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Noroi's Training Sessions

Echo Uchiha
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Yamato Tanaka
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Yamato Tanaka
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 24500

Noroi's Training Sessions Empty Noroi's Training Sessions

Sat Jul 07, 2012 4:32 pm
Speed Training

Noroi became a Genin a short time ago. He knew what he was , what he was
good at , what skills he had , which skills he had to develop. Noroi
was fast and he was good at making unexpected assaults , he was a sneaky
ninja , he had a gift in Ninjutsu , but he didn't have a strong body so
if he fought against an average Genin , the first one to land a hit
would have a great advantage against the other. The first thing that
came to his mind was to train his body to be tougher. But then he
thought "My skill would be
balanced if I train my body , but on the other side , I'm fast and
strong. If I become even faster , I wouldn't have to have a strong body.
It would be better for me , since I know how to fight as a fast ninja."

His training was about to begin. He was going to become as fast as he
could. He was going to do nothing else for a long time : Just train and
train. He wanted to become powerful. And for him , speed was power. He
wanted to become a ninja like "The Yellow Flash Of Konoha" , without
becoming a Hokage and famous. He wanted to be the unknown protector of

Day 1

Noroi woke up early for almost the first time in his life. He was
usually lazy , but this time he was more awake than he ever was. He wore
his clothes and got out. He fastly went to the Training Grounds. He
thought what he could do as a training. Of course he was going to run
and run , but for how long , and where. Would just running around help
him get faster ? He then saw two boys racing with each other. He watched
them race for a little more and then he went near them. "Are you kids racing
with each other ?"
He knew what the answer was , he just wasn't good at being social , he didn't know what to say. "Yess..." answered the one with the funny hat. "Would you mind if I join ?" . The other one (which seemed smarter than the other)
asked "Aren't you a ninja ? Why would you want to play with us ?" Noroi was suprised by the way he talked. Noroi tried to explain the situation "I need to
become faster , and I think racing would be the best way to do so..."
The clever
one first looked at him like he was analyzing Noroi , but then he smiled and said "Okay !".
They started running all over the place , there was no limit what they
did. They ran between people in a crowd , they climbed houses and jumped
over them. They got exhausted as the day turned to the night. The kids
left the place assuming their parents would become concerned about them.
That's when Noroi started thinking about his life , as he was lying
down. He soon realized it was getting too late and went back home.

Day 2

Even though the kids helped him a lot yesterday , Noroi thought they
slowed him down and decided training alone in the seccond day of his
training. Noroi didn't wake up as early as the past day , he slept more
than he ever did. Yesterday , he trained the whole day without stopping.
It was a good experience. He learned that he should train alone , or
with other ninjas , he learned that he shouldn't train non-stop and he
already felt faster after the first day. "I feel a lot
faster already. I just trained 1 day. Only 20 hours. Now that I think ,
it's not that short... Whatever , I'll train as hard as yesterday."

So , Noroi made his way back to the Training Ground 11. He started
training as soon as he arrived. He started running between 2 trees : He
runs towards one , fastly climbs it , jumps towards the other one as
long as possible than does the same. He did this for almost five or six
hours with short pauses. He thought it would be better this way. When
the running practice was over , his next practice was jumping from a
tree to another as silent as he could. He would develop his sneaking
skills. He saw a person in the shadows just as he was getting ready to
begin the next training. Noroi walked to the shadows. And after his 4th
step , the boy got out of the shadows. It wasn't a ninja , or anyone
else he has seen before. He was about Noroi's age. The boy gave him a
letter and went away. Noroi opened the letter as soon as the boy got out
of Noroi's sight. The letter was blank... There was nothing written on
it. Noroi put the mysterious letter in his pocket. He continued his
training. While he was jumping from one tree to another , he was still
thinking about the letter. What was it ? Did the boy have some problems
or was it a message ? But who would give Noroi a message ? After the
training ended and Noroi arrived his home , the first thing he did was
sitting on the chair and investigating the paper.
After doing this for half an hour and achieving nothing , he left the paper
on his desk and went to sleep.

Day 3

When the 3rd day of his training arrived , Noroi didn't feel like
training at all. Once again his laziness won against his will to become
stronger. He was going to train this day too and then join his team and
stop training his speed for a while. So , Noroi went to the Training
Grounds once again. He practiced in throwing kunai's while running and
jumping. Speed wasn't enough. He had to learn to fight while using his
speed. So , in day 3 Noroi practiced on throwing kunai's and dodging
them. When the day was over , he didn't feel as tired as he felt the 1st
or 2nd day. When he arrived home he wanted to check the paper once
again , but there was a problem : it was missing. Noroi was sure he left
the paper on the chair but it wasn't there. "Strange..." So , after the 3rd
day , Noroi stopped training for a while ...

Word Count : 1044

Last edited by Noroi on Sun Jul 08, 2012 7:45 am; edited 1 time in total
Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
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Ryo : 24500

Noroi's Training Sessions Empty Re: Noroi's Training Sessions

Sat Jul 07, 2012 8:24 pm
Strength Training

Day 1

Noroi arrived at the training ground. He couldn't give up training himself although he was lazier than any other Genin or Academy student in Konoha. That was because he wanted to be the most powerful ninja Konoha , or even the wold had ever seen. He was going to stronger and stronger every day. So , he went near a tree , put off his cape , tied it over his waist and started his training... He started using Taijutsu on the tree : punching it , kicking it ... He knew it looked stupid for people looking at him but he didn't really care. His hands started bleeding after a while. He didn't stop for a long time. Then he grabbed his kunai from his cape and continued the training with it. He was going to need help this time. He found the boy he met during the first day of his last training. The boy's name was Sao , he was about Noroi's age. So , they started training. "You're not bad." told Noroi as his kunai scratched Sao's hand. Sao fastly reacted and tried stabbing Noroi in his chest. Noroi punched his arm which held the kunai as Sao answered him : "I train myself." . They were 5 metres away from each other now. "You're not bad either , by the way." said Sao. They jumped towards each other with an unbalanced speed. Noroi was faster than him , although they seemed equally fast when they raced. "You've gotten faster." said Sao as he dodged Noroi's kunai. His kunai scratched Noroi's arm. "I train myself." answered Noroi with a smile on his face. They trained for a long time. In the end , they both had some scars and were both exhausted. At least that's what Sao thought ... But Noroi was full of energy. Sao wasn't capable of getting Noroi exhausted. He waited for Sao to leave. Sao was no match for him , Noroi let Sao scratch him a little but Sao was just a boy with a kunai. He didn't have gift. Neither did he have knowledge. So , after Sao leaved , Noroi continued his training on the tree with his kunai. He didn't sleep that night , he didn't get tired even a little. He didn't know why but he didn't care about it either. He just wanted to become strong.

Day 2

When the first day of his training passed , he was already practicing his skills in Taijutsu. "I wonder how stong the other Genin are..." , Noroi was thinking about his future as he was training with the kunai , "I must train on my own when most of them have brothers , fathers , clans who can teach them. Being trained by someone else would be a lot easier than training on my own. Some of the ones with a clan also have powerful Bloodlines... Sometimes I feel like the world is not fair at all." He was a lot more angry after thinking of this. Then he realized his hands were badly injured. There was blood everywhere. But he didn't feel the pain. He became curious. He wore his cape and started walking to his home. In the way he suddenly passed out. He woke up in the hospital. He felt very tired. They told him that he was found by a boy later that night and he didn't have any injuries but slept for a whole day. Noroi was shocked. "First the letter and now this." Strange things were happening to Noroi. He then looked to his hands. They were just like they were before they got injured. "How did my hands get healed this fast ?" asked Noroi. "Your hands ? What about them ?" . Noroi was more curious after he heard this... "Nothing..."

Word Count : 617
Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
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Noroi's Training Sessions Empty Re: Noroi's Training Sessions

Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:28 am
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Noroi's Training Sessions Empty Re: Noroi's Training Sessions

Sun Jul 08, 2012 9:11 am
3 energy
3 JP
Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
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Ryo : 24500

Noroi's Training Sessions Empty Re: Noroi's Training Sessions

Sun Jul 08, 2012 9:23 am
Thanks , but I should also get +5 speed from the one at the top
Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
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Noroi's Training Sessions Empty Re: Noroi's Training Sessions

Sun Jul 08, 2012 4:49 pm
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Noroi's Training Sessions Empty Re: Noroi's Training Sessions

Sun Jul 08, 2012 5:32 pm
Yeah Approved for +5 Speed and +5 JP
Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 24500

Noroi's Training Sessions Empty Re: Noroi's Training Sessions

Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:21 pm
[deleted by Noroi]

Last edited by Noroi on Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:33 am; edited 2 times in total
Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
Survived 2021
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 24500

Noroi's Training Sessions Empty Re: Noroi's Training Sessions

Mon Jul 09, 2012 12:19 pm
[deleted by Noroi]

Last edited by Noroi on Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:33 am; edited 2 times in total
Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
Survived 2021
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 24500

Noroi's Training Sessions Empty Re: Noroi's Training Sessions

Mon Jul 09, 2012 7:50 pm
Health and Speed Training

Once again , Noroi was in the Training Grounds. He realised that the time he spent there was more than the time he spent at his house , or the rest of the village. But it had to be done. Noroi was a ninja with a purpose : He wanted t become a ninja who has surpassed the 4th Hokage , Minato Namikaze... He was far from achieving his dream but he had just begun , and he was going to do anything to achieve his goal. So , today Noroi was there to train his body , because it was weak. A C-Rank Jutsu could finish him off. So , he needed a little help in his training. He called Sao. The first person he met after Ichigo , his only friend , died. So , Sao came to the Training Grounds in order to help Noroi in that. Noroi didn't know any Genjutsu , and Sao did. What they were going to do was this :
Sao was going to use his Genjutsu on Noroi , Sao was going to injure Nooroi over and over , so his body was going to become stronger but the wounds weren't going to cause any damage to Noroi after the Genjutsu Training was over. So , they started. Sao brought a flute he was going to use to perform the Genjutsu. Sao started playing the flute. Noroi became sleepy. Suddenly , Sao stopped playing the flute. Noroi asked "What's wrong ?" , Sao replied : "Nothing..." "Then why did you stop playing ?" "We're in the Genjutsu already." Noroi checked the Training Grounds. Nothing seemed unusual , then sudddenly everything changed. Now , they were in an empty , white room. Noroi was suprised. He was in a Genjutsu for the first time. Sao said "Don't worry. Nothing that has happened in this room will effect you in real life." as he stabbed Noroi. Noroi felt the pain , but when he looked at his chest , the pain was gone and he didn't see any blood or any other sign that he has been stabbed. Then Sao stabbed him again. And again... And again... They continued like this. When they finished , Noroi finally relaxed. "You're not going to stab me ever again !!!" said Noroi , smiling... Sao smiled. As the next step , they were going to fight each other. But not the usual way. Noroi walked 10 steps away from Sao. Then Sao started throwing kunai's to Noroi. Noroi didn't even try to dodge. He was going to experience real pain this time. The Genjutsu was only a practice for the real training. So Sao went on throwing kunai's at Noroi. Most of them hit , then , when all kunai's they had were thrown , Sao went near Noroi , took al kunai's that missed from the ground. And then he started taking the kunai's that hit , from Noroi's body , which was the most painful thing that has ever happened to Noroi. Now he was bleeding badly. But they went on doing the training. Noroi felt pain... For the first time. He saw his chest , arms and hands bleeding. He killed a wolf before ,saw it bled to death. There was blood everywhere and Noroi was as calm as ever. But this time , he was nervous. It was different , harder when it was him bleeding badly. But Noroi was still calm. He managed not to pass out. He would look like a weak boy to Sao if he passed out. So , they went on , training... Sao threw kunai's at Noroi , and Noroi... And Noroi countered each kunai with more and more strength. He was feeling stronger now. The pain wasn't effecting him. So , this training was over too.

Next , they were going to make sure pain didn't effect Noroi or slow him down. Noroi was going to run a path with kunai's being thrown at him , and he was going to try to run like he isn't hit. He had to amke sure the kunais didn't effect him , didn't slow him down. So , Noroi started running with his full speed. And with thr first kunai that was thrown at him , he found himself on the ground. "Let's start with something easier , walk instead of running" shouted Sao , he was on top of a house now. It was a good place if he wanted the kunais to hit Noroi. Noroi shouted beack "O.K." and went back to the start of the path. He started walking , then he entered Sao's range. The first kunai hit him. He was almost going to fall again but he used the Clone Technique (Bunshin no Jutsu) to stay up. "What are you doing ?" shouted Sao "That's cheating !" . Noroi was disappointed as he turned back to the start , once again. This time , he didn't fall with the first kunai hitting him , he went on walking. Sao was still throwing kunai's to Noroi. Noroi countered them professionally. He wasn't feeling the pain anymore. He walked half of the way , but unfortunately felt with the next kunai thrown by Sao. The kuna hit him in his knee , so it effected his balance. He tried many more times before he could pass the way. "At last." thought Noroi , as Sao said the same thing : "At last..." , so he was now ready to do the training , running. Walking the way was nothing. Noroi had to be able to unsee he is hit in a battle. And in a battle , walking would be meaningless. Noroi trusted in his speed , so he should have been able to use his speed as much as possible , he had to be running or fighting as fast as normal when he is hit or being hitted by the enemy. So , they started the training in no time. Noroi was running as fast as he could , he was fast , some kunai's of Sao missed him... And the ones that hit him , hit him everywhere : in his arms , legs , chest , hands , feet ... But they weren't enough to make Noroi fall. He didn't even get slower. Sao's kunai's were all thrown , he was proud of Noroi "He's not only a fast runner , but he is also a fast learner..." . Noroi was proud of himself too , he finally managed to use his speed without being slowed down by the kunai's... He was also getting a more and more powerful body as he did the trainings. They did the training ove and over again. They didn't get tired. Noroi was getting faster and faster , and also stronger and stronger while Sao was getting better at throwing kunai's. This was by far the best training Noroi has ever had. So , they did this training for hours , but after a while it stopped helping both Noroi and Sao develop their skills. So , they went on and started the next training. Now , Sao was going to run away rom Noroi and Noroi was going to try to catch him and hit him with the kunai. So they started , but Sao was musch faster than how Noroi thought he was. It wasn't going to be easy to catch him , but Noroi trusted in his speed and energy. He suddenly heard a silent voice from his back. It was like someone was whispering near him , or talking with normal tone away from him... But he could swear that he heard the voice saying "Noroi". "Whatever" he thought , "Is there something wrong or do you give up already ?" Sao was at least a hundred meters away from Noroi now. Noroi smiled as he started running with his all speed. He was faster than Sao but not too much. He could still be not able to catch him immediately since he was now hundreds of meters away from Noroi. But Noroi wasn't going give up , he knew he was faster than him and Sao was going to get tired soon enough. Well , at least before Noroi does , probably. At least Noroi thought so. Noroi was chasing him without looking what is around him , so he bumped to some things sometimes , but he was after Sao , who was running pretty fast and knew how to disappear. Sao jumped over a house. When Noroi reached the plave Sao jumped from , he wasn't able to see Sao. Sao , by the way , was just under Noroi. He grabbed the open window of the house and was sitting on it as silent as possible. He was waiting for Noroi to leave but Noroi wasn't thinking of leaving since he had no idea and no clue where Sao was. Then suddenly , the window Sao was sitting on broke with an awful noise. It made Noroi find out where Sao was and probably caused some villagers to wake up. Finally , Noroi jumped down and caught Sao. He gave him a scar in his right arm with his kunai. That was the final part of the training : learning the feel to hurt someone. He already killed a wolf before but even hurting a person was harder than it. He then wondered what it would be like to kill someone. Would he get scared ? "Ouch !" shouted Sao "What was that for ?" . "That is an exchage for th hundreds of kunai's thrown at me." said Noroi while he was laughing. "You've got a point." Sao got up. And suddenly a villager started shouting at them for being so loud. They got away after repairing the window... Or just putting it near the house the window was broken. It was the best day in Noroi's life. He learned a lot of things , he got a more powerful and faster body , he experienced pain and causing pain. But most importantly , he had fun , he had fun like he never had befre. He actually never had fun before. So , Sao became tired and they both headed their homes.

Word Count : 1621 (+5 Speed , +3 health)
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