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Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Glorious Evolution
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 24500

I saw a... [Mission, Nero & Navi] Empty I saw a... [Mission, Nero & Navi]

Fri Aug 31, 2012 5:48 pm

Nero had taken another mission since he was starting to become low on money. It was only a B-Rank mission , so he guessed it wouldn't be that hard to complete it. He also asked for Navi to join him in the mission ,but he was not sure that he would make it or not. He was an ANBU, he may not have had time to help Nero. But Nero was waiting him in some point in the village where they could enter the sewers... Yes , his mission contained Neor entering the sewers of Konoha. "SO they reported that someone or something was in the sewers... How would someone report something like that ? What were they doing in the sewers in the first place ? Whatever , I guess I'll wait for a little more time for Navi to show up... I wonder if he'll make it. Also , should I have informed him about the mission containing us entering the sewers ? Whatever , i'll see if he shows up.". Nero lied his back to the side of a wall of a house. His hands in his pockets, he started waiting for Navi... He took out a kunai from his pouch and started examining it and thinking...

[WC : 202]
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I saw a... [Mission, Nero & Navi] Empty Re: I saw a... [Mission, Nero & Navi]

Sat Sep 01, 2012 3:36 am
Navi materialized in front of Nero in a flash of raw speed. When Nero looked up from examining his knife he would see Navi, ANBU clothes and all, silently standing in front of him. Nero had asked Navi to joined him, and although it was difficult to fit in his schedule, Navi agreed to help. Nero was a clanmate after all, and he felt obligated to help.

Navi had no doubt Nero had the ability to do whatever mission this was alone, but he admired Nero for requesting backup. The ninja that stays alive is usually the cautious one who knows there own strength.

Navi had a very tight schedule, constantly being called away, especially since these were times of war. When Nero looked up Navi would say: "I don't have much time, I'll follow you as you explain the mission".

[WC: 343]
Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Glorious Evolution
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 24500

I saw a... [Mission, Nero & Navi] Empty Re: I saw a... [Mission, Nero & Navi]

Sat Sep 01, 2012 5:48 am
"O.k." said Nero , he was glad Navi could have time to help him with
this mission. "This won't take too much time anyway... Although I guess I
should've informed you about the mission containing us entering the
sewers of the village. Still , we'll check if there is anything and then
the mission is done. I assure you it won't take too much time. And
thanks for spending time on a mission like this when you probably have
even less time than you had before...". Nero entered the sewers and
started walking through it , checking around. After walking through
almost the whole sewers, Nero, assuming Navi was just behind him, and he
said "Well, I don't see anything suspicious at all. Except for some
really big rats and some really big bugs... I guess that's it..." said
Nero as he saw a giant rat, almost as big as twice Nero was. "Uhm... I
guess they might have meant this thing..." said Nero as he realised the
"monster" was asleep. He grabbed a kunai from his pouch, and silently
walked towards the monster. When he entered a dead-range to the giant
rat, he threw the kunai towards its head. But the giant rat must have
heard him, because as Nero's kunai left his hand , the giant got up from
the ground and therefore dodged the kunai, then as soon as it was up
from the ground, it dashed towards Nero, trying to slash him with its
claw. Nero acted quick and grabbed one of his twin blades to clash it
with the rat's claws as he drew his other blade to stab it. The monster
was to slow to dodge the attack, therefore it fell down covered in its
own blood, when Nero realised its red eyes. Nero watched the beast crawl to death. The pain the beast felt until he died could be seen by anyone. "Well," said Nero, with his blade covered in the beast's blood and with his face having some of it since it splashed from the beast's wound, "I guess the "thing" that was informed might have been this...", he didn't know if Navi followed him or not until then, so he turned around to see if he was...

[WC : 716 , finished after Navi's post.]
Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Glorious Evolution
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 24500

I saw a... [Mission, Nero & Navi] Empty Re: I saw a... [Mission, Nero & Navi]

Sat Sep 22, 2012 8:41 am
[skipping Navi]

Seeing Navi had already gone , Nero headed outside of the severs. "I understand him." thought Nero "He is a busy ninja, it was a low chance for him to be able to show up anyway.". Nero thought what it would be like to be a ninja working for ANBU Black Ops. He had no idea since he only knew Navi in the ANBU and he never had the chance to talk about hi about the organization , or about the Hokage , as he has never met the Hokage in person as well. Nero headed back to report and claim his reward for the mission.

[WC : 819 , Mission Done , Requesting 600 ryo and 7 jp]

Last edited by Nero Yamaki on Sun Sep 23, 2012 2:39 pm; edited 2 times in total
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I saw a... [Mission, Nero & Navi] Empty Re: I saw a... [Mission, Nero & Navi]

Sat Sep 22, 2012 3:48 pm
+7JP and 600ryo for both of you.
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