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Hibiki Sato
Hibiki Sato
Stat Page : Nightmare Circus

Mission Record : Mission Records
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Puppetry Remove Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Clanless
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 10925

A Toast! to Bandit Extermination! Empty A Toast! to Bandit Extermination!

Wed Jun 05, 2024 5:07 pm

Sweep left, sweep right and step. Sweep left, sweep right then step and turn before repeating the motions. Hibiki had heard many people say that talented ninja could fine insight and wisdom in even the most mundane of tasks. He liked to think he was fairly talented himself but training via basic chores still eluded him  and his brain hurt from straining on what lessons or martial insight was to be found from sweeping the floors of his families inn. “Are you sure this will make me better with my sword grandpa? Just feels like I am doing extra chores.” Hibiki looked at his grandfather suspiciously, Hibiki loved him dearly and he had often supported Hibiki’s attempts to avoid work and get up to mischief but his latest idea seemed out of character and the genin wondered if perhaps his mother had some hand in it.

Hibiki had been more than happy to begin taking on more dangerous missions but his mother had unsurprisingly not reacted with the same happiness and joy as Hibiki felt. She had been even more strict and Hibiki was convinced she was inventing additional chores to keep him home longer and prevent him from going on missions. Hibiki understood why his mother was this way and he had to be thankful that she did not openly try to hinder him from pursuing his dream of being a famous ninja and travelling around the world. Hibiki would simply have to put up with his mothers attempts to keep him home and safe but he knew his mind would not be changed, he had learned and seen to much to just settle down at the inn.

The secret lessons with old man Amaya had stopped for now and he had left the village for the time being, seemingly content at Hibiki’s growth and level of technical knowledge. The secrets of human puppetry still haunted him to some extent. He had the knowledge and skill to make himself practically immortal to age and illness but at the cost of never changing or growing old. His potential would be limited to his creations and he was uncertain he could truly remain himself if he took that final step and made himself into a living puppet. The temptation itched at him on occasion and he had no one to share the knowledge with, afraid the village would reject him for willingly becoming something….else. The greater fear remained that if he was successful, would he wish to impose the transformation on others he cared about.

Would he be able to let his family grow old and frail, to lose his grandfather, mother and father when there was the potential to give them stronger more durable bodies that did not age. What if people wanted him to transform them and he didn’t want to? Or worst of all, what if Hibiki decided to transform people against their will? Hibiki shuddered visibly with the thought and pushed it deep down to the back of his brain, thinking of anything else to distract himself from a possible future.

Hibiki felt some resentment towards old man Amaya  and he realised all the lessons and studies his teacher had directed him towards inevitably led to what Amaya considered to be the highest form of puppetry. Without the old mans instruction and diligence Hibiki would not be nearly half the ninja he was but then those dark thoughts likely would never have entered his head. “Why so glum? Sweeping isn’t that bad Hibiki and if you practices precise steps and make sure each stroke with the broom is identical to the others it will show results. I never said it was a quick solution but trust me it works.” Hibiki’s grandfather gestured to a group of elderly visitors sat with him before continuing. “We might not be ninja but discipline, hard work and ceaseless dedication to your work is not reserved only for people that can breathe fire and swing big swords!” His grandfathers word were met with grumbled and agreement, laughing and jibing as each of the group began bickering about who was more skilled at certain tasks with others defending or countering claims made.

The scene made Hibiki smile and forget his dark thoughts and troubles and he redoubled his efforts with the sweeping of the floor. Even if it felt pointless he would trust in his grandpa’s advice and try to learn from his wisdom.

The sweeping continued for a little while longer before Hibiki was able to find a moment to slip out the front door and head to the mission directory to see if he could perhaps pick up a mission or two before the day was through. Hibiki considered the available missions and found one whereby a local patron at the Drunken Kage seemed to have been causing trouble the last few nights, nothing serious enough to get him kicked out but being a bit of a nuisance once he had one too many cups of sake. Hibiki smiled mischievously, he had never been allowed into the Drunken Kage, his mother said it was a crass name and a crass place. Hibiki found this strange as his father visited the place every so often and she always let him go which certainly seemed unfair to Hibiki.
The young genin decided it was high time that he check the place out, for security reasons of course and his parents could hardly complain if he had no choice but to enter whilst on a mission. It also had the added benefit of being very close to the mission directory office and so Hibiki could finish the first mission swiftly. At least he hoped that would be the case.

The second mission he chose was much more serious and would perhaps provide him a chance to experience something he had been long avoiding, lethal combat. Hibiki had been planning to continue his path to becoming a chuunin and knew that once the exam begun he might be asked to do anything and was wary that he may hesitate to make the difficult decisions. This was made apparent during his short tour at guard duty and on reflection he worried that perhaps others in the village might mistake his charitable disposition for fear or lack of decisiveness, both were lethal to the reputation for a shinobi.
The mission involved rescuing a group of kidnapped villagers and killing the bandits who had stolen them to prevent them terrorizing the local villages. The thought of killing the bandits did not feel particularly good or bad but he wasn't uncertain how he would react when the time came. Would he spare them if they pleaded and begged? Or even worse, would he enjoy the power and feeling of killing someone? He shook his head before further dark thoughts entered his mind. The only way to know was to take the mission and find out for himself. Hibiki just hoped he would not let the village down and prayed silently to Raijin and Fuujin to grant him the strength and to guide his hand.

Hibiki took accepted the mission and made the short trip his way to the Drunken Kage, spring in his stride and ready to help the bartender who had sent the mission request to the office. Hibiki was certain the unruly drunkard would prove little trouble but he was determined to make sure he did a good job as he knew it was a popular location for high ranking ninja.

WC: 1254 TWC:1254 TMWC: 1254/3000
Hibiki Sato
Hibiki Sato
Stat Page : Nightmare Circus

Mission Record : Mission Records
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Puppetry Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Clanless
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 10925

A Toast! to Bandit Extermination! Empty Re: A Toast! to Bandit Extermination!

Thu Jun 13, 2024 7:59 pm
Hibiki took a few moments to compose himself before entering the Drunken Kage and attending to the drunken ninja causing trouble there. He took a breath and placed a stern smile on his face as he entered a place he had previously been forbidden from by his parents. He pushed open the door and entered the bar, allowing the smells and sights to wash over him as he tried to stifle his excitement.. His excitement was swiftly followed however with a  sense of disappointment as he looked around and simply saw chairs and tables with people drinking. It seemed no different to him than his family inn yet his parents told him this place was bad. Hibiki sighed and ignored his disappointment, instead choosing to focus on the mission at hand. Hibiki carefully weaved his way past servers and various villagers and ninja who moved amongst the bar, some seemed to stagger and sway and Hibiki avoided them deftly.

The Genin approached the bar and spotted a busy looking man wiping it down and arranging sake cups and bottles. “Good afternoon. I was sent here on a mission to assist with the removal of an individual who is causing trouble in your establishment. So uh, who am I supposed to be helping?” the bartender looked confused for a moment before his eyes widened and he leaned in closer, speaking quietly. “Yes thank you. See the man down there..” The bartender pointed to a particularly boisterous booth and Hibiki noted a polite yet uncomfortable  server was attempting to retreat form aloud drunken mad who seemed quite intent on carrying on the conversation.

“He is rarely too much trouble but he causes a great deal of disruption and to my servers and the tables around him. If he is not escorted home then he will likely get worse and has occasionally spilled drinks or interrupted conversations and gotten into arguments with our other patrons.” The bartender paused and sighed sadly before continuing in the same low conspiratory tone. “He returned from a mission a few months ago and has been like this since then. We never saw him much in here before then suddenly he started coming in almost every night. Something must have happened but he wont talk about it and instead prefers to joke or start fights. One time he passed out and was crying in his sleep. Make sure you get him home safely and try not to hurt him. I don’t think he is a bad person but clearly he is going through something tough but I cannot do much to help.”

Hibiki nodded. “Thanks, do you have his address?” The bartender quickly jotted down a series of directions onto a napkin and handed it to Hibiki before he returned to his work, moving quickly to catch up the orders that came in whilst he was discussing the matter with Hibiki. Realizing he had been effectively dismissed, Hibiki made his way to the drunken ninja and walked to the server and spoke clearly. “Sorry, the bartender said you need to help him with something very urgently. “Well then I have to go right away, sorry Toru, I need to go help out at the bar.” Ther serving lady gave Hibiki a thankful smile before heading back to the bar with what Hibiki considered to be an annoyed step in her stride, it was  an act he had seen his mother do many times before though in his opinion his mother was much scarier when angry and it was not unknown for her to brandish a serving tray or rolling pin as a weapon when sufficiently vexed.

Hibiki helped up the drunken ninja stand up by pulling at his arm and looping it over his shoulder, groaning slightly under the weight. “Come on Mr Toru, I need to get you home now.” Hibiki lifted Toru and began half shuffling, half carrying him out of the par despite Torus weak protests for one more drink. Thankfully Toru seemed amicable to being moved around or perhaps was simply used to this part of the evening and being escorted home well enough not to put up a real fight. Hibiki struck up conversation as they walked but did not expect much of a reply. “So whats so good about drinking anyway? I managed to sneak into the kitchen and tastes some sake once but it just burnt my throat and made me feel sick the next day. Then my mother found out and I got grounded, that’s was worse than being sick but I see people drink it a lot at my family’s inn. Does it taste better when you are older or something?”

“Pah! Sake is the nectar of the gods, Rajin’s sweat and Fuujin’s blood! It warms the body and cleanses the mind! A bottle or two and you don’t have to worry about anything anymore and can just enjoy yourself you know? Wow you are pretty short for a ninja huh. Anyway… wait what was I saying?” Hibiki focused on maintaining his feet as he was forced to sway and lean the opposite directions of Toru before responding. “You were explaining why sake is so good?” “Yes! It takes away doubt and worry and if you drink enough it can help you forget, at least for a little while. So many things I want to forget.” Hibiki felt a warm tear drop splash on his cheek and realised that Toru had begun sobbing very quietly by the time he finished his statement. Suddenly Toru swayed dangerously before collapsing on Hibiki, who was forced to dodge out the way as the Toru struck the floor, snoring softly and unconscious.

Hibiki sighed again and extracted his Jurogumo puppet form storage displacement before connecting his chakra strings and using its multiple arms to pick up Toru carefully and cradle him in the puppets six arms. It was getting dark as Hibiki set off down the road and gained several odd looks as the large feminine puppet carried a grown man whilst being led by a young boy. After a little while and several pauses to figure out directions, Hibiki had been able to locate Torus’s home and noticed lights on inside. Hibiki knocked on the door and waited a few minutes before knocking again. Eventually a woman opened the door and flinched slightly as she saw the puppet and rushed over to Toru. Her concern quickly vanished when she realised Toru was simply sleeping however. “Thank you for bringing him home.” Hibiki released Toru into the woman’s care at her request and gave a short and respectful bow to her before returning Jurogumo to his storage displacement and proceeding to carry out his next mission.

Hibiki headed out of the village and it was dark before he had arrived at his destination, a bandit hideout located in a small valley a short distance from several local villages scattered around the valleys. He took up a position, creeping along the cliff face and keeping close to the wall and watching the fires and signs of movement below. Hibiki was glad that there was no moon that night and Raijin had seen fit to bless Hibiki with a particularly loud storm that would easily limit their visibility and cover the noise of his movement. Hibiki remained crouched in a small rocky cleft, watching the cap for around two hours so he could note patrols and make out buildings. The storm appeared to have kept most of them inside which suited Hibiki and would make rescuing the kidnapped villagers a lot easier but would also make it tricky to pick off the bandits one by one as he had originally intended. Whilst he watched Hibiki steeled himself for the coming task. His mission was clear and he was determined to do his duty yet still he prayed silently to Fuujin’s swiftness and Raijins fury to guide his strikes and give him the strength he required.

As the third hour began Hibiki realised that he could put off the mission no longer and would gather no further information from watching, he reflected that perhaps he had not even required the second hour but had convinced himself to delay the inevitable. Hibi crept down the cliff like a spider, his surface walking allowing him to manoeuvre easily and he could not help but be reminded of the spider he had communicated on one of his previous missions. He snuck into the camp with little effort required, only two people were on watch and they seemed more preoccupied with huddling up the fire and maintains as much shelter as they could beneath worn straw hats and cloaks. Hibiki snuck up behind the first guard, his mind buzzing internally, willing himself to act as he crept up behind and placed his hand over the watchman’s mouth and slashed quickly with his kunai. As the warm blood splashed over his hands and last screams died out as quiet gurgling form the bandits throat he felt a weight drop in his stomach and felt sick.

Hibiki retreated into his mind and thought back on his training with old man Amaya and he whispered a phrase quietly under his breath as he stood in the rain, feeling the body fall limp under his grasp. “People are just puppets with organic mechanisms, sinew instead of wire, muscles instead of gears brains instead of threads and flesh instead of wood.” He repeated the mantra over and over again, even as he dragged the body from view and washed his hands in the rain. He noticed a slight shake at first and so fell back into his medical training, analysing the processes and reactions from a purely anatomical and scientific approach. Once he entered the same mindset Hibiki used during autopsies he noticed the shaking stopped and he was ready to move on. The bandits were just puppets before the strings were cut and Hibiki simply had to consider them as such and the rest would be easy.

Hibiki located the captured villagers without too much trouble, they had been placed in what appeared to be an hastily constructed cage with barely any roof to speak off other than the wooden bars. As he approached he placed his hand over his lips and showed his headband prominently and this spurred the villagers on to listen and remain quiet. Hibiki removed Mokumokuren from his storage displacement, moving into the puppet to move it from within and looking quite monstrous in appearance, only highlighted to be even more terrifying by the rain and flashes of lightning. Hibiki broke the lock on the cage with his sword and instructed the villagers to head a short distance into the woods and informed them he would meet them there. Once the villagers had escaped the camp Hibiki set about finishing the mission, eager to complete it as soon as possible. He managed to catch the remaining watchmen unawares as well, dispatching them quickly with his sword before heading towards the main building.

He moved the chakra threads form within the Mokumokuren, activating the Seek mechanism that would allow him to detect hidden enemies or escaping bandits in a 20 meter radius. Once the mechanism was activated he moved up to the main building and located a small hole large enough to fit his mouth inside of and began weaving the hand seals of Ram -> Boar -> Dog -> Snake -> Dog -> Dragon -> Boar. As he weaved the hand seals he also began kneading the lightning chakra in his body as he also gathered chakra and transformed it into a poisonous gas before expelling the poison mist enhanced with the body pathway derangement to create a crackling cloud of lightning infused poison mist that would both disable the bandits nervous systems, preventing them form moving or escaping whilst poisoning them to death. The technique began working immediately and Hibiki took steadying breathes as he heard the shouts and gasps of the bandits inside as well as the sound of crackling lightning and the smell of burning ozone from within the building. Fortunately the sounds of screaming and gasping did not last for too long and Hibiki ended the technique. Part of him wanted to simply walk away and not look at what his technique had done. He wanted to run to the woods and put it behind him. As much as Hibiki knew the bandits were bad people he also acknowledged that the dead still deserved respect, regardless of how they acted in life so that there spirit could be at peace and not haunt the land further.

Hibiki entered the building and looked upon what he had wrought, seeing for the first time the reality, nature and purpose of the techniques he had so painstakingly studied. The sound of rain and thunder drumming on the roof was almost deafening for him and the smell of ozone and burnt flesh reached his nostrils. Hibiki managed to maintain a professional persona and poise of a medical nin but knew he would likely have nightmares of an altogether different kind. He looked at the scene objectively and walked amongst the bodies , cutting the jugular on each one to ensure his missions success and to prevent any further suffering in case the poison had not fully completed its task. Hibiki made to leave and turned back to look into the room and wove the hand seals of Snake -> Ram -> Monkey as he gathered fire chakra in his stomach whilst taking a deep breath and exhaling a great fireball into the building, igniting the dry wood inside quickly. The crackling flames of the building hissed and spit as it battled against the rain from the storm and Hibiki left the larger part of his innocence and youth behind him in the crackling flames. A new Hibiki was silhouette by the fire and left the camp to rejoin the villagers. He placed his usual jovial smile on his face smile and ensured he would speak with the youth and hoy he was uncertain he would feel again before approaching the villagers and returning them to their homes.

Dawn had begun to break beneath the stormy clouds of the village as he arrived one step followed by another, machine like and monotonous. He found little joy at the sight of the villages great and imposing gates and he walked as though he had tripled in weight though there was no physical change. Hibiki was glad for the heavy rain of the village as he arrived home and stopped a moment outside his home, again faking a smile and preparing to lie to his parents about his mission, to tell them everything was fine and nothing had changed. Hibiki was glad the rain had hidden the tears he cried on his journey back alone. For the first time he understood how thorny the path of a shinobi could be and reflected on the drunken Toru, his words and actions making just a little bit more sense to the young genin.


WC: 2518  TWC: 3772  TMWC: 3772/3000

Claiming mission rewards:
+ 12,000 ryo (Beloved Presence)
+60 ap - converting ap into ryo at 50 ryo per 1 ap: 3000 ryo
Total mission rewards: 15,000 ryo (New total ryo on person: 79,425 ryo)

Claiming 3772 wc (25% discount from stats apply)
- 750 to upgrade Puppet Art: Chakra Thread Formation: Sundering Drill from B-Rank to A -rank - 750/750 - 750/3772
- 308 wc to complete Sealing Art: Dark River Breaking Seal - 1750/1750 - 1058/3772 -
previous claims:
- Medical Art: Delicate Illness Extraction - 1125/1125 - 2183/3772
- Chakra Suppression - 1500/1500 - 3683/3772
Allowing 84 wc to go unspent
Shiro Hyuga
Shiro Hyuga
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : The Coming Storm
Remove Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Weaponry
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 378800

A Toast! to Bandit Extermination! Empty Re: A Toast! to Bandit Extermination!

Thu Jun 13, 2024 9:50 pm
Hibiki Sato wrote:


WC: 2518  TWC: 3772  TMWC: 3772/3000

Claiming mission rewards:
+ 12,000 ryo (Beloved Presence)
+60 ap - converting ap into ryo at 50 ryo per 1 ap: 3000 ryo
Total mission rewards: 15,000 ryo (New total ryo on person: 79,425 ryo)

Claiming 3772 wc (25% discount from stats apply)
- 750 to upgrade Puppet Art: Chakra Thread Formation: Sundering Drill from B-Rank to A -rank - 750/750 - 750/3772
- 308 wc to complete Sealing Art: Dark River Breaking Seal - 1750/1750 - 1058/3772 -
previous claims:
- Medical Art: Delicate Illness Extraction - 1125/1125 - 2183/3772
- Chakra Suppression - 1500/1500 - 3683/3772
Allowing 84 wc to go unspent

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