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Jashin Kisuke
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Scouting [Mission] Empty Scouting [Mission]

Fri Nov 09, 2012 7:45 am
Name: Patrol
Rank: D
Type: Scouting
Character Requirements: None
Word Count Requirements: 300
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 450 ryo

Task: Scout around the village to make sure the
area is secure. If anyone who doesn't seem to be an ally is seen, report it to
higher ranking shinobi.
The tap was running in a lowly apartment, slowly Jashin lifted his head from bed jumping out. He walked over to an envelope that was on the counter. He looked at it strangely and then taking it he learned that it was another task for someone. He sighed walking over to his fringe opening it, taking out a 1 minute cooked ramen he stuffed it in the microwave. He then went to read more of the mission and found out he had to patrol the village, sort of. Jashin shrugged going to the microwave taking out the bowl of ramen out of his microwave he sat down to think. It would be possible for them to know he was a immortal but to patrol the village would be risky. He sighed as he got ready and entered to the village gates. He saw that there were many animals which thought that they could enter the village. Sheathing his sword known as the White fang he blocked there way but a rabbit decided to naw at his leg. Jashin was surprised and tried to wave it off but the furry friend wouldn't lose it's grip. Jashin cut off one of it's ears with his blade as it was sent backwards. The rabbit was on the ground, not moving at all. Playing dead, Jashin shrugged ignoring him as he then noticed that all the other animals was in the village. Jashin then saw as he had a vision from his academy days. Back into reality he quickly scurried through the village telling everyone to lead the animals out of the village with food. Jashin led out the animals with meat, especially the bears. He then went around looking high and low for other animals. To find that they were all following him, he then lead them to a cliff where he jumped, they jumped, but he cached the cliff in time to get up and run to his village!

{Mission Complete}
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Scouting [Mission] Empty Re: Scouting [Mission]

Fri Nov 09, 2012 11:42 am
Approved for Appropriate Rewards
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