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Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi) Empty After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi)

Wed Dec 19, 2012 7:55 pm
It had been a few days since Vretyel was given the surgery to replace his left eye with another ninja's hyuga eye. Having to constantly replace the bandages. He had come up with a convincing lie for the time being though, saying that while on another mission he was stabbed in the eye with a kunai, and that an operation had be made in order to save his vision. He did not want people to ever know what had occurred at the hospital because it was something that Vretyel in his right mind would never do. But that was not the case then, he was not in his right mind and his inner self got the better of him. Still bandaged from his recent surgery Vretyel went out to the training grounds to get his mind of things, the only way to do that was to work with the metal element to make another set of armor modifications from somebody else. He found that was the best way to get his mind off the whole situation. Since it was early in the morning Vretyel did not think that anybody would be around to watch him work. [29/30]
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After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi) Empty Re: After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi)

Wed Dec 19, 2012 8:04 pm
It was fortunate that Navi had his dojutsu powered off for the time being, or he may have killed the boy out of rage at the mere sight of the Hyuuga eye. He sat in a tree at the moment, currently looking out over the training grounds to watch the ninja of his village train. His mind was distant and his thoughts were uncertain, recent events twisting his thoughts and putting him at unease.

Twirling a kunai in his hand, Navi would play around with the weapon while staring off into the clear horizon, his cold gaze taking in the world around him as he wordlessly observed his beloved village.
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi) Empty Re: After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi)

Thu Dec 20, 2012 1:00 am
Vretyel would continue digging and getting the metal that he needed. He kept on digging, making the hole bigger and bigger, Getting deeper within the Earth Vretyel would reach another one of his mines of minerals. He looked with his one eye at the ground, seeing how he had successfully destroyed it, reaching the black metal substance he needed to get to.

As he saw the shiny substance he looked back at his scarred face, what he himself had done, he thought about Nero and Taro and how he was too weak to protect them. He thought about how he has too weak to save the people around him in his time of need. He became angry that he was alive and they were not, it should be him in the ground, not the. As he dug and collected his rage ultimately resulted in him punching the ground. Rock and metal flew in every direction around him in what appeared to be a giant earth quake. After the dust settled Vretyel sat down in the hole that he created, closing his eyes and entered his mind.

His inner self was beginning to emerge.

Koroshi Uchiha
Koroshi Uchiha
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After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi) Empty Re: After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi)

Thu Dec 27, 2012 2:29 am
Hi c:

(Its my turn c:)
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After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi) Empty Re: After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi)

Thu Dec 27, 2012 1:05 pm
Eventually Navi spotted his old student, his gaze drifting downward before he saw Vretyel digging some sort of hole. He tapped the knife with his finger, a tiny dot appearing on it with a burst of chakra. He threw his kunai down, the trajectory whizzing past Vretyel's neck by a few inches before he teleported next to the boy and caught the handle, twirling it in his grasp.

The entire movement would probably not even be registered by the boy, as it would take a gifted sensory ninja with years of training to realize what Navi had just done with such speed. To the normal ninja, it would seem as if he simply came into being right next to Vretyel, happening to be spinning a knife in his grasp.

"Hey kid," Navi started.

The words were a bit strange, as Navi himself was only 17, but compared to Vretyel he was like an adult.

"What's up?"
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi) Empty Re: After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi)

Fri Dec 28, 2012 5:05 pm
As Vretiel was sitting down in his concentration he would sense a familiar chakra signature. Navi: his teacher and mentor had come here, he was the first high ranking shinobi Vretiel had ever had close interaction with, and for that Vretiel seemed to respect the ninja. A few moments after sensing Navi's presence several meters away he noticed that Navi was concentrating chakra to his hands, presumably to one of his weapons. However instead of the weapon registering a chakra signature Vretiel sensed nothing, as if the chakra simply vanished. With Vretiel's eyes closed he did not notice the Kunai being thrown at him, so when Vretiel heard Navi's voice just a few meters away from him, it was as if his chakra signature Vanished for a moment and reappeared behind him. What was this technique Navi had learned? One moment Vretiel sensed Navi several meters away and now he sensed the ninja about 5 meters behind him. Thankfully there was no after effect from the technique otherwise Vretiel could have been in trouble.

"Hey kid," Navi started.

"What's up?"

With this greeting from a familiar voice the urge for the inner self to take control of Vretiel receded and Vretiel retook control of his mind. At this point Vretiel picked up a bunch of the powdery metal material and focused his attention to Navi. He stood up and turned around to lock eyes with the slightly taller Navi, making several quick movements with his hands in succession, and attempting to make one of his metal kuani.

"Training." Vretiel said in response to his question. "What's up with you?" Vretiel asked his former sensei.

"You seem exicted as ever" Vretiel added.


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After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi) Empty Re: After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi)

Fri Dec 28, 2012 10:54 pm
"You seem exicted as ever"

The words were met with a look of boredom on his face, the same as usual.

"Training huh, come up with any interesting new tricks?"

The only skills Navi had ever seen Vretyel use were those of his bo staff. His proficiency with the weapon was unquestionable, but in terms of ninjutsu he felt that the boy was lacking. This might have just been because Navi specialized greatly in ninjutsu, and felt that every ninja should have a large arsenal of such skills. He may have placed to much emphasis in this belief however, as it would take very impressive talent with a bo staff to reach all the way to Jounin rank and such a young age. The kid was undoubtedly gifted, even if his skill lied within a stick.

"Oooh, I see you finally learned of your clan element," Navi said with a partially enthusiastic voice and a fake smile.

Navi was probably the only one to ever realize the boy had such potential within him, as his chakra nature and signature was completely analyzed the moment his dojutsu eyes looked over him. As presumptuous as it sounded, he probably even knew of Vretyel's element before he did.

"So you're training with your new element then. Anything else interesting?"

Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi) Empty Re: After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi)

Sat Dec 29, 2012 6:17 pm
"Training huh, come up with any interesting new tricks?"

This was going to be the first time Vretyel had ever shown his mastery of he metal element to somebody else. Vretyel was private with his skills mostly. He did not want people to see him and what he was capable of except in combat. Navi was the exception, the two ninja had been through a lot together, and Vretyel trusted the ninja before. As they were talking Vretyel continued to move the metal around in his hand. Shaping the sharp edges and almost completed he put his two hands together to finish the creation.

"Yes sir. My clan developed a serum that gave its members manipulation over the Metal Element. What happened to them all is still a mystery to me but I'm sure I will find out sooner or later."

Vretyel recalled what Navi had said the last time they met. He had said he knew a way to allow him to see his ancestors, but Vretyel decided not to say anything about it.

As soon as he was done talking he opened his two hands to reveal what was inside. From the chunk of metal that is was before a metal Kunai, similar to all other kunai was instead laying in his hands.

So you're training with your new element then. Anything else interesting?"

"I call it Ryium. Its a soft and plentiful metal but in my hands it becomes powerful. These Kunai are still weak but they throw fast and are extremely sharp." Vretyel stated in response. He wanted to show Navi just a small piece of his element.

"Through Training I expect my mastery over the element doesn't stop there. Though I haven't learned it yet. Here. Take this one, I have several at home.". And with that Vretyel handed the Kunai to Navi. What he did with it was up to him, but he wanted to give this one to him.

[WC: 306, Combined with the 275 WC from the previous post, one Inazumahi metal Kunai made, given to Navi]
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After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi) Empty Re: After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi)

Sat Dec 29, 2012 7:21 pm
Navi put the kunai he had been playing with away and grasped the one Vretyel handed him. It seemed slightly more durable then a regular knife, which at first didn't seem very useful, but the boy did mention that there was more potential to be had. He tapped the handle for a moment, as if inspecting it closer.

"Aw, thanks. I have a gift for you too," Navi said with a playful grin.

He handed the exact same knife back to the boy, giving him back the weapon. Navi wondered if they boy would recognize what he had done, or if he thought he was just being messed with. Vretyel had shown the ability to sense chakra signatures, but this one would be faint and might take a moment to realize.

On the weapon was in fact a small seal, a weapon that Navi could now teleport to whenever he wished. Following this action, Navi would tap the skin of Vretyel's palm. If the boy allowed him too, he would place another seal about the size of a dot on his hand.

"If you ever need my help, just press that dot and I'll come help you out."

Navi put his hands back in his pockets. Prepared to answer any questions the boy might have.


[Gave it back ]
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi) Empty Re: After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi)

Sat Dec 29, 2012 9:08 pm
Vretyel would watch Navi play with the kunai he gave him and watch as his chakra was now concentrated to his hands again, as if he was flowing chakra into the kunai. But as before there was no chakra signature inside the kunai, and Vretyel ever wondered again why that happened. Vretyel picked up more of his metal and bugan to shape it into another weapon.

As Vretyel recieved the kunai back from Navi he was somewhat insulted by the gesture at first, thinking that Navi did not respect the work that Vretyel had put into it. He thought for a moment these things but then......

Navi would tap the skin of Vretyel's palm. If the boy allowed him too, he would place another seal about the size of a dot on his hand.

"If you ever need my help, just press that dot and I'll come help you out."

At this moment Vretyel begun to understand what had happened. As he placed the small dot on his hand Vretyel realized that instead of the dot registering a chakra signature it vanished too. Soon it all begun to click, instead of the chakra just flowing out of Navi, he was placing seals on both the kunai and Vretyel, and using them for one of his fuininjutsu techniques. To confirm this Vretyel asked the boy another question.

"So This seal you just placed on me, did you place it on my kunai too, and the weapon from before. Did you master the Flying Thunder God Technique?!" Vretyel asked the man with curiosity. From his readings of the histories of the world Vretyel understood that the Fourth Hokage had used a Technique that could teleport himself to other places in a matter of moments. If Navi had mastered this technique then everything would make sense, why his chakra signature was missing, how he moved so quickly, why Vretyel wasn't able toe sense the chakra inside of it.

It was strange, even though Vretyel thought he had made fantastic progress within himself over the past few months it seemed as though Navi had too. Both the ninja had grown considerably in their own respective ways. Navi had become a ninja who had an amazing chakra network. So great that he was chosen above all others to become the jinjuriki of the 7 tails. Vretyel begun to wonder things about Navi, about his affiliation within the village. He must have some connection with the Hokage, and he began to wonder if the ninja he was talking to was just an ordinary Jounin.

"Listen Navi... What were you doing out here in the morning? What have you been up to?"

There were other things that the two ninja needed to talk about, especially about the Death of his only other known clan Member, Nero Yamaki.

As Vretyel and Navi were discussing all about the questions he asked Vretyel had been completing another one of his weapons. Vretyel then did the same technique with his hands, placing them in a fashion where the metal would be shaped into that of a Kunai. Vretyel opened his palms again to show the work that was created. From the chunk of metal another powerful kunai was produced, and Vretyel decided to play with it in his hands for a bit.

[WC: 549, +1 Inazumahi Metal Kunai]
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