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Oda Terumi
Oda Terumi
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Record
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 500

The Big Tour!  Empty The Big Tour!

Today at 12:23 am

Oda hit the snooze on his alarm and continued to drool on the pillow, before suddenly opening his eyes and shooting up out of bed.“The tour!!” He yelled to no one in particular as he struggled to get his clothes on. His alarm went off again but he was too preoccupied, almost falling as he put his pants on. He threw his vest on and ran out of the small apartment he called home.

The apartment grew less chaotic, although the alarm was still ringing. The door opened again briefly as Oda's hand came shooting in grabbing his headband which laid on the lamp shade next to his door. The door slammed once more, the alarm still ringing.

“Oh good morning young man why are you in such a hurr-”

The old lady was cut off as Oda ran by

“Can’t talk bosslady, late for a mission!”

“But your shirt” The old lady said half heartedly before waving her hand dismissively and returning her attention to her flower pots.

Oda didn’t have a chance to hear her as he bounded down the road towards the gates, this was his first C-rank mission and he had slept in! He lamented missing out on his crunchy oatmeal breakfast as he ran and briefly daydreamed about food before coming to again. Snap out of it Oda, this is an important mission! He thought to himself. Oda couldn’t help but smile at the beautiful day, despite the circumstances, and as he ran he thought of all the things he would tell the visitors.

He came to a skidding halt just outside the central entrance to the village and peered around a food stall. His group was already there, looking around concerningly as the kids began to whine and tug at their parents hands. oh no, I'm really late. I gotta fix this somehow. He schemed for a few minutes before sneaking around to the walls and activating his surface walking. He walked along the surface of the wall before ending at the top of the large gate, staring down at his group with his back silhouetted by the light.

“Ladies and Gentlemen! Prepare yourselves.” He gave a dramatic flourish

“For the tour of a lifetime!” He could see the sense of wonder stretch across the kids' faces and the pinch of doubt on the parents.

“Yes, for you my esteemed guests have the distinct privilege of not only seeing the grand village of Tsukigakure, not only getting to enjoy the crystal clear waters and luxurious restaurants, not only getting to see the beautiful arts and culture, but you get the distinct privilege of getting ME” He shoved a thumb at his chest ”as your tour guide!” He had to really show out for this to make up for his tardiness.

“So without further ado…” He ran down the wall briefly before leaping off and doing a front flip, the peoples oohs and ahhs were music to his ears. you ain't seen nothin yet, ok Oda just like we’ve been practicing. He thought as he flipped in the air, at the moment he was facing the air he quickly flashed the appropriate hand signals and activated his Scattershot Jutsu. Spraying the fireballs in such a way that they reached their max range in the sky, forming a fiery moonflower. The moonflower floated in the air for a few seconds and dissipated.

He landed on the ground with a roll, rising in front of his group and giving a thumbs up.

“... Let the tour begin!”

The kids clapped in amazement and to Odas delight even some of the parents gave polite but reserved claps. Concerningly, Oda could hear some mumbles from the parents, picking up snippets of their clandestine talking. “New fashion…” “so..bold…” “cold isnt it?”

There was an awkward pause as Oda tried to understand, before looking down and realizing he had forgotten to put on a shirt and was shirtless with his Ninja vest on. He gave a sheepish grin before looking back up at the guests.”Errr… anyways! Let's begin!” He gave another flourish in an attempt to distract everyone and pointed up to the Kage Tower. “And what better place to start than the most vital building? Kage Tower!” He motioned for the group to follow him as he talked.

“Tsukigakure village was founded by none other than our esteemed Kage, Lady Junko!” He gave some excited punches into the air and shadow boxed briefly, as he did so he continued his speech “Lady Junko founded Tsukigakure after defeating the deadly monster known as Kurogane!” He gave his speech emphasis by pantomiming a ferocious growl and giving an exaggerated stance with his arms out like claws, frightening the kids into fits of giggles.

“Yes, her and her esteemed cohorts - General Shinoda and Deputy Ren- defeated the evil Kurogane and drove it into hiding, celebrating their victory with the establishment of this wonderful village! A Beacon to all who are lost, and a veritable treasure trove of mixing cultures, ideas and technology!” He beamed a smile as he finished his speech, perfectly ending it at the moment they approached the Kage tower.

Someone from the back spoke up “Doesn’t look very advanced to me, I've seen buildings like this and they're all super old!” they jeered

Oda didn’t skip a beat, flashing another smile and staring up at the tower. “Ah but looks can be deceiving, bossman!” He looked back at the group and turned on his tour guide voice. “The architecture of Tsukigakure can be simply put as a blending of the old and the new. We here at Tsukigakure know the value in tradition, and yet wish to lead the charge in advancements as well. The architecture of this city is just one manifestation of that goal!”

By now Oda had even gotten everyone's attention with his enthusiasm and he could tell he had them in the palm of his hand now.

“Yes! Kage Tower. The brain of the village!” He pointed to his head. “It is in Kage Tower that all manner of dealings happen, diplomacy. Intrigue-” He gave a look into the eyes of the adults with a mischievous grin “I even heard the Hokage once made a visit here.” He delighted in their looks of awe mixed with a tinge of terror, it was fun scaring the parents. Luckily the kids had no sense of that thing yet, and Oda clapped his hands and flashed a smile. “Onto the next one!” He said as he took the lead of the group and pointed towards the Institute of Medicine.

Oda answered the parents and kids questions as best as he could as he led them along to the Institute. Stopping briefly at a food vendor's stall. “And this ladies and gentleman is the best Yakitori cart in the village! Here, eat up!” As the guests lined up to get food Oda shared a look at the vendor, communicating with nothing but a glance. They stared at each other briefly.

The merchant finally broke “Fine, you don’t have to help with the lamps. Thanks for the business.” He said somewhat begrudgingly before giving a slight smirk and handing Oda a Yakitori.

Oda gave a big grin and ate the Yakitori, giving thanks in between mouthfuls of food. “Alright sportsfans, let's get a move on!” He said jovially before marching onto the Medical Institute. As the group came to the base of the enormous building he turned around and stretched out his arms.

“And this is the esteemed and world renowned Tsukiko Medical Institute!” He gave a flourish before clapping, flashing some hand signs, and creating 4 shadow clones standing next to him. As he spoke the Shadow Clones nodded to each other as if they had rehearsed for this and took their positions, beginning to pantomime various medical procedures and exams.

“Here at the Tsukiko Medical Institute, we strive to push the bounds of Medicine, both ninjutsu and science. Here, any number of things are possible, and the medical institute is a vital part of protecting our village ninja from harm!” The shadow clones poofed out of existence as his demonstration came to a close. “Now, any questions?”

Oda answered the guests' questions for a few minutes. A shy girl in the middle of the pack raised her hand and Oda had to kneel down close to hear her timid voice. “So…Do..Do you go here when you get hurwt?” She said

Oda gave her a gentle smile “Ah yeah, but that doesn’t happen much. And besides, the doctors here are so good! It’s like nothing ever happened to begin with!” She pointed to his neck “Is that why you have that? Did they.. Did they fix that fowr you?”

He brought his hand to his neck.“Ah…no that happened before I lived here.” He gave a smile that only the parents recognized as sad, and the little girl's parents ushered her to be quiet. She gave an embarrassed look and Oda gave a bigger smile. “Don’t worry little one, it doesn’t hurt anymore promise! And besides, I live in the BEST village in the land so what's a tiny scar compared to that?” The girl gave a smile and buried her head into her moms dress.  

“On to our next building!” He said with his usual enthusiasm and started walking toward the Sutegaiza Koto.

Even Oda was entranced by the beauty of Sutegaiza Koto. He forced himself out of his admiration and began his speech. Glancing at a notecard briefly before putting on his tour guide voice.

“Ahem. The Sutegaiza Koto stands at the center of Tsukigakure, and if the Kage Tower is the brain, there is no doubt that Sutegaiza Koto is the heart. Adorned with stalls and shops of varying sizes and cultures, Sutegaiza stands at the heart of the open and welcoming ideals of Tsukigakure. Make sure to take your time here and don’t spend all your money at the first shops!” He gave a grin at the kids as they excitedly began to wander the stalls and shops with their parents. He gave a contented sigh and leaned up against the railing, looking over the village.
Oda could barely contain his excitement, he was really doing it! Being a Village-ninja, helping its citizens. It all flooded him with a great sense of gratitude. His peaceful thoughts were interrupted by a commotion to his right.

The shy girl from before was being surrounded by a group of kids who had to be at least 2 years older. They pushed her or pointed and laughed.

Oda's face grew very dark and his eyes narrowed. He ran towards the kids with his fist raised and his anger plain across his face.

“HEY. GET AWAY FROM HER.” He bellowed at them. They scattered and ran. Oda briefly entertained the idea of chasing after them before turning back to the little girl and kneeling down.

“Are you ok?” He asked gently, “Where are your parents?”
“I got lost, Im sorry” She began to cry
“Hey hey it's ok it’s not your fault.” He looked around for the girl's parents, knowing they'd probably be looking for her by now. His thoughts were interrupted by her tiny voice.
“D-Do you stop bad guys?”
Oda paused briefly.
“I’d say I help good happen, and sometimes bad guys show up and try to stop that good.”
The girl looked up at him
“I want to do good one day!”
Oda smiled, tears coming to his eyes for some reason. Perhaps he saw himself in her.
“And you’ll be able to little bosslady” She beamed a big smile
“You really think so?!”
“I know so little lady! You got the heart of a ninja!”
Her big smile grew even bigger. Oda stood.
“Now, let's go find your parents and get to the next part of the tour,” Oda said, holding the little girl's hand as they walked back to the market.

WC- 2000

Last edited by Oda Terumi on Fri Oct 04, 2024 6:21 pm; edited 2 times in total
Oda Terumi
Oda Terumi
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Record
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 500

The Big Tour!  Empty Re: The Big Tour!

Today at 12:24 am
The girl's mother ran up to them as they approached the center of the market, the little girl let go of Oda's hand and ran to her mother. Two figures- a man and a slightly older girl- stood a little further back. The girl had her head down and the father was reprimanding her.

The mother picked up the little girl and hugged her “Oh Aya I’m so glad you’re ok!”
The little girl hugged her mom and they rejoined the father and big sister. The family turned to Oda as he walked up. “Thank You so much, Aya told us all about how you helped her, we couldn’t be more grateful.” The father and mother looked at Oda with sincerity.

“Not a problem ma’m! That's what us Ninja are here for” He gave a big smile before addressing the little girl, a big smile across her face now that she was safe amongst family. “And you were just the bravest! Tsukigakure would be lucky to have you at the academy some day!

“Now, for my favorite part of this wonderful tour. The academics!” He pointed off towards the New Moon Academy and began to march towards it.

He answered questions along the way and told stories about the various spots they passed. As they walked the road the guests began bombarding him with questions about what it was like to be a ninja. Clearly many of them were eager to join.

Oda was becoming overwhelmed in attempting to answer everything, until finally a slightly older gentleman asked a question that allowed him to distract the others,if only briefly.

“How do I know what element I'm good at?” the older gentleman asked from the back.

Oda perked up “Ah, what a great question! Stay right here for one second.” He ran into the academy and came running back out with four slips of paper. He activated his Shadow Clone jutsu and created four of himself, if nothing but for effect and he liked seeing the amazement on peoples faces. He handed the slips of paper to his clones as they all greeted eachother.

“Bossman” one nodded
“Bossman” one nodded back

“Ok you hooligans settle down” The original Oda said to his clones. They all took positions and held the pieces of paper in their hands, focusing their chakra.

“Observe! By channeling our chakra into these slips of paper, the paper reacts with the natural affinity in our chakra and alters the paper in a specific way! For example Wind will cut it in two, Earth will turn it solid and it will crumble away, Lightning will crinkle it, Water causes it to become damp, and Fire ....” He paused for dramatic effect and held his paper up, the clones following suit in unison. The original paper burned up into ashes along with two of the clones. The people gave a clap but Oda turned around, confused as one of the clones said “Uh…Bossman did I do it wrong?”

Oda looked at two of the clones and their paper. One was crumbled and in dust like it would have with the Earth element, strange. However, Oda's eyes really lit up when he saw the other clones paper, it had turned into what looked like cooled down magma, collapsing in on itself from the weight. He excitedly grabbed the lump of rock, completely forgetting about his tour.

His lack of focus caused his clones to pop out and he stared at the lump of rock. Had he really unlocked the Lava release? He had heard about certain tests the Terumi would do long ago and he naturally assumed he would have to do those to unlock Lava. But, they didn’t have these paper slips, maybe these were just as good. A voice of one of the new villagers broke him out of his hyper focus.

“Uh, so..Can we do that?” they asked

He covered his face in a smile and turned to them

“Of course! If you want to join, it will be one of the many things you do at the academy,if there's anyone thinking of signing up we can go in and I can help you with anything you need!”

A large group of the new citizens funneled towards the academy leaving some stragglers, most notably to Oda, the family of the little girl he helped. The bigger sister looked distraught, like she wanted to join but was being held back. Oda walked up to them.

“Well Hi!” he flashed a smile at the parents and the two daughters, all of them but the bigger sister returned the smile.

“Are you sure you don’t want to sign up?” He said to the bigger sister, she tried to answer but was cut off by her father.

“She will have to wait, it’s clear from..ahem…” he gave a look to the girl before continuing “... today's events, that she needs to work on her responsibility.”

Oda kept his smile on his face but paused as he thought of how to proceed, this was understandably a tense subject.

“Well, far be it from me to tell you how to parent but, I’ve seen the academy turn a lot of hooligans into upstanding, responsible citizens.” He left it at that, not wanting to push it too far.

The parents gave each other a look, clearly thinking it over. The bigger sister looked at them in hope.

“Alright, go on in.” They relented.

The bigger sister's face beamed and for the first time she said “Thankyou thankyou thankyou!” She ran off to join the group as they went into the academy and the younger girl Aya reached after her big sister. “I wanna goo!!” she said, continuing to reach towards the academy while her mom held her.

Oda and the parents laughed and the parents reassured her she would get to join one day. Oda talked with them more for a bit about how they were adjusting to life in Tsukigakure, gave them some tips on how to get around, and then headed into the academy to help anyone who needed it.

The group was there for some time before finally going back out onto the road, Oda was run down from all the paperwork, he hated paperwork. But, he put his smile on and stepped in front of the group once more. “Ok folks! Next stop: Bal’s Library!”. He continued on with his usual enthusiasm, making sure to stop at particular spots that he enjoyed. He showed them some views of the village, some cafes he liked, and a particularly enjoyable garden that was off the beaten path. “This village has everything, I'm telling ya!” He exclaimed to them at one point in the journey.

As they approached the library Oda inhaled quickly in surprise. He had yet to go to the library during his time here, he was never much of a reader. And as he looked at the majestic sanctuary- its grand entrance framed by towering columns adorned with intricate carvings of celestial bodies- he couldn’t help but be in awe.

His nostrils filled with the smell of aged parchment and wood. The polished wooden floors reflected the light of the lanterns creating a beautiful mirroring effect, and the shelves and shelves of scrolls that adorned the walls were breathtaking in their own right. Oda didn’t read much, but he was fascinated by the history of his own people, and wondered if Bals Library could contain any past knowledge. He turned around at the sound of shuffling feet as the crowd gave up waiting and simply started to explore the library.

“Heh, uh yes ok so meet back here in 30 minutes enjoy the services!” Oda said sheepishly as he too began to explore the maze of shelves. He searched fruitlessly for any Terumi mentions but was unaccustomed to how the library was organized. Still, Oda could feel he was going to return to this place, he could feel the knowledge flow around almost like something tangible.

As he waited for the new villagers to group back up and continue the tour he thought back to the demonstration outside the academy. He had heard of people with small trace elements that existed alongside their natural affinity. He was excited to learn he had that present as well. But, he was absolutely Giddy at the chance to learn Lava, and he daydreamed about jutsus he could create.
Some villagers broke him out of his concentration as they asked for assistance with signing up for memberships or applying to work at the library. He noted how good of an idea that would be and helped them, putting in his own application as well.

The villagers grouped together outside the Library and gave Oda their full attention. “Our next stop, Shinoda Springs!” His stomach rumbled a bit and he paused “aaand maybe some food!” He stopped at one of the various food carts and sweet talked the merchant into some free food. After a quick rest and lunch he led them to Shinoda Springs.

Unlike Bal’s Library, Shinoda Springs was a place that Oda was very familiar with. Before, when he wasn’t in the academy yet, he would sit from afar and watch the ninja train. The woods relaxed him and the moonlight that shone in seemed to light the whole area up in a beautiful silver glow. He turned to his group.

“As you can see, Shinoda Springs is a place of great importance to Tsukigakure. Here, the ways of the shinobi twist and merge with the nature around us. This place is vital to connect with the power of the moon, and as such it is a sacred place.” He walked lightly amongst the dirt pathways and caressed a silvery leaf. “If you wish to become a shinobi here, it is at Shinoda springs where you will connect with the lunar energy that ties us all together.”

He gave them a slight bow and kept his voice soft and respectful. “Please be respectful of the shinobis training here, and have a look around. I will be here to help with any of your needs.” He sat at a small stone bench and soaked in the palpable energy of the place. Groups of villagers walked to and fro, bending down to observe crystals or caress silvery foliage. A few paused and observed shinobi as they trained.

Oda simply sat, something that was very strange for him to do. He was always one to bounce around and he hated sitting still. But, in Shinoda Springs, everything was different for him. He felt a profound sense of focus while here, maybe it had something to do with the crystals? He pondered.

Regardless, when he was in this place he felt as if he was doing something right, like his path was leading him to these springs. Oda helped some of the new villagers with getting around and helped with describing the uses of certain training tools. He showed some of the more eager people some fighting stances and conversed more. He was in his element amongst people and he relished a chance to talk to them.

Oda gathered all the newcomers together finally after some time in Shinoda, he was reluctant to leave but they still had 3 more spots to visit, and the day was coming to a close.

“Alright folks let's pack up and head out, we have three more spots to visit and the day is getting dark!”

He gave a smile, knowing what was to come and he laughed to himself, the darkside was sure to get some people spooked. As he left the springs and ushered his group on he turned around one last time to stare at the pathway leading to the springs. He looked at the place he would most likely spend most of his time in while in Tsukigakure and could feel it calling to him. Then turned around to follow after the group.

Oda Terumi
Oda Terumi
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Record
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 500

The Big Tour!  Empty The Big Tour! Pt.3

Today at 12:29 am
As the group proceeded to Darkside he mentally prepared himself, Oda liked to joke but, even he could get spooked. Still, he would have to put on a brave face for the new citizens of Tsukigakure! He raced ahead and waited at the road for his group to catch up, secretly setting up some Shadow Clones hiding in the bushes. As the group came to a stop in front of him he launched into his speech, making his voice lower and using the setting sun behind him to create a silhouette.

“Welcome, one and all, to the macabre and the frightening. Where culinary arts and shadows from beyond dance and intertwine!” He used the puffs of smoke from dismissing his shadow clones to create a fog effect, startling some of the group. “Yes! Delight in the fantastic and dark, enjoy such fine dishes as the ‘Vampires Feast’ and enjoy a relaxing drink of some truly sinister cocktails.” Oda gave a slight flourish and moved backwards through the fog, beckoning the group to follow.

He popped his head back through quickly.

“They also have a fantastic deal on pancakes at the moment, try it out!” He gave a smile, then remembered the spooky vibes he was trying to create and changed his face to one of terror. “...IF YOU DAAAAaaare” he said as he continued to float backwards and be obscured by the smoke.

They sat down at a prearranged table and were given some food, some people chose to drink cocktails, some chose to try out the pancake challenge. Oda was surprised to see some of the people even doing well at it! He asked them about how they were able to do so well with ten whole pancakes, and was confused to hear it had to do with how good the pancakes were. He’d never understand people's taste buds but he left it at that.  Overall it was a grand time and he was delighted in seeing the people laugh and smile together only to be shocked out of their smiles by a spooky attendant.

A few of the new villagers asked if they could meet the staff and apply to work there. He helped them find the paperwork and inquired about cooking there as well. He always fancied himself an excellent cook. As he was talking to one of the attendants about cooking, it was clear that his culinary genius was not appreciated by everyone.  Oda was too preoccupied ranting about the culinary value of burning food to notice the attendant slip his application in the trash.

As they wrapped up their dealings at the Darkside, Oda waited outside for the group to trickle back out and form together. It was night time now, and he found himself staring up at the moon as it shone in the sky. He had lived in the Land of The Moon for some time now, but he had always felt like a visitor. It was only recently after moving to Tsukigakure that he felt a part of it all.

He clapped his hands together as the group formed,. “Next stop, Red Moon Resort!”

Oda liked the Red Moon resort, even if the water was always a little lukewarm at first, he made do with the heating stones they had. He didn’t know this, but the water was in fact very hot and a great temperature for hot springs, he simply didn’t realize how the Terumi blood in him resisted the heat. Oda was too polite to inquire as to why they were at such a low temperature.

He walked with the group in silence for a bit as they trekked through the smaller path up to Red Moon,Oda loved the luscious foliage and winding pathways. As he stared back down the winding paths waiting for his group to move further along, he stared down at the springs, his mind drifting to training and the jutsus he needed to learn. As if on instinct he began whistling a tune, maybe it was the tranquil nature of the pathways, maybe the lunar energy that filled the night sky enabled it, all Oda knows is he started whistling and a stream of fire began to emit from his mouth.

His eyes widened, but the whistling continued, the air being pulled out by the heat of the fire and continuing the tune, the stream grew until a fireball began to form and Oda began to panic as he kept his head tilted away from any foliage.

Finally he shut his mouth.

“I didn’t even know you could do that!” He exclaimed to nobody

Oda looked around for someone to have witnessed his feat, but no one was near. He tried to whistle again but the note was flat and the moment had passed. He rushed ahead to reach his group before they got too far away and chose to worry about it later. As they came to the Red Moon Resort a well dressed attendant waited for them.

He addressed the attendant “Hello! I believe we have a scheduled group appointment?”

The attendant nodded calmly “Yes sir, if you will follow us here we can get you settled in and enjoying our wonderful hot springs.” The group followed in in an orderly fashion and Oda fell in behind them, he was eager to get into the springs and was already beaming with a big grin.
“Ok everyone, we scheduled a bit of a treat for you all” Oda was in a towel and swim trunks, his group looking the same, and they stood just outside the hot springs. “These hot springs are famous! They feel wonderful and the service is top notch so we wanted to give you guys a little welcoming gift and provide a full service spa night! We’ll follow up with an exclusive tour of our cultural and arts building where you can enjoy the art after being maximally relaxed!” He took off his headband with a flourish before carefully folding it again. “Without further ado, let's relax!”

The group proceeded to enter into the hotsprings giving various levels of contented sighs, Oda found himself separated from the group, his necessity for more heated rocks than usual meant the water around him was almost painfully hot. It wasn’t the same feeling that he felt before with the Lava release. That feeling was like a ball of bubbling magma sat in the pit of his stomach. But, as he sat in the hotsprings he could feel another element bubbling beneath the surface of his chakra. He knew the Terumi’s could also control the famed Boil release, perhaps that's what he was feeling.

The Red Moon resort was a welcome reprieve, and Oda sneakily reached for his towel, pulling out a “training manual” and lowering himself further into the water. He would say the blushing was the result of the hotsprings, an excellent cover. Oda was on volume 23 of his favorite romance novel “In the Eyes of Her Heart” and he was obsessed with it. His obsession caused him to not realize that his water had cooled, and some villagers from his group floated near to ask him questions.

There was a pregnant pause before Oda broke the tension and tried to play it cool “Not to worry I can get that replaced at the academy” He could in fact, not, as ‘In The Eyes of Her Heart Vol.23’ Was no longer in print. He answered their questions with enthusiasm and helped warm the water with his fire jutsu. They briefly took advantage of the other amenities, warm sake, mud exfoliation, Oda even got a pedicure - or at least he tried but was too ticklish. Eventually their time at the Red Moon resort came to an end. The guests somewhat reluctantly got out of the hotsprings, shivering at the temperature change.

Oda waited for them to congregate back at the front after changing and used the time to draw a large symbol of Tsukigakure in the dirt. He laid out small slips of paper along the trenches formed, and then waited. Once he had their attention he activated a fire lash, doing the appropriate hand signals and flourishing his hands before spinning and lighting all the slips of paper.

As he stood in the illuminated symbol of Tsukigakure he spoke with a grandiose and bellowing voice. “And finally, to finish our tour, the world famous Kurosawa Home for Culture and Art.” Light claps emanate from the group in response to the light show and Oda unceremoniously stepped out of the circle before leading the group to the building in question.

This month the building was a celebration of the native inhabitants and their culture. The main motifs being the animals and the different times of the year. The art was beautiful, featuring works from various shinobi and citizens of Tsukigakure. At the center of the building sprawled multiple sculptures of each mythic creature in the Land of The Moon. He led the group to the statues and motioned to them.

“The Land of The Moon is a land steeped in an ancient and rich culture. The native inhabitants of this land believe that each time of the year corresponds to a specific mythological beasts, and we host festivals all year around celebrating those mythological creatures!” He gestured to the first

“This is Mizunosei. They say this spirit is responsible for the carving of all of the lakes and rivers in this land. They also say that the tears of this legendary creature can heal many ailments, it is in honor of that that we take time during her festival for self care and healing.”

He gestured to another. “And this is my personal favorite, The Boar Furaibi. This is the spirit of creativity and passion, and it's said It carried the warmth of the moon, kindling the hearths of the first inhabitants of this land. In honor of Furaibi we make sure to indulge in our passions and laugh deeply.”

He went down the list. The Panther Inazuma, whose eyes guided travelers lost in storms. The Eagle Aetherius with wings that stretched across the skies. Terranox, whose tunnels are said to lead to hidden wisdom. And last but not least, the blessings of the moon herself, Inbaba the trio of rabbits. He delighted in their rapt attention, everyone loves a mythological beast. Oda could feel their time coming to a close, and he felt his eyelids getting heavy. As he answered their questions, he began to long for his bed.

The newcomers continued to explore the museum for a while before congregating back near the front. Aya the little girl had a replica Fuirabi boar that she must have gotten from the gift shop. “Did you have fun little bosslady?” He give a friendly grin

“So much! I can't wait to sign up to be a ninja too! And I’m gonna get mommy to go search for Inbaba so we can have a BUNCH of luck!” She gave a sugar rush induced grin and he internally chuckled at the stressed faces of the parents. He laughed loudly and gave the little girl a high five “that sounds like a plan!”

Oda backed up a bit from the group to get their attention and put his arms out. “And with that folks, our tour comes to an end. Thank You so much for your time and welcome to Tsukigakure. My name is Oda Terumi and if you ever need anything just give me a shout, I'm happy to help.” He clasped his hands and took on a more serious tone “Your citizenship is appreciated, Tsukigakure is not a large village, but with the help of your passions and creativity we can take each other to great heights!”

As the crowd dispersed he lingered and made sure to answer any remaining questions. Finally with every person gone, he trudged back home and plopped on his bed with a huff. What a fun tour!

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