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Powder Iburi
Powder Iburi
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Pow-Pow's Diary
Mission Record : meow<3
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 21000

Cute Company  Empty Cute Company

Wed Jul 24, 2024 5:57 pm
Mission Dets:

The wind tugged at her braids as Powder hurried through the small town. She passed numerous shelters and residences as her blue eyes searched for a particular home. This was a dwelling she frequented, which was hardly surprising given that it had been her residence for many years. Her demeanor brightened as the building came into view.

“Miss, look what I have discovered!” Powder enthusiastically exclaimed as she entered. Her hand firmly gripped an object.

Indeed, the Miss was tending to the fire in the corner of the room. A pot was suspended over the glowing embers, allowing the delightful concoction within to simmer over the increasing heat. The Miss promptly turned her attention to Powder, stepping back from the fire to ascertain the source of the young girl's excitement.

Powder extended her hand to present the item to the Miss. With a gentle release, her fingers disclosed a beautiful pearl shell nestled within. The surface of the shell sparkled enchantingly in the light, its color harmonizing with the vividness of Powder’s blue hair.

“What a treasure,” the Miss responded, carefully handling the seashell and marveling at the way the light danced across its surface.

“I want you to keep it.” Powder explained as she withdrew from the azure seashell, “I have to leave soon to help one of the locals nearby.” 

The Miss handed Powder a fruit from the pantry as if they were assessing some sort of trade. “Just be sure to be safe.” 

Powder nodded in reassurance before heading back out the door. 

She was making her way towards one of the local craftsmen who conducted the majority of the woodworking within the settlement. She had overheard that he required assistance, regardless of whether the individual possessed woodworking skills. In Powder's case, she did not possess significant experience in this area. However, this did not deter her from extending a helping hand.

Before long, the young woman turned the corner to reach the hut occupied by the woodworker. The door was left ajar to facilitate sunlight and air circulation. She was already aware that some of the tasks necessitated ventilation, as certain materials could be harmful if inhaled. Additionally, the sawdust produced from woodworking was not particularly healthy.

Powder was greeted the moment she stepped into the workshop. The woodworker was a young man, only a few years herself. His face radiated enthusiasm, even amid the dust that adorned it. “You must be the individual eager to assist with today’s tasks,” he remarked as he set down the tools he was holding. Powder nodded her head in agreement, as she allowed her eyes to scan her surroundings in wonder. There were many wood works that were set to the side, ready for her to help on. 

The young man introduced himself, “You can call me Ryzen. I promise I don’t bite.” He said with a kind chuckle. Powder returned the smile, not being able to help the blush that warmed her cheeks. He then showed her around the place and helped her get started on the work. Ryzen went over the basics while handing her a brush. Preparing her to coat the woodwork with a smokey stain. Powder held the brush with dedication as she dipped it carefully within the stain, before using even strokes to brush it across the surfaces of the items. When he was confident that Powder was able to handle herself, he returned to his own work. 

As she gradually engaged in her tasks, Powder would periodically glance up at the young man, observing his progress as he sanded various wooden surfaces. Some of the items were elegantly crafted bows, while others consisted of fishing rods and various other objects.

The scent of the stain was subtle, yet it elicited a slight reaction, prompting her to wiggle her nose in an effort to suppress a sneeze. The brush glided smoothly across all surfaces, which she found to be somewhat entertaining. Moreover, she greatly appreciated Ryzen's company; his continued conversation not only made the work more enjoyable but also enriched her knowledge of woodworking and the techniques he employed.

Upon completing the staining of all available items, Powder proceeded to arrange them for proper drying. She was meticulous in positioning them so as not to obstruct Ryzen’s workflow.

Once this task was accomplished, the young woman washed her hands at the water basin, ensuring that any traces of stain were removed. She was eager to express her gratitude to Ryzen by treating him to a delightful meal, as his presence had significantly enhanced her experience during the task.

Ryzen did not raise any objections as she commenced gathering the necessary ingredients. She procured a clove of garlic and several herbs that had been set aside, with Ryzen even directing her toward some fresh seabass fillets. Powder diligently set to work, quickly managing to kindle a low flame before preparing to steam the fish over the heat. Ryzen observed her efforts, his hands continuing the repetitive motions he employed while sanding the bow, his gaze fixed upon her actions.

For a brief moment, Powder experienced a sense of shyness. In an attempt to distract herself from the feeling, she took a deep breath and redirected her focus towards the meal she was preparing. Before long, the establishment was filled with the delicate aroma of steamed seabass accompanied by the subtle essence of cooked garlic.

With the meal complete, Powder found some dishes and was ready to prepare the finished product. Her face beamed with excitement, she was eager to present the meal to him. 

Ryzen found himself at an appropriate stopping point, setting aside the work once more to join her. His complexion easily gave away the amount of gratitude he held as his eyes took in the sight of the meal. “This smells amazing! I really can’t thank you enough for preparing such a delight.” His praises caused yet another blush upon Powder’s face, which she quickly hid with her hair. Then the two of them gathered around to properly enjoy the cooked fish. The day she spent with Ryzen was quickly coming to an end, and a part of Powder couldn’t help but feel a bit down about it. She would definitely like to visit again sometime, maybe even help once more if he needed it. 

After they finished eating, Powder assisted in the clean up before expressing her thanks. Ryzen returned the favor while handing her some ryo from the help. Which then concluded the end of her day. Allowing the lass to leave the building and make her way back to where she usually went for the night. 


Mission Rewards:

Last edited by Powder Iburi on Thu Aug 15, 2024 5:11 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : font size was stupid big)
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Cute Company  Empty Re: Cute Company

Sat Jul 27, 2024 5:14 pm
[quote="Powder Iburi"]


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Cute Company  JPYXIpT
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