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Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Mission: Bandits (Nero, Vret, NK, INV) Empty Mission: Bandits (Nero, Vret, NK, INV)

Fri Nov 09, 2012 6:18 pm

Vretyel woke up early as usual because of Konma the monkey summon, he was always being loud and terribly stubborn in the morning, otherwise he was calm and docile for the rest of the day, today was going to be the start of an intresting few days of work. Reports from the higher ups have indictated that serveral thugs have been seen outside the village. This was something that Vretyel would not allow to happen to the village. His clan was made to stop bandits from destroying the village and he was not going to let this one dictate the village.

He had heard rumors of the camp, it was huge and could easily have many missing ninja in it, this one was going to be very hard to do by him self, so he had to enlist the help of one other ninja with superb skills. He looked through his book and he was only able to find one ninja who met Vretyel's specifications, his name was Nero Yamaki. Vretyel and him had done missions earlier before, missions that were easy but still Vretyel felt that he had a connection with the man. Vretyel got ready and went outside, hoping that he would be able to find Nero sooner rather than later.

Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
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Mission: Bandits (Nero, Vret, NK, INV) Empty Re: Mission: Bandits (Nero, Vret, NK, INV)

Fri Nov 09, 2012 6:34 pm
Nero, who often woke up too late, mostly at the times when everybody else have woken up hours ago and had stuff they were busy doing, today, woke up pretty early... He couldn't sleep the night before because of some kids playing loudly outside. Nero couldn't understand what they were doing down there that late, but he didn't bother askin or looking, so he was awake at an early hour for the day. He was now convinced he wasn't going to be able to sleep any more for the day, so he decided to go outside and do a mission...

"Now..." Nero thought "I'm a little bit tired, but I don't won't to do any mission that won't challenge me... So, I guess I'll find a companion for a harder mission... Now... Vret and I did pretty good the last time... I wonder if he's out this early, or would work this early... Anyway, I have to find him in order to learn it... I'll wait in the village gates... I'll wait for some minutes to see if he comes there...".

So, Nero did as he decided to, went to the village gates and started to wait for Vretyel, and probably the monkey summon with him...

[WC : 419]
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Mission: Bandits (Nero, Vret, NK, INV) Empty Re: Mission: Bandits (Nero, Vret, NK, INV)

Fri Nov 09, 2012 10:01 pm
Vretyel had indeed gone to the village gates to look for Nero Yamaki, but that was only after hours of searching for him in other locations around the city. He looked in every place that he thought that Nero could have been in, and still he could not even find him. Vretyel then realized that Nero was not a morning person, that he got up later than most people, and that maybe in the few hours he would be up finally. Vretyel was usually up before the sun rose, so now it was only about the first 3 hours of sunlight had been up, so until the sun was overhead of the village he and Konma decided that they would go and train for a bit.

The training was good, every passing moment lingered on the idea that these bandits could be growing in strength and influence ever hour that they spend waiting here. HE was anxious to take the individuals down before they could cause any further harm, so he wanted to kill them all, but he could not until he had the aid of Nero Yamaki. After a few hours he told konma that he was about to go start a mission that he would probably want to go for a bit. Vretyel had Konma go back to the land of the monkeys hidden the grass and then went to the village gates to wait to see if Nero would show up.

Until that time Vretyel had taken out his book and began to look over it again. The book of the Inazumahis was a symbol of the once powerful clan, segmented by whatever reason. On his last mission with Navi Vretyel found that he would be able to read over the symbols using his Navigan eyes, and then Vretyel could decipher the language that it was written in. This meant that the more missions that Navi and him did, the closer that he would get to achieving his goal of learning what happened to his clan. Sadly the process takes a long time for Vretyel to get down, so in the hour that he spent waiting for Nero he was only able to decipher half a page of an entire book.

It was around that time Vretyel first say Nero by the village gates, he put his book away so Nero would not know that Vretyel had it, and then he ran over to Nero shouting out his name across the bustling village gates, hoping he would hear him.

"Nero, mission, me and you, S ranked, promotion....." Vretyel handed him the scroll with the information on what they needed to do and reiterated a point to Nero.

"This goes well then you will probably reach the rank of Jounin if you have not already. Sometimes as a kid I do not always get new information first." Vreytel said, he had hoped that Navi would say yes and the two could get right onto doing the mission.

Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
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Mission: Bandits (Nero, Vret, NK, INV) Empty Re: Mission: Bandits (Nero, Vret, NK, INV)

Sat Nov 10, 2012 8:57 am
Nero was standing by the village gates, chatting with some jounin ranked shinobi standing nearby, lying his back to a wall, waiting for Vretyel to show up... Sşnce he was so concentrated on the chat between him and that jounin, Nero didn't realise how much he has waited there, nor did he realise how fast the time passed. He was just going to forget what he was waiting for and leave the place to train, he saw Vret running towards him some meters away. He was just going to say "What's up, Vret ?", but the boy spoke before he did...

"Nero, mission, me and you, S ranked, promotion....." Vretyel handed
him a scroll. Nero opened him and saw some info about a mission. "This goes well then you will probably reach the rank of Jounin if you
have not already. Sometimes as a kid I do not always get new information
first.". "Hmm..." Nero thought as he started to read the info of the S-Rank mission, "Bandits... Again ? Whatever, it's still S-Rank and I'll get some money after all... And it's also a chance to see Vret in battle.".

"Of course." Nero said "Actually I was thinking of the same thing..." as he then quickly finished reading the mission info and continued "So... Any idea where these bandits may be ? Or are we going to look for them blindly... Honestly, it wouldn't make much of a difference...". Nero would then realise an itch to ask Vretyel about Navi... It's been quite a while since Nero last saw him or Raito, and he was wondering where they were... Well, it made sense since Navi was an ANBU, but where has Raito been for so long ? Well, he couldn't ask where Raito was to Vretyel, so he started talking again "So, Vret... Have you seen Navi recently ? It's been a long time since I last saw him... Do you know what he's up to ?"...

[WC : 1242]
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Mission: Bandits (Nero, Vret, NK, INV) Empty Re: Mission: Bandits (Nero, Vret, NK, INV)

Sat Nov 10, 2012 8:19 pm
"Alright Nero, then we will get started right now. I actually know where the camp is at and it easy to get to, we could be there in an hours run. So as long as you are ready then lets go."

Vretyel was actually quite exicted to be doing another mission with Nero by his side. It would mean that the soon Jounin to be would be would be fighting along side Vretyel once again, and it would mean that he would be able to look more at the skills of Nero so that he could be ready for them in their up and coming spar. Vretyel and Nero would begin to walk out of the village gates and Nero would ask him about Navi.

"Well me and Navi actually have not seen each other for a while now, he has been busy with other things, I mean as a Jounin and all and with the fire nation team there could be a lot on his place, I would not be surprised if he has been given special recognition from the Hokage and given the promotion to becoming one of the Sannin of the village. Right now I do not really know.

[WC: 1714/4000]
Navi is an interesting ninja I know that much, he is one of the last of your clan and I know that must have taken a huge toll on him. He is also one of the most gifted ninja I have ever seen or heard about, he moves with amazing speed and he knows how the fight. He probably thinks highly of you as well, Nero."

Vretyel and Nero then went running to the camp, it only took an hour to find where the camp was at a see that it was very active at this time, there was no way that the two of them would be able to get into the camp this easily. It was still day time so there would be no way to infiltrate the camp with all of this sun, the two ninja would have to wait until nighttime, so until then the two of them just had to wait, formulate a strategy, and then attack at nightfall.

"There is no way to get inside the camp and destroy it at this time, we are going to have to wait until nightfall which is a few hours away, we will keep an eye on them until then, watching their every move, looking for patterns, and then striking when something opens up.

The two of them found a tree and waited there for the next few hours. So Instead of waiting there silently, Vretyel asked Nero a bit more about himself.

"So Nero, what is your story, how did you get to become a ninja?" A simple question, something that would help pass the time.
Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
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Stat Page : Glorious Evolution
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 24500

Mission: Bandits (Nero, Vret, NK, INV) Empty Re: Mission: Bandits (Nero, Vret, NK, INV)

Sat Nov 10, 2012 9:03 pm
The boy would talk again... "Alright Nero, then we will get started right now. I actually know where
the camp is at and it easy to get to, we could be there in an hours
run. So as long as you are ready then lets go.". Nero would nod, finding saying "O.K." meaningless and do as Vretyel said, starting to move. "Oh, god." Nero thought "I guess this is going to take a little more while than last time... Well, the missions were a lot more simple, and I didn't wait for Vretyel for such a long time... So, fair enough... And I'll get about 3 times the prize I got last time... Anyway, I wonder where we are headed...".

After Vret talked to Nero about Navi, Nero was suprised "What has Naiv told you about our clan ? Also, his speed isn't the actual problem... The problem is how professional he is with what he does, and his eyes... Those god damn eyes he has... He has too many powerful techniques or abilities and he knows how to use them in the best way... Damn Navi... I really wonder where he is lately... So, you are a Jounin, huh ? Me too... Anyway, so you haven't heard of Navi for some time neither...".

"There is no way to get inside the camp and destroy it at this time, we
are going to have to wait until nightfall which is a few hours away, we
will keep an eye on them until then, watching their every move, looking
for patterns, and then striking when something opens up. " would Vret say as Nero answers "Nice plan... I have nothin necessary to add...". And then Nero would hear the question he is most affraid of people to ask him "So Nero, what is your story, how did you get to become a ninja?".

Nero would laugh, and say "That is a damn long story, and one I don't like to share my friend, but since you asked me... Anyway, let me start... Ummm... I guess it goes back to the earliest of my memories... Despite we're clanmates with Navi, i have also met him not too long ago. When I was younger, I didn't have a clan, I mean I didn't know it... I didn't have any parents either... I was alone, being raised by a friend of mine named Ichigo, who was 20 or so years old when I was 8...

I, because of my shiny red eyes, spiky black hair, and a generally "scary" look for other children, was thought to be a monster by them... You know, Nero isn't my real name. I never learned my real name... The villagers called me "Noroi", which literally means "curse", so I took that nickname and used it as my name... Then, when I found out I was a Yamaki clan member, Ichigo, whom I have told you about, gave me the name "Nero". It was short before he died, written on a letter. But I only found out about it after his death...

So... What was I saying ? Oh, the kids of the village... Yes, yes... The kids, they never even talked to me... They didn't come near me... I always used to go up to the higher places of the village, like a rooftop, and look at the Hokage monument... I'd look at the faces carved in the mountain and think that they were all recognized, acknowledged by the people of the village... So, I dreamed of becoming a ninja, even stronger them, and being a weapon of the village. I believed that was the way to be recognized... So, when I turned 12, I joined the Academy, became one step closer to achieving my dream... I guess that's pretty much it, overally. There are some unnecessary details and some I'd like to save for myself, or at least share later... So... What about you ? What is your story, Vret ?". Nero would look the boy in the eyes with the red shiny eyes of him he has told the story of, and wait an answer from him...

[WC : 2400]
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Mission: Bandits (Nero, Vret, NK, INV) Empty Re: Mission: Bandits (Nero, Vret, NK, INV)

Sat Nov 10, 2012 9:47 pm
"Honestly, I do not know very much about your clan." Vretyel would say as Nero asked him about it. " I know some of the details, about what happened to the clan and such, but other that I know of only two remaining members, you and Navi, If there are others, then I don't know about them. I have seen your "Raven" style in combat before, it is a force to be reckoned with, and Navi has complete mastery over it. He knows how to fight and he knows to keep himself alive, something that all of us should know."

Vretyel then paused for a few minutes, then he talked again to Nero.

"Yes Nero, I am a jounin, as I was before in the last mission, and I did not know that you had gotten to the Jounin rank, I appluad for that, congratulations." Vretyel said as they got to the tree where they were going to stay for awhile.

Vretyel listened intently on what Nero had to say about himself, he had certainly gone though a lot in his youth, and it has made him strong. These days, everybody seems to have such long stories about them. It is something that is common for ninja in these troubled times, and it something that Vretyel as familiar to hearing.

"I am thankful for you talking about yourself, I know that you journey to this point has not always been the best but it is still something that you can be proud of, to know that you could endure and be where you are at right now coming from your background is an achievement upon itself. You are always going to be a weapon of the village you know. Sometimes you have to choose your own path and do things for yourself."

As Vretyel was saying these things he knew that Nero would have the same question for him, so he had some time to formulate an answer to the young ninjas question.

"Well Nero, my story is easier to tell. I am part of the great Inazumahi clan, powerful and strong they were some of the best hand to hand fighters in the existence of the leaf village. That is all I really know about my clan, that and for some reason they all vanished about 50 years ago, their history erased for reasons that I do not know. My father, my father is weak, he guarded me from the secrets of the clan for all my life, and it something that I not proud of my father for doing. But now, I have some of the tools that I need in order to rewrite the history of my clan so that one day I may know what happened. My entire life is centered around me finding this knowledge, and I have pushed myself to my absolute limits in order to achive that goal. I wish to one day become the strongest and youngest Sannin the leaf village has ever had, and gain enough influence to go out and find my history."

Vretyel then stopped talking, it was almost nightfall now and the two Jounin were about ready to act and destroy this camp.

Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 24500

Mission: Bandits (Nero, Vret, NK, INV) Empty Re: Mission: Bandits (Nero, Vret, NK, INV)

Sat Nov 10, 2012 10:24 pm
Nero listened to Vret with all of his focus to the story of his clan... "Interesting..." he thought "Someone else from a clan that is being reborn from its ashes... Well, we are not...yet... But we will... I guess we will have to have many children."... Nero's face turned white when he thought of it, Raito babysitting 10 babies, or Navi, or even himself... It was... scary...

"So, it's time to destroy the camp..." told Nero as he realised Vret stopped talking and it was almost nightfall... "Now watch !" said Nero after moving towards the camp some meters, as he then, without Vretyel being able to understand, activate his BWG. He first blew out a stream of wind from his mouth, with a strength of an S-Rank jutsu, so the wind could even be sensed by the two. Nero, then using his Fuga Style to infuse some Fire into it, and then the wind stream would turn into a stronger stream of fire, burning, and starting a fire at the place he touches the ground. Nero really wondered what Vret's face looked like, but if he turned his face to Vret, he'd have toasted his friend, and if he turned his eyes to him, the accuracy of the jutsu would fall, burning a larger area than expected... "Poor Vretyel... I'm sure he wonders how I turned a Wind Release jutsu into a Fire Release... Anyway... Let's fight...".

The camp would be set on fire, as some thugs would come out, some being already burned by the technique. Nero would stop the stream of fire, andgrab his Yamaki clan sword from its sheathe, shouting to Vretyel "Fast !" as he infused his blade with chakra, and attacked to some of the thugs.

[WC : 3222]
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Mission: Bandits (Nero, Vret, NK, INV) Empty Re: Mission: Bandits (Nero, Vret, NK, INV)

Sat Nov 10, 2012 11:09 pm
Nero is not listening, he is only acting, and that is going to destroy him in the end.

Vretyel thought this to himself as Nero went down near the entrance of the building, using his jutsu that turned wind into fire. He knew that Nero was a wind user and of the Yamaki clan, so this was something that did not surprise him to do. Vretyel did not think that Nero would be so hastily with this though, as there was something that Nero needed to know about the camp, and the people inside of it.

As Nero only went a few meters a way from the tree, so he was still relatively close to Vretyel, so if Vretyel wanted to save her he would have to stop him as soon as possible. Vretyel knew that the only way to save her, was to stop him using force. Vretyel activated his Lightning atonement jutsu along with charging his Bo Staff. As he was breathing his fire across the camp Vretyel, with all his strength and speed, would sweep his staff at Nero's left torso from directly behind him. Nero would have to keep complete concentration on breathing his fire and he would not expect a hit from his Comrade, so this attack would be completely unexpected to him. The sweep would most certainly connect to Nero, sending him flying to the left, and having his back hit a nearby tree, due the strength of the attack Vretyel would break a few of Nero's ribs and leave him unconscious for at least 10 minutes.

Nero had completed the task single handed, he had destroyed the camp, and the thugs that did run out fell unconscious and burned due to the intensity of the flames Nero had. After a few minutes of waiting for the flames to die down just a bit Vretyel ran into the camp with all of his speed to retrieve her. He looked through every burned down building he could find, until he saw the remains. From the clear signs of the Inazumahi symbol on her back Vretyel would find his mother on the ground, burned completely from Nero's attack. Furthermore debris had fell on top of her, impaling her back. Vretyel's mother had joined the force of the thugs in an attempt to kill Vretyel before he learned more about the clan, revenge for putting his father in the hospital. There was nothing that Vretyel could do at this point, only to take her necklace, unharmed from the flames. The Necklace contained inside of it the last piece of translated paper so that Vretyel could decipher the rest of the Inazumahi book. He ran back to where Nero was, with all of this only lasting a few seconds. The only proof that Vretyel went inside the camp was some burns on his arms and legs.

Vretyel shed a single tear when he got back, his mother, no matter who she was, was now dead. Vretyel waited for Nero to wake up again under the tree, checking to make sure that no serious damage was inflicted to him.

[WC: 3775/4000]
Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 24500

Mission: Bandits (Nero, Vret, NK, INV) Empty Re: Mission: Bandits (Nero, Vret, NK, INV)

Sat Nov 10, 2012 11:43 pm
[Don't. Godmod Me. Ever. Again. K, it's true i haven't read the info that carefully lol, sorry]

Nero, after being hit by Vretyel, Nero would be electrocuted and tossed away. He would fall down, hitting his head and pass out. After getting up, he would see Vret coming out of the fire, he'd see a few burns on him and start talking to him. "What happened Vret ? Did you go into the fire ? And why ? Oh, and it's a little unimportant, but WHY THE HELL DID YOU HIT ME WITH THAT ? I COULD HAVE DIED YOU KNOW ?". Nero would then calm down and add "Sorry... Now I'm calm, tell me... Why did you do it ?". Nero would be feeling both pissed and regretful, also a little ashamed and sorry. He knew he shouldn't have gone before talking with Vret, but hell, he wasn't going to take orders from him nor did he think that he deserved an attack like that...

Nero would get up from the ground, and wait for an answer...

[WC : 3930]
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