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Anastasia Akari
Anastasia Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 17450

Trying our luck Empty Trying our luck

Tue Jan 30, 2024 1:12 am
Ana's stats at the time of the thread:

The time had come for Ana to test her mettle. She had gotten significantly stronger recently and had gotten quite skilled at completing missions. It was time to see if she was strong enough to warrant moving beyond the rank of Genin. She was aware that there wasn’t any official Chuunin exams and that there was a trial by combat which was administered by Tsunayoshi, a member of the Nova Corps, to determine whether your skill befits your rank. Ana made sure that her equipment was in pristine condition. She knew that the Nova Corps were the elite shinobi of the village, so she would need to bring her best if she wanted any hope of proving herself. She’d issued the challenge and made her way to the Dragonpit where the challenge would be taking place.

She was the only one there when she’d arrive. All she could do was wait for Tsuna to show up.

WC: 156

Kuniko Hyuuga likes this post

Stat Page : Tsuna's Stats
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Raven
Familiar : Asuran
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Clan Specialty : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 211500

Trying our luck Empty Re: Trying our luck

Wed Jan 31, 2024 9:43 am
Tsuna’s Stat page:

Indeed, the time has finally come for young Ana to put her experience to the test. It was unfortunate that her proctor was none other than Hoshigakure’s very own Tsunayoshi Hoshimura. Ana stood at the center of the Dragonpit, her armor was well tended to, as well as the rest of her equipment from what the Hoshimura could tell. Tsunayoshi was not alone, though he will be competing alone. To his right, Asuran, a Barbary Lion, known to be a species of lion that are the largest in the northern coast. With a head to body measurement of 190 cm, shoulder height of 100 cm, total body length of 280 cm, this majestic creature stand at 1 meter in height with its head held high. By being the familiar of Tsunayoshi Hoshimura, this beast is often seen wearing golden armor with a ruby gem head piece. Asuran is a full ground lion that’s golden-blonde with a golden mane that covers his head to the middle of his body. Along his body are majestic symbols/patterns that are a bit faded fused with his fur/skin.

Tsuna donned Blood Oath and Lightbringer, along with the rest of his equipment. His helm was raised, covering his face and head. The armor was made and focused for fortifications and maneuvering to best support Tsuna and his adaptive style.

As the two entered the pit, coming into view of the young woman. Stopping no more than 20 meters away from her. Asuran would sit, and even still he seemed to sit at eye level of Tsuna. The helm of the Nova would collapse into the collar of the suit of armo, revealing his face and those ocean blue eyes of his. Greeting her with a smile and wave.

Miss Anastasia Akari, it is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance. Forgive me for the circumstances that we are to meet under, but nonetheless I am pleased to meet you in person. I am sure that you are aware of the expectancy of this trial. But that is more so on their end. My part in all of this is quite simple, to my belief. I merely aim to test your will for this village. Nothing more and nothing less.

He said with a light breath. The air about him was tranquil, inviting, soothing and not at all threatening. Was this the level of dedication that can only be provided by a Nova? No, this was Tsuna as a fellow shinobi of this village. A comrade to Ana.

Tsuna’s stance was lax, but something about would speak to the instincts of any laying eyes on him. There wasn’t a single opening.

That being said, please do not hesitate to take this as serious as you must to showcase your abilities. If it helps, you can view me as an enemy to the village itself. Try your best to erase who you know me to be. I am not that, not now. I am only your obstacle.

It was hard to believe what he said as his words did not match his aura that was around him. The feeling of comfort mixed with his words would make it difficult to believe he was serious. But he was. And when this all begins Ana will learn this.
Anastasia Akari
Anastasia Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 17450

Trying our luck Empty Re: Trying our luck

Thu Feb 01, 2024 1:13 am
It wasn’t long after she arrived that Tsuna arrived, accompanied by a large lion wearing golden armour and a headpiece with a large ruby gem. Tsuna walked in also fully equipped with weapons and armour, the armour in particular looked significantly more impressive than her own. His included a helmet that covered the entirety of his head and face, whereas she had no such protections. Not that the look would bely its effectiveness. Her own armour, while rather plain, would still hold up to most physical attacks, and would be even better when she had the chance to improve it like she had her sword.

He walked towards her, no hostile intent for the moment. She was sure that would change, but since the trial hadn’t started yet, she had no reason to believe that any sneak attacks would be forthcoming. She would casually move towards him until they were about 5 meters apart. His helmet would fold into his armour, revealing a pale face, light hair, and eyes as blue as hers. He greeted her with a smile and a wave, which she would reciprocate. He apologized that their first encounter would be that of a trial by combat. The Akari Genin laughed softly and waved off the apology, “There is no need to apologise, I asked for this after all. I also am pleased to make your acquaintance, Tsunayoshi, your reputation precedes you.” She paused for a moment, looking at her opponent to be for a moment before continuing. “I do understand the expectations of the trial. The outcome of it will not affect how I see you. We are comrades and shinobi of Hoshigakure, for that, you already have my respect.

Tsuna then explained his expectations of her during the fight. It made sense; she was to prove that she was worthy of becoming more than a Genin. She couldn’t do that if she pulled her punches. Besides, she was skilled enough with her weapons that if she were to land a lethal blow, she could mitigate the actual damage that occurred. That would be a tall order though; Tsuna wasn’t a member of the Nova Corps for no reason, she had no airs about easily winning this fight, or even winning it at all. She did not know his capabilities, but he would likely be formidable. That would not dissuade her; she would put her all into the fight and prove that she was more than Genin material. “I understand,” she said to Tsunayoshi, “I had no intention of pulling my punches as that would be doing the both of us a disservice. This is an honourable duel between skilled shinobi of Hoshigakure. I need no other reason. I will show you what I am capable of, and will accept whatever results of it.” With that, she would turn around and move away from her opponent, turning back to look at him when she was twenty meters away. She would bow respectfully to him. She would wait a few moments for him to return the gesture should he wish. After that, she would start to map out her plan of attack.

The sword at his side lent to the idea that he would be a skilled weaponry user. Getting in close would be her best bet, but could also just as easily spell her end. She would feel him out with some mid ranged attacks first and see where that led her. She would activate her Golden Eyes and start to make a series of hand seals. Ram, Ox, Snake, Rat, and Dragon, building up lightning chakra into her left hand. She would then extend her hand forward, releasing the lightning in Tsuna’s direction The blast would travel in a straight line towards where Tsuna was currently standing. She would also start moving to her right at her max speed, aiming to circle around to see what he would do and provide a different angle to attack from.

WC: 662
TWC: 818

Combat information:

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Stat Page : Tsuna's Stats
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Raven
Familiar : Asuran
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Clan Specialty : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 211500

Trying our luck Empty Re: Trying our luck

Sun Feb 04, 2024 9:17 pm
Tsuna acknowledged the advancement of Ana as she approached him and Asuran. Her words that followed made him aware that she understood the reality of this trail, but it would seem that he was too quick to jump to such a conclusion. She turned her back to him, taking her eyes off of him was careless, and even so, he calmly at relative speed single hand a few seal with his right stealthily while she was still within 15 meters range of him. Simultaneously shrouding himself in a thin layer of Spacetime chakra which released a wave of this chakra that was both invisible to the naked eye. Ana would fall victim to her speed and vigor dropping by -50. As this took place, directly above her 3.1 meters to be exact an expanding dome of pure gravitational energy of 30 meter total diameter. Another completely invisible energy to the naked eye taking place as another.

This dome provided a gravitational pressure, dense and crushing force. It possesses a power of 95 and speed to match. Should Ana possess a strength less than this Jutsu power she will be completely paralyzed and pinned to the ground unable to move a single part of her being. She will suffer minor damage over time from the force of gravity upon her.

This was all done while Tsuna remained in his same position. Ana was no longer facing Tsunayoshi, she was now facing the Omen of the Battlefield. He was ruthless and without sympathy for his foes. The Keeper of Haven would see what Ana would do now that she exposed herself so carelessly.

AP: 1172/1250
Health: 300/300
DR: 25
ANT: Blood Oath: 150
Amatsu Orbs: 15/15

One-Handed Seals: 10 AP (A)
Hoshimura Style: Time Lapse: 33 AP | 95 Power/Speed | -50 Speed/Vigor Debuff to Ana
Singularity: 35 AP | 95 Power/Speed | -50 Damage over Time | Strength Stat Check

Ana (Debuffed):
Vigor: 100 -> 50
Speed: 150 -> 100
Anastasia Akari
Anastasia Akari
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 17450

Trying our luck Empty Re: Trying our luck

Tue Feb 06, 2024 4:59 pm
Anastasia was completely unaware of the Hoshimura’s attempts to subdue her the moment her back was turned, primarily because she was simply moving faster than both attacks. The first thing that she’d noticed when she turned around to face Tsuna again is that between them was a series of distortions in the air. They weren’t there before so she would activate her Golden Eye, which would reveal the expanding sphere of chakra between them, with an originating point of about 10 meters from her current position. The Akari Genin frowned, ‘Not how I would expect a fair and honest trial to begin…’ she thought to herself as she continued moving backwards and to the right to stay out of the expanding sphere, while skirting around it to begin her own offensive against Tsuna. The sphere stopped expanding once it had hit a radius of 15 meters so she wouldn’t have to deviate too much. She would keep at least 1 meter away from the sphere at all times. As she circled the obstacle, she would make a series of hand seals. Snake, ram, tiger, horse, and dragon, the result would be a series of 10 orbs appearing around her. The spheres were a soft white light, 15 centimeters in diameter. As soon as she had a clear line to attack from, she would launch 2 of the orbs straight at Tsuna who was currently 20 meters away. As she went to launch two more, she would feign stumbling, causing them to shoot “wildly” up into the air at a 45-degree angle from the original two. This was intentional, as she would cause the two to change course, angling them back downwards 90-degrees so that they would be hitting Tsuna from a different trajectory than the other two. The rest of the spheres she would keep close by to use later. She would keep moving for now, watching what her opponent would do in response and react accordingly.

WC: 327
TWC: 1145

Combat information:

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