt take a genius to see that this man had ability above that of a genin but to what level his strength reached was yet to be determined. Zraix knew that in order to grasp the true potential of the man before him he would have to bring it out and for that he needed a catalyst. "Im sorry, did my comment about your ranking bother you? Im only stating the truth. As for your fire capability.. my apologies. Inability, it might be hard for anyone to even distinguish between you as a commoner or an Uchiha seeing as how you dont seem to even wear your clans symbol with pride. Now what am I to make of that?" He had to be on his guard as he was towing a line at this point and not knowing how hot headed this man could get once provoked he had to be conscious of the possibility for a battle to ensue, though this was not his goal.

WC= 485
Stat Page : Chakra Pressure
Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 3000

What Makes Us Broken [Zraix] Empty Re: What Makes Us Broken [Zraix]

Tue Jun 20, 2023 7:49 pm
Upon hearing the name Hoshimura, Zraix, Monsoon's head would tilt. Before Monsoon could think to recall where he had heard the name before, as a form of courtesy for a shinobi who very much towed the line of his patience, Zraix continued, lambasting the Uchicha with slick remarks intertwined with heard-before critiques. Because he did not expect to hear such things this evening, especially in a place to seek peace and tranquility, Monsoon's mind blanked at the conclusion of this Hoshimura's insult laden speech. So much so, that his emotion's came over him. His fighting spirit, prideful as it should be, could no longer allow such baseless insults, regardless of their source. It roared, its voice, like an inferno, enflamed Monsoon's being, ringing in his ears and demanding one singular thing: for these slights to be corrected.

As Zraix spoke, Monsoon had been sitting on the dirt with his left knee up and his right leg down, with his instrument resting on the elevated knee. As Zraix finished, Monsoon would sigh, his wrath sending ripples in the glow around his silhouette. He would lay his instrument down, hissing, "It must be quite difficult to walk through life as you do, ignorant of the ways of conversation. To think, one would choose to continue speaking without receiving any answers to the questions they have already blathered. Truly, I pity you," Monsoon would say as he placed his bo-staff on the ground.

Having yet to face the man that walked to a spot behind him, Monsoon would place his left hand on his knee and his right fist upon the ground to his side, to help turn him around to face the owner of the voice that had broken his solitude. As he began to stand, he would speak, facing perpendicular to Zraix and with his hair still blocking the view of his eyes. "Hoshimura, was it? Though I myself did not join in the fighting (my grandfather thought it best) my clan knows yours well. My father was slain during the final battle, I believe by your leader..." By now, Monsoon would be on both legs, rising from his sitting position. His torso would be limp along his waist and bent forward, his arms relaxed and splayed down. A dark chuckle would tremble his aura as he rose into a standing position while slowly clenching his fists to crack the knuckles. "Do not think what I say is in insult, Hoshimura. Unlike some, I make what I mean very well known. We Uchiha here in Hoshi saw your cute little rebellion as a way to cull the weaker blood from our clan. By the honor of the Uchiha, allow me to thank you for making my clan stronger...though..."

By now, Monsoon would be standing at his full height, with his right hand running up his face, to move his hair away from his eyes. As he does, he turns toward Zraix, speaking, "You mentioned it was difficult to distinguish me from those of lesser blood. Allow me to correct that mistake. I refuse to wear my clan's sigils, not because I am ashamed,  but because I believe my recognition as a member would...'tarnish my namesakes reputation'...but believe me..." Monsoon would trail off, having moved his hair and revealing his closed eyes and tranquil expression. With purpose, he opened them, his almost scarlet eyes glowing in the moonlit clearing. His black pupils, fixed upon the silver-haired Hoshimura, spun the two-tomoe of his sharingan around. Rage, wrath, anger, and destruction, burned their bleeding gaze into the sockets of Zraix, as their owners', Monsooon Uchiha, continued, "I am that Uchiha".

Monsoon, having activated his Doujutsu, felt his perception wash over Zraix. His eyes took in every detail, calculating the distance between themselves, noting the weapons attached to his side, witnessing the shift in his weight and demeanor as he faced Monsoon, and anticipating his next movements. An honest smirk broke the expression of Monsoon as he silently commended the shinobi's choice in distancing himself. Yet, his aura shimmered, as if adding visualization to Monsoon's thoughts.

Is he sure 15 meters is enough?  

Upon scanning his face, Monsoon recalled where he had heard the name before, again. Standing still, as he would not waste the effort to close the distance between him and Zraix, Monsoon spoke, his wrath adding volume to his clam voice.

"Ah, forgive me. Upon seeing you, I recognize your name, Hoshimura. I believe when the Hogokage announced his sweeping pardons, your name traveled around many circles, both royal and common alike. Yours was the last name listed, no? Some felt that appropriate, considering the station you held during the rebellion...."

Monsoon, with aura flaring and baying for blood, pointed a finger at the chest of Zraix, his strength forcing a breeze to ripple the robes of the ronin.

"So, what does 'Idle Aegon the Indecisive" want with this fireless Uchiha..." his words, like the grumble of a beast.

Skill in Use (for CD): Sharingan [Two-Tomoe]

[825/1650 WC]
Stat Page : Jet Stream
Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 171500

What Makes Us Broken [Zraix] Empty Re: What Makes Us Broken [Zraix]

Thu Jun 22, 2023 1:29 pm
At last the man before him was beginning to take their interaction seriously- it seemed that the constant poking had finally done the trick and the time had come for the two shinobi to meet face to face. Before this, the Uchiha would place his instrument down as he began to speak for the second time- his words now being delivered in tone filled with disdain for the Hoshimura and his approach. This came as no surprise to Zraix as he had heard of the man's propensity for decency and politeness-in fact he was joyous to see that his sources were correct because this was in large part a reason Monsoon had come onto his radar in the first place.
The next bit of information he would receive from the man would come as shocking to say the least as he never expected that he would have had any part or connection to the rebellion that had plagued his families history. An expression of genuine sympathy would paint his face upon learning that the man before him suffered such a heavy loss- this emotion stemmed mainly from the fact that Zraix too had in a way lost his father to the rebellion and still held intense feelings about it to this day. "He must think im some sort of fool.." he thought to himself, "To thank me and my clansman for slaughtering his kin. He's either a lunatic or up up to his neck in inherited repression..".

He would do well not to interrupt the man as he was finally making a breakthrough as far as communication was concerned and he would thank himself later for doing so as what would occur next was a surprise even he could not have had the foresight to predict- Monsoon's voice carried across the wind as he finally decided to face the young Hoshimura, their vision meeting for the first time and before long the eyes of the Uchiha would undergo a change from their natural color to a scarlet red with two tomoe circling a pinpoint pupil until they became fixed in position. "The sharingan. Its been so long since i've seen it. This just keeps getting better. His focus is intense but his eyes though intimidating are still lacking in development.."
. Waiting patiently, he would wait to see what else the man had to say now that he was in full effect- with an aura that boasted physical prowess and eyes of legendary note across the globe, there was no doubt left in Zraix's mind that Monsoon was a perfect fit for what he had planned.

Upon letting him finish Zraix couldnt help but be the slightest bit bothered by the use of his family given name as a point of insult- the Hoshimura held much guilt about the actions of his clan and more so about his choice not to aid them. He always felt he had done what was right for the village but his family never saw him the same way and since then he never found it appropriate to take claim to "that" name. He would take a quick look up at the night sky as the wind flowed causing his ronin attire to dance with it in rhythmic fashion- a deep breath in and out would signal his readiness to speak and the return of his gaze to the Uchiha's. "So, it seems im not the only one who's done a bit of research. But, let me apologize on behalf of my kinsman. The amount of death that accompanied that rebellion was nothing short of needless and.. noone deserves to lose a father, mother or sibling on account of pride or arrogance.". He would pause briefly before continuing, "Im surprised you even know me by that name. Its been quite a while since even ive heard it used but I suppose the people of your clan that still draw breath can consider themselves lucky that I abstained from battle, less i'd be offering you far more apologies..". He would turn his gaze 45 degrees to the left and point straight that way with his left hand. "Lets cut to the real reason that im here Monsoon. You've already shown me a great deal of what youre capable of but I want to see more. No, in fact I need to see more. All of my reasoning will be known to you soon enough, don't worry. But for now I would like to know the extent of your strength, past your pretty little aura and immature sharingan."

"So, are you up for the challenge or not? Say the word and ill take my leave but im sure by now you're atleast a bit curious of what all of this has been for. Am I right?". Hopefully after pointing for sometime the Uchiha would have directed his gaze in that direction and would agree to the challenge that would soon be explained.

WC= 824
Stat Page : Chakra Pressure
Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 3000

What Makes Us Broken [Zraix] Empty Re: What Makes Us Broken [Zraix]

Thu Jun 22, 2023 9:34 pm
As Monsoon loosed his biting jab, he saw its effects upon the countenance of the hosimura. The crinkling of his silvered brow, the shift of his weight to his heels, the craning of his head and the drawing of breath, were the tell-tale signs that a chord had been struck. Though Monsoon would not let this be known, there was a satisfactory understanding that he had found between him and the braggard,  Zraix; that being, the disdain of one's name to be in the mouths of the babbling rabble.

Yet, if Monsoon expected Zraix to stay is vicious tongue, he would be met with an unpleasant surprise. When faced with the inheritance of the Uchiha's blood and the ferocity of Monsoons's strength, the jonin demoted to chunin, Zraix, held fast: unbothered to the point of being provoked. Indeed, after collecting himself and sighing, Monsoon noted the intentional shift in the ronin's demeanor. Though still very much playing the part of a blaggard, Monsoon saw the thought behind each of his actions. Every movement seemed catered to rile one's rancor, every rise or fall in his tone followed the path of an unknown tact; at a grace, speed, and precision that Monsoon's sharingan could not keep up with. Why this was was a mystery to the Uchiha, one that he could not allow to remain unsolved.

A dry smile would spread on the lips of the bleeding eyed Genin, a sardonic gesture of "thanks"  towards the Hoshimura's gesture of sympathy for the members lost in the war. As Monsoon was ready to reply with a sharp retort, the joviality that hung around the persona of the Hoshimura dissipated, and Monsoon stared into the face of a seasoned tactician. Because of this, Zraix Hoshimura was able to keep the attention of the Uchiha, Monsoon.

As Zraix finished his speech and pointed at a direction to his left, Monsoon's right, Monsoon would not follow with his gaze. His sharingan would bore into the blue eyes of Zraix; intentions, surface thoughts, and unconscious tells would be what they would seek to perceive. It would only be for a moment, but in that instant, Zraix would feel the weight of ten-thousand stares scrutinize his every being; stature, weight, eye clarity, complexation, breathing, standing, weapon sheaths, etc. After just one moment, after measuring the ronin, Zraix "Aegon" Hoshimura, Monsoon would speak.

"To identify  these fledging eyes is to know the prowess they possess. I do not need my full sight to deal with you, Hoshimura." Monsoon, while still facing Zraix and not having followed the direction he pointed too, would sigh, "Honestly, what do you expect of me? You come to me, unannounced and uncouth, demanding and interrogating with no explanation as to why? Do you understand the position that you've put me in? Were it not for the headband I see on your person, I would assume you to be an enemy shinobi, or spy, attempting to glean information to gain ahead in some future conflict. In fact...." As this thought came to mind, a wicked look flashed from Monsoon's eyes. He would step toward Zraix, slowly: traveling only five meters.

"With your line of questioning, perhaps that is what you are doing, Rebel? Are you trying to right the wrongs brought on to your clan, by your clan, Aegon? Is this a way for you to seek redemption, by weakening Hoshigakure from the inside?" At this, Monsoon would flash a smile after walking 5 meters, placing himself 10 meters from Zraix: resembling a stalking predator baring its fangs. He would raise his arms up, in a gesture of neutrality, to emphasize his following words,

"Of course, all I say is in jest. Forgive me. When only given partial information, a mind is prone to making its own conclusions.... Monsoon would trace Zraix's arms and follow where it pointed. As he turns his head, he concludes, "Because I feel if it is not said it would go over your head, and despite your clear struggle with communication, I am in you put it...a bit curious..."

[680/2330 WC]
Stat Page : Jet Stream
Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 171500

What Makes Us Broken [Zraix] Empty Re: What Makes Us Broken [Zraix]

Fri Jun 23, 2023 1:54 am
Zraix couldn't help himself but to chuckle at the boastful retort spouted by his opposition- the notion that he would be able to "deal" with him with any level of visual prowess in his current state was more laughable than the genin would know. Still, he couldnt blame him for his overconfidence and in fact, he admired it to some degree- the shinobi had revealed portions of his ability and had yet to see anything from the Hoshimura and still was so sure of himself. A claim like this would need to be put to the test at least to some extent- he would see if the words of this Uchiha were coated in ignorance and a lack of understanding or true pride in one's strength. The tone of Monsoon shifted as he began to question Zraix, albeit in a fashion that simply seemed to point out an alternate more cautious perspective of the situation- proposing that he was here as a spy to gain intelligence on a genin in order to weaken the village; Zraix spared the man of laughter for the simple point that it was painfully ironic. This Uchiha did have great importance to him but not for this line of reasoning- he would listen idly up until the point that the shinobi began to advance towards him.

The moment Monsoon took his first step Zraix would shift his stance immediately placing his right hand on the hilt of his refined katana- at the same time that his hand would meet his blade's hilt the shinobi would grunt, his brow lowering leaving a fixed expression on his face. All at once an aura would erupt around his body exactly one inch off of it, the color a purple hue with light pink undertones. In this time the Uchiha would have closed the distance to 14 meters and once he took his next step Zraix would dart backwards with blinding speed at a pace of 210 for a total of 5 meters making the total distance between the two 19 meters, his leap completely silent along with his landing as was the specialty of this technique. He stood in this new location slightly squatted with his hand still readied to draw his blade, "Forgive me. But the line of questioning mixed with your hasty approach put me on edge. This distance between us seems fine for now but any closer and my reflexes might get the better of me" He would allow a few moments to pass, without taking his eyes off the young Uchiha. His aura flared with a vibrant intensity as he studied the movement of Monsoon ensuring that before he continued with his "test" the Uchiha had ceased his advance- once this was the case, Zraix would come to an upright standing position and remove his hand from the hilt of his blade. His expression would now bear a great smile as he spoke "See! I knew you were the curious type. Now then let's see.." Zraix would look to the left at the area he had pointed at before and would shake his head before scanning right and doing the same- returning his vision to Monsoon would spark an idea in his head immediately. "I've got it! Now just hold on a second and dont blink." As he uttered these words and his statement came to an end he would form the seal of confrontation at a speed of 210- at that moment rumbling beneath the earth could be felt and along with it the emergence of the Hoshimura's technique. 11 meters behind the Uchiha a Red Rashomon Gate would rise from the ground 50 meters meters in height, 25 meters wide and 5 meters thick at a speed of 100 and bearing a health stat of 100.

Zraix would lower his right hand down to his side once again, his aura still flaring and now accompanied by a prideful smirk on his face. "THAT is your target Monsoon Uchiha. I would like to see if you have the strength needed to blow down that gate. Now, the rules of this exercise are simple. One you have to destroy it using one technique. Two you cannot move from the current spot you're standing in and finally, you can't utilize ninjutsu to do so." Given these parameters he would hope that the young shinobi would be forced into a very particular dilemma, he would think to himself for a moment before continuing "If my hunch is correct.. there's no feasible way for him to destroy my Rashomon without using some sort of bodily amplification technique. He must have one at his disposal to be able to exert that much force with just his physical prowess. Sure of himself he would shrug before crossing his arms, his expression still that of a boastful smirk. "That is unless you think this might be a bit too much for you. It would be unfortunate though.. I dont believe that gate comes in a smaller size." He now stood 19 meters from Monsoon and 30 from the Rashomon gate- what would occur next would be entirely up to the Fireless Uchiha.

[Jutsu Used]- Wosac- Unrestricted -40 AP
Summoning Art: Rashomon -30 AP

[Skill Used]- Heavenly Body- 2 stacks gained

[Total AP]- 1,180/1,250

WC- 862
Stat Page : Chakra Pressure
Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 3000

What Makes Us Broken [Zraix] Empty Re: What Makes Us Broken [Zraix]

Sat Jun 24, 2023 12:09 pm
What happened when Monsoon began his approach could be said to have been perceived in "slow motion", at least to the indigo robed Uchiha. His sharingan, while still developing, was still an impressive tool for detection and perception. Physical mimicry and calculated foresight was very much in the genin's realm of ability; details, while minute, would not be missed. So why, as Monsoon slowly transferred his back foot to the front, was the Uchiha unable to perceive the actions of the chuunin he faced? His eyes saw the intention of Zraix's body, he noted the tensing of Zraix's core and tightening of his back, the tell tale signs that a warrior was preparing to ready himself. Yet, in that same moment, when the visual stimulation received by Zraix transferred to Monsoon's brain to make this observation, the Hoshimura's hands we're already near his hilt. If one could describe the Uchiha's kinetic perception as thousands of images on reels fluttering in a moment of observation, in which the many images could be connected and compared in an instant due to the innate visual prowess, a concerning conclusion came to Monsoon's mind. That being, that some "images" of the reel of Zraix placing his hand on his hilt were...."missing." And this was not the only unfortunate observation that Monsoon would make while he continued his advance.

Upon making contact with the hilt of his katana, an intentional exhalation caused Monsoon's tomoe to spin around his pupils and "re-lock" in place, as the Uchiha struggled to understand the visual data he was perceiving. The shimmering, colorless Chakra, which had been growing in the core of Zraix but was in fact missed by Monsoon's two-tomoe sharingan and was only now noticed, activated, quickly expanding throughout the body of the Hoshimura. It would stream off his skin, hovering around in an aura so vibrant Monsoon could tell he did not need chakra vision to perceive it. Yet, Monsoon could tell this was not a strictly elemental jutsu, as the aura still held its initial, shimmering quality. This scene and presence of Zraix, however, would not perturb Monsoon, instead, the prowess displayed would pique his now growing interest. He would continue with his accusatory jest and take his next step.

Zraix's retreat, which was done once Monsoon took his second step, was done at a speed so fast, Monsoon's eyes could have been said to have perceived the Hoshimura at two places in the same instance. Unlike before, Monsoon did not "see" Zraix prepare his movement, though the Uchiha could have assumed it thus based on what he knew he did see. That being, Zraix's intial leap backward, the moment his feet left the dirt. At the same time, Monsoon could "see" where Zraix would silently land, 4 meters back, to maintain their 15 meter distance once Monsoon finished his advance.

The Uchiha was disturbed by this, as he knew there was no genjutsu activated to allow for this sort of "illusion", as his eyes would have picked up its activation, regardless of its power. Again, these observation and internal musings would be occurring nigh instantaneously. Thus, once finishing his second step, Monsoon was hit with a revelation, one that would rock his world and cause his tomoe to spin. All things have a beginning, middle, and end... he would think to himself as he took his third step, knowing that Zraix's current speed meant that Monsoon did not see the beginning of his movement, meant that Monsoon had only caught a glimpse of the middle of his movement, and meant that Monsoon only saw where the ronin landed due to the swordsman being stationary.

Since Zraix activated Wosac - Unrestricted, Monsoon would amend his advance. After Zraix landed, Monsoon would raise his hand up sooner than he intended, to display his gesture of neutrality, and would start of his final speech with "Oi, oi, oi! No need to lose your humor, all I say is in jest,. He would continue, informing the Hoshimura of his curiosity and interest. More so now, than before; for both his clear skill and strategic thinking. Unspoken, as all of Monsoon's compliments are, the Uchiha would nod in respect in answer to the Hoshimura's explanation for his sudden leap and activation of jutsu.

The intensity that had weighed upon the cosmic-cloaked ronin's brow washed away, and was replaced with a calculated joviality. His internal gears wound their presence in his countenance and their product spread a slick grin across his face. As Zraix said don't blink, Monsoon was reminded of a showman, or carnival barker.

Does he believe this to be some sort of performance?

By now, Monsoon would be well aware to respect the ronin before him. Thus, his eyes would be focused upon the entire being that was Zraix Hoshimura. Unlike before, he would not allow any movement to be missed. A refreshing feeling washed over the Uchiha, the strain of his effort at using the the prowess of his clan for simple movements was a balm and salve for a motivation wounded by sloth and inertia. Therefore, the Uchiha would catch the moment shimmering chakra would flare in the core of the being of Zraix the moment he chose to use his next jutsu. However, and very much like before, the kinetic reel was marred, the movement of Zraix making the confrontation handseal could not be anticipated by the two-tomoe sharingan.

The dirt would stir and the earth would rumble, Monsoon felt a tremor some meters behind him. He would turn to see a startling sight 11 meters away. In the space where the air would meet the dirt of the venerated training ground, a line of chakra, of that same, shimmering nature gathered by the ronin, 25 meters wide and 5 meters thick, formed like it was carving itself between the spaces. As if rising from the ground, a gashtly wall with red spikes resembling flames rose, standing to a full and daunting 50 meters in height, so tall it eclipsed the moon and casted a beastly shadow over both Monsoon and Zraix. As the red rashumon gate appeared, it presence would disturb the wind, rustling the leaves of the trees that dotted the perimeter and that shimmering line stitched itself closed.

Monsoon, with eyes wide as he faced a Demon Wall, would cross his arms as Zraix gave his instructions. The Hoshimura finished, seemingly unable to help himself from both boasting and slighting the Uchiha, again. Monsoon's response would be silence, his back would convey nothing but unmovable stature. In this silence, the wind would pick up, as if an echo of the presence disturbed by the demon wall. Dirt would twirl between Monsoon and Zraix, the drifting shadows, when conjoined with the silhouette of the rashumon gate, could give one the impression of chains aimed toward the Uchiha, as if hell seeked to drag the genin down. In this place, Monsoon would speak, apathy and disbelief being his jailers.

"You must find yourself in desperate straights to come at me with a test like this..."

In all other circumstances, Monsoon would, after speaking thus, pick up his bo-staff and extricate himself from the situation. The wall, like one faced internally, was an obstacle he knew well. He would think, It is useless to put effort in wasteful practices, as he left, and remind himself of his grandfather's words, "An Uchiha's place is fire,". However, this was a unique circumstance.

Monsoon's spirt has made him swear to correct the slights done to him by the Hoshimura. It roared and bayed, chasing apathy and disbelief away, making Monsoon's aura rise and streaming wisps of energy like steam off his body. He could not turn away from this wall which could be said to have stopped him before. Nay, he would not.

Facing the grotesque snarl of the Demon, Monsoon, having had his arms crossed, would use his back muscles to flex his arms to his sides, sliding off his indigo silk sleeves in one powerful motion, letting the top of his robe hang on his waste. He would then slide his right foot back, distribute his weight evenly between his legs and bring his arms up. His right hand would be near his face, balled into a focused fist. His left hand would be a distance away, with an open palm facing his fist. The motion of disrobing and readying his fighting stance would occur at 150 due to the technique of his fighting style.  

His hardened body and alabaster complexion gave him the look of that of weather beaten marble, sculpted to a degree that hinged on self mutilation, with gouges and scars that bespoke wicked, if frenzied, determination. He would speak while facing the rashumon gate with the presence of his strength, his words would whip up the wind.

"You seem to be a well read man. With your experience, saying you know a 'thing or two' would be an insult at best. Understand this, nothing you've read will prepare you for this..."

Monsoon would bend at the knee and inhale, he would let this action transfer through his body, to ready his next action. He would announce, "Understand that I myself am not an example of the true prowess of an Uchiha, like you have pointed out, I am 'fireless'. This is a fact that I have had to come to terms with. A fact that, for the respect of my namesake, prevented me from advancing further. Do not mistake that as ineptitude. What your about to see isn't the sort of taijutsu you run into very often....and..."

A tinge of honesty would break through the noble facade kept up by Monsoon, his warrior's spirt having no room for shame at the moment. As if far off, in a memory with one who has only shown scorn, the Uchiha would speak from the heart. "Don't tell anyone..."

Monsoon would bring his fist to his open palm, with a strength so great the wind stopped and prevented the sound from what should have been a clap from escaping. With technique, he brought his fist back, the space between his hands thundered and roared with pressurized air. At a speed of 105, this pressurized air expanded into a 5 meter sphere around the Uchiha, with ripples and tears of greater forces which gave one the impression of tiger stripes. While still containing the air between his hands, Monsoon Uchiha would clasp his hands together, intertwining his index and middle fingers, touching the tips of his ring and pinky fingers, and pointing is thumbs toward the eyes of the rashumon gate. With thunder's bellow, the 5 meter sphere of pressure transformed into the shapeless head of a furious, howling tiger with power of 105.

While in the jaw of this tiger brought by the strength of his technique, whose eyes bored into those of the Demon Wall, Monsoon uchiha yelled,

"Roar my Rancor, Daytime Tiger!

With his battle cry, Monsoon thrusted his clasped hands and launched his Taijutsu technique. The pressurized air that was the Daytime Tiger roared with its creation, pouncing from Monsoon's thrusted hands. At 105 power and 105 speed, a white tiger leapt out from the pressurized sphere that surrounded the Uchiha, its head quickly expanded to its true width of 15 meters. Pouncing with paws outstretched and claws bared, the technique would close the 11 meter distance and meet the rashumon gate with 9 meters of its 20 meter tall body still in the pressurized sphere that surrounded Monsoon.

Being at the height to meet the Demon's Wall face, with an expression as if insulted by its grimace and look, the Daytime Tiger, having more power than the health of the gate, would clamp its jaws down on the face of the rashumon gate, biting it off and reducing its health by 50. While continuing on its path, it would charge through the gate, denting the 50 meter wall and causing it to bend at the center. Angered, the tiger would leap up and at an angle, shoulder charging the gate and bringing it 9 meters in the air as the tiger fully formed. With a tremendous leap, the tiger brought it and the gate into the air, its body cutting and slashing the metal of the gate while it maintained contact. After traveling 10 meters, making it and the gate 19 meters in the air and about 30 meters away from Monsoon, the Uchiha would release the tiger handseal.

In that instant, the tiger would bellow a final thunderous roar, the pressurized air, contained by the will and might by Monsoon, having finally be release, would quickly expand, causing a sonic boom that traveled in a 20 meter in diameter sphere, at 105 speed and dealing 105 damage through blunt forces. The gate, having been at the epicenter, would be shredded in totality, having only 50 health to withstand the tremendous force.

The shimmering chakra that held the gate in place would disintegrate along with the physical matter of the gate, splashing silver moonlight on the training ground once again. And, a one meter square area of ground directly under the blast, would have been carved out, the dirt around would be launched in the air, and sprinkle around the area that lie under the gate and tiger. As the dirt sprinkled down slowly, while bathed in moonlight, Monsoon would bring his back leg around, causing his right profile to face the ronin. While still facing the direction of the falling dirt, Monsoon would take a neutral stance and bring his arms up, while inhaling with palms facing the dirt. He would exhale and bring his palms down, indicating the conclusion of his demonstration. The two actions of turning his right profile to Zraix and exhaling would occur at 150 due to the technique of his fighting style.

"Was that display sufficient?," he would say as he performed his earlier movement, still staring at the crumbling bits of Chakra matter scatter to the wind.


AP: 1192/1250

Techniques Used
  Daytime Tiger (A-Rank) 105 Power, 105 Speed, 37 AP (25% Chakra Reduction)
Skills Used  
 Sharingan (Two-Tomoe) 33 AP (Accounting for last post, 25% chakra reduction)
 Heavenly Body +2 Stacks, +10 AP
 Extreme Realm of Force

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Stat Page : Jet Stream
Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 171500

What Makes Us Broken [Zraix] Empty Re: What Makes Us Broken [Zraix]

Thu Jul 06, 2023 2:43 am
Zraix stood with arms crossed and fixed but focused expression as he watched the Uchiha react to that which he had set in motion- it was clear that even with his burly composition and confident demeanor Monsoon was surprised by the display of speed and now jutsu that had been unleashed before him. Zraix had made it a point to showcase just a bit of what he could do knowing that this alone would be enough to pique the interest of the Uchiha- still he would be surprised to see that without missing a beat the challenger turned, resolved to meet this new obstacle placed in front of him head on. The Hoshimura watched intently as Monsoon readied himself, throwing off the upper portion of his robes and revealing a physique that undoubtedly took years to construct. What happened next would be nothing short of impressive as the shinobi utilized his fists to create a pressurized mass of chakra that evolved into a controlled but violent sphere of chakra around the user- Zraix would remain in his current stance even as the winds of the night began to twist around this newly introduced phenomenon.

Though his stance remained unchanged his expression sported that of a shocked and almost display of disbelief as he took in the sheer magnitude of the energy output this shinobi was capable of. He thought to himself "For him to be putting out this much chakra.. and if i'm not mistaken, he isnt using a technique to amplify his physical capabilities. But how can his body withstand this amount of pressure being exerted?" The winds and trees alike shivered and quaked as the Uchiha came to the apex of this reveal- wasting no more time the pressurized air that had been well contained in the hands of the user now took the form of a Tigers Head and released from those very palms at jet like speed towards the Rashumon gate. In reflex Zraix would lower his stance to a squat and lift his right and left arms up to the level of his face, leaving space vertically between the two for his eyes to still have clear vision of the jutsu. This chakra made beast would take the gate into its very jaws before taking it up into the air and detonating leaving behind a display of gleaming chakra coated in the moons glow- the gate however was completely gone.

Thinking to himself he would lower his arms to his sides once more and deactivate his jutsu that gave him a glowing pink aura, "And to think, there was a small part of me that doubted his ability. Its actually a shame, really. Our village and his clan failed him. Hes nothing short of a genius." He would wait until the Uchiha inevitably turned his attention back to meet eye contact before hearing his words and responding to him "Oh come on. There's no need to be humble. I think you and I both know that was a bit more than sufficient. In fact I would say I might have underestimated you Monsoon." He would approach the man closing the 19 meter distance between them down to 2 meters before he would continue speaking "There isnt a doubt in my mind that you would be the perfect person to join me in my travels and mission across the world. I know we didnt get off on the right note but believe me when I say our interests align and if you agree to ally with me we'll both gain strength and meet our goals." He would pause for a moment before walking a bit closer and extending his right hand and continuing "So, what do you say Monsoon? Im sure you have a goal for yourself and a way you want to impact the shinobi world. Come along with me and we can make both of our goals a reality whatever they may be." He understood the danger he was in now being less a few feet away from a shinobi with the Sharingan and even more looking directly into his eyes- he hoped this would serve as the only true way to show an immediate level of trust and willingness to get to further know and understand the man standing before him. He could only pray that the sentiment would be shared and returned.

WC- 730

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