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Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 1500

simple task measures (mission's) Empty simple task measures (mission's)

Tue Jul 16, 2024 8:29 pm


A quiet evening in the tavern after a service  and now reflecting over a bowl of warm broth with a few slices of bread. A standard hot meal when Alister was in town as the other members of the traveling group went on ahead to another land across the sea. A place  he too would visit upon finishing his local buisness of collateral from well the more eccentric peoples violent actions.

A few days of offering prayers and words of councialation to the greifers and mourners. Only to find that a few faith followers were shagging these en less fortunates with hopes of tithes and extra coin over the honest dead work. Unfortuniatly a few days of silence had these men quickly packing after alister had an additional word with the men of cloth.

serves them right when they exploit the down trodden

he thought as upon finishing the meal he headed out silently and into the humid air where a tipsy but sad elderly lady caughy alisters attention, It was late even on her part and she seemed fidgety as he approached speaking.

"elder what bothers you this evening? shall I assist you home across the less fortunate parts of these areas?"

Alister offered as the lady let out a bit of relief as post the groups actions, The unruly and corrupt have had a uptick in boldness,Where even men and boys moved in pairs out of caution.

"y-yes master alister,please help these aching bones worry a little less. I have a drowry I am making and it is nigh the eve of my grand daughters wedding. Our tradition although small, is precious even amid this budding location."

the lady had aged and he knew although tough she was one looking to the future of her liniage which he gladly assisted, thoes who acted more to their duty of family.

"the eve of her wedding huh mad'am, A long life with two generations that you watched quietly grow under your experience... I wish it was that simple for others to just follow your example."

Alister addressed the elder with attuned respect but a edge of old humor.

"This tree is old and withered, but I have  hand full of springs left. Although I wish I too could see the dawn my grand daughters  husband speaks of.He desires master alister to see if his carpentry patent and tecnology will score high in that  tiny country that recently had activity. I am not as young as i used to be,Although this drowy i do offer as my gramdmother made it for myself 50 years ago."

Alister listened quietly as the pair travled and with a thoughtful quip to the older ladys story. The pair made it over a series of rows and homes, Lined with a few dark alley's and now several dirt roads.
The dirt roads were lined with the masses of changed environments, the poor, and unfortunate which was a result of economical imbalance, despite what the group did it was a tiny area incomparable smaller, then an established land and easily considered a bundle of misaligned societies at best to the trained eye. The old lady’s soon to be great son was wise to make his pilgrimage across the sea to promising ventures of a new land, and new prospects.

The paid made their way across a familiar sight where the crew made their way a few days prior, although a new turn through hushed corridors and well a small clearing to the segment of huts where much less rowdier crowds were more akin to the elderly of these areas where both farm, and families grew both together and amassed a legacy.

mister alister this way sir and down the bend is my cottage, in this area we have seen many things from floods to the plagues, but our family had been here for several generations. Although the mass of corruption is a pull to many who end up with a lot more coin then your average worker. The task is only partially done, I will be busy through the night weaving the roseary and final touches. Please If you need to rest and arrive in the morning for the next heirloom of my family.

The lady explained and Alister silently nodded as he would see her off to her home and proceed down the pathway. Amid his travel a hasty and pale man was seen a few feet away. Now gazing both in agitation and of course the need to hide. He has seen this before as the very look in his eyes was more on the precedent of survival mode and the need to remain low.

[i] all to say the lowest of lives was the point many refuse to stop in their madness. Well to say the least try the opposite side of stuff. This knowledge I say is… not unusual to the least. Honor bound to themselves perhaps I should just turn the culprit over to his pursuers.

Alister thought as he walked on and the mad reached his cloak which Alister gently and with deft swiftness pulled away as the man stammered with a pouch that jingled.

“Look I am trying here sir, I did no wrong please just let them know I am not here. Please sir please? It is the bit I have left I do not want to see this region crime lord, I-I did no wrong I swear.”

Alister felt the money was hush money nonetheless it was good to make his memory consider the man more a problem then worth a bag of money, What would he fetch for simply bagging the money and turning the man in as well, both favor and at least the means to look now fitting in the crime lord’s eyes, as at least he was cleaning behind that crews mishaps outside of the normal scope, Something which made the normally cold Alister  unique, He had been on the roads long enough to not let an ideal and opposite actions with temporary options be the usual solution to good work. He needed connections.
“understood good man fear not in your endeavors for I am a man of simple faith, run off and I will draw them off your tail. People deserve a second chance.”

Alister needed to see both sides anyway and so the man disappeared as he sat down on a door step nearby pulling out a lined dark book and glanced at it solemnly as he could easily through it  return to his natural duties which unfortunately for that afraid man it was nothing short of him being next. Although he waited till a set of colored sashed wearing induviduals appeared questioning with a much better complexion and outlook then the locals.

I presume the lion share of this regions issues is these guys profiting outside of the feudal lord, upkept and well fed in comparison to the local man, woman, and child. The likes which while others thrive, it is a shame that all my time in these down trodden times we still encounter scum on the earth that steal yet the loop continues with the very scum trying to chase down the thieves. What a time to observe this unfold.[i]

Alister thought as one of the gang members approached him, perhaps now he noticed it but the man had an odd stench of strong alcohol on his presence and now the simply steady stance but slurred speech a bit, He was drinking as he moved, So this made it easy to swindle this man from his usual sharper behavior perhaps where it may have been considerately more observant.

“wha- yo- you seenzes a man wee high with a blue coat. Boss n said something precious like a necklace or something was taken from his son’s presents to some lass.”

The intelligence was questionable as the man spoke and alister looked at the trio, they were better off paid as guards, instead of investigators, as the other two were loud and lacked tact in their observations. Which showed this was nothing money couldn’t take care of with a stylized craftsman and persuasive means in hand with this scenario at hand either.  Alister glanced the man in the eye and spoke up with a look of thoughtfulness.

“I have seen a few travelers but non like that height or size,  a few feudal guard here and there, but here in the quiet areas, Not one like that, I am sorry that your boss has  lost a precious necklace, If anything I hope a local miner can find replacement jewels? Not from around here.”

Alister spoke with an air of honesty having no clue the full area, but of course omitted the man that passed him the bag of money as he nodded towards the other 2 men as they approached.

“Your buddy asked me and honestly I have no clue of this man missing, If only I knew of this local spot more, I would offer more assistance as he explained a little. I go by alister and perhaps a word with your local boss will be nice If of course permitted. His men can of course find me around here as I do like to know the area more if possible.”

Alister noted that connections was the wise thing to do for this moment even though temporarily. The three men looked through a few more houses and around the corner as the  stars and a few bondfires went up warming the locals outside amid some discussions and hot meals for the group with quiet discussions as the men arrived.

“we will be in touch alister, but favor mr alister, Can you talk a man in that tavern there to cough up some of our borrowed dough? At least with those crooks a day back they laundered the funds away, and our boss chewin our ear off you see.  man in his mid forties you cant miss him.”

One of the men spoke up as the trio left after grabbing a handful of the warm meals. A few skittish locals relaxed as the men left and curiously scurried over in throught as Alister too took a little food, freshly caught fish and some herbs with grainy rice on the side.  A man nearing his mid 40’s approached and sat next to alister in thought.

“Mr alister those misfits at times cause issues through the area along with their boss, If anything too much trouble sometimes. I hope they did not cause too much issue to you on the questioning, old lady yamnu is our weaver and her grand daughter has a promising wedding near the river in the morning. So I am glad they did not cause too much issue before a community moment of joy.”

Alister bit into the fish tasting the seasoning as opposed to some locations they used a bit more of a pepperty taste while the fish was chewy and fresh despite size they were healthy.

[i] mm not bad

Alister thought as he nodded with approval and glanced at the man with a smile.

“ I have been around a bit, I believe in sincerity holds a bit more weight at times then being confrontational, Although let us be fair, When not in known territory best to keep things as simple as possible, Without making pointless confrontations.”

His glasses reflected off the nearby bonfire despite the moment of his seemingly cold apparel he was far more human then that met the eye, from the cold oddness around him that was unsettling there was another side. Something which he made sure others understood to show beyond the needless rashness of life. Control over self despite life path’s chosen, or abided by. Well to an extent, He lived by the idea of his Yamaguchi root’s instead of institutional authority driving him. As he considered the man’s words after a few second of silence.

“I suppose it takes more than a few thugs to really concern me, There are many in the world, but many instead pointlessly throw their life to gamble with the dice being casted by whatever line of fate, or thread of destiny may guide them, A god’s will. Although different from abiding to an ends to a mean for its knowledge. It is admittedly Sad to see how most assume control is over hands full of people a means to pointlessly torment the ones who are honestly fighting tooth and nail for a good meal like this. “

Alister answered the man and somberly nodded to hm as he noted the people around him and smiled rarely.

“All as they are living without the need to disrupt unnaturally the conditions of others, without bringing unwanted hardship. It is admittedly a good sight as if you guys were militarized like other places, it would be unfortunate. I however cannot be an active judge, I can only help where I can and hope that the masses, I do come across embrace life, and do not add more unnecessary dead unfortunates to come to my shadow.”

alister informed the man as he placed thw plate down and looked the man up and down for a moment.

“If you consider things as they are, They too have debts, and debts unpaid are questionable. Please you cook well so spaew that crew their money back. After all If i was considering anything there are few things in this world men hold dear, Womem, food, and money. One is nice and the other is folicy to a fault but nesscary. Food keeps us alive. So for thoes men to not only ask for my word, It is a good thing to consider that at least paying the debts back will leave them off your bsck.”

Alister simply offered a simple reason which was easy enough, no need to push or threaten, Unlike the kitsunagi individuals that pushed too far at times he was at least a voice of sound cold reason.

“It sucks alister, They do too much while we are too small ourselves at times. Was it wrong I wanted these thugs to taste a little of what they give us common folk?  Was it wrong to want a taste of retribution for our sake at least?”

the man addressed Alister as the owls could be heard in the distance hooting, Which was an understandable point,However, alister was more realistic.

“A point proven to those whom disrupt more lives is merely a hypocrite's selfishness. Too many people expect peace when they do no wrong Only to have the punishment fall on their shoulders and at expense to your solution. You cannot tell me that a son of yours innocent and looking to do honest trade in the end, Is deserving of the backlash from your desire to “teach a lesson.” The son loses a father and a home that way. So stop justifying this greedy mindset and return them their money. We are no longer children playing on docks. But men who protect more then our own pride and pockets. I will pay for the meal as it is customary, but you are playing a dangerous game.”

Alister simply informed the man and went back to his meal for the evening. The elderly lady would by his estimate by now have begun her work after relaxing and all he needed to do was to wait quietly till the dawn came. Forking over a bit of ryo in a nearby community resting area Alister resided into an attic upstairs and sat quietly in the darker room illuminated by the moon, his eyes glancing over as a nightly ritual the tomb being the pact eternal and resided a few lines before residing to his rest.

The following dawn came fast as Alister more less automatically woke nearing the crack of dawn and resided to the near river bank to bathe as he did need to prepare for the old lady’s request, Adorning a more fresher robe he had among his traveling wares, and now a washed but now tied up pair of wires for his hair as post a quick wash to wake up a bit, and to apply various mixed herbs of sweet and strong scents to make up for a perfume of sorts, Alister headed to the elderly lady’s home spying from the window her applying the last touches to the dowry for her granddaughter.

impressive work one would say this is more generational work as opposed to a mere craftsman hand at the guiding hand. I suppose this was a more permanent job by her husband, and children, It will be good to see this more less branching beyond the confines of this land. The new land will enjoy the fresh inclusion of new skills added in including this fine local intervention. Ah is she adding a little keepsake to the couple?

Alister thought as she took her metal ring, and a locket of hair before vanishing beyond the scope of the window, Which was alisters cue to knock on the front door, and greet her with a small bow, and smile.

“good morning ma’am, I suppose you are exhausted and a little prayer over this roseary will be a call to the good fortune and safe travels to the new couple before we give it a new home with the newly wed’s?”

A honest offer as a minister himself he would still respect the need of faith which was something he learned from years of dealing with burying many others whom had the loved ones needing solace, and closure, A human vanity perhaps, or something only heard on deaf ears of the mighty that were proclaimed a beginning, and ones whom granted the mortal man their start. Although even the dead had nothing more on the matter to speak on it, Somehow their calls were unanswered which alister was sure upon learning this that for things simple like gods of fortune and faith, a creator was still unaccounted for to the flesh and intellect that be of man and beast.

The old lady smiled gently and knelt as alister spoke softly a sincere prayer as a humble offering to the local god’s in a hope for well being and prosperity to the new couple and bowed for a moment out of respect after the brief prayer to grant the older lady her moment of solace in her efforts for her family. It was clear this lady toiled long and hard for the best of her family, and for the betterment of a good life, It was only fair to give her the very request she needed to feel complete in this calling.

“Thank you Alister, These beads will bless their children, and ease me now as I trust you will turn these to the father of the bride, Benaru. A man in his my 30’s by now a bit of an opposing figure, My son was always a hard worker for this area as a craftsman making the toys for the children, and tools for the cutter, s and gatherers. Tell him to look between the shutters of the box’ for the dowry to give my future generation a honest chance.  And thank you once more.”

The old lady was both exhausted and overjoyed with the long days she unfortunately could not join for that long night of work and faith doing and creating the rosary

“Ma’am I will now procced to escort this rosary to your granddaughter for her wedding, please rest assure this will be completed as you requested and I want to say that you indeed are incredible staying true, Your lineage is strong will prosper by the blessings of your time. So rest now and let the future take your efforts.”

Alister bowed as he headed out towards the area where there was a set up of individuals and excited chatter among the masses of hard workers It was where he spotted the mountain of a man seated and holding his composure in silence.

I see he is imposing indeed

Alister thought as he calmly approached and smiled holding out the box to the man and placing a hamd out to shake the man.

“I suppose you are the lucky father of this bride. I escorted her grandmother home and she made a rosairy for the future. With a good fortune note to their future within the shutters of the box, in the underbelly of course.”

Alister spoke having no need to deceive otherwise ruin this moment has not touched the money when he did subtle investigation on the box so to give him confidence. The man gazed at alister who smiled and noted.

“You were among that group who helped build our villa new homes’ so I do trust you unlike many who could otherwise. I heard you preach and shame it was on short notice that we could not hire you, but hopefully this payment can go well with your efforts in the future endeavors you may encounter. My daughter is blessed to have a good man in these times, Yet my mother I can tell put her all in for the future members of our family. The beads are the best I have ever seen her create and of course apply to the faithfulness of the followers of our religious deities at hand. It is good signs and I will thank her for you Alister as I do know you went out your way once more to supply us with even the minimum joys to our triumphs.”

The man shook alister’s hand, and alisters green eyes softened the rare thank you was a grand reward to the good he does do regardless of the path he walks.

“I am not the greatest man on the planet, but I do do my best. Just like you as a father you offer all you can and now get to watch the legacy grow. So thank you for letting me offer a little joy to the moments here. No man is perfect, but a man who let purpose grow and not out of greed. Bears a grand relief. The newer land will serve the future son in law well. I do hope at least.”

Alister offered as he bowed and accepted the small bag of money before departing from the area with both tasks done and now in need of time away from the joy’s at hand.  His simple tasks on cleaning kitsunagi’s mishaps were appeased for the moment.

His final stop in the area was the small established gambliing hall where after some moderate deeds it was time for a little extracurricular activities, Where if he was struggling for ryo, Alister would’ve stole the pot and added the ppl to his dead army, However, He was not before the truly lost.

a little extra money does not hurt let us see.

the dusty tables were wiped as various games were applied among the massed over pots of meals,Dice, cards, and the sets of linned dominos Which the competative gambled a few hundred here and there.All amusing and fine as Alister helped himself go a seat forking a couple hundred ryo over to the pot as he waved over to add him into the next round.

Most were still hungry and other concerns,An extra slice of bread,or of course the necessary “Play money” money allowed for more risk filled activities were read across the range of emotions across the table. Simply glancing at his 2 cards and adding a few more ryo to the pot,  and allowing the rest to either trash, or raise. It was simply a set of queens on him as the poker table host filled out the river with a set of aces and a 6.

well lets say it could be a full house. Just to take a good amount away from this.

Alister thought as he dished out a few hundred ryo so to assure only the brave follow suite. The few sighed knowing its better to walk off 60-70 ryo down. While a younger guy met the raise which Alister not caring as much revealed hand which the final pull was a ace of diamonds. A full house  via a queens vs a king high 3 pair. out of consideration alister slid the young man 100 ryo as a consolation as he knew the simple rule get out while ahead 1 thousand ryo.



WC: 4194

+41 stats (22 to chakra stat, 19 to vigor star)
2.5k wc for Singularity A rank

1k WC to train unburial rite screecher from B rank to A rank. 1k/1k to reach A rank.

150 WC to master gen release (link to prev thread:

250 to learn

250 to learn

(does not care for remaining WC)

(missions completed)

5 E ranks: +5k ryo, 25 AP
Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 194150

simple task measures (mission's) Empty Re: simple task measures (mission's)

Fri Jul 19, 2024 12:46 am
Alister Yama wrote:


WC: 4194

+41 stats (22 to chakra stat, 19 to vigor star)
2.5k wc for Singularity A rank

1k WC to train unburial rite screecher from B rank to A rank. 1k/1k to reach A rank.

150 WC to master gen release (link to prev thread:

250 to learn

250 to learn

(does not care for remaining WC)

(missions completed)

5 E ranks: +5k ryo, 25 AP

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