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Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 1500

that which makes us Empty that which makes us

Fri Mar 20, 2015 4:00 am
A morning after a long night of training and discovery put Yen in a sort of high for knowledge and skill. The very place that he began his journey towards discovery of his personal style of training Yen went seeking a way to set his next technique as a big one. Yen never prided his love of giant fire balls or the earth shaking beneath his feet, but the world of illusion and deception. The thought of defeating an opponent without straining someone physically Yen greatly for he wasn’t all the strongest but prided his mind and chakra control above his physical body.

 Yen flipped through the various scrolls within the jutsu archives of the konohagure library. Genjutsu the art of illusion was on his mind again. The grandest illusion often leaves one in a state of shock and awe. Even though the powerful ones required less than a single hand sign the mind and chakra was the greatest challenge to overcome and fester. Yen eagerly scoured through the various scrolls that could be mastered and picked out a few for hota to study through along with the basics of clone technique and the transformation technique. However his mind was occupied with the thought of the jutsu he was personally going to work on “The power to merely point at someone and send them into a world of illusions; that is extreme and hopefully I can master such a technique!.” Yen smiled with a grin as he imagined how the power can be used in many situations.

Then a horrifying thought came to yen as he realized the gravity of the technique.   Yet despite the simplicity of such a technique It can’t be as simple as pointing a finger. The battle of wills must be won before the greatest challenge of all the ability to keep the subject under the jutsu!. A power I must train and focus upon as perhaps my most deadliest technique yet. I will focus this technique as my secret technique. My ace up my sleeve will be this technique. Yen checked out the scroll from the requiring time to take notes of the great challenge that stood ahead of his road. Yen proceeded to the training area studying the one jutsu he grabbed for himself. His bag full of home made soup and rolls clanging in a pot in his bag covered by a pan. Noting the dark clouds above him yen grinned chuckled. Gonna rain again eh well come at me.

Wc: 417
Hotaru Aburame
Hotaru Aburame
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that which makes us Empty Re: that which makes us

Fri Mar 20, 2015 4:59 am
Hotaru waited at the training grounds for Yen. On the trip there he had showed her the hand signs for clone jutsu. before he left for the library. And she remembered the night before as she was searching for yen and how he had created a clone of himself. The clone jutsu was nothing more than copying yourself. One clone wouldn't be good enough for Hotaru, she would have to have two clones because Hotaru wanted to exceed her own abilities. Could the clones create bugs? That would be a lot of bugs. If she was a symbiosis, would her clones be? They were replicas right? Hmm, this would require further research and she was glad to be in a village with others like her. Yes, this would definitely require some study, but for now, lets do this clone jutsu.
Making the hand signs for the jutsu, she disappeared in a puff of smoke and turned into two people. She created a clone. Sighing she ended the jutsu causing the clone to dissipate. One more time she decided to try it. Making the hand signs again she created another huge cloud of smoke covering her body and as the smoke cleared away, she had done it! There were now three of her, she created two clones!
Looking up above her she noticed the dark clouds promising rain today which made her very excited considering her element was water! As she looked up she saw Yen coming towards her. "Yen, I did it, I made clones and I finally got the jutsu perfect." she said in a very excited voice to him!"I can make two exact clones of myself, now all I need to learn is the transformation technique." She said added hoping he would show her the hand signs to the next technique.
[500/500 words for the clone jutsu]
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Ryo : 1500

that which makes us Empty Re: that which makes us

Fri Mar 20, 2015 4:13 pm
A smile came across Yens face as he walked into the training area returning from his morning research trip at the library. The sight of Hota and her clone that made him double take which was real made him realize what talent she has. “Gee! your clone technique is mighty impressive. Your mind didn’t even waiver and no flaws either” yen laughed and preformed the signs for the clone technique. Ram, snake, tiger. Poof a clone of yens appeared next to him and mimicked his waiving hand and a hug attempt to hota if she allowed it. “I’m proud hota of your hard work. See what some trust in your ability and a bit of hard work. By the way after your transformation technique practice I have a technique or two I can teach you over the course of the day.”

Yen opened his bag and took out the warm pot of broth and jelly filled rolls from his bag. A few drops from the sky gave him fair warning that his work had to be quick, but he had time to keep their lunch warm and covered from the rain. Yen gestured towards the scrolls and smiled. “Our past has many tales and lessons to learn hota. As they taught our ancestors before them we will learn from them as well.” Yen took a seat in a dry heavily treed area and unrolled the scroll in his hand.

 “This is… oh dear! That’s the one I’m working on!”  The scroll revealed the picture of a finger being pointing at a person and the person sleeping at the end.  A squeak escaped yen as he panicked and hit his head on a tree trunk. My secret technique revealed! The atrocity! Yen began scrounge his bag in a attempt to find the ones he gathered for hota. “Where are those blasted scrolls!??!”  His hand hit the pot and he panicked and steadied the bot. “crisis adverted!" yen took a deep breath and blushed as he gained his composure “Ah sorry about that, the techniques ill teach you today will be around the basics of a geinin.“

Yen revealed three scrolls in which contained images of a person’s hands together breaking free from a hazy image, the picture of feet against the bark of the tree and water. “And my teaching for the day and perhaps greatest challenge despite the technique ill learn is this” yen revealed a scroll containing the mist surrounding a person.  Looking at the misty one yen smiled and pointed at it and said “I’ll make it easy for you to learn that since I know it. Half the effort with my tips and tricks” [/brown]
“Focus my chakra on my feet eh? That would be simple.” Yen smiled and was ready to show hota the technique however, yen looked at the first technique and worry filled him. This one requires the buildup of chakra to disrupt genjutsu.  Yen looked over at hota and concern filled him. Will her learning and fast mind be able to handle that lesson ill teach her by the real deal. I don’t want to frighten her from the reality of how these things work, and I want her safe and sound. My illusions will protect her and anyone I care about. I swear on my life hota I will teach you and although rough it’ll be for the best you learn that way.

Yen discarded the thought for a moment and focused the chakra into his feet and although it felt unusual he felt like the ground was a tad bit more sticky then he was used to but this was doable. Yen focused his chakra into his feet and took a step towards the tree next to him and proceeded up the tree and a smile came across his face as he walked up the tree and looked over at hota. “Think about my spider silk on your feet and walk”

Yen hopped off the tree and landed next to Hota "remember to do that when you  use that technique." Yen began to focus his chakra around him as he began to mold  the chakra around him figuring out how to proceed with his technique. This amount might mean I can try it. But itll be safer in a bit. Yen smiled at hota and offered her to try the tree  climbing technique. She can learn it as fast as I even faster perhaps. Such a smart girl that hota is. Yen focused even more chakra around him trying to figure out the amount he even needed for his technique. A fourth or a fifth  of my chakra is needed to use this I presume.  Yen relaxed and smiled at hota.

The rain continued to fall in a rapid pace as it began to approach noon and Yen looked towards the sky and smiled back at hota. “Today is the day you tap into your element and learn about yourself and who you are hota. Don’t fear. But show me the transformation technique. Transform into me. Remember like the bugs last night your mind is the builder but you must will it to happen.” yen awaited hota to show him the transformation technique.

wc: 864

500/500 to tree climbing surface walking tecnique

1,663/3000 to ephermal +364 words
Hotaru Aburame
Hotaru Aburame
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that which makes us Empty Re: that which makes us

Sat Mar 21, 2015 2:30 am
Hota blushed, only one person had ever complimented her, her exboyfriend Xuro Bakuton. Sadly he went on a mission with ehr father and both passed away. Then her mother died and Hota kind of drifted away from Sunagakure. "Thank you Yen! I couldn't have done anything like this without you." She said as she accepted his hug! "You made us lunch to, thank you Yen." She said with a huge smile on her face as she felt the couple of drops of rain. A couple of her bugs begn buzzing around her.
"What kinds of things did our ancestors do? To have been around so many years, I would assume our Kikaichu have adapted and changed as well. I would liek to learn as much as I can about our past and history and our ancestors, the more we learn the better we can train." Hotaru said noticing spider webs n the trees above her. "And can you teach me the web trick as well? I was going to ask yesterday but I was exgausted after training." She added hearing a crack of thunder above her.
Listening and watching intently Hotaru attempted to give the tree walking technique a try. The first time, she stopped after she stepped one foot on the tree! She waivered looking frightened! No, Hotaru, you WILL do this you can do this, there is nothing to be afraid of! Rememberyou are a quick learner, and that its just a exchange of chakra and added more to your feet! Like he said, picture spider webs on your feet! Taking a deep breathe, Hota imagined her feet having sticky webs on them, and she began to walk up the tree, then backwards down the tree as the rain began to fall around them!
Watching an listening intently to Yens next words, he was teaching her then tranformation technique. A very basic but necessarry technique to learn as a ninja! It seemed fairly easy to her, and with the rain pouring around them, she felt even more energized abd optimistic she could do this! "Alright, here it goes!" Hota said as she made the hand signs. At first there was a puff of smoke and she didn't change. Determined, she focused her chakra to swirl around her body and change her. Suddenly in the puff of smoke, Hota appeared as Yen. "I did it!" She said excitedly! She broke the jutsu and transformed back into herself!
"MY element is water, and I think I can do this, but what exactly can I do with my element? I know it makes me fell energized to be around water or be in water, but I am not exactly sure what I can do." Hota said as she looked at Yen and sat down on a tree stump to rest for a second. could she do this? Yes, she could, she was slightly nervous, after all, the elemental jutsus are a little harder to learn than the ones that come naturally, like her bugs and the basics.

[wc: 812]
[500/500 clone jutsu, 6/500 towards tree climbing]
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Ryo : 1500

that which makes us Empty Re: that which makes us

Sat Mar 21, 2015 3:09 am
yen gazed at hota quietly as she preformed her transformation technique. Excellent hota keep up that attitude and you will definlty make it.  a smile and chuckle escaped yen as he watched hota transform once more and he appluaded. " there you go! progress feels like a uphill challenge but it becomes easier over time." Yen noted hota's eagerness to learn the spider web tecnique and a smile came to his face as well. "I will personally teach it to you but chakra minipulation is often the hardest part of our life as shinobi. wether for medical through genjutsu the minipulation on the outside enables us to see the results of our works. for example" yen tossed his straw hat to a shaded area as the downpour began.

"I will show you the mist technique first and tell you step by step how to do it." yen closed his eyes and took a breath as he prepaired the tiger sign before speaking up "chakra is our greatest tool and our life as shinobi. we above all else know to keep our chakra in control as we feed our insects our chakra. Its what makes us powerful with our bond on our bugs, but we can still gain strength to love" Yen blushed as he took off his visor and revealed his eyes to hota. "and protect our freinds family and loved ones. We grow and perhaps feel the pain of the loss of thoes dear to us, yet we carry on. thoes words came from my father as he refered to the bugs and us as akin."  

yen focused his chakra around him and focused it into the water around him. as he gazed at hota. " hota the first step is extend your chakra into the water near and around you. feel it flow like water. calm your mind and picture the mist. your chakra is like your hands that can do what you physically cant and do what you wouldnt do. Feel the rain and water inside you and around you. then release and feel your chakra breaking the water apart into smaller and smaller bits. like a cloud that you can control and move with" At thoes words the mist formed around yen and the mist began to rise as he let go of the tiger sign.

"This is a mist i will use to protect thoes I love and defeat thoes who dare hurt thoes I love hota." yen blushed and the density of the mist faded till yen could be seen by hota a smile on his face. " its a mist ill protect you with and my skills at your request hota." yen nodded and continued with his lesson." you are one with your element hota and your element is you, but dont fear your imagination unless it holds something dear. but now I want you to try this technique and keep your mind open to the possibilities and sights around you. feel the rain fall around you and dont let go of this feeling"

yen stepped towards hota from within the mist and focused the chakra in his body to his left index finger in a great volume and looked into hota's eyes. "If i may ask i know it seems unusual and scary but i would like to practice the tecnique I studied after you master this tecnique and the last scroll" the rain fell around the two of them harder, but that didnt deter yen as he gazed deep in hotas eyes. "will you trust me?"

wc: 597+864=1,461
Hotaru Aburame
Hotaru Aburame
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that which makes us Empty Re: that which makes us

Sun Mar 22, 2015 3:38 am
"Thank you!" Hota said feeling really proud of herself! Its not everyday that Hota can wake up and feel proud of herself! Well, she probably could, but she had not made much progress before she came to Konoha because she just didn't care. Yen not only trains her, much like her ex-boyfriend Xuro, he pushes her to do her best and encourages her to keep going. "Can our bugs be used for medical purposes? My father was working on trying to use our bugs for medical purposes, but unfortunately..." Hota trailed off trying to forget her past. "I want to learn any techniques I can and all the techniques possible. I know as a shinobi, we may hit some tough times and not all jutsus will be easy but if we don't try, we will never progress." She said smiling. One of the first things she learned from Yen, optimism, he seemed quite optimistic to Hotaru.
"The hidden mist Technique, isn't that the one you used last night when you told me to trust my bugs? It's the one that most people who use water are capable of doing, it prevents anyone who uses Dojoutsus and Genjutsus from seeing you. Most commonly, Uchiha or Hyuugas. Not to mention, no one can really see through that much fog anyways! I would love to learn that one! " She said happily. She was enjoying this! For some reason she found comfort in learning things from Yen. Hopefully tonight her and him will be able to talk to each other and learn more about one another, she was bonding with him rather quickly!She watched him do the technique. "You mean, you would protect me?" She said kind of shocked! Her cheeks slightly flushed and she covered her face with the hood of her jacket and hid behind her sunglasses until the pink streaks on her face faded a second or two later.
"Okay, you can practice a technique on me, just, don't hurt me!" She said sounding a little weary, she had to remember though, Yen did not seem like he would intentionally hurt her. Besides, she had complete trust in him."I trust you." She said as she kissed him on the cheek if he allows her to.
[482/500 towards tree climbing]
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Ryo : 1500

that which makes us Empty Re: that which makes us

Sun Mar 22, 2015 4:30 am
yen gazed into hotas sunglasses and blushed as he felt her lips touch his cheek. a feeling of blood rushing to his cheeks and a moment of a timeless moment sorrounded him in that instant. it was in that instant that yen lost his breath and gained it all at once. the once fears and doubt flooded out of him like a river of taint leaving him and guiding him towards the light of hota that yen bodly marched forward. the words of her trust filled him with courage and yen took a breath as her lips left his cheek.
"th-that was amazing!" yen sighed, but buisness snnapped him back into reality a minute later as lightning flashed across the sky. yen looked at hota and took a deep breat before speaking. " hota the world of genjutsu is where my specialty is and... my greatest strength. through chakra control and minipulation the perception of the world can be altered on another." yen paused and a tear welled up in his eyes as he cared so much for hota and disired to ensure she would be safe. the tear fell from his eye and yen gazed at hota steeling himself for the challenge up ahead.
you would save me at deaths door like i would gaurd you from a army with my own life. thats the trust of two form a clan and a family hota. i would defend you and i will teach you[color]. [/color][size] yen focused and the chakra in his left finger began to feel stronger and stronger. as he prepaired himself with what happens in a few minutes. " the strongest genjutsu could warp reality for one or more people. but thats all false hota. you must know this and i will teach you with this jutsu how to break free from them. ill never let some uchiha or such take control of you or let any harm befall you, but this is a lesson to learn in experience." Yen held hota's left hand with his right hand and kissed her on the cheek in return if allowed.[/size]
taking another breath yen continued "releasing from a genjutsu may perhaps sound simple. but with the various ones out there including thoes fabled of unimaginable power you must learn to look for the sings of one. perhaps a pattern, or something is wrong, but you will be freed from mine in a instant so you know what the sensation is. and know this. you are helpless physically hota when under one but thats why i will teach you how to break free of them. let me be your sheild and gaurd you by teaching you hota, and let me be your sheild on the feild because i will not allow harm to befall you."
Yen was breathless and blushed the kiss on the cheek gave yen strength and resolve to do the technique on her for yen only looked out for her good and success as a shinobi and be the sheild for her. " the jutsu i will preform will be done by only a finger hota. stand strong. and dont forget to put your hands together in  the tiger sign to release from this. i will free you from it and will only do this once so you must remember this. Focus on the goal and find the weakest point in the genjutsu. And stay strong.”
yen felt a tear come down his face as held hotas hand the soft warm feeling of her hand and the smoothness of her skin was so soothing. yen waited a moment as she gathered her thoughts and calmed herself. "relax and nodd when ready hota" yen held hota’s hand tight and looked into her sunglasses in which only he could imagine the beauty that lied in the windows to her soul that was her eyes.  

wc: 642+1,461=2,103
Hotaru Aburame
Hotaru Aburame
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that which makes us Empty Re: that which makes us

Sun Mar 22, 2015 5:52 pm
She almost cried, he cared about her very much! Very few people have ever cared about her this much, her family and Xuro. That's about it. But she had lost everyone important to her. Kazuo had saved her in the market, maybe that was a sign of caring. But to her knowledge, for some reason, there was something different about Yen. She wasn't sure what it was, but she felt this way about him to! When he kissed her cheek she smiled and blushed. She felt him grip her hand as she listened to him. For some reason seeing him cry caused tears to run down her cheeks as well!
"It's okay, I trust you." She said as she followed his instructions and took a deep breathe to prepare herself for his genjutsu. Genjutsu was dangerous and has been known to cause a lot of pain to even the most strongest Shinobi! But she knew he was doing this to help her.Unexpectedly Hotaru took off her sunglasses, and stuffed them in her jacket pocket! Revealing her eyes to Yen! Still holding his other hand and leaving one free, She took a deep breathe she nodded to let him know she was ready.

[wc: 1390]
[500/500 for Tree walking Technique]
[184/      towards Hidden Mist Technique]
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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that which makes us Empty Re: that which makes us

Sun Mar 22, 2015 6:36 pm
yen smiled once more hearing hota's soft voice sooth him as he gathered more chakra and filled it throughout his whole left index finger and  felt her tears fall on to his shoulder. hota's tears were diffrent from the rain for they felt warm with compassion and trust. "love fills you in a moment of deepest trust and need" yen said as tears filled his eyes and smiled as he marveled hota's eyes in a the beauty of them. Treading carefully yen spoke up and expressed his feelings.
"I may be young hota, but i am honest to my heart and i love your eyes. the blue of the sky and how they remind me of the clear day. how they clear my mind and give me strength oh how i can gaze in them for ages.  those eyes will be the center of this genjutsu since I control what is in the world. so you too can see the beauty i see in them. and marvel not the pain in them hota and the losses, but the bright future before you with me next to you."
Yen gazed breathless and a tear fell from his eyes as he marveled hota's eyes, but he noted the pain behind them as the clear tears streamed down her cheeks. yen gathered the courage to speak his heart again "don’t fear anymore hota let your tears run free. Since i fear its been awhile since you could cry in the arms of someone who could love and care for more then your talent, but your emotions and wellbeing as well hota."  
Yen held hota's hand and closed his eyes as he envisioned the picture of her eyes in his mind filling his whole being with the image and the rare but extraordinary honor of gazing upon the beauty of her eyes. with strength in his voice yen spoke up " When you see my hand hota" yen raised his left hand as he spoke. "you will see what i see in your eyes and remember do not linger too long in the genjutsu. You have but a little time, but may the image and memory stay forever in your heart and soul hota. and perhaps if willing and promised i will do it again for you but remember how to release from this hota."
yen as tears fell from his eyes lifted his left index finger into sight of hota and squeezing her hand feelling the warmth he released the powerful genjutsu from within his finger the thought of her beautiful eyes in the sky the care and trust filling them filled his mind and yen felt his mind calm at the thought. yen invisoned himself there with her pointing and speaking his mind about her eyes. But vanishing after speaking his mind reminding her to escape the jutsu. Please hota remember to use the tiger sign and focus your chakra around you to break free. Yen thought to himself the genjutsu took effect.
Wc: 501+ 2,103= 2,604
Hotaru Aburame
Hotaru Aburame
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that which makes us Empty Re: that which makes us

Sun Mar 22, 2015 8:30 pm
How did he know exactly what to say to her? He complimented her eyes! His words were actually hitting her in the heart! "Wow, Yen, you really know how to use powerful words! I hope to have you next to me in the future, I also wish you were a little older. You would be the perfect boyfriend ." She leaned forward for a second letting her forehead lean against his and letting their noses touch before she stepped back still holding his hand in hers.
Suddenly she noticed some strange things happening. She was in a beautiful place, a fantasy world! the sky made u a majority of the place, it was a gorgeous shade of blue! Smiling she looked around and felt a place of peace and happiness! So this is how he feels when he looks in my eyes. Peace, happiness, and love! Oh my God, he is.....wait, this is not going to stay like this for long, he used genjutsu, I have to get out of here! What was that sign? Oh yes, I remember now! Making the hand sign Hotaru broke the genjutsu and came back to reality! Feeling sudden urges and strange emotions, she threw her arms around Yens neck and held him close if he allows her to!

[wc: 1605]
[400/1000 towards hidden Mist jutsu]
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