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Missing-Nin (E-rank)
Missing-Nin (E-rank)
Stat Page : Rio Jugo
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Part Of The Crew  - Page 2 Empty Re: Part Of The Crew

Fri Aug 30, 2024 12:37 am
The captain seemed fairly pleased with Rio's proposal to him. He was excited to possibly work on a ship this grand. Especially with fellow Shinobi it seemed. He stood there in a calm relaxed stance. Attempting to decipher what was so special about the ship he was aboard. There was something interesting about it and its crew. He nodded at the Captain's acknowledgment of him. He turned his head back to the girl, as she spoke of being an alchemist and going to the Land of Moon. Interesting, the boy thought. He wondered what she may be able to teach him or show him. Either way, he would be enthralled he was sure of that. He turned his attention back to the Captain and his first mate.

The first mate had walked forward and posed a question to the both of them. Rio had to think. Was he here for the long haul or the short one? He took a second to think, and then unless the girl was answering he would answer the question.

"I'm here for as long as you desire my presence and it doesn't conflict with my enjoyment of life. Of course, I'll work hard at whatever task I'm assigned to. But I also have the self-respect to realize when I need to move to a new situation. But as long as I'm treated fair. I'll do my very best. If that seems fair to you?" he said this calmly and with a look of wonder as the two had to now answer him.

He stood a little straighter, as he could feel their eyes on him as he listened for their answer.

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Nature Stacks: 3/6
Kyoko Dokuja
Kyoko Dokuja
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Research Notes
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Ryo : 500

Part Of The Crew  - Page 2 Empty Re: Part Of The Crew

Sat Aug 31, 2024 5:28 pm
As the captain acknowledged her statement, Kyoko offered him a slight nod. Though she knew many people saw her trade as unless, she couldn’t help but be obsessed with her various creations. Her attention would shift to the man she assumed to be Auron as the captain asked for his input about allowing both her and Rio to be onboard. She felt as if Rio had a better shot of being let on if they decided to only keep one of them seeing as he had significantly more experience than her. Though she hoped that they found her intriguing enough to give her a shot as well.

A slight smirk crossed her lips as he simply mentioned that they seemed “alright” but was concerned about their dedication to the ship. This wasn’t exactly what she had hoped to hear but she supposed it was better than a no. When she had first boarded, she had no intention of actually joining a crew, but she couldn’t help but feel attracted to the idea of finding a place for herself in this world. However, that was a bit of an idealized view of what could happen so she felt unsure about dedicating herself to something so suddenly.

Her eyes shifted to Rio as he thankfully spoke up first, giving her a few moments to mentally concoct a response. To her, he sounded as if he was trying to sell them the idea of having him around which she supposed she should do as well. Where Rio had come aboard looking to join, Kyoko had only approached to seek passage. She didn’t want to lie to them and tell them she’d be dedicated no matter what because that simply wasn’t the case. The only thing or person Kyoko had been loyal to was herself, though she was unsure of how much of that was from being isolated her entire life.

The panic racing through her mind wouldn’t be seen on her face as she seemingly listened to Rio speak. If the others began talking, she’d wait for them to finish before speaking up once more. Her tone was calm compared to when she spoke of her occupation and not a hint of depiction could be heard in her words.

”In all honesty I was really only looking for safe passage when I first boarded. I suppose I just assumed nobody would actually want to have me join them due to my inexperience. However, should we find that we all get along, and you believe me to be a good fit for the crew, I’d be more than happy to stick around. I’ll help where I can and am more than willing to learn a thing or two if needed.”

Though she knew telling them that she wasn’t already dedicated to the ship wasn’t the best selling point, she hoped they’d respect her honesty. She wanted things to go well here, not only because she needed a ride, but because she craved companionship. For years she had been on her own, and she knew that her loneliness was starting to take a toll on her mentally so she needed some sort of change. Maybe missing the ship she was supposed to leave on would turn out to be a good thing for her after all.

WC: 554
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Kyoko Dokuja
Kyoko Dokuja
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Research Notes
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Part Of The Crew  - Page 2 Empty Re: Part Of The Crew

Today at 1:16 am
Kyoko noticed a moment of hesitation from the crew members before her, she figured her lack of dedication dissuaded them from welcoming her with open arms. She’d offer them a soft smile before breaking the silence once more.

”Honestly I don’t know if I’m the kind of person you’re looking for. I’ve never really been known as a hard worker, and manual labor doesn’t sound too appealing. I appreciate you taking the time to listen to my request, and I do hope to run into you guys again soon.  Thank you, and I wish you safe travels.”

Kyoko offered them a quick bow and a small wave before walking off the ship. Moon County could be an eventual destination, for now, she could simply try to sell some of her wares at the nearby black market and try to make some Ryo. Eventually, she’d step off the pier and head off towards The Hotsprings.


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