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Demetri Kaguya <3
Demetri Kaguya <3
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Demetri's Gennin exam Empty Demetri's Gennin exam

Fri Oct 12, 2012 6:48 pm
Demetri walked in the door of the Academy this would hopefully be the last day he would have to come to school. He felt excited and nervous at the same time he went over the jutsu he knew in his head and went thourgh the seals of Clone jutsu and Transformation jutsu so he would not for get when the time came to use the one he was called to do. He sat down in his seat three rows back in the middle seat and waited for the other students to take a seat and for the teacher to instruct them on what to do.

[WC 105]
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Demetri's Gennin exam Empty Re: Demetri's Gennin exam

Fri Oct 12, 2012 6:52 pm
The door of the Classroom slid open the Instructor 'Tadamichi Kyousuke' a brown haired coal eyed young man with a lazy slightly bored look on his face steps in, He never really wanted to be a Shinobi but his Girlfriend ended up dragging him with her at a young age unfortunately she never made it and he graduated being forced into labor while his soon to be fiance was resting at home, the Teaching job was the best bet for him since he wanted to be a school teacher anyway....but teaching children forty ways to kill someone with a pimento was not exactly his kind of teaching.

He straightens up his posture slightly substituting for this classes teacher on their day of the graduation exam in order to remove suspicion of favoritism among the council "Demetri!! Your up!" he calls out lazily waiting for the Genin to stand and follow him before leading him into a room and stating clearly "Perform the Henge, and Bunshin Jutsu to pass, Good Luck!"

{Do 800 words in one post of you doing the techniques specified, if you do you pass, if not you fail.}

Demetri Kaguya <3
Demetri Kaguya <3
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Demetri's Gennin exam Empty Re: Demetri's Gennin exam

Fri Oct 12, 2012 8:10 pm
Demetri looked at the young teacher and could tell he didnt really like his job his eyes said it all he never wanted this life is all his eyes screamed. Seeing the slump that he had gave him very little hope that he would pass, again going over the hand seals for the jutsu. He let his eyes wonder along the class room and find the head bands. Demetri hoped that he would get one today. He drifted off into a world of his own thinking of epic battles and dangerous missions that he would undertake. He then heard "Demetri!! Your up!" and he jumped slightly cursing his self for drifting off like. "That is me" Demetri stated as he stood up and walked toward the instructor then followed the teacher into the room and was instructed to perform the Henge, which would let him turn into the person or object of which he was thinking of, and Bunshin Jutsu, which would let him make an exact clone of him self with the draw back that the clone could not fight back but it could use a good Jutsu to allow him to hide whie he came up with a plan, and he would pass. Hope filled inside of Demetri as he knew the both of the Jutsu well, as he had sparred and used them in the spar in hopes of winning, which he did not win as the other person had over powered him not only in strength but also stamina. He closed his eyes and concentrated on gaining his chakra, just as his father had taught him "Its inside you just think that there are tubes all over your body and let the magical force move through them not in a rush and not forcing it just let it flow as water does down a stram." he had said, and performed the hand seals for Bunshin, letting the chakra move through the the tubes that he had thought of since he had started learning to be a ninja, Bunshin he said in a not so level tone as his nerves got the better of him, and opened his eyes as a perfect clone of him self stood beside him, the color of the clothes, the height, the build, even the tint of his eyes was the same. Demetri smiled, as he was proud of the Bunshin he had made admiring it, again looking at the eyes which amazed him for some reason, before putting his hand thourgh the illusion to make it disperse. "That was my Bunshin Jutsu hope it was good enough to pass." he told the teacher after it was gone, still smiling while thinking of the hand seals for the next Jutsu Henge.
Demetri then closed his eyes and focused on gaining chakra, again thinking of the tubes that started in the center of his being and reached out past his fingers and toes, and performed the hand seals for Henge Jutsu, thinking of what the teacher looked like his brown hair, coal colored eyes, the bored look on his face, the slight slump that he had, the jaw line the shape of the head, how long his legs and arms where. the knuckles on his hands the slight bend in his leg, the crossed arms the out fit he had on, the color of his jacket, and even the way he stood all very clear in his head, He opened his eyes and said "Henge", a little louder then what he meant to he seemed to have a problem controlling his voice when he was nervous he decided that he would work on that as soon as he got the chance, as the smoke flowed around him, and throughout the room, he took on the likeliness of the teacher, wishing he had a mirror so that he could check to see if every thing was correct. The only difference that Demtri was smiling where as the teacher was not smiling he just looked on with those bored eyes longing to be else where, maybe home with his loved ones Demetri thought to him self. The smoke went away and he was left with just the eyes of the teacher upon him judging if he had done the jutsu correctly or not is all Demetri could guess, that or he just did not want to be there at all. He held the Jutsu for a few more minutes, to allow the instructor to judge it, then released the jutsu still smiling while looking at the teacher and asking "So how did i do?" he was excited and scared at the same time, his heart raced like the beating of ten horses running at full speed, he hoped the teacher wouldnt see the nervous smile on his face.

[WC 803]
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Demetri's Gennin exam Empty Re: Demetri's Gennin exam

Fri Oct 12, 2012 8:13 pm
"You pass" he says simply waving his hand towards the rack of headbands "Grab one and then go fill out your forms."

[Approved as Genin, sorry for the short post.]
Demetri Kaguya <3
Demetri Kaguya <3
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Demetri's Gennin exam Empty Re: Demetri's Gennin exam

Fri Oct 12, 2012 8:16 pm
Demetri smiled and nodded happily as he walked over the the table and put a head band on and went to fill out the forms for his gennin rank. "Thank you very much!" He said as he walked out the door smiling at his accomplishment.

[Exit, and its ok echo thank you for being the npc]
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