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Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Mission: Bandits (Nero, Vret, NK, INV) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission: Bandits (Nero, Vret, NK, INV)

Sat Nov 10, 2012 7:04 pm
[I did not tell you that you could not do that, however just going in without a plan of attack was foolish on your part. This mission says that there are several strong ninja inside the camp, seeing that it is an S ranked mission, there could have been an A ranked or even S ranked missing ninja inside the camp leading it. In a real situation you would have probably been killed, guards would have been stationed around the perimeter and would have alerted the camp of your presence, and probably would have fought you, the leader would have probably survived, and the mission could have failed. I did NOT godmod your actions, I manipulated what you wrote, you could have found a way to manipulate my actions, and the entire other scene of events after that moment would have never happened. However you decided to continue with the events that played out, so I will continue accordingly, I apologize for any confusion or stupidity on my part. Ill be more careful next time.]

"Sorry, glad to see that you are ok." Vretyel would say as he got back to Where Nero was at, sniffling a bit as the 12 year old just lost his mother.

"Somebody...precious to me....was in there, shes gone now, but things happen." Vretyel said as he put the necklace in his pocket. "Now, lets get you some medical attention, I promise I will never do that again."

Vretyel wrapped his one arm around Nero's neck and the two walked back to the village gates. Vretyel could not help himself, tears were rolling down his face as they walked.

[Exit, WC: 4030, request approval once Nero exits.]
Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
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Mission: Bandits (Nero, Vret, NK, INV) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission: Bandits (Nero, Vret, NK, INV)

Sun Nov 11, 2012 3:45 am
"Somebody...precious to me....was in there, shes gone now, but things happen."

Nero's confused feeling turned into mere sadnes and regret... His pupils have became larger after hearing that... He didn't know what to say, so, he remained silent, only saying "I... don't know what to say...". He couldn't look Vret in the eyes, in he didn't think he ever could... Then he headed to the village, since there was nothing to do here anymore...

[WC : 4093, EXIT, requesting mission reward, 3700 ryo]
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Mission: Bandits (Nero, Vret, NK, INV) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission: Bandits (Nero, Vret, NK, INV)

Sun Nov 11, 2012 7:46 pm
Approved for appropriate rewards
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