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Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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Practice makes Perfect [P] Empty Practice makes Perfect [P]

Sat May 24, 2014 12:30 am
There he stood, his shadow stood beside him as the sun shined down at an angle on him, for it was early in the afternoon. Samaruo, the jounin of the leaf village, wore his usual attire. Samaruo wore his regular black high, collared short sleeve shirt, and over it was a sturdy grey flack jacket. His black hair was tied in a pony tail, which stretched a little pass his shoulder blades, the two bangs sectioned off barely passed the front of his shoulders. Below, he wore standard shinobi pants, and black high top sandals that stopped at his upper ankles. His left hand placed on the left side of his waist, his thumb messing with the strap that held his weapon pouch tight against his back side. His coal black eyes scanned the area, along with his mastered senses, waiting for Johnny to arrive, as it was his request to train with Samaruo today, which Samaruo himself, humbly accepted.

Nothing would stop Samaruo from helping his little brother get stronger, Johnny did intend on participating in the chuunin exams, he would need to be ready for such a test. Samaruo himself never took the actually exam, but wondered how it would have been if he had taken it. Upon this thought, looking outwards towards the rather large lake he stood 2 feet from, he saw his reflection, barely. Who he saw, was, a much more different person, a more modest being. No more was he the type to wonder off himself, and spend an eternity within the darkness of caves. Ever since Nightshade, and Johnny, he seemed to become much more out going, he sort of liked this strange..., change. An aura much more brighter than before, a knight, shining. The wind's breezed brushed upon him slightly, as well as the trees that surrounded the area which he stood, a grassy circular 30 diameter plain, with him standing near the edge of the clear blue lake. The walk way that led into this hidden like escape, was behind him.
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Practice makes Perfect [P] Empty Re: Practice makes Perfect [P]

Fri Jun 06, 2014 9:38 pm
Makoto had just left the Academy after finishing the Genin Exam. He felt good about it and the day was still young. The sun was shining, as Makoto walked down the streets of the village, a nice cool breeze flowed through his shaggy, dark hair. He wasn't ready to return home quite yet, and decided that he would spend the rest of the day at the training grounds. He didn't have much energy left from taking the exam, but hopefully the brisk walk out of the village towards the training grounds would give him the time to recuperate. Hopefully he would have enough energy to do a little more training. 

He had arrived at the gates of training ground 11, the grounds where he had spent most of the time training with his father. He slowly walked into the thick forest area, reminiscing of the the time and effort he had put into training. Makoto had become familiar with the area, funny, it almost felt like a second home to him. He jumped up and quickly pulled himself onto a close branch. He gained his balance in an instant and quickly leapt to another nearby branch. He kept his momentum going as he sped up, quickly skimming over each branch. The muscle memory he had from the trees gave him the chance to look around while still maintaining his speed. That's when he caught a glance of a small pathway that he did not recognize. He dropped down to a lower branch, slowing down so he wouldn't loose his balance. He made his way to the path, following the natural narrow road. He walked a little faster as he saw the exit to the path. "Where does this go?" he asked himself. As he approached the exit he quickly caught a glimpse of another person, and leapt into a nearby tree out of surprise. He kept quiet, hoping the older leaf-nin didn't see, or hear him.
Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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Practice makes Perfect [P] Empty Re: Practice makes Perfect [P]

Mon Jun 09, 2014 1:58 am
Within this setting, still the sun shining down upon the once lone man, his senses surged, slightly. Odd, he thought. This was not Johnny, for Samaruo himself had been in the company of his little brother for quite sometime, adapting to the signature quite well to the point where he can distinguish it out from all others. This one was quite faint, probably because the source of chakra was not as strong. Just what, or who, was this? Turning around, still keeping his usual form in posture, he would see nothing, but know someone was there. His senses were trained to the point where he could sense anyone within a wide area around him. "I know your there, would you like to come on out and introduce yourself?"

Just who was this individual the thought, Samaruo was sure to only sensed one source when he was devoting most of his focus towards his chakra senses. Perhaps the newcomer was a random stranger who felt shy, or scared towards viewing Samaruo. With this thought, the Jounin would immediately reach into his pouch with his left hand, grabbing his hand band and securing it against his forehead, tight and with haste. His long black hair covered the cloth, leaving the metal piece visible. This was to signify that he was a shinobi of the leaf, and had nothing to fear from him. For now, all there was to do was to wait, for a reply, or action. Surely there was something Samaruo could help with this stranger, while passing the time. Samaruo wondered if Johnny was ever going to show up.
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Practice makes Perfect [P] Empty Re: Practice makes Perfect [P]

Mon Jun 09, 2014 11:45 pm
Makoto remained in the bush, trying his hardest not to be noticed. He didn't try hard enough though. The older Jounin had known he was there and ushered him to come out and introduced himself. He then placed his headband with the Leaf symbol on it, letting Makoto know that he was a friend not foe.  He quietly stepped out of the brush, slowly walking towards the man, then softly said, "H-hello.. Um.. my name is Makoto." He felt himself stuttering as he mumbled out his name. He looked at the taller boy, his long black hair barely passing his shoulders, could he be an Uchiha? Regardless, he was a Jounin and was definitely an experienced shinobi. Makoto felt intimidated by his presence, yet he felt as if he could learn a thing or two from this man. He gathered up his nerve, "I apologize if I distracted you from what ever it was you were doing. I just noticed this path that I hadn't ever seen before and it sorta led me here. I've trained with my father here a whole bunch of times, but I haven't explored it enough I guess." Makoto realized he was rambling, which was uncommon for him, he was usually very shy when it came to meeting new people, but something about this guy made him feel comfortable with talking. "Um...Anyway..I actually just became a Genin today, and I came here to do a little bit of training before I went back home," he said with a grin. "What are you doing here?" 
Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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Practice makes Perfect [P] Empty Re: Practice makes Perfect [P]

Fri Jun 13, 2014 3:15 pm
The soft tone of the new visitor was made somewhat clear, with Samaruo focusing on every word. The kid now standing ten feet away, he examined him further, taking in every detail while hearing the boy out some more. "No, please, you didn't distract me. My name is Samaruo Uchiha", Samaruo said while looking around. "Yeah, this is my first time here too, I've never seen this hidden location before. It's probably why the scenery here looks so different from the rest of the grounds, barely untouched."

While looking onward, his gazed was made back onto Makoto. A newly graduated genin? Right now, Samaruo could probably guess that Makoto was not on a team. That problem seemed to be becoming a lot more common these days, genin forced to learn on their own, due to no guidance. "Congratulations Makoto, that's a good little achievement. You know, I could help you with whatever you need, I'm currently a jounin, with experience. That's if you want my help that is...?" Samaruo continued to stare towards Makoto, hoping that he would say yes. Nothing pleased Samaruo more than helping others with training, teaching them the knowledge that they sought after.

[Short, sorry]
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Practice makes Perfect [P] Empty Re: Practice makes Perfect [P]

Mon Jun 16, 2014 12:08 am
Makoto felt relieved that he hadn't disturbed the older Jounin. He stood there smiling at Samaruo Uchiha who had recognized Makoto's worth as a Genin, congratulating him for his hard work. "Thank you, Samaruo," he said while bowing. As he was bowing, he heard Samaruo mention that he was an experienced shinobi, and that he could help Makoto out with whatever he needed. Makoto looked up at Samaruo with stars in his eyes. Maybe he could help him out with training, considering Makoto hadn't been put on a team yet and he wasn't sure when that would happen. Just the thought of possibly being taught a few things from an Uchiha made him excited. It was an opportunity he couldn't refuse. "Well...I mean...It would be an honor to train with you...If you wanted to train me that is..." Makoto replied. He looked down at his feet, waiting for a response from the older Jounin.
Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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Practice makes Perfect [P] Empty Re: Practice makes Perfect [P]

Sun Jun 22, 2014 12:52 pm
"Of course...", Samaruo retorted with a small pause, just after the last word that came from the mouth of Makoto. With a few steps, Samaruo was 10 feet from the genin, his body along with his sight facing directly towards Makoto. Seeing how the genin just graduated, Samaruo was quite sure that he was full of excitement and energy. Perhaps Makoto would do well with a short spar, or maybe learn a couple of weapon utilization tricks? Really, the choice was all up to Makoto, the newly graduated genin.

"But what we train in, is really up to you. What do you feel that you are lacking in, have you had a hard time with a particular area, stamina, jutsu, or even hand to hand combat?"

Really, Samaruo wouldn't be surprised if Makoto picked jutsu, not many graduates learn that many jutsu in the academy, except fro the base level types. But, fortification of the fundamental jutsu is key for any shinobi who sought to be come the best they can be.
Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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Practice makes Perfect [P] Empty Re: Practice makes Perfect [P]

Fri Aug 01, 2014 10:58 am
The silence left Samaruo with the notion that the genin did not want o learn, it did not mind Samaruo. It was then that he decided to take his leave, perhaps when the genin was ready, he would take interest once more. What now was on Samaruo's mind was Johnny, where was his younger brother? He walks pass the genin, mindful of his form, and then proceeds out of the secluded area.

[Going to withdraw from this topic, Exit]
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