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Azuki Shinoda
Azuki Shinoda
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Unhallowed
Mission Record : Missions
Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 37

Tenka Chinoke Empty Tenka Chinoke

Wed Mar 20, 2024 4:42 am
 Tenka Chinoke Dalle_11

Name: Tenka" Touch Of Death "Chinoike
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Height: 5'7
Weight: 145 lbs
Appearance: Tenka is a compelling figure, both in stature and in presence, standing 5'7" tall with an athletic yet average frame. Her facial features are marked by a pronounced, cute rounded nose and full, smooth lips that give her a determined yet approachable look. Her eyes are light purplish, almond-shaped, set beneath finely arched eyebrows, conveying intensity and depth of character. Her hair is an impressive afro, large and well-maintained, framing her face and adding to her striking appearance.

Her outfit is a traditional kimono, reimagined with a blend of light purplish and black hues, offering a modern twist on a classic design. The kimono gracefully envelops her figure, the fabric adorned with subtle, elegant patterns that catch the eye without overwhelming. The obi sash around her waist is tied in a complex knot, a black contrast against the lighter fabric of the kimono, emphasizing her waist and the deliberate styling of her attire. The ensemble is completed with matching traditional footwear, harmonizing with the overall elegance and functionality of her outfit, designed for both ceremonial significance and practicality in movement.

Personality:  Tenka possesses a personality that masterfully blends contrasts; she is both relaxed and playful, yet undeniably serious when the moment demands. Her light purplish eyes often sparkle with mischief, hinting at a playful spirit that enjoys the lighter moments of life. Yet, those same eyes can swiftly shift to a deep, penetrating gaze, reflecting her serious and focused nature. This duality is at the heart of Tenka's charm, allowing her to navigate complex situations with ease. Her laughter can light up a room, disarming even the most guarded individuals, yet her words carry the weight of her convictions, showing a depth of character that commands respect. Tenka is someone who embodies the balance of taking life as it comes while being profoundly committed to her principles and goals.

The Traits

Rank: A-rank
Role: Gateguard
Village: Tsukigakure
Element(s): Water, Fire, Wind, Blood
Specialties: Genjutsu, Ninjutsu, Medical(Main)
Clan: Chinoike Clan, Ketsuryugan (Mature)
Bloodline Bonuses: -
The Statistics

Health: 300
Action Points: 2300

Vigor: 125
Chakra: 125
Speed: 45
Strength: 5

The Jutsu Scroll

Ketsuryugan Genjutsu (Clan Spec Slotless) (M, unique/range)

Blood Dragon Ascension - Bloodline Slotless (M, Power]
Exploding Human Technique (BL Slotless) (M, Power)
Blood Dragon Compression
Blood Dragon Invasion (M, unique/range)
Chakra Enhanced Strength
Sanguine Blood Armor

Creation Rebirth


Crimson Spheres (M, Power)
Minus Field
Great Vortex Technique (M, Power)
Ninjutsu Amplifier
Rain  Tiger At Will
Genjutsu Clone
Water Style Restoration
Suffocation By Water
Water Release: Starch Syrup Capturing (M, Power)

Damage Reduction Shield (M, Power)
Chakra Scalpel
Chakra Scalpel Senbon
Mystical Palm
Poison Mist


Temporary Paralysis
Blood Clone Jutsu
Hiding In The Water
Blistering Web (M, Power)
 Water Trumpet  (M, Power)
Demon Lantern
Hiding in the Rain
Exploding Water Colliding Wave
Water Prison
Overwhelming Presence
Wind Release: Zephyr Blade
Thousand Flying Water Needles of Death
Water Whip (M, Power)
Blazing Venom Current (M, Power)

Delicate Illness Extraction

Genjutsu Frogging
Genjutsu Screwing
Genjutsu Denrei
Genjutsu Amplifier
Demonic Illusion: Flower Garden
False Surroundings Technique
Phantom Dream Lens

Phoenix Flower

Suiton: Mizu Senbon

Chakra Absorption

Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique
Mist Servant

Rope Escape Technique
Body Flicker

Chakra Anesthesia

Genjutsu Release (M, Hand Seal-less)
Substitution Technique
Tree Climbing Surface Walking
Clone Technique
Wind Release: Quiet Footsteps

The Skills

Slotted Skills:
Talented [Ninjutsu]
Whistle Trigger
Nature Chakra Proficiency
Hyperfocus [Genjutsu]
Strength of a Hundred [300/300]

Slotless Skills:
Clan Pureblood
Display of Power
Chakra Infusion
Chakra Suppression
Chakra Sensory

The Inventory

On Person: N/A

The Storyline


Tenka Chinoike had been a wanderer all her life. She was part of a small village within the land of Tea. A small shinobi village which was a home for strays and runaways. She met others like her with her eyes learned of her heritage and power.  Many like her had been outcast  treated as demons for having dojutsu in the country side.  It was a community built upon trust and loyalty. However as is such in the shnobi war found it's way to their doorstep. Her village had been gone burnt to the ground and as such she was free to wander the world.Everything had been lost and burnt to the ground. Her and the few survivors would all go on their separate ways to explore and live life freely.

Living the ordinary life of a vagabond she found work where she could scraping by with effort. She preferred to keep moving always trying to hide her true lineage. At times she would dawn a mask when doing work and would cover her skin and hair. Her name became the 'Crimson Wraith'. Famous for her use of water style and blood many nations and unsavory individuals sought for her. Making her journey's perilous but also peaceful for when she would get by as Tenka.  She always took care to avoid the major shinobi nations for fear of equal powered individuals hunting her.

After some years she had searched for a place to call home to settle down. Hearing of a new shinobi village the wanderer found her to the Village of Moon. Not only this but she sent word to her surviving sisters. Remnants of her home with a chance to not hide. Due to her prowess and renown as a bodyguard she was assigned to protect the gates and would keep her new home safe. So that way this way if any of her sisters came to this place. She would be the first to greet them with a smile, a hug and welcome home.

Topics: Topics the NPC has participated in are linked here.

Last edited by Azuki Shinoda on Tue May 28, 2024 2:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Tenka Chinoke Empty Re: Tenka Chinoke

Tue May 28, 2024 2:30 pm
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