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Wandering Around Konoha (open)(No killing) Empty Re: Wandering Around Konoha (open)(No killing)

Sun Sep 09, 2012 3:37 pm
Darkness enveloped the beautiful village of Konohagakure like a fuzzy blanket, however, was warded of by the luminous lights giving off an etheral glow. A young girl with bright blue eyes and fiery red hair could be seen walking throughout this beautiful village, grinning happily. Tonight her mother had allowed her curfew to be extended by two hours, when usually she had to go to bed right away. So engrossed in her thoughts, Sachiko hardly noticed the form of a boy/man coming closer with each passing second. If one of them didn't move out of the way, they would crash.

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Kochou Nagato
Kochou Nagato
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Wandering Around Konoha (open)(No killing) Empty Re: Wandering Around Konoha (open)(No killing)

Mon Sep 10, 2012 2:58 am
Heading through the town, her first day back in a very long time Kochou walked around staring at everything and taking in the new sites. Kochou rounded a corner and saw the two kids run inot each other. "That hurt me just watching it! Are you guys okay?" Kochou asked with her long red hair flowing freely
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Wandering Around Konoha (open)(No killing) Empty Re: Wandering Around Konoha (open)(No killing)

Mon Sep 10, 2012 11:41 am
Sachiko, who wasn't paying attention to where she was walking, felt a large impact on her head, causing her to tumble backwards into the hard paved ground on her butt. "Owie," the girl mumbled softly before hearing two voices asking in unision, "Are you ok?" Suddenly the young girl deduced what had happened and shot up, smiling brightly. "Yeah, I'm alright, thank you. Now, how are you, Mr?" the girl asked worriedly.
Kochou Nagato
Kochou Nagato
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Wandering Around Konoha (open)(No killing) Empty Re: Wandering Around Konoha (open)(No killing)

Mon Sep 10, 2012 5:15 pm
Kochou looked at the two kids who had to be about her age. "So what do you guys do for fun around here?" Kochou asked them curiously. It was kind of getting boring now, but she had an idea the other two kids would know what they could do.
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Wandering Around Konoha (open)(No killing) Empty Re: Wandering Around Konoha (open)(No killing)

Tue Sep 11, 2012 11:50 am
Sachiko grinned at Kohou brightly and chirped, "Well, Miss, I usually play pranks on the villagers or ninjas! I remember this one time when I stole- er, borrowed- all of this guys shirts and jeans and replaced it with a hot pink dress!" The little girl snickered at the rememberence of her practical joke, and then asked curiously, her sky blue eyes shining, "What do you do for fun, Miss?"
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