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Xuro Hyuuga
Xuro Hyuuga
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Xuro's Hyuuga's Missions  - Page 2 Empty Re: Xuro's Hyuuga's Missions

Fri Dec 14, 2012 3:37 pm

Xuro awoke from his deep sleep. he looked out his window and saw the sun shining in side his room. he could hear people outside in the village streets. he then realized that it wasn’t so early as normal. it was not sun rise- the time he normally wakes up. He then realized it that he over slept. Now his whole day is spoilt as he always gets up early and has a same schedule from early yin the morning every day. Xuro let out a sigh as he knew now his whole day and his punctual schedule was messed up. Xuro sadly jumped out of his bed and walkeed to the window. He looked down at the street from the second floor. The people were already seemed to be busy with they own personal things. Xuro was so scared to look at the time on his clock as he knew he wouldn't like what time it is. Xuro then went to go get dressed and then looked at the time. It was already 11 or so. That was like over 6 hours more sleep than usual but he was grateful as that extra sleep was just what he needed. Xuro then went to see if he's brother yoru is awake. Maybe he also over slept and is still sleeping. He walked into the passage then made his way to Yoru his brother's room. He entered it only to see that his brother Yoru was already awake but to be more precise he was already gone out for his training and missions and all that things. Xuro got a shock , "why didn't my brother come wake me up?!" He shouted out as he hurriedly made his way to the kitchen and then made some delicious break fast. He didn't make lot but he did make his break fast delicious and also fulling. Being an orphan wass hard. All he had was his brother and also no parents so you have to look after yourslef. No parents to come wake him up. Xuro was really punctual and also in dependant. Xuro then once his break fast was ready, he sat down to eat. In 10 minutes he was done and then cleared up the table and then took hs equipment and left the house. He walked down the street hoping he could find his brother and then give his brother a 'piece of his mind'. Xuro knew his brother was probably in the training grounds busy training. Xuro went to the training grounds to find his brother. He looked around for a bit then there he saw his brother busy training at one quiet spot. Xuro went to his brother and said, "hey Yoru, why didn't you wake me up today?! I over slept and only got up now!" His brother started laughing then said, "oh sorry bro I didn't know I thoughht normally you always up early before sunr ir senad even before I get up." Xuro ws s steaming mad, he just said, "ok next time always see if I'm awake! And wake me up!" He then just left as his temper was really boiling. He thenb left the raining grounds. He was about to go to the shop and buy some supplies when he saw a messenger bird come fly near hi. The bird had a scroll with him so Xuro knew it was a messenger bird with a message from the Kaze kage calling him to her office probably for another mission. Xuro hurried to the kaze kage's office and then enter and got briefed about his mission. He then lef the kaze kage"s office and got assigned a new D rank mission. He didn't mind although it was D rank be cause he was bored and had nothing to do anyways. Plus he had to do this mission be cause this mission is about ichiraku ramen one of his favourite resturants. Xuro quickly ran to ichiraku ramen and then once he got there, he ran inside and looked around. He hurried to the shop manager as it he was Xuro's friend he knew Xuro for very long. Xuro then said to him in sock, "Someone stole your secret recipe?!" The manager then replied, "yes when I came here in the morning and opened shop I walked here and saw my safe open. Then looked in side. And saw the secret recipe was stolen!" The man looked very worried and troubled, "please you must find it before people start finding out, then I'll lose business and probably all my lifes work!" Xuro then said with a determine voice, "Don't worry I will findit for you, you have my word!" The man then said, "thank you Xuro!" He then came closer to him and wispered some important thigng to him, "I think I know who did it. Its the son of the family that works down there at the corner of the street that other noodle shop I think its them." Xuro then walked down the street so that he could go to that other ramen shop and spy on them to see if they had have stolen the recipe. Xuro hurriedly ran till he was just only two shops away from the ramen shop. he then waited by tha shop to see if any people that workd there would come out from the raemn shop. After about half an hour, he saw someone come out and had on that ramen shops uniform and ahd a badge on wuith their name tag. HE the oersibn was probably taking a lunch break or something. Xuro sadi, “Ok now I can get my chance h hee the man won’t suspect a thing. I can sneak up him and hit him unconscious before he sees anything, then I will go in side the ramen shop and gather intel and find out if they had stolen ichiraku ramen’s secret recipe. “ Xuro quickly sneaked up behnd the man and then got ready to for the man to come past him. Xuro then waited as the man was walking his way. Xuro hid inb the shadows so that the man cant see him. Then when the man walked pass, Xuro took out a his katana and then held blade and decided to use the handle as a weapon to knock out the man. HE didn’t want to kill him, he mans just an innocent civilian. Xuro then in an instant he dashed up behind the man and knocked him very hard against his back of his head. His sent the man instantly falling down to the ground unconscious. Xuro did it perfectly so that man doesn’t know what happened. HE then left the man’s body neatly against a dustbin next to Xuro. Xuro then used a substitution technique. He then used the technique to then copy the exact look of the man from the ramen shop a worker he knocked out. He then looked exactly like him now he can go and find out if they really did steal the secret recipe. Xuro then went into the other Ramen shop and then looked around. He walked up behind the counter and acted naturally. He looked over around the place looking for any signs of some secret information. He then quickly sneaked into the back to have a look around. They probably hid it in a safe. HE looked to check if no one was looking. HE then turned back to his normal self and then activated his byakugan. “BYAKUGAN!” he then looked around for any safe or anything. He found a safe hidden in the wall. HE then went there and used his byakugan to see the combination and opened it. It was filled with money but right behind evertthing Xuro saw it was a scroll. he opened it and saw it was the scroll containing the secret recipe. He quickly turned back into the man and then put every thing back and ran to ichiraku ramen to report what he found.Xuro then, after he had spied and found out who stole the secret ingredient from the Ichiraku ramen, he then reported to the Kaze Kage's office and just when he was about to leave, he was then assigned a new mission. He wasn't that much tired so he took the mission with a happy face. Xuro then left the Kaze kage's office and went out to get his second mission of the day done. Xuro's mission was simple. He had to go out in the village and find an Onbaa baby that has been running around the village and causing trouble. Xuro hurriedly ran through the village street trying to find any clue of the Obaa. Xuro was about to enter a new stret when he heard some people screaming and making a huge racket. Xuro ran to find where the screaming came from. Maybe its the Onbaa that is running around causing trouble. Xuro ran down the streeet and saw bunches of people running in his direction away from something. Xuro quickly made his way to where th all the trouble was. There he saw the opbaa baby running around jumping from the ground to the 1st and 2 nd floors and into shops smashing everything. Xuro had to sub due the Onbaa as quickly as he can as it was causing a lot of bdamage. Xuro quickly ran to the Onbaa and tried to calm it down with hand movements but it still carried on. Xuro then decided he had to knock the onbaa unconscious as it was the only way to stop it. Xuro ran at it and kicked it in its side. It made no action of pain or any sort. Xuro then punched it a few times in the stomach as hard as he could but it still never got hurt. Xuro then decided it would be btter to lead it into an ally or something so that it won't cause so much damage and also so that no people will get hurt. So he ran into an ally and threw a shuriken at it so that it will follow. And that's what it did. It followed him into the ally and right infront of it was Xuro's powerful wind palm that pushed it right into the wall unconscious. Xuro then quickly grabbed it with his beast tearing gale palm and took it away.

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Xuro's Hyuuga's Missions  - Page 2 Empty Re: Xuro's Hyuuga's Missions

Tue Dec 18, 2012 12:13 pm
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