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A Five day tour (training) Empty A Five day tour (training)

Thu May 10, 2012 6:05 pm
A light rain fell as Nietzsche left his house in Kirigakure. He was off on his personal training trip. At first Nietzsche saw it as an irksome idea to go on a trip devoted solely to training, but after having spent three loathsome weeks doing nothing any idea that involved a change of pace was welcome. Nietzsche planned to travel to an island off the coast of the main island in the land of water and along the way get some training in.

Day 1
As Nietzsche left the village he turned towards the path that led to the sea. After about half an hour of walking down the washed out path he arrived at the sea, which greeted him with a crisp gust that swirled his hair around him. After waling a little longer he arrived at his final destination: a small dock that boldly jutted out into the sea’s open maw. “ I hope its still here…” Nietzsche thought to himself. Upon entering the small boathouse that adorned the dock Nietzsche found what he was looking for: his grandfathers old rowboat. The boat itself was not in the best condition he would have to bail while he rowed, but it would do the trick.

After loading the boat with his supplies Nietzsche set out on the first leg of his journey by boat to one of the outer islands of the land of water. The weather had improved greatly; the rain had stopped and the sun was peaking out. Plus the sea was relatively calm. Nietzsche’s rowing was at first very sloppy and incredibly inefficient and thus he tired out quickly. Consequently after an hour of rowing he stopped to take a rest. Nietzsche grimaced as he stretched out his arms. “How are my arms already sore?” Nietzsche wondered aloud to no in particular. After finishing his short break and stretching out he got back to rowing. After another half an hour he was able to notice an improvement in his form, because it was getting easier to row. Nietzsche smiled at his relatively meaningless achievement. While smiling Nietzsche threw his head back and looked at the sky. The sun beat down on him warming him while the cool sea breeze cooled him leaving him in a constant suspension between too hot and too cold. Right before Nietzsche looked down to get back to rowing a darkening in the sky caught his eye.

Dark ominous clouds were quickly blowing in a obscuring the sun. The wind also started to whip up blowing a pair of Nietzsche’s spare pants into the water. “This could be bad…” he thought. Just then a giant wave almost swallowed the old rowboat. “Woah I almost got soaked. The weather is getting worse” he lamented to himself. And almost in response to Nietzsche’s thoughts a thin bolt of lighting struck across the sky bringing with it a torrential down pour. “At least I have almost made it to the other side of this stretch of sea. I will be fine I just have to pick up the pace a bit” Nietzsche rationalized in his head.

And so Nietzsche continued rowing on in the swelling sea. Each wave smashed against the side of the boat threatening to topple the boat. Nietzsche was making liberal use of the bailer; the water was coming over the sides in what seemed to be an endless torrent. Somehow Nietzsche was able to keep rowing and stay afloat though his arms were now burning from pulling against both the outgoing tide and the storm.

Just as Nietzsche was about to lose his last remaining strength and surrender himself to the mercy of the sea he felt a dull THUD. Upon looking behind him he nearly collapsed in joy; he had reached the outer island. Nietzsche unpacked his now soaking gear and threw it on to the beach. He then proceeded to pull up his boat up onto shore. Though it seemed a lot harder than it had launching it. It was then that a wave of exhaustion fell over Nietzsche his legs body and arms ached like no other and his head felt clouded. He considered just falling asleep then and there in the pouring rain. But he pushed through and was able to set up a small lean to that would be his shelter until the morning. With one last look to the black skies Nietzsche fell asleep to the sound of pounding rain and flashes of lighting.
(Words: 661, Strength training)

Day 2 part one
Nietzsche awoke to the muted plip plop of water falling on his crudely made shelter from the lone tree that sat sentential over the beachhead. He looked out to see that the sky was still a gray overcast, but at least the rain had stopped for now. Nietzsche got up and ate a quick breakfast of some soggy bread and butter, because all his other food required a campfire, which given the moistness of the surrounding wood would not happen. He then packed all his belongings into his bag and started of on the next leg of his journey.

The land stretched before him was a vast marshy tideland that seemed to stretch into oblivion. Upon taking his first step into this tideland Nietzsche sunk into the sand up to his knees. The sand was so saturated with water that it had created a quick sand bog. Thinking quickly Nietzsche spread out his body mass over the sand and dragged himself out to the relatively dry sand of the beach. He sat and thought for a while and then an idea occurred to him: “What if I could walk on this quick sand like I do water by focusing my chakra to my feet?”. Nietzsche enthusiastically set out to try his new tactic.

He took one step onto the sand spreading out the chakra in his feet making a platform in his mind. And PLOP he was standing on the moist sand. Nietzsche started by taking small baby step, which, as his confidence grew, gradually became larger and larger as he took up a running pace. He noticed the less time he was standing around the less chakra he wasted on little adjustments to keep him from sinking. Nietzsche shivered a bit as he ran by some animal carcasses that had fallen victim tot the quick sand.

After an hour of running Nietzsche slowed down to a walk. He felt that his chakra was nearly drained, but on the bright side he didn’t have to think about releasing chakra to keep himself from sinking it just came by instinct. “I really hope this marshland comes to an end soon” thought Nietzsche. He was starting to get tired of only seeing a flat empty wasteland in front of him; it was slightly discouraging. As this new wave of discouragement washed over Nietzsche he decided to pick up the pace.

As he went on he saw in the distance a sparse forest that bordered this hellish stretch of sand. Nietzsche grinned he could soon leave this retched wasteland behind. But after two hours of running and expending chakra his body was starting to feel the strain. As his chakra supply dwindled it became harder and harder to control the amount of chakra he released and where it went. His former control of chakra was fading fast.

He urged his body on calling on the last dregs of his chakra supply. Solid ground was about 500 meters away. “Just a little bit further” Nietzsche reassured himself. With each step he sunk a little more than he had previously. Nietzsche could feel his charka failing him as he got about ten meter from solid ground. Then exactly five meters away he fell into waist deep sand. “Well this sucks,” thought Nietzsche. It wouldn’t be a problem getting out, he was able to do that with ease and reach solid ground, but all his supplies were mud coated and his food gone or spoiled. He would need to go hunting a little later on that night. For now though Nietzsche lay down under a tree and with one last glance at the mid afternoon sky fell asleep. (Words: 610, Chakra training)

Day 2 part 2
Nietzsche was awakened from his sleep by a sharp yelp in the woods behind him. Still groggy from sleep he looked around disoriented. And then it all came back to him he was still on his training trip and needed to get some food, which his growling stomach reminded him constantly. Upon getting up Nietzsche started a fire. Dusk had just barley fallen. And as Nietzsche glanced towards the woods he saw the eye shine of what looked like deer. “Hmmmm deer…venison would taste good right about now,” thought Nietzsche.

He got up taking a makeshift torch with him and walked towards the woods. Nietzsche still walked towards the deer, which pranced off into the falling darkness. Nietzsche felt foolish why did he think that bring fire over would not scare the animals away? “No matter I will just ditch the torch and follow them in the dark” reasoned Nietzsche. He set off at a light jog into the woods quickly jumping up into a gnarled old tree to wait.

Nietzsche waited in the tree until the deer retuned, which he hoped they would or he would be out luck. Nietzsche waited and waited until all was dark save for the solitary campfire that was now burning down into embers. At last just as Nietzsche was dozing off he heard the pitter patter of hooves. Looking around for the source of the footsteps Nietzsche spotted the deer. There were three of them and they seemed to be attracted or at least interested in what remained of Nietzsche’s campfire.

Smirking Nietzsche figured all he would have to do was use his chakra scalpel to disable one deer and it would be an easy dinner. So he went to fire up his chakra scalpel, but nothing happened. The running across quicksand earlier that day had drained a considerable amount of chakra thus rendering him unable to form his chakra scalpel. “That’s a problem…I guess I will have to chase one and beat it down,” thought Nietzsche. He jumped soundless to the ground and located a sizable rock about the size of his fist and made his approach.

He watched as the deer’s ears stood at attention as he accidentally stepped on a stick making a loud SNAP. Then with that the deer were off running deep into the forest. Right on their tail was Nietzsche. He broke out in an all out sprint as he ran after the retreating deer. The foliage started to get thicker forcing Nietzsche to dodge trees as they came across his path. After half an hour of sprinting the deer stopped in a clearing. Nietzsche took to the trees and watched and waited. This was his chance he had to be fast or the deer would escape again.

Darting down from the tree Nietzsche tackled the smallest of the deer and knocked over the head with his rock, which after repeated blows smashed the poor animal’s head killing it. Then Nietzsche sat there breathing deeply. “Dam… deer are fast…” commented Nietzsche in between heaving breaths. He then proceeded to drag the deer back to his campsite.

Luckily Nietzsche's fire had not completely died and he quickly rekindled with a few well-placed sticks and a considerable amount of blowing on it. Turning his attention to the deer Nietzsche remembered a very important point: he had never skinned a deer in his life before let alone cooked venison. Trying to remember where to cut Nietzsche figured he would just cook a thigh and call it good. Taking out a small knife Nietzsche began the gruesome task. At last he had isolated the thigh meat, which he put over the fire to cook. After an hour of waiting the meat looked sufficiently cooked to Nietzsche and he ate his very first home caught meal. And quite frankly it tasted awful, but it was food. With a full stomach a sound mind, and an aching body Nietzsche fell asleep.
(Words: 662, speed)

Day 3
The late morning sun hit Nietzsche as he struggled to wake up. It was one of those days that lent itself to doing nothing, but unfortunately for Nietzsche he had to do something. He got up and put on his traveling cloak ate the last of the meat he had cooked last night. And stated off he followed the path he had taken while catching the deer last night. The deer despite being merely animals had an incredible sense of direction, thus Nietzsche figured he should follow their paths through the woods.

As Nietzsche moved through the forest it got denser and denser until it became hard to navigate on the ground so he moved to the treetops. Upon reaching Nietzsche took a moment to survey his soundings. And to his surprise straight ahead there was a sheer cliff that dropped down into the sea. He quickly made his way over to the edge of the cliff and looked down. There was about a 500 foot drop and the gap was too large to jump across. On top of that he had lost his rope in his passage over the sea. It looked like something had taken a bite out of this island, because there were successive ravines exactly like this one.

At first Nietzsche figured he would just go around, but after looking around some more he found that it would take another day or two at least to go around through the dense forest. “Well I guess I will just have to walk down these cliffs and up again. Uh this is going to be a pain,” Nietzsche whined to himself. Nietzsche secured his belongings on his back he didn’t want to lose anything else to clumsiness of acts of god.

Throwing caution to the wind Nietzsche began his trek down the side of the ravine. Nietzsche limited his chakra use on the way down allowing gravity to do most of the work only using his chakra to hold onto the cliff when he got going too fast. About a minute later Nietzsche had reached the bottom at which point he walked across the small inlet of water. He reached the vertical cliff in front of him with a sigh. “I really hate doing this especially with the whole fear of heights thing…but it can’t be helped,” complained Nietzsche.

Bracing himself against the wall he began his ascension to the crest of the next cliff. He made it to the top without a hitch. Looking forward from atop the second ravine's crest Nietzsche saw that there was two more ravines like the one he had just traversed. He started the second one and was able to make good time making it to the last valley in about a half an hour.

Finally he arrived at his last obstacle. The third valley was no less steep than the last two but it looked much less stable. Nietzsche made quick work going downhill. Though he did notice that behind him was a rocky avalanche of debris. “Going up is gonna be nasty,” Nietzsche lamented to himself. He walked over to the last uphill part and made his first steps. All seemed well until half up the cliff the ground beneath him gave out. Time seemed to slow down as Nietzsche fell. “Am I going to die?” Nietzsche asked himself. Steeling his resolve Nietzsche quickly prepared for an impact and about two seconds later it came. SMASH CRASH BOOM rocks and dirt littered the water below. Nietzsche struggled to to the surface of the water and went to the bottom of the cliff and began again relieved to be alive still.

This time up Nietzsche expended as much chakra as possible so as to keep a strong almost ground shattering grip on the cliff. And he sprinted up as the cliff collapsed behind him. When he made it to the top he sat down and rested. He gazed back over the three ravines and sighed. “Well I should get a move on or I will miss my boat make to the mainland,” thought Nietzsche. And off he went back into the forest terrain. He planned to travel through the night to reach the small fishing village, which was just on the other side of this forest.
(Words: 711, chakra)

Day 4
After having trudged through the last of the jungle and almost being eaten alive by bugs Nietzsche was happy have the sun on his face. Also he liked being able to see the small fishing village in front of him. He still had a ways to go; the village was at the bottom of a gentle hill, but it was close enough. He could even see the boat that he was going to take back to the main village of Kirigakure. It was an elegant ship even from a distance with one strong mast, a couple of sailors working on it and white sails aloft in the morning breeze. “Wait did I just see sails being unfurled? Am I late? Are they leaving without me?,” thought an alarmed Nietzsche.

Nietzsche broke into an all out sprint down the hill. He decided to stray off the path to take a more straightforward route to get to the boat. He almost tripped once or twice while running, but quickly regained his composure and pushed on. In about ten minutes he reached the outskirts of the small town. People were milling about and every single one of them seemed to be in Nietzsche’s way.

He ran into three or four people along the way, he lost count, but hopefully he did not have to see any of them again, because they would be quite mad next time they saw him. Reaching the docks Nietzsche slowed down his pace so as not to cause a ruckus amongst the various caged animals that lined the docks. As he reached the boat a sailor asked him for his ticket. Nietzsche reached into his backpack and to his embarrassment it was not there-he had lost his ticket. “I will be right back” Nietzsche yelled over his shoulder as he ran back into town. He had to find a place to buy another ticket and fast.

As he tuned the corner at full tilt he nearly ran into the same four people he had run into earlier. Noticing who he was they started to come at him yelling while one of them brandished a sword. Nietzsche thinking fast activated his mist servant technique instantly spawning three mist clones of himself. He watched as his would be assailants struck a clone, which in turn spawned into more and more clones making their attempt useless, not that the genjutsu created clones could hurt them. Taking his chance to turn tail and run Nietzsche turned around only to see his boat leaving the docks.

Nietzsche broke out into a full sprint for the third time that day and made it to the boat yard in a flash. “I’ve never been a stow away,” Nietzsche thought excitedly. And off he ran after the ship as the last of the ropes were cast off. Nietzsche quickly jumped onto the water and started his pursuit. He made it to the boat and climbed onto the back and just sat on the balcony a convenient catching his breath. “Too much running…well the trip back to the main island will take a while I suppose I can catch a few z’s back here while I wait” Nietzsche said to himself as he drifted off to sleep on the rolling sea.

(Words: 544, speed)

Day 5
A loud yelling awakened Nietzsche it sounded like a guttural scream really. He looked around and to his surprise there were two boats chasing the one he was stowed away on. Upon closer inspection the boats had a pirate insignia on them. “Go figure ninja pirates,” chuckled Nietzsche. But his humor quickly died away. He really did not feel like having his ship delayed by pirates. “Maybe I can shake them off our tail,” thought Nietzsche. He chose his hidden mist technique as his best jutsu for this situation. With any luck the pirates will stop in their tracks when they can’t see where they are going.

“Ok I need a thick mist so I have to add a lot of chakra into it,” Nietzsche reminded himself. Concentrating hard mist started to rise off the water as Nietzsche continued his jutsu. But all of a sudden a kunai knife struck the side of the boat right next to his head. That broke his concentration and the mist dissipated. “Ok One more time” thought Nietzsche as he willed himself to pour chakra into the mist.

Once again the mist rose off the water, but this time in thicker wisps that seemed to rise like snakes form the water. The mist grew stronger and thicker until at last there was just a huge cloud of mist around the two pursuing boats. From inside the cloud it would be almost impossible to see out or at least Nietzsche hoped so.

To his horror one boat was able to make it the other one must have been lost in the mist. Nietzsche released the mist and the other boat was going the wrong direction. The boat that was now charging towards “Nietzsche’s boat” had ninjas launching kunai at him some with explosive tags and other without. Nietzsche heard the crew on his boat yelling and felt the boat shudder. Part of the bow must have been damaged. Nietzsche had one last ace up his sleeve the mist servant technique. It would use up a lot of his chakra, but hopefully the sheer number would scare off the pirates.

Activating his jutsu Nietzsche watched as 15 copies of himself rose out of the water in a cloud of mist. He then sent the illusions towards the other ship in hopes of spreading panic. Also picking up the kunai that had almost hit his head Nietzsche threw it back at the other boat. He heard as the other boat issued screams, which struck Nietzsche as odd his clones wouldn’t be able to do anything to them. It was then that it occurred to Nietzsche that he could see the sea floor. The boat must be nearing the harbor where there would be guards and protection for Nietzsche’s boat.

After about ten minutes the boat had docked and Nietzsche snuck off on his way home. He really didn’t want to go on one of these training missions ever again. As he walked home he stopped by the grocery store and bought a nice meal for dinner. The lights were dimming around the village as Nietzsche neared his home. And of course a light drizzle started to fall. When he arrived home it seemed that nothing had changed. But, Nietzsche knew he had.
(Words: 544, chakra)

(Total word count: 3840, Words in chakra: 1865, Words in strength: 661, Words in speed: 1206)
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