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Herozen Uchiha
Herozen Uchiha
Academy Student
Academy Student
Stat Page : Herozen
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

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Today at 12:08 am
The mission:

“Herozen Uchiha,” The short, balding old man cried as he reached a scroll out in his extended hand to the shinobi awaiting his turn in line. “Thank you, sir.” Herozen smiled as he grabbed the scroll, retracted his arm, and unwound the scroll. “I’ll be helping in the Thunderpeak Campus today.” Herozen thought as he clicked his tongue against his teeth three times. “I really hate mundane tasks like this, but it’s a paycheck, and I don’t have anything else to do.”  Herozen glanced down again at his scroll and remembered who he was to report to.
Herozen took a quick pace to the Thunderpeak Campus but took enough time to light and smoke a cigarette. It was a warm fall day in Kumogakure, and Herozen was putting on a light sweat as he approached the Thunderpeak Campus. He threw his cigarette on the ground and squashed it out with the heel of his shoe. “Alright, here goes mission number one, " he thought to himself as he opened the door to the library of the Thunderpeak Campus.
Herozen walked up to the info desk, asked for the name that was printed on the scroll, and explained that he was there to work for them for the day. A tall man Herozen wasn’t sure he could take in a fight wheeled around the desk and introduced himself. “Ah, good afternoon Herozen, I am Kakane the head librarian. I have several tasks for you today and we don’t have much time. Well, there’s never enough time.” Kakane said as he showed Herozen to a room full of scrolls and books. “I need you to go through these books and scrolls and mark and sort which ones are damaged or not.” Herozen nodded as he looked at the workload in front of him. “If there’s no further questions if you need anything I’m right down the hall,” Kakane said as he turned around and closed the door behind him.
Herozen quickly got to work sorting piles of scrolls and books. The area was too messy for Herozen to focus properly. After he had sorted between scrolls and books he decided to figure out if the scrolls were damaged or were still usable. It didn’t take long for Herozen to start reading the contents of the scrolls and he quickly started falling behind in his tasks. He determined that he would skim and set aside scrolls or books to read after he was finished with his tasks, after deciding that he quickly got down to business. He was able to sort through the scrolls and label the ones that needed repair much quicker because he wasn’t reading them through. He decided to use the same strategy with the books. His pile of scrolls to read was handsome. There was much more damage to the books, and over half needed repairs. He boxed the books and scrolls and labeled each box as “damaged” and “acceptable” as he correlated each pile for them.
Herozen left the room, looking for Kakane to find out if he had more work. As Kakane had indicated earlier in the day, the door opened as he approached the office. “Ah, Herozen, I was just about to see if you were about done. Are you ready for your next task?” Kakane asked as he scratched off a line on a piece of paper he was holding. “Yes sir, what else do you have for me?” Kakane took the lead, “We have a lot of books in this library, and when people return them, we have to put them back on the shelf in which they belong. We have a system for you to follow when putting them away.” Kakane led them to a room where books were piled up, and there was a book return slot where books were frequently dropped off. “Think you can handle it?” Kakane gestured to the room and closed the door.
Herozen got to work sorting the books into piles and placing them on a cart to take to the main library. As he entered the main library with all the books he was ready to sort, he noticed a couple of rowdy students talking louder than a whisper. “Fuiga, I’m not about to get expelled because you want to get even with Takashi. It’s not worth the tuition I paid to get here.” One of them tried to say it in a loud whisper, but the emotion prevented him from keeping quiet. “My parents worked too hard to put me through school; I won’t do that to them. I’m sure they would apologize if you explained why that offended you.”. Herozen sized the group up; two teenage boys and three teenage girls were talking with their hands and over one another. Herozen slowed his pace so he could identify who this Fuiga person was. From their looks, they were just average students, but the talks of expulsion had Herozen worried they were talking about doing something dramatic. Herozen moved in a little closer under the cover of him, putting books away; he pretended he didn’t overhear them. As he moved his cart closer to the group, they brought their voices down, but they soon forgot he was there and raised their voices again.
Herozen didn’t want to cause a scene or have anyone kick this group out for fear that they might act on their immature impulses, so he decided to act. “Eh, hem, I couldn’t help but overhear you guys talking. It’s pretty loud, and we’re in a library. May I offer a word of advice as a senior?” He said to the group before him, who all looked stunned by his sudden outburst. “I’m sure getting even with this person would make you feel better in the short term, but if you think about the consequences and effects on your future, they might not be worth it. Remember, life is tough not only for you but also think of the hardships your peers might be going through. I don’t know if this insight will help, but if you’re going to continue to create a ruckus, might I ask you to do it outside of the library? Others are trying to study, and you might be distracting them. I hope you make good choices and continue to do so.”  Herozen finished his short speech and continued putting books back up on their shelves.
By the end of his tasks on the Thunderpeak campus, daylight started to darken as the sun began to set. Kakane approached Herozen as he was finishing up. “Thank you for your help today, Herozen. You have performed satisfactory work, " he said to the academy student. “Thank you, sir. Does this mean you don’t require any more help today?” Herozen asked as he leaned the broom he used to sweep up against the wall. “Yes, I appreciate all the work you put in, and I’m sure the students from earlier also appreciate your advice,” Kakane said, holding out his hand for a handshake. Herozen stretched his hand in a friendly manner and grabbed Kakane's outstretched hand.
Herozen left the Thunderpeak campus feeling proud to have completed his first mission, even if it was mundane. He knew it was beneficial not to be on the staff there, like Kakane, but the students that required those books and scrolls. With that knowledge, he returned home to tell his parents about his first mission.
twc: 1241
1,000 Ryo/ 5 AP
10 Vigor/ 2 Chakra

Skill Name: One-Handed Seals (OHS) 1241/2000
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