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Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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that which makes us - Page 3 Empty Re: that which makes us

Mon Mar 30, 2015 1:38 pm
"small red pills that age?" yen was taken aback slightly but blushed as he thought about the outcome and heard hota's sweet as silk voice speak about making things more comfortable. Yen knew it was a big choice and he held up his hand and looked at hota as they walked through the moon =light and talked some more before yen awnsered his question after some thought.
"hotaru I decided that yes while young I can do with a growth a bit and I accept the pills. because I know that what I must gain is what you and I will both learn together. but I wonder what lies before me after I take the pills hota. what is it that lies before me and the great decision which I gladly accept as your knight as i would take hundreds of kunai and senbons to keep you safe." yen looked in to hotas eyes as he held her hand and smiled. "I will take what ever lies before me hota because you gave me strength and my growth will lead us one step closer as the duo of love." yen sighed and imagined the feeling of hota holding him as they slept and yen held out his hand with eyes aglow and shaky hands as he felt the thrill of the greatest step he ever taken in his life yet.
"Hotaru. Im ready. ready and has been ready since i held you earlier and sang in your ear. ready to serve you in all your requests my queen of the sky. and ready to put my life on the line for you." tears filled the young mans eyes as he beheld hotaru under the moonlight. her skin beyond the finest silver, her eyes sparkled of the sea, her hair the night sky and the warmth of her smile sent a chill down yens spine he had never experienced before. and yen took the pills as he tasted a pretty vile taste but. that was diffrent from what he felt a few seconds later.
"what is this??!" yen felt his body bubble and his straw hat flew off his face as he felt his shoulders broaden and muscles become more toned and a bit larger. his bones creaked a little and he felt his hair grow a bit more out into a nice spiky look that  slicked out to the back into nice pony tail length hair., his face grew a little more slimmer and more toned into a nice chisled like frame with some of his hair going behind his ears. along with the slight growth of hair along his face and his head was spinning a bit with a strange emotion like feeling as he looked at hotaru through his now a tad bit deeper yellow eyes.
the greatest shock that came to yen was a minor drop in his voice from a high pitched annoying voice into a soft smooth as silk voice that his voice seemed to match his mind now as his body did. however yen felt a strange growth in a place he never thought before and discarded the thought for later. now he looked at his queen hotaru and smilied and felt this face show smile slightly larger and more filled to his personality. "well how do I look hota?" replied the soft sweet voice of yen that changed to quiet the ringing charming voice. like an annoncement being proclaimed across the village, but soft like the flap of a butterfly wing. yen felt his bugs slightly change along with it. a deeper hum and like him grand and powerful and full of strength. 

holding out a little stronger and more musular arm with a larger hand able to hold  one of the balls handing on the ramen shop fully yen held out his hand and bowed to hotaru. on a knee "my queeen of the sky? am I a knight to you now?"

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Hotaru Aburame
Hotaru Aburame
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that which makes us - Page 3 Empty Re: that which makes us

Mon Mar 30, 2015 2:18 pm
Hotaru was slightly shocked as she looked at Yen change as he took the pills. In the moonlight he changed so rapidly. "Yen, you look so handsome!" Hota said as her heart fluttered! Finally, this was the moment she was waiting for! She put her arms around Yen and leaned forward and kissed his lips! "I love you Yen, and even though we have only been together a couple of days, I can not ignore how my heart feels!" She said as she held him close to her!
Above them, thunder rumbled across the sky. "Do you want to continue our walk, or do you want to go home, my dear knight? It is up to you, you deserve a reward for how you treat your queen, who would die for you as well." She said before kissing his lips yet again.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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that which makes us - Page 3 Empty Re: that which makes us

Mon Mar 30, 2015 2:50 pm
Yen felt hotas. Arms wrap around him and heard how handsome he was. A smile came across the mans face as hotaru got closer as she wrapped her arms around him and their lips met. Yens. Mind went blank as the soft flesh of hotas quivering lips met his. Yen tightened his grasp around hota and held the pose for a few minutes. His mind was moving at miles a second and he felt his breath give way before he pulled away his eyes reflecting stars and yen. Heard her suggestion of going home but yen nodded dazed but holding her tight he blushed and recalled a day he saw his mother and father. They said they kisses under the rain for the one they loved was all the warmth they needed.

Yen looked into hotas eyes and smiled a brilliant smile. As his smooth voice whispered in her ear filled with tender and honestly. "Kiss me my queen , kiss me in the snow on cold days, kiss me in the heat of summer," yens lip brushed slight against hotas ear as he puased so she can feel his warm breath against her ear.

Then in that instant yen heard the thunder and spoke once again holding hotas waist slightly and he whispered " kiss me in the leaves and snow. I love kiss me now in this storm and everyday forevermore hotaru of the sky. And lead us home tonight where I will warm you." Yen cupped her chin in his hands and looked deep in her eyes with joy, love, adventure, and respect in his eyes.

Hotaru Aburame
Hotaru Aburame
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that which makes us - Page 3 Empty Re: that which makes us

Wed Apr 01, 2015 10:53 am
Feeling his breathe on her ear, she sighed as she squeezed him tighter and after he spoke she kissed his lips again as the thunder echoed louder over them, the rain had stopped but it began to come down again a little heavier than before. And she kissed him as long as he would let her. Pulling back and breaking the kiss for a second, she looked into his eyes, her bugs seemed to sense her happiness as they buzzed a little louder than usual making a humming noise. She smiled as she stared into his eyes, as the lightning flashed they seemed to light up! they were a beautiful color.
"I love you." Was the only thing she could get to escape her lips! The only words she could manage to say! They held each other closely as she leaned in on his shoulders again.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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that which makes us - Page 3 Empty Re: that which makes us

Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:15 am
yen smiled and felt the world spin before him as the rain poured as their lips clashed together like rain merging into water. the 10 year old felt his skin grow warm with her love and affection and he pulled hota into him holding her as the rain fell around them like flowers rainig from the sky. his mind a blur and the rain was like it wasn’t there as he kissed hota under a stormy night sky. the rain soaked their hair as they kissed non stop for 10 minutes.
pulling away and beholding hota's flustered red face and bule eyes shining with the stars that hid behind the stormy clouds yen smiled and breathlessly said " my first kiss was beyond a dream especially since I have a girl from beyond dreams. you my queen. shall we continue our adventure in the warm home as we will catch a cold together shall we stay out longer. but let me hold you tight tonight my lady and make you feel free. because you are free to ask for what you wish for and- and" yen lost his words as he admired hotarus eyes.
Those blue eyes that not even the sky can compare. eyes that make the sea should he visit it one day wouldn’t even compare in the palest notion to her eyes. yen took off his coat and put it around hota as additional protection against the rain and with a arm around her Yen carrying his stuff and wearing his straw hat lead her home. his now full muscles popping though his wet white under shirt and his yellow eyes now a deep yellow as the pills finished his complete transformation to a 15 year old teenager. in his silky smooth voice yen spoke full of compassion "when we get home I will cook a nice meal for you and dry you off If you would like my queen?" yen looked over at hota with a raised eye brow his back muscles arced slightly and smiled saying "I love you hotaru" 

Hotaru Aburame
Hotaru Aburame
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that which makes us - Page 3 Empty Re: that which makes us

Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:41 am
Yen was the most handsome teenager she had ever seen, and being close to her age, made it even easier for her to fall harder for him. His arm muscles, his eyes and hair, Hotaru was literally in love with this man! "I love you to, and that kiss was amazing! We can take our time and stroll home, and after dinner, we can...go to bed if you want to." Hotaru said as he wrapped his coat around her. She looped her arm in his and felt his arm muscles as he lead the way home. "In my eyes, you are not just my knight, but you have become my King Yen!" She giggled as they walked in the rain back to the house.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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that which makes us - Page 3 Empty Re: that which makes us

Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:01 pm
yen heard hota call her a king and blushed. "we can go to bed my queen. after supper imm pretty sure you are tired after our training today." yen had an idea for later anyway that would make hota happy for she looked tired. "we make our choices in life and look to others to validate what we really must validate on our own hota. I know that you have faced pain before but for now on. can you if you would like let me know more about your father and your life?" yen walked slowly down the path with hota holding his arm and he looked at her with a smile on his face.
what was this strange feeling that i feel when i look at her? the joys of the world and all my worries wash away like the rain washing away my fears. i love her like my father loved my mother. I will protect her like my father did for both me and my mother. and I will protect your wishes. that is makes me who I am. I am a loyal man now and will always be loyal to her.
yen wrapped his arm around hota at the door of the home before they went inside. he kissed her again and smiled as he spoke once again. "what will the dawn bring that yesterday didnt or today didnt?. you in my heart and arms hota. because you are beautiful. let me lead you home hota to where warmth is and a nice meal" yen went up to the door and unlocked the door as the rain stopped his eyes sparling with a unsaid joy. And as he walked inside he opend the door and left it open for hota bowing his head and his arm outstreatched. “welcome home hotaru aburame” yens sweet silky voice filled with happiness and honor as he addressed hota.

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Hotaru Aburame
Hotaru Aburame
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that which makes us - Page 3 Empty Re: that which makes us

Thu Apr 02, 2015 10:14 am
Hotaru smiled as she entered the house,"Thank You, Yen Aburame my king!" She said with a smile. As she sat down in their comfortable kitchen she felt her ugs make a weird humming noise, as though something was bothering them. This was strange, what in the world is wrong with her bugs? Suddenly she sneezed. Then her head began to hurt after she sneezed, which made the bugs even more agitated! Oh no was she getting sick? She had not had more than a cold in years, and rarely got sick! Sunagakure was full of sand, dirt and fairly dry humidity, so getting sick, hardly happened there. Could all the traveling and moving from place to place amidst the borders and Konoha finally caught up to her?

"Yen, I am not feeling to well." Hotaru said as she laid down on the floor in the living room! The couch pillows were all in a pile and she decided to lie on them. This was going to suck. She had been doing so good with her training and learning so much from Yen, and now she FINALLY was able to kiss him, and she gets sick!
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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that which makes us - Page 3 Empty Re: that which makes us

Thu Apr 02, 2015 11:20 am
yen heard hota sneeze and worry filled him. was it because of my kiss? or the cold!?/ oh no!!! my queen she is sick! yen held hota and kissed her forehead and a tear fell down his cheek. yet he smiled and kissed her lips once more and layed a nice pillow under her head. "hota tomarrow you are not doing a thing my love. because your knight and king will take care of you till you are all better. just like a king." yen felt his heart grow heavy as he noticed the reddening of hota's nose and the cough getting worst. "give me a few seconds my dear and let me warm up some cloths, and a nice hot bowl of water to soak your feet. you havnt had the hospitality of mine yet ill make sure you are all better ok?" yens soft voice was like sweet honey and began making a fire in the fire place.
yen then went to the kitchen and began lighting up the stove while grabbing some meat broth and dried noodles and warmed up a two large bots. one he cut up some chicken and put a pinch of sugar and salt in the broth. the other yen began to mash and break berries while putting a few tea herbs in the mix and some cinnimon flavoring in the broth.
returning to the couch yen kissed hota again and looked in her eyes as the fire danced over her beautiful face. even while sick yen lost his breath by gazing in her eyes and face. like two jewels amid the white snow. yen whispered in her ear "ill take care of you always so dont worry my dear" yen placed a large bot of water he kept outside to gather rain water on the hanger over the fire place and soon the pot began to bubble and steam filled the room.
yeah next time ill make clones for more speed in this. well cant work on it now but later yen thought to himself as the sweet smell of tea and a chicken noodle soup began to fill the house. yen smiled as he grabbed a cup and another for himself as he felt a little bit of the cold comming. yet he was used to this. yen poured two cups of a healthy remedy tea for hota and himself. then placing both in hand yen grapped a large spoon to stir the soup all the while yen began to mold some of his chakra in a thought to do a slight bit of work and training. 
yen focused his chakra into a solidifying line of water so to be an extention of himself like a large whip. the concitration required was large but yen noted that while his chakra while dense and solid he felt that he had to worry. pulling himself together yen built his chakra up even more in his free hand and extended it out focusing it into a large tenticle that stretched out and thinned out from him. his chakra looked watery but focusing even more yen felt his chakra was within his own control.
Water ripped from the chakra tenticle he made into water and with a will to make it his own he solidfied it so the form was solid and not as shaky nor drippy. the tenticle flopped down and stayed solid. ok ill use this to help me stir the soup. yen felt the tenticle around his arm and with a snap of his wrist the tenticle wrapped around the spoon and with a small circular movements yen began stirring the soup.
placing the two cups on the counter while stirring the soup yen called out to hota "giive me a few seconds honey" as he lossend the tenticle and lifted the spoon with the tenticle to his mouth to taste the soup. not bad but ill need to cut some carrots to make this even more healthy for her.
yen smiled as he used the tenticle to toss the spoon back into the bubbling pot of soup and with tenticle in hand and two cups of tea yen walked out to the now warm couch and placed his cup of tea next to hota while smiling. "want tea beautiful?" 

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Hotaru Aburame
Hotaru Aburame
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that which makes us - Page 3 Empty Re: that which makes us

Sat Apr 04, 2015 12:12 pm
Yen immediately rushed to Hotaru's aid and began to take care of her! He immediately gave her a fluffy pillow and was right in the kitchen making some soup for her! She was feeling sick, her head was hurting and she felt tired and nauseous! Probably from all the training in the rain and not trying to keep herself properly dressed for the weather!
"Thank you Yen for taking care of me." She said with a smile! She is covered up with a blanket and coughing in the living room. As Yen offers her a cup of tea Hota sniffled and gladly accepted it. He called her beautiful! Even though she felt warm, the sensation of her cheeks flushing spread across her face! "Yes I would love some warm tea!" She said smiling even though she didn't feel good.
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