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Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Poe Man's Dreams - Page 2 Empty Re: Poe Man's Dreams

Yesterday at 9:35 pm
Travin watched as Herozen pulled the chakra down through both his hands and channeled his lightning chakra into the palm of one of his hands. Thanks to his Sharingan he was able to easily see the flow of chakra and the color change within Herozen letting him know the jutsu that he was using. Travin made note of it and with the power of his Sharingan he would be able to duplicate it. With what he learned from watching Zo use the jutsu with the lightning element the first time, and then watching Herozen use it again correctly he felt like he not only got the feel for the lightning element, but also for the Thunderclap Arrow technique.

However, once Herozen attempted to perform the jutsu again with only one hand he failed. Travin watched once more as he performed the jutsu noting the differences. He performed the jutsu this time the same way he had before by channeling the chakra down both arms and while only trying to perform the handseals with a single hand the jutsu failed. Travin was pretty sure he knew what had gone wrong. After watching Zo channel the chakra down a single arm when performing the jutsu with only a single hand. He waited to see what Zo was going to tell his cousin, and he was not disappointed in fact he was impressed by Zo and his ability to teach someone.

Travin listened as Zo explained what was happening. He listened as not only did Zo explain what Herozen had done wrong but also how to fix it, he then pushed it a bit further. Having Herozen do a training exercise that not only would help him fix the problem that he had but also show him how to sense chakra as well. It was impressive, and it was something that Travin would remember. After all he knew that Zo was good and was strong from their previous encounter, but this was letting him get a bigger glimpse behind the curtain. Sitting back and leaning against the wall Travin was sure that he was getting the hang of everything that had been shown so far. Making him feel even more special as he had not performed a single thing or attempted anything, but thanks to his Sharingan. He had the unique ability to simply look at a jutsu or a skill and be able to duplicate it. It showed him even more why his clan was hunted for their eyes, and why his clan did everything in their power to keep the eyes out of non clan members' hands. Even now they still try, but it has gotten much harder with so many of their clan being in different villages and scattered around the world.

After Herozen followed Zo’s instructions and was successful or not. Travin would finally speak up “Why don’t you show him just what the element can do. Demonstrate a powerful A rank jutsu to give him something to work towards” Travin would have the same even tone as if he didn’t really care. However, he was really wanting to see a powerful jutsu from Zo so that he would be able to copy it as well.

WC-537 TWC- 1844
Stealing one handed seals from Zo, and  Thunderclap Arrow from Herozen

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