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Xuro Hyuuga
Xuro Hyuuga
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Xuro's Hyuuga's Missions  Empty Xuro's Hyuuga's Missions

Sun Dec 09, 2012 1:46 pm
Rank: D
Type: Scouting
Character Requirements: None
Word Count Requirements: 300
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 450 ryo

Task: Scout around the village to make sure the
area is secure. If anyone who doesn't seem to be an ally is seen, report it to
higher ranking shinobi.

Mission Name: Thief in the village.
Rank: D
Type: Capture
Character Requirements: None
Word Count Requirements: 300 words
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 400 ryo.

Task: Multiple villagers have reported their
belongings stolen. Multiple villagers had reported being a target of a thief,
mostly at the same time. Your job is to find the thief, or thieves and capture

Mission Name: Helping The Academy
Rank: D
Type: Help.
Character Requirements: None
Word Count Requirements: 400
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 450 ryo

Task: The teachers at the academy are looking for
some small assistance. Your job is to simply show a group of three academy
students the basics of being your rank.

Mission Name: Cleaning
Rank: D
Type: Chores
Character Requirements: None
Word Count Requirements: 300
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 450 ryo

Task: The village has become rather dirty, with
most shinobi already on a mission the kage had requested that you help clean
some places in the village up.

Mission Name: Supply Run
Rank: D
Type: Delivery
Character Requirements: None
Word Count Requirements: 400
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 500 Ryo

Task: A small group out in the forest were building
a small home for a family, they had left behind some supplies and it would take
too long if they would come back and get them,

[TWC: 1700 ]

Last edited by Xuro Hyuuga on Mon Dec 10, 2012 10:39 am; edited 2 times in total
Xuro Hyuuga
Xuro Hyuuga
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Xuro's Hyuuga's Missions  Empty Re: Xuro's Hyuuga's Missions

Sun Dec 09, 2012 3:22 pm
Xuro would get up early in the morning. He would look out of the window and see the bright sunlight entering his room. HE went to take a nice hot shower then put on his normal every ady fighting attire. He then went to the kitchen and made break fast. After about 20 minutes he completed making his break fast. He then sat down to eat. he made some cereal for carbohydrates and energy for the day. He then made some sand wiches and also some coffee. He then decided he would go do some training or something in the training grounds. He then left the house. as he strtaed walking down the street when a bird would come and land nearby. It had a scroll. Xuro said to himself, “Ah a messenger Bird!” Xuro would then take the scroll and read it. It was a messenger from the kage. His Kaze Kage was calling him to the office as he was being assigned a mission or two. Xuro would hurriedly run to the kage’s office and then be assigned his new mission. It was a D rank mission and a very simple one. HE had to just go and patrol the village and make sure everything is alright. Xuro would say to the Kaze Kage, “Yes Kaze Kage I will go and complete my mission.” xuro then left the kaze kage’s office and tehn gop and st out on his mission. He then ran through the village streets looking for a good place to start/. HE found a place in the centre of village. He then stopped running and then slowed now and stopped. he then looked around and then started his patrol. He walked around the village. HE looked through every alley and corner and made sure there aws no one suspicious about. Xuro was just about to report back to the Kaze Kage’s office and report on his mission, when he saw someone in an alley. The alley was dark and creepy. Xuro hid by the corner and treid to see who it is and what they up too. It waws very dark and Xuro couldn’t see a face. But he did catch a glimpse of some blood in the person’s hand and the person was holding a kunai in the other also full of blood. Xuro quickly ran to a nearby Chuunin or Jounin to report this. He found one walking about just a bout 100 meters ahead. Xuro said, “Come help, there’s a creepy suspicoiously ,looking man that has blood on his hands and a kunai with blood.” The Chuuninr annked shinboi that Xuro didn’t know said to him, “ohk let us go and sort this out,” Xuro would tehn qy=uickly say, “oh no nmy job was just paatrola nd report uif theres any uspicious activity. you have to sort this out anad I have to report ithis to the Kaze akge’ The man agreed and then took some men of his and wen to go sort out the problem. Xuro would run to the Kaze Kage’s office and report this. The kaze kage said that he mustn’t worry they will sort it but in the mean time he would be sent out on another mission. Xuro would agree abd tghen say. “ohk I am on it.” Xuro then left the kaze kage’s pffoce He then took out to the streests he ahd another simple mission to go on. It was another D rank mission. His mission was to find a thief in the village and stop the tihief. the thief ahs eben stealing belongings of the poepl in the viallge. Xuro set off and walked down the street. HE looked around trying to find the tief/The thief was ;last spotted on the west side of the village about an half a hour ago. Xuro would hten go to the spot as fast as he could. as he ran when he was nearly there he saw a man running past him. the man had a mask and had some bags and purses. Xuro realaissed that his was the man with who was the thief stealing stuff. Xuro immediately ran be hind hima dn then tripped him from the back. He then punched him in the face and then punched him some more till he was knocked out cold. Xuro then took all his belongings and then went back to the crime scene and give all the people their belognings back. They were all very pleased with him and thanked him a lot,. He then returned to the kage’s office to report his success in the missionXuro then went back home and then got ready to have a very early nap and then probably y get up early in the morning so that he could train. Xuro wakled down the street and tyhen made his way to where his and his brother’s apartment was in the orphanage e at the corner of one street. Xuro then wintered hot entered the house and then walk up stairs where his apartment was. It wasn’t the perfect of apartments but it was still very cosy, comfortable and also provided for their daily needs. They had two bedrooms. One for him and one for Yoru. IT also had a small kitchen and a bathroom plus also a dining room. Xuro would enter his apartment and then call out to see oif his brother was home, “Hey Yoru are you at home?! you here or not?!” There was no answer. So Xuro took a look around the apartment. HE checked in the kitchen and also in his room and Yoru’s room but Yoru wasn’t there. “guess he is either doing some missions or training or something anyways now for that rest!” Xuro would the go to his room and just was about to liee on his bed when a messenger Bird came and landed on his window panel. The bird had a scroll on him so Xuro knew it aws a messenger scroll from his Kaze kage summoning him most porbab ly for another mission or some thing. Xuro then sighed with a grumpy face he got up from his comfy bed then took the sceroll from his brid. HE then sadid out loud in disappointement and tiredness, “Why cant my brother be on so many missions as me?!” HE then got out of the house and lazily made his way to the kaze kage’s office. Xuro entered the office and triwed to look normal or at east happy. The kaze katge then briedfed him about his mission. IT was a rank D mission. He had to go and clean the village. HE was even more grumpy and angry and this mission required a lot of work. HE ran home and then took a broom and then also some black plastic bags so that he could get done with all this cleraning. HE then walked throught the city and looked for dirty places. HE found about 7 extremely dirty places and then made 6 shadow clones so that he could get all the jobs done very quickly. the 6 shadow clones and himself each set put to one of the 7 dirty places and then started cleaning. they all used they wind shurikens to trwo it against all the dirt and then collect al up and then broom it back into the bags. After about a n hour he final was done cleaning up all the dirty places in the city. Then he walked back to the kaze kage’s office to report on a successful mission. HE then finally made his to the kaze kage;’s office on his way he stopped by a dustbin and threw all the pacjkets which was 15 full packets of diry in to the bin. After that he went ot the office and reported his mission was successful. THE kaze kagwe was please and then gave him another mission. ITw as another D rank jmission that he has to go to the academy and show some academy students what it is to be agenin. Xuro liked his missiona she could show off a bit. He tehn went to the academy still very lazily. After he reached the academy he looked for the three children academy students ninjas in training so that he could show off his skills. He then found them it was 2 boys and 1 girl. HE greeted them and said, “Hey there I’m Xuro Hyuuga and ill be showing you what it is to be a genin. “ They were vbery excited and said, “hohk yay! pleez shw us please.!” Xuro then showed them the techniques you learn when you qualify from the academy. HE showed the how he could walk on water and also how he could walk up trees. HE then showed them the difference between the shadow clone jutsu and also the normal clone technique. HE then also showed them substitution technique as well as the replacement technique. They were all very impressed and kept clapping after he performed a jutsu. HE tehn showed them the body flicker how he teleports from one palce to another. HE then also showed them how to use the the other techniques and also some taijuts. HE also told them that he goes on somany cool missions the whole week and also how he earn s a lot ryo by going all that missions. HE tehen awas about to leave when they aseked to see the byakughan sinc they new he was a hyuuga when he introduced himself. Xuro qquiakly showed them the byakugan and then watched in amazed mena at his eyes. HE then greeted then good bye and made his way back to his oiffice. BUT first he stopped one the way to report his mission succeses to the kaze kage . HE finally made his way home and this time he would that rest he was so hoping for the whokle day and also it s a well deserved one. Xuro walked up to his room and jumoped on his bed and was out cocldfast asleep. His bornes were aching and his head was saw so this rest will do him good.

{WC: 1702, 2150 Ryo]

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Xuro's Hyuuga's Missions  Empty Re: Xuro's Hyuuga's Missions

Mon Dec 10, 2012 12:26 pm
Xuro Hyuuga
Xuro Hyuuga
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Xuro's Hyuuga's Missions  Empty Re: Xuro's Hyuuga's Missions

Mon Dec 10, 2012 12:53 pm
Mission Name: Wild Animals
Rank: D
Type: Guide
Character Requirements: None
Word Count Requirements: 500
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 500 ryo

Task: There is a man who wants a simple escort from
Konohagakure to Sunagakure, all you have to do is travel with said man until he
reaches Sunagakure and make sure he gets there safely.

Mission Name: Missing Pets
Rank: D
Type: Capture
Character Requirements: None
Word Count Requirements: 500
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 450 ryo

Task: A few cats belonging to an old lady have ran
away, she requested help on getting them back. Your job is to find the five
missing cats and bring them home.

Mission Name: Art Thieft
Rank: D
Type: Capture
Character Requirements: None
Word Count Requirements: 500
Reward: 550 ryo

Task: There have been reports that multiple people
have had their paintings stolen from their homes or shops. Find the thief and
bring him in by anymeans, while at the same time returning the stolen arts, or
what remains, safely back to the rrightful owners.

[TWC: 1500]
Xuro Hyuuga
Xuro Hyuuga
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Xuro's Hyuuga's Missions  Empty Re: Xuro's Hyuuga's Missions

Mon Dec 10, 2012 1:15 pm
Xuro got up in the morning and looked out the window. The sun shun bright in to his room. Today looked like a bright sunny day just the way Xuro liked it. Xuro got dressed and then went to the kitchen. He greeted his brother and made his breakfast and then after half any hour his meal was done so he started eating. He ate a big meal, cereal, some rice and toast as well ascoffee and took some snacks with. Xuro then took his kunai s and left the house. He walked down the street greeting every one he knew that passed him. HE walked all the way to the Kazekage’s office as he was going to be given a new mission. The Kazekage gave him another rank D mission. But Xuro took it with a smile on his face as any mission that helps the village and is given by his Kza kage he would take it with honour and with a big smile. The mission was that he had to stop a art thief. The art thief had been stealing multiple painting from people’s homes and shops. Xuro had to find the thief and bring him back by any means necessary and also try to return all the paintings back to their rightful owners. Xuro sat off and went to shop that had a lot of painting. Xuro had an idea since the thief still never target this shop and this shop had a lot of painting most probably the thief will try and steal the paintings here. Xuro asked the shopkeeper if he could stake out here for the night. Xuro waited whole night in the shop waiting for the thief. At around 3 in the morning Xuro heard a noise from the back door. Xuro hid behind a bug huge box with some painting equipment The thief and the thief stole about 10 painting putting them in a sack and running out.. Xuro followed till the man reached an old abandoned house. The thief entered the house and went up to a secret door well hidden t that leaded to a basement. Xuro came out of the ground and followed the man in to the basement. The man then went in to a room that had all the paintings there and hanged up the new ones. Xuro then sneaked up to the man and then said, “Wind style; Wind Shuriken!” and with that he would form three shurikens and throw them at the man causing him to fly straight against the wall and fall unconscious. Xuro then took the knocked out man to the Kazekage’s office to be dealt with while returned to the hide out to fetch all the paintings and return them to their rightful owners. Xuro then went home and jumped on the bed for a nice long sleep as he was extremely tired because he had not slept the whole night being awake for that stake out. Xuro was relaxing in the village training grounds and was looking at a beautiful tree stranding a few meters ahead of him. There was some very smart and colourful birds in the tree signing a s nice humming tune. When Xuro would then stand up and start practising. He threw a kunai at a tree and then went to go fetch it. He then went back again like 20 meters and then threw it at the tree again. He then took it and walked back like 40 meters and then threw it at the tree again. Again he walked this time and this time 60 meters and then threw the kunai but this time he missed. he got tired and went to go relax and again. After half an hour. He received a call from the Kaze Kage for another mission. He walked to the Kazekage’s office and received his next mission. It was a rank D but Xuro accepted wit will a smile as he was bored any ways. Xuro had to go find some lost cats of an old lady. She had like 20 cats and she left her front door open by accident and they 5 cats ran away. Xuro had to go find all of them and bring them home. Xuro had to get picture of them from the old lady so she gave them pics of the 5 cats. Xuro didn’t know where to start coz he had not looked for cats before. Xuro then decided to start at the village centre as they should be there looking around for mice in the allies. Xuro walked around the whole village centre through every ally for 3 hours until finally he saw a cat in one ally. xuro ran up to it to see if it was one that matched the pics. Bu t to no avail as that was some other wild cat. Xuro then decided to search the village using shadow clones. HE made 6 shadow clones and sent them to search throughout the village quicker than before and also easier without having to a walk around the whole time nad search by him self. Xuro finally found a cat by some one’s house and it matched the Pics. Xuro grabbed it and returned it to the lady. He then started again looking for more cats. After 3 hours he found 2 walking about just about to enter the desert. Luckily Xuro found it quickly or else they would have gotten lost and died in the desert. Xuro then only had 2 more left to find. This two took very long, it was already sun set and Xuro was still looking for the two cats. HE was about to give up when suddenly he heard something below by the sewers as he walked past a man hole. HE looked down the hole it was dark but he definitely caught sight of a tail. he went down in to the sewers and walked around till he caught up with them. And there stood the 2 cats he took over 5 hours to find. he took them and returned them to the lady.Xuro woke up early in the morning. He was still tired from yesterday. He had done two missions and also some training. Xuro got out of bed and got dressed in his usual fighting attire. It was a cloudy day and the sun was deep within the clouds that covered Sunagakure, Xuro felt miserable as he did not like bad weather. Xuro had some cereal and some coffee before greeting his brother and left the house. He walked through the village at a a slow steady pace as he was still very early for his meeting with the Kazekage to be assigned a new mission. Xuro finally reached the Kazekage’s office. After about 5 minutes he came out with a huge smile on his face. He had been given his mission. It was a rank D, he had to escort a man from Konoha to Suna. It seemed pretty easy but that was not why Xuro was so excited. It was because it was the first mission out of the village plus to Konoha and also like how Xuro cram out loud when he came out of the office, “YES!!!! A TRIP!!” Yes Xuro had to part take on a long journey to Konoha and back. He stopped by his house and he lots of lunch to take with. Xuro grabbed a back pack and put all his food inside and set off. He made his way out of the village and then once in the open road he started running. Xuro ran as fast as he could to make sure he would reach the village by the next day. After lots of running, Xuro got tired and just did a fast paced walk. Xuro then rested on a tree top for about 4 hours. He then got up and started running on the way again. He was nearly there. In the morning he stopped and had some breakfast and then 2 hours later he reached Suna. Xuro then went to the village gates and saw the man he was supposed to escort. The man was very short and old about in the 70s or so. Xuro greeted him nicely and they started their journey back to Sunagakure. It was going to be a long journey as the old man walked really slow being so elderly as he is. They stopped at night for a rest. the old man was hungry and ate someone of Xuro’s food when Xuro dazed off. When it was morning Xuro saw his food was missing and got very cross with the old man. They travelled the whole day and made lots of stops as the old man had lots of problems. They then journeyed half the night until they finally reached Suna by the next afternoon. Xuro was so happy that he was done with the mission and got rid of the old man as the old man had eaten all of Xuro’s food up. Xuro reported to the Kazekage on the success of the mission and was rewarded

[TWC: 1527, 1500 RYO]
Xuro Hyuuga
Xuro Hyuuga
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Xuro's Hyuuga's Missions  Empty Re: Xuro's Hyuuga's Missions

Mon Dec 10, 2012 4:04 pm
Mission Name: Down boy
Rank: B
Type: Intel
Character Requirements: None
Word Count Requirements: 600
Repeatable? No
Reward: 700 Ryo

Task: Someone has reported that a civilian is going to attempt to suicide by jumping off a cliff near the village, stop him by any means, just be sure that he remains alive.

Mission Name: I saw a..
Rank: B
Character Requirements: investigation
Word Count Requirements: 800 words
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 600 ryo

Task: Reports have come in on something or someone lurking in the sewers, investigate to make sure everything is alright.

As he seen the sun rise above the horizon, the beautiful colours sun in through Xuro's giant bare windows. Xuro would look at it and admire it wishing it was not that late already as he wanted to sleep even just a little. This was really straining on him but he ended up getting up and taking a cold shower to wake himself up. After that he got dressed and walked out of the house just grabbing some sandwiches as he left. On the way he walked about extremely slowly chewing lavishly on his sandwiches. He only took 3 but he wanted more. Xuro then made his way to the Kazekage’s office to be briefed about his mission. Xuro was not in the mood to do a mission. This was the first time he ever felt like it. As he was very tired and couldn't wait to get back home and sleep. Xuro would go enter the office and was told his mission. The Kazekage gave him this time his first B ranked mission. Normally he would be thrilled about it but today he was just tired. Xuro the mission was as follows: the were reports of a stranger or someone even something lurking about in the sewers of the sand village. Xuro has to go there and check it out and make sure everything is alright. Xuro what a frown on his face as he knew that he would probably have to do some fighting although coz the chances of it being not a threat or something not so dangerous is very little. Xuro was almost certain he had to do some fighting. Xuro left the office and got ready to check it out. He had to be on his on his guard as the sewers were dark and creepy and he would never know what’s or who is in here and it was the perfect place for a surprise attack or an am bush even. Xuro reached one opening that leaded to the sewers. He hesitantly opened it and got ready to in. He entered through the steps and went a long way down it was about 10 meters down under. Xuro just hoped he didn't jump into an all-out ambush. Xuro would jump down to the floor and roll in front while pulling out a kunai and looking all around to make sure no one was there. Xuro's happiness there was no one except a rat scarping around. Xuro then decided to have allowed around. He heard that the sewers were very deep and a major long maze around the whole village. It will be very hard to actually find your way around if u get lost. Xuro had a plan. He would use his kunai to scrap the walls he passed so with that he could easily find his way back or if he gets lost to find his direction again. Xuro waited a while. He looked around he had to very cautious. He then started walking around and marking his way on the wall. He was walking for about 3 hours and the got was some rats and mice and a wild cat that wasn't very friendly and didn't let him pass. Xuro then decided to widen and broaden his search so that it could be quicker and he could get this mission done with and go home. Xuro then made 5 Shadow clones and each one took a different route and marked their. The area that they searched. The one would take his kunai and scrap a zig zag the one would scarp a up and down the one a diagonal and so one while Xuro the original would make a straight line. Xuro and his clones spent 4 hours on the routes in the sewers. Suddenly Xuro's lost connection with one of his clones. Xuro quickly stopped in his treat racks and tried to think where the guy was last. Xuro quickly ran in that clones direction and the others followed the same but taking alternate routes so they could try and surround the opponent or whoever was in the sewers with them. When he got to the place a man with a mask jumped him from behind and stabbed him in the shoulder. Xuro jumped forward and rolled forward. He then had no choice as he couldn't fight back with no arm since his other is badly injured coz the found went pretty deep. The man charged forward with two kunai in his hand s ready to kill Xuro. Xuro quickly did a hand sign and shouted: "Wind Style: Wind Shuriken” he then formed about 5 shurikens in his hands and thrrwo then at the thief stabbing at him by his arms and legs and one in the chest. HE then dropped down dead. Xuro had to kill the man as he would have been killed himself he was just happy that he had completed the mission… Xuro got out of bed. it was a bright sunny day and the sun shun bright in to his room. HE was lucky enough to have such a big window that it covered half of his whole room’s width and plus he was in direct contact with the rising sun. It shone on his bed as he got up and got dressed. HE went to the kitchen and had a huge breakfast. He then left for the Kaze kage;’s office. On his way he met some of his friends. they asked him where he was going. HE said “I am going to do more missions he!” The Kage is giving me more mission and I like it! Xuro would then make his way to the Kage;’s office and entered. His new mission was C rank and did not involve any fighting to Xuro’s disappointment. He had to this mission real quick. He had o go a cliff near the village as a man as reportedly attempting to commit suicide. Xuro was a good talker and a motivator so he was sure he could stop the man from killing himself or else Xuro will just knock some sense in to him if he didn’t want to listen. Xuro ran as fast as he could to get out of the village to the forest. He remembers the cliff he saw it once or twice when he went through the forest. Xuro was almost there in a fewer hours. Once he had reached the bottom of the cliff he used a body flicker technique to come to the top right before the man’s eyes sitting next to him. Xuro said, “Hello?” the man got a shock and nearly fell off. But he managed to get grip and retain his balance. Then Xuro said, “hey what you doing all the way up here. on the edge of this deep cliff.” the man was crying and said in a tearful voice, “I want to commit suicide!” Xuro said to the man, “Hey why do you want to commit suicide? Xuro looked at the man and could see the MN was really stressed end out or probably in depression. he said, “well my shop I had a big booming business but then some of my workers have been stealing money from me. I caught them and fired them. Now they always come by my bushes and mess things up and bully me around. I couldn’t hire any more staff as they kept threatening g them they will kill them. So I ended up losing business and lots of money. After that I started borrowing money and ended up so deep in debt now all who I owe wants me dead if I don’t pay them all the money. “Xuro told the man “Hey what the hell are you doing up here?! this won’t solve your problem you will just end young life with no return. COk come I know the solution. I have tons of Ryo and I will give you all of it. Plus my parent’s wil help you and get your business back in business. I got tons of shadow clones to help you out. So let’s go back and start fresh and I will help you py them back. IF you don’t come with me I will hurt so badly and make your death so painful…” the man immediately agreed so Xuro took him back to Suna and helped him out.

[WC: 1403/1400]
Xuro Hyuuga
Xuro Hyuuga
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Xuro's Hyuuga's Missions  Empty Re: Xuro's Hyuuga's Missions

Mon Dec 10, 2012 4:50 pm
Mission Name: Missing Lunch
Rank: C
Type: Intel
Character Requirements: None
Word Count Requirements: 600
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 700 Ryo

Task: Someone has been stealing food from both the members of the village, citizen and shinobi alike, and the shops. Find out who said person is and report who the person is, and where he is hiding. Make sure to not be caught or else the person may run.

Mission Name: To the pits
Rank: C
Type: Intel
Character Requirements: None
Word Count Requirements: 700
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 500 Ryo

Task: There have been reports that there have been animal fights somewhere in the village, your job is to find out where the arena for the fights are and to investigate it, try not to be caught.

Xuro got up at his usual time just after sunrise. He has d a nice early sleep last night as he was finished from the last C rank mission. The mission took him to a farm village some kilo meters away. He had to fight about a dozen thieves that locked up all the farmers in the village. But he was just happy that he came back home safely although after a total of 4 days of traveling and plus fighting a bunch of thieves which was tough. All these missions are doing their toll on Xuro. Xuro was really pushing a little bit doing all that hard missions every day. But he will master his explosion release. Xuro got dressed and went to have breakfast. He was still very tired and his eyes were half close and his head all mixed up and also all this body and limbs were aching. Xuro was almost there only a few missions left for him. He had to go do. He walked out of the house rubbing his eyes out of tiredness. Xuro then walked to the Kazekage s office to receive his new mission. It was another Rank C. The Kazekage' explained the mission to Xuro, " There have been reports that there have been animal fights somewhere in the village, your job is to find out where the arena for the fights are and to investigate it, try not to be caught.." Xuro nodded as he was receiving his mission. After the de briefing Xuro left the office still excited about hi new mission but still tired. Xuro was even more excited because he didn't have to do any fighting. All he had to do was to check on them and spy to see what's on then report it. He just hopped he didn't have to get caught or else it will cause the failure of the mission as well as put himself as his life in danger and. Xuro then walked about the village trying to find out where he could start. Xuro looked around for any of the street gangsters he can find and ask them for any questions regarding the animal fighting. Xuro looked about he went through a small ally that he knew he would find some gangster guys in there. He managed to bribe some people to narrow down the area where he had to search. The people he bribed up w said that the fights take place near the west side of the village. That was all he got from them. So Xuro was checking the creepy gangster control allies in the west side. He had hid nearby to spy on them. Xuro heard one gangster say we are going to the fight tonight. And since there's no human vs. human fighting going on in suna the only other guess Xuro could make were the animal fights. So Xuro followed him around the whole day. When it was night time. The man was closely and secretly and sneaked up to a special place. Xuro would follow the man. Xuro saw the man was about to come out go in the secret place that was in the a secret ally . Xuro quickly got out from the ground and hid behind the wall. Xuro then whispered to the man as if someone was calling him. When the man came to the other side of the wall he used his katana and then knocked the man out. he then tied the guy up and hid him away. Xuro then used a substitution technique to take the shape of the man. Xuro then went in to the secret entrance. It had a special seal that only allows people of the fight club and so he luckily got in the place. He saw that the place was very big all around the place the was the cages for all the animals and then in the centre was the huge cage where the animal were fighting. There was a tiger fighting a lion. The people in charge would shock every time the animals if they don't fight and throw meat and blood on the other one to make it attack. Xuro seen how they tortured all the animals and his made Xuro’s eyes become filled with tears as he hated cruelty to animals. And around all cage was the area where all the people were watching the fight. Xuro quickly ran out and reported I to his Kazekage. He was just luckily that the mission was successful and he wasn't caught.

Xuro woke up in da morning. He had a look at his alarm clock and checked the time. It was already so late. He supposed to be up 3 hours ago. He rushed out a bed. He took a shower and got dressed. He wore his normal everyday fighting outfit as he would be assigned another important mission. It was a special mission for Xuro and also a special day for him. As the Kazekage would give him his first C ranked mission. Xuro would then head to kitchen and quickly have some cereal and then grab the lunch which his mother made for him. He made a couple of sand wiches and also put for him some chocolate and a can of soda. He grabbed his Kunai and ran out of the house. He was so hoping he could use his new sword. But he didn’t have one except for his plain katana. That sword was going to be really awesome it was very big and also powerful. Xuro didn't want waste his money buying other weak projectiles. He just waited for his sword to me finished then he will be unstoppable. Xuro ran to the Kazekage's office and finally reached there. He apologised for being late. The Kazekage gave him his new mission and briefed him about the mission. It was rank C. Xuro had to find some one a thief. There was a man who was stealing food from people that is the shinobi as well as the citizens and the shops also. It was up to Xuro to find the thief and report on who he is and where is he hiding. Xuro had to make sure that he would not get caught or else then the thief would run away. Xuro respectful greeted the Kazekage and left her office. He then made his way to the streets to have a look at the areas that have been robbed. Xuro found that a few shops in a row were robbed of their food and also the people who their had stolen from them the food were also near the shops. Xuro then looked on a map over the village. He marked the spots of where the thief had stolen food from. Xuro thought this was a joke coz who would do around stealing food and then have somebody look for him But Xuro remained serious as he had accomplish his objective and compleete mission.xuro had noticed that all the places that the thief had robbed were near the dark creepy ally where bandits and theif were noted for roaming about there. Xuro also noticed that the thief had robbed in a straight line so his next targets were probably some people from the food shop. Nearby and also ichiraku ramen was also next on the thief's list. Xuro had an idea. He made one shadow clone that had walked to the dark creepy ally and used a hiding like a mole technique to hide outside waiting for someone to come out. Xuro then made another clone and sent it to the food shop nearby. Then Xuro himself went to stake out by ichiraku ramen. Xuro then waited for the right time. The theif only stole in the afternoons. In the afternoon Xuro's clone saw that a person had crept out of the ally so Xuro’s clone followed. Then Xuro waited till that person came to ichiraku ramen and pointed a knife at the cook and took all the food. He then ran pasted the food shop and grabbed a few packets of food from some people that was unawarely waiting. Xuro and his two clones started all using their hiding like a mole technique. And just like how he suspected the man returned to the ally whee he came from. So Xuro returned to the Kazekage to report on what he saw while his clone hid by the ally keeping n eye on the thief.

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Mon Dec 10, 2012 4:52 pm
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Tue Dec 11, 2012 2:07 pm

Xuro would get up early in the morning. He looked out his window as the bright sun shined into his room through his big window shing ing straight on his bed and in to his eyes. Xuro’s rubbed his eyes and then gave a huge yawn. “AAHHH! MAN! I’m soo tired I just want to sleep. sleep the whole day!” Xuro scram oout loud as he had to wake up since it was morning and also so early be cause he has to be up early as he was being called today for another mission. Xuro got up from bed lazily and then went to take a hot shower to freshen him self up and also to wake him self up. He then got out of the shower and then got changed in to his normal usual everyday attire and then when to the kitchen. He had to make his own break fast as hi was an or phan living in an orphanage so he had to look after himself. After that he wen to the kitchen and then got ready to make his own breakfast. he had to make his own break fast every day so he is use d to making it himself. He also learned how to cook and make lunch and supper as well. He made some cereal and also a cup of nice coffee to wake him self up, keep him fresh and also keep him a wake and energised for the rest of the day. He then made some chicken sand wiches. And also some peanut butter and jelly sand wich. HE then also made some extra sand wiches for the rest of the day and for snacks and in case he will be going on missions out of the village. Xuro then after 30 minutes of preparation he sat down and ate his break fast. After Xuro ate his meal, he took his things and then left the house and made is way tot eh office to be briefed on his mission. Xuro entered the office and then was briefed about his mission. IT was a C rank mission and also a very simple one but also required stealth so that he mustn’t get caught. SO Xuro left the office and got set on his mission. HE had to stop some body that’s stealing food from people and also shops. Xuro then went to go look for where he could start this mission. HE went to this expensive restaurant that the thief still never rob. EH then booked a table and then went on a staek out. He sat his table eyeing every customer that enters the place. After about 2 hours a man with a black out fit and also a black mask ran in the store and stole the food that was on the counter and then ran out. The man was very fast. No one could re act to his movements as they were all caught by surprise. But luckily Xuro was ready for him. AS soon as the thief left Xuro got up and then ran to catch up to the man. But he mustn’t be caught so Xuro used the roof tops to follow the man he and then he also used a sub stitution technique to take the shape of a normal civilian and follow him so he wouldn’t notice. After about a kilo of running the man jumped in to an ally that had a secret hide out with a secret entrance in the wall. Xuro then made a clone to stay there and keep an eye on the man while he would ran to the Kaze kage’s office to report where the man was hiding.

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Wed Dec 12, 2012 8:17 am
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