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Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 89906

They are bothering my meditation Empty They are bothering my meditation

Mon Jun 03, 2024 9:29 pm
Youta would wake up earlier today than normal in the morning.  He was planning on looking at a few places to live, time to move out, and maybe start living his own life. Not that he was ever home that much, anyway.  But it seemed like it was time. He was very stressed and thought maybe some meditation in the garden would be good before the day truly got started, he had not checked in on his Yuumei lately, so he should probably make sure that that psychopath was still behaving and not doing too much damage to his psyche. he would tiptoe making sure not to wake up his adoptive parents.  He would grab a mat and head towards the gardens.  He loved the water by the gazebo and would head over that way, start meditation, and lose track of time.

He would start thinking when suddenly, “I am starting to get bored.  All these missions lately suck.” He would hear this in his mind and activate the monster and his Meigan accidentally, and his power would show, “Izumi, it is nice to see you again.” “Yeah, yeah, I can see you stressed. Do you know what would help with that? Draining a shinobi dry of their chakra,” you would say, “I do not think that would help. But there will be time for that in the tournament.  I’ll need your help with that combat. But I know you will be there, it is not like you have much choice. So, I heard something.”  He would hear something around him but would pay it no mind.  But he would start being quieter, hoping they didn’t listen to him talking to himself. Be he was not sure how long they had been there.  

Kayori Hatake
Kayori Hatake
Stat Page : Kayori's Studies
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

They are bothering my meditation Empty Re: They are bothering my meditation

Tue Jun 04, 2024 1:56 am
It was a beautiful sunny morning in Hoshigakure as Kayori rose from her bed. As normal she’d begin her morning routine with a quick 2-mile jog around the neighborhood then a nice cold shower to ensure she was fully awake. After getting dressed she’d say a prayer to Amaterasu before then having a lovely breakfast with her family. Today she had only a few things to attend to, one of them being a quick trip to the flower gardens to acquire a basket full of of flower petals for an upcoming ceremony. Once breakfast was over, she’d give a quick goodbye to her parents before walking out into the radiating sun and heading toward the gardens.

To any who examined her, they’d see a rather tall, young-looking woman. She has platinum blonde hair that is partially tied into a ponytail, secured by a pin with a small sun pendant hanging from it. Her bright blue eyes sparkled in the morning sun, and her pale, smooth skin looked almost like it was glowing. Adorning her body is a finely made white dress with a corset binding her torso tightly that matched the color of her radiant eyes. The top of the dress hugged tightly around her upper arms, exposing her shoulders and collarbones slightly. A beautiful golden necklace with a sun pendant could be seen adorning her neck and resting gently on her chest.

Thankfully it wouldn’t take her too long to arrive since she knew the route quite well. After exchanging a handful of ryo for a basket of petals, Kayori made her way to the center of the grounds. There was a quaint gazebo there that sat near one of the most beautiful ponds, and she often liked to visit when she had the chance. However, as she arrived, due to being enamored by her surroundings she ended up tripping and sending her basket flying.

Thankfully she managed to land on her rear, but most of the flower petals had been scattered on the ground around her. Some decorated her body, even managing to get intertwined into her hair. She looked a bit embarrassed as she quickly complied and began picking the petals off of her body with a frustrated sigh. Scanning her immediate surroundings, she hoped that nobody she knew had seen what just happened, though if she made eye contact with anyone familiar she’d immediately become flustered.

WC: 400
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

They are bothering my meditation Empty Re: They are bothering my meditation

Tue Jun 04, 2024 10:04 pm
Joro had been making his rounds as usual around the village. He had stopped by his house to pick up a bit of money. Something around the line of 25,000 ryo. Just had a feeling he would need it for something, but who knows? As the day drew to an end he thought it would be nice to take Stout to the water gardens, so he could play around while Joro did some meditating perhaps. As he teleported over to the water gardens, he appeared as soon as Kayori was falling. Saddened by the random tripping or falling of his friend he quickly teleported to her side. The pedals falling all to the ground. Joro put one hand on her back as she was sitting on her butt. Rubbing her back softly and in a comforting way like mother used to.

"Hey, you alright there? Flowers petals are pretty," he said, picking one of them up and looking into Kayori's eyes. He noted the beautiful color and continued to comfort Kayori. At this time he would reach for her hand, hoping to help her up if she would allow. If she would allow then he would gently help her to her feet, hoping to ease the woman from the flustered expression she wore. Hoping a bit of flattery would help to make the woman feel less embarrassed by her tumble. Joro said in a soft but fun voice, "You look quite beautiful this morning, Kayori," blushing a bit as he said it, she did look quite marvelous.

As they both stood up, he would let go of her hand so as not to be weird. But he felt himself wanting to hold her hand longer. Linger, holding her hand down the street. Oh, his mind could be quite imaginative, he reminded himself though that right now they were just friends nothing more. He stood there taking her in, her simple yet elegant beauty mesmerizing everyone who walked by. Joro didn't look too bad as he wore a dark loose-fitting linen green shirt caressing his chest and midsection. He had a toned and classic fit body, he wore long-styled khaki-colored pants. Ones that fell just at his ankles like he was ready for the beach. Which complemented his reddish-blonde hair, as he fixed it by running his hands through it he asked the young woman what she was up to.

"So, before the fall, where were you heading?" he said, giving her a cheeky smile. Wondering if she had been in a hurry or something else.

Ciel Uchiha
Ciel Uchiha
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Nightmare Demons
Familiar : Sebastian
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Clan Specialty : Sharingan
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 46000

They are bothering my meditation Empty Re: They are bothering my meditation

Thu Jun 06, 2024 12:40 pm
"Yawnnnn" Ciel would grunt out, it had been an early start to his morning after having such a late night out at the training grounds. He been picked to do some local recon around the village with some other shinobi super early in the morning, but now that their job was finished he had already been up to long to go back to bed, so he decided a stroll through the beautiful water gardens would be a great way to start his morning after such a boring mission. He would make a quick stop back home to freshen up after running around the village through the early morning.

The sun was shining bright by the time Ciel had arrived at the gardens, thankfully for him he chose to wear a more casual outfit of just some light blue shorts and a white t shirt, a outfit he normally would wear but due to the heat he couldnt help but want a outfit that will help keep him cool. The gardens had been more lively this morning that previous ones with people scattered all through out the beautiful place. It didnt take long for Ciel to notice Youta not to far from him, but before Ciel could make his way over to his teammate and good friend he would notice a young women fall flat on her ass.

With a slight chuckle Ciel would make his way in her direction to see if she was okay but as he walked he couldnt help but wander what would of made the young women fall, because he didnt see anything in her path but before he could get close another person arrived to help her this time it was a young man. Not wanting to ruin the new guy moment of being her knight in shining armor , he would just make his way around them and would look towards youta. "Yoooo Youta , long time no see there pal", he would yell out waving to his friend. He hadnt realized it had been a good amount of time since the last they spoke and hope Youta had been doing well.

Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 89906

They are bothering my meditation Empty Re: They are bothering my meditation

Sun Jun 09, 2024 10:22 pm
Youta would notice some people running around and mostly try to ignore them. He would see Kayori, who he did not know well but knew well enough.  He would see her running and tripping.  All of a sudden, a young shinobi would catch her. It was Joro Youta who would think, “You sly dog you.” he would start laughing a little bit, seeing this whole comedic scene happening.  He would give up on meditation now that the park was starting to get more and more busy. People began to come in more and more. Everyone from shinobi to the nearby training grounds to other citizens came to enjoy the gardens and the beautiful water feature.  So, the park became more crowded, making meditation difficult.  

He would hear his name behind him and quickly turn around to see Ciel.  Who asked how he was doing? Youta would answer, “Hey, Ciel! It’s good to see you, buddy.  I am doing well it has been a wild trip and time since I saw you last.  I killed some guys and became chuunin, and they announced a NOVA tournament, and Ayato strongly implied that I should be a part of it. But you know how it goes, man. How are you doing? We should probably check on those two.”

WC 225
Kayori Hatake
Kayori Hatake
Stat Page : Kayori's Studies
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

They are bothering my meditation Empty Re: They are bothering my meditation

Thu Jun 20, 2024 2:46 am
Kayori jumped slightly as she felt a gentle hand on her back, turning around and looking up her eyes widened slightly as she realized it was Joro. He’d ask if she was alright and complimented her choice of flowers as he plucked one from her head. She felt embarrassed and her face clearly showed it as he held his hand out to help her up. After accepting it, he’d gently help her to her feet, and once stable she’d begin to speak up. Unlike her normal confident demeanor, her voice sounded sheepish and she stumbled over her words slightly.

”Oh uh good morning Joro, yes I’m fine.”

Her attention gaze remained on his as he complimented her, this seemingly made her more flustered as the blush further intensified. As he released her hand, she’d take a small step back and shift her attention to her clothes as she began dusting debris from her dress. She’d let out a nervous laugh as she began to speak, though she was unsure of exactly what to say.

”Thank you for the help, I swear I can be so clumsy sometimes… I appreciate the compliment as well, though there’s nothing too fancy about my attire.”

After compiling herself and picking her basket up from the ground, her gaze moved to meet his once more as he inquired about where she was heading. She immediately began to panic internally as she struggled to find the words to say. How was she supposed to tell him that she had just been wandering aimlessly through the gardens and tripped over nothing but air? Before responding she’d briefly look around, hoping to find an excuse to give him. Thankfully her gaze landed on the gazebo, and inside she saw two individuals talking with each other. She recognized one of them and Youta, a Chunin who had taken both her and Joro on her first mission. Looking up at Joro once more, Kayori offered him a sweet smile as she began to return to her normal radiant demeanor and spoke.

”Well I noticed Youta in the gazebo over there, I must have tripped over a rock or something. You’re quite familiar with him if I recall correctly, would you want to come with me? However, if you’re busy I completely understand, I suppose it’s kinda rude that I just assumed you were free.”

Should he accept, Kayori would offer him her arm as they walked toward the gazebo while using the other to carry her battered basket. Soon they found themselves standing before the two men, Kayori would allow Joro to speak up first since he was more familiar with Youta. However when she was able to chime in she’d speak up in her normal, melodic voice.

”Good morning Youta, I hope this day finds you well.” Turning her attention to Ciel, she offered him a delicate curtsy before smiling sweetly at him. ”It’s lovely to meet you, my name is Kayori, and you are?”

If Joro had accepted her arm she’d remain standing close by his side and continue to hold onto him if he allowed as she spoke.

WC: 536
Total WC: 4536
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

They are bothering my meditation Empty Re: They are bothering my meditation

Fri Jun 21, 2024 6:04 pm
Turning towards where the two young men were standing, Youta and Ciel, the woman pointed at them. "Ah, I see. Ciel and Youta. Yes, I'm very familiar with Youta and I've done a couple of missions with Ciel I believe nothing too adrenaline-charged. But yes, both are good shinobi on the up and up here in Hoshigakure," he said, offering the girl a sweet smile in return. Blushing a tad when she offered her arm to him, but not so much that it would be plastered on his face.

He would take her arm in gently, happy that they were walking arm and arm. Literally and figuratively to the gazebo where Youta and Ciel would be waiting for the pair. Joro could feel the blood rushing to his cheeks, but if she said anything he would just blame it on the heat. Hopefully, she didn't realize how pleasant he was to run into her. As they walked Stout followed closely behind the pair, hoping to see if Kayori had a treat like she usually did when he was around. Reminding Joro to give him a treat whenever they got home. As they walked up the stairs into the gazebo, Joro made sure to hold onto Kayori a little tighter so she wouldn't fall, again.

As they walked up it seemed Kayori wanted Joro to talk first as she didn't know Ciel all that well, and he knew Youta better. He knew the young Uchiha could be intimidating when allowed. The dark black hair and the mysteries behind his clan's dojutsu the Sharingan.

"Good morning!"

"Youta, Ciel,"
nodding at the both of them before continuing, "always a pleasure bumping into you two. What are you both up to this lovely morning?" he would return their responses in kind, and would wait for Kayori to introduce herself before he continued the conversation.

Kayori lingered next to him, as she talked she let go of his arm and resorted to one hand holding onto his arm and the other with her hand folded in his. Joro didn't know exactly how to feel, but he knew that it felt wonderful to have Kayori at his side. While they stood he would peer over to Kayori admiring her, and how she carried herself with such positivity and sweetness. Her presence between the two of them couldn't help but bring joy to Joro's face as they stood there talking with their comrades.


Ciel Uchiha
Ciel Uchiha
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Nightmare Demons
Familiar : Sebastian
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Clan Specialty : Sharingan
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 46000

They are bothering my meditation Empty Re: They are bothering my meditation

Fri Jul 12, 2024 12:40 pm
Ciel listened intently as Youta updated him about what he had been up to since they last saw each other. Ciel had expected Youta to have completed some tough missions, but he didn't expect Youta to have advanced to the rank of Chunnin. Nevertheless, Ciel was genuinely proud of his teammate for his accomplishments. "Congratulations, bro! I'm really happy for you. I haven't done anything too exciting, but I've definitely gotten a lot stronger since we last spoke. I won't say too much; you'll see when the NOVA tourney starts," he said with a confident smile as he heard Joro and his companion approaching.

The girl spoke first, greeting Youta. Ciel couldn't help but notice their intertwined arms, which brought a slight smile to his face. She introduced herself next, and Ciel reciprocated. "Pleasure to meet you. I'm Ciel. I see you've got yourself a boyfriend, I mean bodyguard," he said with a chuckle, wanting to tease the blushing Joro. Giving his full attention to Joro, he added, "Likewise, my friend. We were just discussing the upcoming Nova event. I hope I get to see you there as well." Not wanting to leave Kayori out of the conversation he looked back towards her, "That goes for you too, it would be nice to see what tricks you have up your sleave as well", he said eagly. He was eager to see Joro and the other shinobi of Hoshi at full strength, as he hadn't had the opportunity to see them in a serious situation.

Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

They are bothering my meditation Empty Re: They are bothering my meditation

Tue Jul 23, 2024 2:02 pm
Mid Thread Claim:
+625 to mastering (339) Demonic Illusion: Flower Garden [V7.2] for the second time for no handseals. 750/750 Progress from Here.

Leaving Remaining WC to final claims.
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 89906

They are bothering my meditation Empty Re: They are bothering my meditation

Tue Jul 23, 2024 2:15 pm
“Ah, thanks, man, that means a lot. I get it, though times have been busy. The nova tournament someone is confident, I cannot wait to watch some of your matches.”  Youta would say to Ciel that they started heading towards all the commotion caused by Joro and Kayori. But they seemed to be heading towards them. “Well, this ought to be interesting. I wonder what they could be looking for. Walking over arm in arm.”  He would wait for them to walk over.  And continue, “Well, good morning, Joro. It’s always good to see you. Kayori, it is nice to see you, too.”  Youta would let Ciel talk and have a conversation before answering Joro about what he was doing there. When he would make the boyfriend/ bodyguard joke, Youta would laugh but try to catch himself and then would try to cover with a cough.  

He would continue and say, “It has been a minute since I had a chance to meditate and work with the Yuumei with all the craziness lately between the wolf’s den and the promotion and moving into a place. I've been staying busy and thought it might be a peaceful morning to try to meditate. But the tournament would be fun. I just bought this new blade and armor.  I need to get powered up, but it seems to cut just fine right now. The nova tournament, I remember the last one.”  

WC 235
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