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Grow Forth (Makina and Kuro only) Empty Re: Grow Forth (Makina and Kuro only)

Sat Dec 08, 2012 12:40 pm
They say that the soul is one of many privileges but many are know to not even to exist at all. Those souls travel aimlessly through the void of time and space where many souls reside in regret or pleasure. But souls resides to show the difference between life and death a balance no one will hope to understand. A history t hat was hidden from the world was soon to be awaken. What will come'of this historic figure will the repeat of what happened long ago hunt this poor soul?will it be able to live peacefully?. As among the dark void was souls roaming around the 'screams of agony coming from there voices. As the time was drawing near as they spoke of regret of suffering. A sin was only so'much it'could do to stop such a mess from uprising to the complete take over of the darkness within us all. Long ago there was a certain seventeen year old girl who mind was better then any elite of her time. She was known as Claire Revy Farron Aka Wrath. Her legacy was left behind in a single song after her worldly take over to make a world of her own. But such a dream was not good enough she wanted more....Her legacy was in a single girl named Makina.

Makina was resting in the tub by this time her mind atease as visions of the mission she just came from run through her head. Oh top of that she started mental training with her great great grandmother claire who was known as the ultimate sin. Just from there spar she knew she was out matched in every single way but maybe there was a secret behind it. Even though she was born a nara a user of darkness she had a plan to use said clan jutsu one day. But first she had to get a bit stronger then she already was. She had to think of ways for her to fight for her to be able to do what she did best and sight to her hearts content. The water felt good on her skin as she played with the bubbles in the water. She would be bored since Kurokon went to the training towers she was stuck here alone it have been a long day overall thats for certian she could say. She would hear a knock on the bathroom door as one of her maids would speak"Your Majesty..a letter arrived for you"

Makina would stand out of the tub as she would be wiped draw by two other mades of hers as they give her items of her clothing.After that she would walk to the door opening as she is handed the letter which she reads. It was from Kurokon he needed her to train well she better not keep him waiting to long. She starts to put on her bra as afterwards she would put on a shirt which buttons up which reminded you of a school uniform. Next was her undergarments followed by her skirt as she wiuld reach for another weapon of her family collection Hoshi Shirayuki a beautiful Chinese sword. She would make her way out of the household for one along with a few other things she picked up. She would start to run out of the estate as she would be making her way to Kurokon as she was going as fast as she could to get there. She would run past people dodging just in time to not bump in them as few plans was going through her head maybe if she tried with Kurokon her personal strength would increase too. She arrived just in time as Kurokon was sitting there her blade strapped to her side as she stood there realizing no one else was here.


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Grow Forth (Makina and Kuro only) Empty Re: Grow Forth (Makina and Kuro only)

Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:47 am
Makina would stand there as the wind will blow and the sunshined down on them she wasn't hesitated then many would think. Her hand would be on the hilt of her blade as she held the hit with one hand and sheathe with the other. She knew ninjutsu was a waste of time against Kurokon so she had to make the next best thing. But how could she keep up with him this made her think in her normal state she wouldn't be able to think straight but first she would try this as herself. She would listen to Kurokon then respond to him"Dont Underestimate Me"was all she said the tone of her voice was like that of he grandmother as she stood there the sun behind her. She would look at the bone sword Kurokon held she knew of the Kaguya. There bones was strong as steel and they were a bitch to get hit with,sweat begin to drip from the side of her face as she was thinking."Maki you should let me take over..i can handle this easily"said her otherself as Maki thought over what to do."Not yet...i must prove something"she would respond."Well you better think of something quick here he comes"

Makina would look up as Kurokon was charging towards her god he was fast but she couldnt waste time to panic. She had to think and quick as she was wasting time just standing there.She would then feel a pulse in her body her other self was taking over by force. As Kurokon was coming down with his blade Maki would unsheathe hers in a blazing speed like her own speed increase. She would use her blade to slam into the side of the bone sword. Using the impact to push her body to the side and drive the sword off course of the blade target. If she did successfully dodge it the bone sword would only nip at her arm causing blood to flow. She would then hold her blade being a good fifteen meters away as she would return her blade to its sheathe. Her remaining down as she would slowly raise her head. The faded red eyes of hers glared at Kurokon as she would have her blade in her sheathe. She would make a single seal as what it was for was unknown."This will be fun!"she will say chuckling to herself. She would be smiling ear to ear once more as she would take her blood on her finger and suck it clean as she blushed furiously.

Then it was her turn to do what she was going to do she would unsheathe her blade as she would toss it in the short distance. It would seem she was trying to impale him with it by doing such a act. But if only that was the truth as the blade would reach the five meter mark she would vanish from thin air. Her hand would grip the blade as she used the little speed she had to take a swipe at Kurokon side. It would of been executed perfectly if he fell for the diversion of the blade. She would then hit or not jump as fast as she could to try to stop being counter attacked by him. She would have the eyes of a true Assassin you could swear she was a split image of her grandmother. Her blade would begin to glow as small electric currents ranned through it. She was using her lightning chakra to help with any incoming attacks as she would giggle. All she did was laugh no words were spoken just the laughs of one insane girl.


Sword:+10 speed
(Only when used)Idaiho:+10 speed

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Grow Forth (Makina and Kuro only) Empty Re: Grow Forth (Makina and Kuro only)

Mon Dec 10, 2012 11:49 pm
Makina would see as her sudden attack was blocked by Kurokon she was suprised it was able to do it. Which meant her decoy didn't work like it was suppose to as she would be now linked to the normal Maki within her."You sure have a pain in the ass bodyguard woman!"the maki in control would say as her blade slide across the bone sword. As she would look up right before she begun to back flip from Kurokon but then something caught her ear the sound of something being thrown or a jutsu. Her body would begun to pulse as she would slide to a stop sliding back few meters. She sword in her hand as the pain went through her chest,the sword and little wrist daggers was still heading for her as she would tight her grip on her blade. She didn't hear Kurokon statement as the light begun to glow in the middle of her chest. Her eyes turning Aurora blue as that same color engulfed her body. As the sword was drawing near with it few other extra baggage of attacks. Just in time she will swing her sword down to knock the sword off course.

As She did so it was for sure the few bone parts would impale her but they were deflected by a shield of some sort. Then sudden blue aura took both Maki's by suprise as they would stand there shocked. Look at her free hand as she would smirk and began to laugh as her voice would carry over the plains."This is the power left behind by our grandmother"she would say as she would smirk.The glow in her chest got brighter as she would use that sudden glow to create a diversion by making seals as she begun to run towards Kurokon. As she had her sword in its sheathe now only way she was able to make the seals. But making another string of handseals two copies of her would appear beside her. She would be in the middle till she suddenly started running in a zigzag pattern most likely able to attack in the diversion. It seemed all maki's grab the hilt of there blade and unleashing it on the five meter mark with that sudden increase speed. The real maki being on the right now,If Kurokon had time to access the situation he would realize two of the clones had no shadow. But thats only if he took the time to realize that....


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Grow Forth (Makina and Kuro only) Empty Re: Grow Forth (Makina and Kuro only)

Tue Dec 11, 2012 6:22 pm
Makina would watch as two of her fake clones were disassembled by Kuro's quick thinking. she would hate this but she would be forced to use that jutsu again as it was her only hope."We dont know how to control the stone yet you cant use it again!"yelled the other maki as it was the inner Maki who was in control. She gripped her blade ignoring the other Maki words as the blade would collide with the bone she would begin to glow again.If Kuro wasn't going to move he would be pushed back with the Gelel shield as she stood there holding her blade. Blood was still running down her arm as she did so she would be holding her blade as she would smile. She was enjoying herself nothing could take this away but she knew she had to keep on him. She would charge forward putting her blade back in it's sheathe as she would jump as she would be over head. Coming down with a strong velocity unsheathing her blade at the last second as the speed of her strike was enhanced. But she knew she couldn't bring him down with just one move like that. After the strike would connect or not she would hop three steps back sheathing her blade. Her breathe was getting heavy as she panted loudly."Told you our body isnt use to the stone idoit"said the normal maki within....


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Grow Forth (Makina and Kuro only) Empty Re: Grow Forth (Makina and Kuro only)

Tue Dec 11, 2012 7:37 pm
Makina blade would come in contact with Kuro as she would finally land a decent hit for once. But that wasn't all due to her sword being made with conductive medal she able to add her element lightning for a small shock. It wasn't as strong but gave slashing people a amusing edge. As she would be hopping back and where she was the blood of Kuro on her blade she would whip it as the blood would splat on the ground. Sheathing it once more as she was panting the stone still engulfing her with constant chakra. She would look up as Kuro was already up and moving towards her. She wouldn't react fast enough as it woukd seem the attack would land sending her meters away. But as soon as her body hit the ground it would poof to a single rock that was in the air. It was behind Kuro where the rock was so it wasn't suprising where she was at. As once more she would quickly unsheathe her blade for a sudden excessive strike accross his back. If the attack lands she would use the small strength she had to drop kick him well attempt to anyway to push him forward. With luck make him trip if these attack missed she would try hard as her body could to jump back away from possible counter.

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