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After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi) - Page 3 Empty Re: After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi)

Fri Jan 04, 2013 2:05 pm
"Ha, Ayama, the girl of my dreams, but now I'm worthy of her. Did I ever tell you that I had a crush on her?"

Navi blinked a few times with confusion. Vretyel had a crush on Ayama? He felt a pang of irritation come across him as the boy continued.

"It happened that day that me and her were captured by that Bastard. The Hyuuga."

Now rage began to boil within him. The mention of his comrades being captured hardly registered, but the speaking of the Hyuuga caused a cataclysm of emotion to rush forward.

I told her that I loved her in that cave and would do anything for her, but in the end she was the one that saved me. After that I fell for her harder and harder, but now I am not worthy of her love. I have failed her."

Rationality eroded away in Navi's conflicted mind, his highly unstable descent beginning to manifest self as Vretyel continued to unknowlingly dug himself into a deeper and deeper hole. The boy eventually mentioned another subject, but his words became drown out by the pulsing in his brain and blood rushing in his ears. It came to be that Navi was succumbing to his unstable state, something that Vretyel may not realize until it became to late.

Deep within him, a Crimson chakra began to boil and spread through his veins.
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi) - Page 3 Empty Re: After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi)

Fri Jan 04, 2013 2:38 pm
Vretyel noticed something different about Navi's chakra signature. Was he getting angry or was this the reaction to the 7 tails. Vretyel did not know. He picked up another piece of Ryium and begun to make it into another kunai. He started moving fast now, picking up the pace. His heart was racing as he went through everything that he said. What was it that got him angry? Vretyel thought and thought about this until it finally hit him.

"Oh man, sorry I forgot you hate the Hyuuga for when they slaughtered your clan. Sorry about that." Vretyel did not what to say to him now, as that was the only thing that popped into his brain. At this point he begun to sweat a bit. He thought that might ease the tension, but he did not know.

[141/500 for Inazumahi Kunai creation, 9/30]
Ayama Yukiko
Ayama Yukiko
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After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi) - Page 3 Empty Re: After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi)

Sat Jan 05, 2013 1:07 am
Ayama was often quite glad she didn’t really know anyone in the village yet. It gave her a sort of invisibility; people didn’t notice the tiny silver haired girl and so dismissed her. Well unless she had Hisoka by her side, but that was a given. Anyway, being invisible to the local ninja had many perks, the main one being information. Ninja talked to each other and all she had to do was sit within hearing range and voila, she got the latest gossip of Konoha. It was through this gossip that she found about what had happened with Navi. A day ago she had been struck with a sudden flood of roiling emotions, terrible guilt sadness and rage had made her stagger in the middle of training and collapse to her knees clutching her head. When it had faded she knew immediately where it had come from. Navi had been out on a secret mission and his emotions were extreme enough that could sense them from the pendant. She had been worried until he came back, but despite her questions he hadn’t answered any of them. It had taken some of her snooping to figure out what had happened and now she was on the move.

Following the little beacon her pendant gave off she jogged across Konoha rooftops, in search of her closed mouth boyfriend. Soon enough she reached training ground eleven padding silent-like through the shadows, practicing her cat like stealth. Then she sensed Navi’s chakra change, the toxic feel of demon chakra filtering to her across the bond. Almost immediately she picked up the pace, forgetting about stealth practice and entering the training ground. She blinked in surprise at the sight of her teammate Vretyel, or well perhaps ex-teammate was a better term to use. Vretyel seemed to be saying something to Navi and while she couldn’t hear is words yet, she could read his body language. Nervous, tense and confused. She frowned slightly and slowed to a walk relaxing her body and keeping her hands by her sides, an altogether nonthreatening posture. What in the world could Vretyel have said to instigate such an aggressive reaction in Navi? Or perhaps he was more unstable than she thought. Her eyes flickered worried over her boyfriend, taking in the barely concealed rage in his eyes. She reached the group in a quick fashion and raised her hand in greeting.

“Hey guys, whats up?” her tone was nonchalant and her stance calm but they of all people should be able to hear the second layer under the friendly tone. A hard edge that clearly said she knew something beyond a simple meet up at the training ground was going on and she wasn’t going to be fooled by any attempts to wave it off.


Last edited by Ayama Yukiko on Sat Jan 05, 2013 4:14 am; edited 1 time in total
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After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi) - Page 3 Empty Re: After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi)

Sat Jan 05, 2013 3:29 am
The cloud of distress and anger was blinding Navi, blurring his vision and making his head pound with sheer rage. The sorrow of losing his clan along with the rage of battling the Hyuuga was creating a dangerous reaction, and the emotions may have begun to slip out in less then subtle ways. He felt the Nanabi's chakra boil up within him, perhaps only slightly visible with a faint outline of crimson, but clearly felt by all those paying attention. His descent continued now, an intense fury would soon be unleashed on everyone around him.

This domino effect was halted however, and a few simple words were perceived.

“Hey guys, whats up?”

The words sliced through his conscious, Navi blinking quickly and partially waking up from her entrance. For a few moments he would be unsure to react, and startled for a moment by Ayama's appearance. It had seemed that his mind had gotten so clouded he wasn't even able to detect her approach, so far this Bijuu had only hindered his ability to react as a ninja.

"Hey there, good to see you," Navi spoke with a fake smile. She didn't need the pendant to detect his inner instability, but he masked the chaos within himself quickly. He now waited for one of them to change the subject, as it would take a few moments for his mind to calm completely.
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi) - Page 3 Empty Re: After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi)

Sat Jan 05, 2013 3:57 am
Vretyel could not only sense the change in chakra but he could also see it. The Crimson Cloak surrounded Navi and was clearly visible, Vretyel had messed up in what he said, and this could mean something really bad. Words were not the answer currently and Vretyel feared that he may have to calm Navi down, buy force. Navi's body language quickly changed to more and more reckless like he was losing control, and Vretyel quickly traveled the few meters to his gloves, putting them on, and using his manipulation over his staff to have it be brought into his hands. He took his newly completed kuani put into his sack of other kunai. As soon as Vretyel was about to charge his staff and attack Navi he heard a familiar voice.

“Hey guys, whats up?”

Ayama had arrived just in the nick of time, causing Navi to calm down a bit, but how was the question Vretyel had in his mind. As Ayama got closer and closer to the two ninja Vretyel began to sense something interesting about Navi's chakra signature. Around his neck was a feint chakra signature that was similar to that of Ayamas's cat Hisoka. Furthermore Navi and Vretyel were in a very secluded part of the training grounds early in the morning, so how did Ayama know where Navi was? As he looked closer around Navi's neck he would see a pendant was the source of the chakra signature. However he may have had some clues to something more between the two, he did not have the mind nor the factual evidence to conclude anything else than that it was just happenstance that she arrived here.

"Oh Hey Ayama, long time no see." Vretyel said to his former teammate as he blushed, although he was not worthy of her love he still had a crush on the girl. He picked up another piece of Ryium and put it into his hand, but did nothing with it because doing so could mess up his lightning gloves that he had just put on. He was thankful that Ayama had shown up just at the nick of time, because seeing what Navi had done just earlier today Vretyel felt that he could not defeat the man in battle.

[6/30, 501/500 for Inazumahi Metal Kunai creation.]
Ayama Yukiko
Ayama Yukiko
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After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi) - Page 3 Empty Re: After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi)

Sat Jan 05, 2013 6:05 am
Her eyes flickered over Vretiel’s tensed and armed form, her gaze a bit bemused and dangerous. Granted she would not begrudge him the chance to defend himself from a rampaging jinchuuriki, but taking up arms against Navi who, while may be unstable and more than a little mad, was not exactly cool with her. Couldn’t he have attempted to talk Navi down or something?

"Hey there, good to see you,"

Her gaze switched from Vretiel to Navi and she managed a somewhat genuine smile, although she could sense the barely contained emotions roiling beneath Navi’s calm façade. “Good to see you too.” She said. Despite her desire to confront him now, especially in front of Vretiel, was not the time to bring up their personal issues. As close of a friend as she considered Vretiel now, a confrontation about what Navi had done was not the best way for him to find out that she and
Navi were dating.

"Oh Hey Ayama, long time no see."

She redirected her gaze back to Vretiel and gave a smile far less weighed down with worry, “Hey to you too, where have you been hiding out? It’s been forever.” She said laughingly grinning at him. It had been a while since she’d seen Vretial, although she’d heard the boy was becoming ever stronger. She glanced at their teacher and figured it was probably a given. Then her eyes narrowed a bit and the playfulness faded from her expression.

“Now would you guys care to explain why it looked like you were about to kill each other?” she said smoothly her ice blue eyes flicking between the two of them.

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After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi) - Page 3 Empty Re: After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi)

Sat Jan 05, 2013 6:42 am
The dynamic between the three of them seemed to shake through a mixture of small talk and awkward conversation. An exchange between Ayama and Vretyel would occur while Navi began to push the Nanabi deeper into his subconscious and cover up his rage. A glazed look would appear in his eyes and his trademark and bored demeanor would set in as he slipped his hands into his pockets.

“Now would you guys care to explain why it looked like you were about to kill each other?” she said smoothly her ice blue eyes flicking between the two of them.

His expression maintained and unfazed look now, his emotional mask firmly secured.

"Oh Ayama, you don't need to worry about me," he started, beginning by affectionately teasing her. This was followed up immediately by the first excuse that popped into his head.

"Just a blip of Bijuu chakra, nothing to worry about" Navi commented casually, dismissing the event as entirely unimportant.

His gaze met Ayama's with a slight smile as he signaled her with a quick look. If she wanted to discuss it with him later she could, but for now he wanted her to buy the story and go along with what he said.

Navi looked back at Vretyel now with an unchanged demeanor and similar smile. The boy had reacted correctly by arming himself right away, but it was lucky that Ayama had arrived when she did. Vretyel would probably survive the altercation, but the damage he might cause to the surroundings or other innocent passerbys could be significant.

His attention instead switched to the bandages around Vretyel's head that covered up one of his eyes. He knew from reading mission reports that Vretyel had not sustained that injury, but knew better then to mention it. Only someone with ANBU clearance or higher would have access to those reports, and it would be giving away his identity to reveal that he had such information. The cause was probably a sort of training accident or surgery that the boy had undertaken, but why did he feel the need to lie about it?

Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi) - Page 3 Empty Re: After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi)

Sat Jan 05, 2013 11:25 pm
Vretyel could sense that the tension was still there between the three ninja. Although they were all close friends now. Navi talked to Ayama as if what just happened was nothing, but that was not true, even Vretiel could sense the lie in that. But seeing as though it was the lie Navi put out and seeing as though things were tense between the two of them already tense he went along with the lie.

"Yeah, you know sometimes how Jinjuriki lose control of their bijuu. We were just training and I was trying to help out." Vretyel said with a smile as he put Remiel on his shoulder.

Hey to you too, where have you been hiding out? It’s been forever.”

"Yes it has been." Vretyel told Ayama. "I was training a lot out of the village, I assume you have been training too?' he asked the ninja. He wanted to make sure that his comrade was still on par with Vretiel. "Because if not then we have some training to do."

Vretyel always felt that training was the best way to diffuse a heated conversation, so he thought this would be the best way to do so.

Ayama Yukiko
Ayama Yukiko
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After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi) - Page 3 Empty Re: After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi)

Mon Jan 21, 2013 5:50 am
"Oh Ayama, you don't need to worry about me," he started, beginning by affectionately teasing her. This was followed up immediately by the first excuse that popped into his head.

"Just a blip of Bijuu chakra, nothing to worry about" Navi commented casually, dismissing the event as entirely unimportant.

Ayama’s eyes narrowed dangerously at this her expression cooling to dangerously levels. For a moment her gaze flicked over Navi before turning to Vretiel at his statement. Her eyebrow lifted, her expression clearly asking if they thought she was stupid?

“Just a slip of the bijuu huh?” her tone also clearly read she was not buying it, she wasn’t even taking it for free. “Alright sure, fine I wont ask if you don’t want to tell me.”

“Well I have been training mostly, but are you sure you should? That eye injury looks pretty bad.” She said nodding to his head wound.

[Hisoka should meet Konma Vretial 2/30]
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After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi) - Page 3 Empty Re: After the mission (P, NK, Vret and Navi)

Thu Jan 24, 2013 11:29 pm
Navi stepped away, slightly taken aback by Ayama's confrontational and uppity tone, especially after a fairly clear signal had been given. His gaze wouldn't betray this though, his right hand raising to make a casual salute so he could take his leave.

"I gotta go, I'll talk to you two later,"

He glances at Vretyel and wonders if his two surviving students would spar or hang out any longer. They had bonded a bit through training and missions but to Navi the two of them never seemed to hit it off as friends. Part of this probably came from Ayama's more guarded personality, but he still expected that if she was going to open up to anyone, it would probably have to start with people like Vretyel.

His form blurs and disappears, a small flurry of leaves settling in the place he once was.

[Navi Exit WC: 3026
+15 Stats, +30 JP]
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