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Infinite Tenka Yazui?!  Empty Infinite Tenka Yazui?!

Tue Oct 11, 2022 10:08 pm

Infinite Tenka Yazui?!  A9ZAf7m

Infinite Tenka Yazui?!  RlNMUAA

Arantima was standing in a room that was 40 meters Square and had square patterns on the floor that were about 1 meter spaced apart cutting the floor into clearly designated zones that marked where you were from the center of the room.  Arantima himself was settled in the center of the room wearing his Tenkai No ma robes and held no weapons on him save for his demons claws. He was standing in the center of the building just staring out towards the entrance of the building.

He had his hands clasped gently behind his back as he seemed to be waiting for someone or something. He had left a message on Tenka's door this morning that he would like to meet with him in the training grounds main training room, where he now was and he was going to wait for Tenka there until he either had showed up or night had completly fallen at which point he would leave and know that Tenka was not interested in training with him. He waited for the time being, hoping that Tenka would show up and at least talk for a few minutes.

Arantima was wearing his Robes and had no weapons on him save for the Demons claws and this was by seeming design, the room itself was also fairly barren so that the training space was completely clear of any obstacles or cover so that they wouldn't have to focus on terrain or any other distractions from what was going to potentially occur. The room itself had some small grated openings near the roof for ventilation but only had a single entrance and no windows for which to sneak up on him with.

Infinite Tenka Yazui?!  RlNMUAA


Current Health Bar: 300/300  | AP: 890/890

Vigor: 25 |  Chakra: 100 | Speed: 150 | Strength: 25 | Throwing Speed: 115 | Throwing Distance: 57 Meters | Jumping Distance/Height 42 Meters

Infinite Tenka Yazui?!  A9ZAf7m
Vagabond (D-Rank)
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Stat Page : The Drifter
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Infinite Tenka Yazui?!  Empty Re: Infinite Tenka Yazui?!

Fri Oct 14, 2022 3:49 am
"This is spoken dialogue."
"This is internal dialogue."

Yazui would walk through the long hallway leading to the training room with measured, deliberate steps. This morning, an unexpected messenger had arrived at his door. A small owl, much like the one he had seen Mizuki summon during his first day here. The owl had a messenger to him from the Kyuketsuki called Arantima for a training session together. Yazui had been anticipating this moment; Arantima had mentioned wanting to spar with each of the newcomers the very day they arrived. Now that the moment was here, Yazui felt nervous. His fighting skills were rusty and he knew it, and Arantima came off as something of a hardass. The Tenka wasn’t expecting to flat-out win, but he at least wanted to leave a good impression and not be humiliated.

As Yazui would come closer to the entrance of the room, his footsteps would begin to echo from its barren walls. A moment later, the man would walk into the room. He would take a few steps from the entrance, stopping at two meters from the entrance. His eyes would glide across it before finally landing on Arantima who had been standing at the exact center of the room facing the entrance.

“Heh… well, it’s not like I could ambush you even if I wanted to…”  Yazui thought this in regards to the barren, one-entrance room as much as the lack of faith he had in his own abilities right now compared to the demon.

“Good morning.”, he would say to greet Arantima. If the demon would take his time to observe his opponent, he would be able to see how Yazui was wearing the exact same clothes he had been wearing earlier; a red traveling cloak, beige kimono shirt, dark, baggy pants and boots. His round, reflective sunglasses rested on his face and around his neck was a scarf. All these articles of clothing had been present the first time the two met, yet if the demon was observant he would notice how they looked a lot cleaner than before. The same went for Yazui himself who had lost the layer of grime that was so telling of the years he had spent on the run.

“So, you wanna get right into it?”, Yazui would say with a smirk as he began performing a side arm stretch on his left arm. For all the doubt he was feeling, outwardly he appeared quite confident and relaxed.

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Infinite Tenka Yazui?!  Empty Re: Infinite Tenka Yazui?!

Sat Oct 15, 2022 10:37 pm

Infinite Tenka Yazui?!  A9ZAf7m

Infinite Tenka Yazui?!  RlNMUAA

Arantima looked at Yazui as he entered the room and tilted his head towards the man as he asked if he wanted to get right into it. Arantima smiled but was shaking his head gently before he looked Tenka up and down and clicked his tongue in appreciation for the man having cleane himself up from all the road grime and dust. "Not exactly quite yet. Trainign is as much about the mind as it is about physicality.  So Id like to ask a question or two before he begin if that is ok with you? If you would rather start.. please feel free to come at me instead of answering if that is your desire."

The tone in Arantima's voice at the option to fuck around and find out was intensly close to the same inflection of fuck around and find the fuck out, it might be better to play the questions game first. "First question is.. What is your Focus as a ninja? And the second, is..  What do you think the purpose of the rooms design is please take some time to inspect it if you'd like." The questions were asked genuinely with no ulterior motive sounding from them and no real expectation, though the design of the room sounded as if there were right and wrong answers to this question.

Arantima didnt cross his arms, though with the clawed gloves he wore that could be easily accounted for by the blades that ran up the lengths of his arms. He stared at Tenka intently as he waited for Tenka to either fuck around and find out or to answer the questions that he was presenting the man. "Likewise.. If there are any requests or rules you might have for this sparring match please let me know.. If i find that we need to slow down for my own sake i will request it, and will give you the same courtesy. If you need me to slow down do not feel slighted by that or shamed..  this is a chance for us to see where we stand and for us to get acquainted with one another, not a death match after all"

Infinite Tenka Yazui?!  RlNMUAA


Current Health Bar: 300/300  | AP: 890/890

Vigor: 25 |  Chakra: 100 | Speed: 150 | Strength: 25 | Throwing Speed: 115 | Throwing Distance: 57 Meters | Jumping Distance/Height 42 Meters

Infinite Tenka Yazui?!  A9ZAf7m
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : The Drifter
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Infinite Tenka Yazui?!  Empty Re: Infinite Tenka Yazui?!

Sun Oct 16, 2022 9:55 am
Yazui was content with Arantima asking his question first. If anything, his suggestion to get right to it wasn’t impatience but more an attempt to sound confident as well as allowing Arantima to decide the flow of this encounter. Where he was at now, the Tenka felt more comfortable letting others act and observe and react rather than take the initiative. This was part of his personality in general, but the fact that he was unfamiliar with Arantima both as a shinobi and as a person made it a logical approach. Not so long ago, this man had been glaring daggers at Kinko and Yazui and had been perfectly willing to murder them. While Arantima had accepted Yazui as part of Yugure for the time being, likely due to Mizuki having expressed her trust in him, Yazui was still on his guard in regards to this man.

He would cross his arms as he let the man say what he had to say. His expression was blank and his body language closed off but otherwise neutral. A quick glance at the ceiling at hearing Arantima’s question would indicate that he was pondering his answer. He would wait until the Kyuketsuki was completely finished before answering.

“My focus…. I suppose I want to be part of something greater than myself.” It wasn’t a lie. In comparison to the rest of Yugure, Yazui at first glance had the least reason to be here since he lacked the blood relationship to Mizuki and the rest. He felt that if he wanted these Kyuketsuki to trust him, he would have to convince them he was as much a member of Yugure as they were.
“In regards to this room….”, he would say while looking across it. “I’d say it’s a training room. And judging by the likes of dummies, targets and obstacles or anything to hide behind, I’d say it’s exclusively designed for sparring matches with an emphasis on straightforward combat.”

Finally, he would move on to the subject of combat. “As for our match, I merely wish to find out where I stand and improve from there. As long as we don’t kill each other or inflict any sort of lasting damage or handicap, I have no rules to suggest. If during this fight I encounter a technique that would have killed me in a real fight, it just means I’ve been given the chance to prepare for the next time I see it.”


Last edited by Tenka Yazui on Wed Oct 19, 2022 6:33 am; edited 1 time in total
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Infinite Tenka Yazui?!  Empty Re: Infinite Tenka Yazui?!

Sun Oct 16, 2022 1:58 pm

Infinite Tenka Yazui?!  A9ZAf7m

Infinite Tenka Yazui?!  RlNMUAA

Arantima looked Yazui over as he gave his answers, Much like when he had asked Kinko the same question he was looking to see how they would answer. Yazui it seemed foncused more on the abstract here and that was good enough for Tima right now.. He would find out the Focus of Yazui's training as it came out in the spar.  He nodded to the answer and when Yazui looked around the room and gave his answer for that Tima was satisfied with the answer well enough.

"Almost perfectly correct. There are two things that it adds to this description. The square marks in the floor are to assist in creating a picture of distance that you can clearly understand. Each is a Meter apart from the other..  Allowing you to do quick calculations of distance based on them and then use that depth perception to help you accurately create a series of those marks in your mind when you dont have them to still create a good margin for measurement.  The second..  Is to Limit the ability of a Ninja like myself to play games of Keep away. The Clawed Gauntlets being my Primary weapon are also to facilitate this.. While it also limits your range of total motion I did not see a large quantity of Kunai on you so I dont suppose you to be a long range fighter, which is why I selected this room." He smiled towards Tenka before spreading his arms out to the sides slowly and wiggling each bladed finger sprightly.

He nodded to Tenka's admission of only wishing no lasting harm to come to him and flexed his arms around as he stretched gently. "Alright then with the prelimary explanations and rules set forward I'm going to call this match begun.. You Can come at me however you feel comfortable, Just remember that whenever you get within Ten meters of me, Your heart will give you away.. The Kyuketsuki are predators of men.  Your heart is our symphony.. or better stated.. A dinner bell." Arantima was smirking darkly, but with a genuine jovialty that was.. hard to disconnect from the deadly dangerousness that came off of him.. Like looking at a clinically insane serial killer with a bloody dripping knife that just asked you how your mother was doing, and was genuinely asking..

Infinite Tenka Yazui?!  RlNMUAA


Current Health Bar: 300/300  | AP: 890/890

Vigor: 25 |  Chakra: 100 | Speed: 150 | Strength: 25 | Throwing Speed: 115 | Throwing Distance: 57 Meters | Jumping Distance/Height 42 Meters

Infinite Tenka Yazui?!  A9ZAf7m
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : The Drifter
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Infinite Tenka Yazui?!  Empty Re: Infinite Tenka Yazui?!

Wed Oct 19, 2022 6:37 am
At hearing Arantima’s words, Yazui first felt a chill running up his spine. The difference between these Kyuketsuki and himself had never been mentioned so explicitly, yet it had always been on the back of his mind. It had been something of an unspoken threat. Yazui had blood. The Kyuketsuki drank blood. Now that Arantima had made this explicit threat, it was like confirming the nagging fear that had been in the back of his mind.

However, the chill passed. And what replaced it was a sharp red hotness in the back of his head. Anger at the guts of this man to refer to him as mere prey. Yazui wasn’t an ordinary man. He was a shinobi. He was out of practice, but he had sharpened his teeth in the trenches of war. He had taken lives, he had tortured. He had seem allies die around him. He was a soldier. And now, he was a member of Yugure. Even if he wouldn’t be able to defeat Arantima flat-out, he wasn’t going to hide like some scared rabbit.

And so, after a brief hesitation, Yazui would coldly glare back at the deranged looking individual. His head tilted slightly forward, which would allow Arantima to see the icy blue eyes behind the glasses leering into his own.

During this stare-off, Yazui would count the square tiles leading up to Arantima and beyond. Forty in total. With Yazui having moved two tiles into the room and Arantima being in the center, this left eighteen meters in between the two. There was silence as the two stared at each other. Meanwhile the wheels in Yazui were turning, trying to figure out the best first move. The first step would be to find out how Arantima preferred to attack or react to incoming moves. A genjutsu would work just fine, with the added bonus of straining the demon’s chakra reserves.

”Alright then… lets see how you react… to this..”

The man would suddenly throw a single kunai at Arantima. The blade would travel at 40 speed and 20 range. Immediately afterwards, Yazui would form the monkey, ox, snake and rat seals. Upon forming the final seal, Arantima would begin to feel overwhelming fear. Paralyzing fear. The fear that caused night terrors. Like there was a raging, feral dragon facing him instead of a short, hippy-looking dude wearing old traveling clothes. And as the demon was paralyzed, Yazui couldn’t help but wonder how it was for him to feel like prey.


Jutsu used:

Last edited by Tenka Yazui on Wed Nov 02, 2022 5:14 am; edited 1 time in total
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Infinite Tenka Yazui?!  Empty Re: Infinite Tenka Yazui?!

Thu Oct 20, 2022 7:18 pm

Infinite Tenka Yazui?!  A9ZAf7m

Infinite Tenka Yazui?!  RlNMUAA

Arantima watched Tenka as he strode across the floor as he tucked his hands in behind his back as if to clasp them gently, like a polite method of waiting to see what was going on, But behind his back Arantima would slip a hand into his robes and retrieve a small bundle of 5 Makibishi and spread them between his fingers swiftly and easily, leaving one tucked into the palm of his left hand, while the other Four were held between the gaps of his fingers and thumb with his hand held flat.

When Tenka stopped and reached to remove the kunai Arantima waited and as soon as the throw was loosed he Threw his own Makibishi in a single arm stroke. The First Makibishi was aimed directly for the Thrown Kunai and the other three that were thrown were each aimed at different parts of tenka's body. The first for his shoulder and the other two were aimed at each of his thighs respectively, Arantima was a Master of weapons and to throw each of these in a single arm stroke was child play however the speed of these projectiles was immense.

Each Makibishi was travelling at 115 Speed and would continue that speed for quite some time. The Main problem was that while Tenka Was forming his hand seals These Makibishi would be hurtling towards him and the one that was aimed at his own Kunai would not only Hammer into the kunai and knock it off course but with a Hammering Impact force of 75 would Smash the Kunai into pieces as it continued traveling through the shattered remnants of the Thrown blade.  Arantima was standing Stock still as the Paralysing fear washed over him and his eyes drew up wide.

Arantima tried to step backward as the fear hit him like a truck only to realise that.. Tenka was also not moving.. He had a jutsu that was like this but worked far less easily and suddenly he realized what was happening.. He smirked inwardly and yet his gaze moved to the Makibishi that were about to make Tenka regret being unable to move, becuase even if Arantiam was not able to move.. Tenka could not either.. And Tenka was now looking down the path of Four makibishi that while they would not kill him, they would hurt like hell.

Infinite Tenka Yazui?!  RlNMUAA


-5 AP to utilize armor trait to retrieve a bundle of Makibishi from storage displacement.

Current Health Bar: 300/300  | AP: 885/890

Vigor: 25 |  Chakra: 100 | Speed: 150 | Strength: 25 | Throwing Speed: 115 | Throwing Distance: 57 Meters | Jumping Distance/Height 42 Meters

Infinite Tenka Yazui?!  A9ZAf7m

Last edited by Arantima on Thu Oct 20, 2022 7:19 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Forgot to edit word count)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : The Drifter
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Infinite Tenka Yazui?!  Empty Re: Infinite Tenka Yazui?!

Sun Oct 30, 2022 7:59 am
Just as the kunai left Yazui’s hand, Arantima counterattacked with a volley of his own projectiles. One was on a direct collision course with the kunai, the others heading for different parts of his body. Knowing his paralysis genjutsu would lock him in place as well, Yazui would cancel his string of handseals before the jutsu was even complete and would instead sidestep two meters to his right. He would see the makibishi that was aimed for the kunai smash right through it. This posed a problem. The man’s proficiency with thrown weapons was clear, so attacking him from a distance with thrown weapons was pointless. He would just counterattack with more speed and power.

Unless he could catch him off guard.

After stepping out of the way of the makibishi, Yazui would dash 8 meters forward. His hands would form another string of hand seals as he was moving, his eyes would be fixed on Arantima, his body ready to react to any counterattack that would come in the meantime. The hand seals would finish while Yazui was fourteen meters from Arantima. A lens of water would form halfway between the duo at seven meters from Arantima’s location. This lens was rigged with a genjutsu; if Arantima would look into the lens, he would suddenly see ten exact copies of Yazui form within ten meters of him. These ten clones would seemingly form out of the environment, rising from between the ground like liquid shadows. They would surround Arantima, not forming a perfect circle but still covering all his sides and giving him seemingly no chance to escape without colliding with one of them. They would stumble towards the demon at ten speed. Three of these copies would be lined up diagonally to the right of the lens, blocking Arantima’s view of that area.

After casting the lens, if uninterrupted, Yazui would sidestep one meter to his right. From behind the clones he would throw two shuriken. The first one was clearly visible and, the second was hidden in the first one’s shadow forming the true attack of this gambit. If left uninterrupted they would both dig into Arantima’s upper right leg, hurting him and crippling the leg in question for the remainder of the fight. Both would travel towards Arantima at forty speed.

Jutsu used:

Last edited by Tenka Yazui on Wed Nov 02, 2022 5:13 am; edited 1 time in total
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Ryo : 54000

Infinite Tenka Yazui?!  Empty Re: Infinite Tenka Yazui?!

Mon Oct 31, 2022 12:15 am

Infinite Tenka Yazui?!  A9ZAf7m

Infinite Tenka Yazui?!  RlNMUAA

Arantima smirked as Tenka hopped to the left and As soon as Tenka started to make that motion Arantimas left hand weaved through Tiger > Snake > Dragon signs and as he finishes a stream of water pours freely out of his mouth landing in a large pool at his feet.  As Tenka is darting forward Another version of Arantima is being created before His very eyes.  The Clone is just fully formed, facing Arantima himself as the jutsu finishes the creation. The True Arantima spots the Lens forming and instinctively gives it a cursory Glance, his mistake..

Arantima Sees the Spectres forming around himself even as the Clone is Darting To meet Tenka, however this Clone only has Half of Arantima's Speed but even so moves as swiftly as Tenka at 75 speed as it crosses the Gap of fourteen meters between himself and Tenka, unimpeded and unphased by the Genjutsu that currently Plagues The real Tima. The True Tima looks around and sees the forms of Tenka starting to crawl out of the floors and blinks a moment, shaking his head.

He Takes a sniff of the air and while he cant sense blood or feel a heart beat. This could be an advanced Clone jutsu or some kind.. So he couldnt exactly put his guard down just yet. Tima still had the Single Makibishi in his hand that he held back from the Throw before and Jettisoned it towards the closest Genjutsu copy of Tenka, while he looked over his shoulder at his clone with a smirk. The Clone was Closing the Gap between itself and Tenka swiftly and when Tenka threw the Shuriken towards the Real Tima he Dove to Slash the First clear out of the air without putting himself in its way..

The Speed this Clone could move would allow it to do just this and the Slash would knock the shuriken from the air, though it wouldnt shatter the tool this time.  However the Slash would allow the Second hidden shuriken to pass by, and yet the clone did not call out a warning it simply turned from the Shuriken and smirked at Tenka as it rushed for the man anew, just seeking to close distance for the time being it seemed. Just as The Shearing Strike of the clone occured the real Arantima turned and Tenka could feel that his Genjutsu was broken just as the sound of a Makibishi clunking into the wooden floorboards was heard.

"Clever trick that! But Genjutsu only works once or twice.. Now you face an opponent more your speed.. Dont be too afraid to cross blades with him, You should be able to fend him off if you are swift enough." The real tima chuckled a moment as he ran his clawed hand through his hair.  The Shadow of the first shuriken no longer being there to stop Tima from seeing the second allowed him to not just block the Shuriken but pluck it plainly from the air like a bird plucking a fish from a river.

Infinite Tenka Yazui?!  RlNMUAA


-10 to release a D rank genjutsu
-5 for being under the effects of a D rank Genjutsu

20-25% = 15 ap to create a Water clone

Water clone has Half of my Stats and 250 AP

Current Health Bar: 300/300  | AP: 855/890

Vigor: 25 |  Chakra: 100 | Speed: 150 | Strength: 25 | Throwing Speed: 115 | Throwing Distance: 57 Meters | Jumping Distance/Height 42 Meters

Infinite Tenka Yazui?!  A9ZAf7m
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : The Drifter
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Infinite Tenka Yazui?!  Empty Re: Infinite Tenka Yazui?!

Wed Nov 02, 2022 5:27 am
Yazui wasn’t surprised that while he was closing the distance, Arantima was making some moves of his own. Enemies don’t just stand still while you launch your attacks. Part of combat and part of this training was seeing how he would adapt to the constant changes and shifts on the battlefield. Focusing his attention on Arantima’s newly made clone, he would see it swipe one of the shuriken out of the air. The remaining one would still be on a crash course with Arantima’s leg, but Yazui already had a feeling it wouldn’t land. His opponent was fast both in movement and reaction and even with the genjutsu distracting him would be able to spot the shuriken heading towards him.

A moment later, he could feel Arantima breaking his genjutsu. He gave a wry smile as his second gambit had failed, yet he wouldn’t give up yet. He would hear Arantima talk about his clone being on a more even footing with him and it awakened something in him. His competitive streak was coming up. He suspected from the start that he wouldn’t be able to take on the demon in a fair fight based on the speed of his movement, but that didn’t mean he would get stuck fighting some clone. Judging from his words that Arantima would stay on the background while letting the clone do the dirty work, Yazui felt the freedom to focus fully on taking the thing down. He was still keeping the real Arantima in his periphery at all times should he still make a move himself.

After having thrown his shuriken, Yazui would have drawn two kunai from his pouch, one held in each hand. He would adopt a boxing stance, raising the two kunai near his face and appearing to brace himself to face the approaching clone in melee combat. He would wait until the clone was two meters away from him. He then took a single step forward with his right foot, a feint, before pushing back with the same foot and dashing half a meter back. He would then sprint to his left at 81 speed, circling around the still remaining water lens. If the clone would follow him with its eyes, it would gaze into the lens once more and be subjected to the same illusion as its creator. This time, ten copies would surround the clone with three of them in a cluster to the right of the lens at the side where Yazui would emerge. He would then charge at the clone. He would throw the first kunai, in his right hand, at one and a half meters distance at the clone’s head before lowering his body. Once he would come into range he would use the other kunai to open the clone’s torso from above the left hip across its stomach to the right side of its chest.


Jutsu used:

Editors note: When I started the thread I had miscalculated the total AP I had at the time, updated all posts with actual AP
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